HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 1-P - 1-19-1972 - PRISON BOARDSALARY MINUTE BOOK SDI BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA i R i sc-m) -bdrr le D MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 1-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., January 19, 1972 The re -organization and regular meeting of the Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Commissioners' Conference Room at 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, January 19, 1972, with the following members being present: District Attorney Costa; Judge Curran; Sheriff Debreczeni; Controller Elish; Judge Gladden; Commissioner Jones; Judge Marino; Commissioner Paluso; Judge Sweet; and Commissioner Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy; County Solicitor Capano; Warden Roupe; Reporter Robertson of the Observer -Reporter; and Reporter Roule of the Monongahela Publishing Company. Meeting called to order by Chairman. Mr. Flynn: On behalf of this Board, I would like to welcome our two new Commissioners as members of this Prison Board - Mr. Jones and Mr, Paluso. With that in mind, if there is no objection; first in compliance with the existing statute - the Chairman will rule that we will call the meeting to order for the purpose of re -organizing. And on the re -organization again according to statute, you have the election of three different positions. The election, of Chairman, the election of Vice -Chairman, and election of the Secretary. To inform the Board - at the present yours truly is Chairman, the late Mr.`Bevec was Vice -Chairman and th Chief Clerk, J.V. Murphy is the Secretary of the Board. If there are no objections the Chairman will declare the meeting open and the Chairman will accept nominations for the position of Chairman of the Prison Board. Moved by Judge Sweet, seconded by Judge Curran, that Judge Gladden be elected Chairman of the Prison Board. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board, signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye". Mr, Flynn: The Chairman declares the nominations open for the election of Vice -Chairman. Well, if I may, I'd like to suggest that perhaps the Sheriff ought to be taking a chance at this end. Would you be interested, Mr. Debreczeni? Mr. Debreczeni: If elected, I'll serve, Moved by Judge Sweet, seconded by Mr. Jones, that Alex Debreczeni, Sheriff, be elected Vice -Chairman of the Prison Board. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye. It Mr. Flynn: Now, for the office of Secretary, Gentlemen. Moved by Mr. Debreczeni, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Chief Clerk, J.V. Murphy, be retained as Secretary of the Prison Board, 30.2 SALARY MINUTE -BOOK /� BOARD OnF/� /COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Aq %.SnlU f30A /G (J MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye." Judge DiSalle entered the meeting. Mr. Flynn: Judge Gladden, in view of the fact that you are Chairman, would you like to take over? Judge Gladden: We'll begin with our regular meeting. About the minutes of the last meeting (Minute No. 12-P, dated December 17, 1971) Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 12-P, dated December 17, 1971, each member of the board having received a c opy. Hearing none, the minutes of the a.st meeting will be approved, as read. Judge Gladden: The first item of business is the election of the warden for the 1972 calendar year. Do we have any nominations for warden? Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that James O. Roupe be retained for the ensuing year (1972) as Warden of the Washington County Prison. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board, signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye. " Judge Gladden: Mr, Roupe, may we have your recommendations for the retention of your staff, or any supplementation or deletion from that staff? Moved by Judge DiSalle, seconded by Mr. Elish, that the following present employees of the Washington County Prison be retained: (re-classification for the following employees (four): Hanna Johns - Guard to Deputy Warden Henry Witzeling - Lieutenant to Captain Abraham Zaha.nd - Guard to Lieutenant Clyde Gregg - Guard to Sergeant Matron - Eina Shives Edward Petrus - Captain Anthony Kijowski - Sergeant Elmer Williams - Guard James Shoma,n - Guard Albert Pipik - Guard Herbert Fention - Guard Martin Harris - Guard Robert Lemmon - Guard Charles Sofsky - Guard Carl Kolick - Guard - Cook Kenneth Wade - Guard Alverta, Denson - Assistant Matron Dennis Walters - Counselor George Derry - Cook Robert Evans - Psychologist Perry Smith - Prison Doctor Mary Florganic - Secretary 1 E 1 &,4P-D5ALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 0 1 1 Remarks: Judge Sweet: Does the promotions you mentioned at the beginning involve any money in the scale of things? Mr. Roupe: One guard left, who we do not need. Judge Sweet: So this is in effect change in who holds already active positions. In other words, you are not going to have somebody go to the Salary Board to ask for a raise to cover this. Judge Gladden: Are there any other questions you want to direct to the Warden? Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye. " Judge Gladden: Are there any annual reports to be made on the prison inspection? Mr. Roupe: The annual report will be ready at the next meeting. We could not start our annual report's details until we had it furnished from the Marshal from the City of Washington, starting the first of January. However, I would like to give a brief report on the upgrading of the physical plan; which started when I started, Gentlemen. The electrician: have completed their work. They have brought two heaters from the County at the Airport. They have been installed and working with thermostat controls in the East Wing, where the heat had been shut off due to the boiler room having problems. The steel work ha,s been completed. The bunks have all been installed permanently. The plumbers are still working. They should finish by the middle of the month. They would have been finished, but they were called away for other areas of the county. (the county homes, the detO-ntion home and garage; So, I think it will be very satisfactory when the plumbings are completed. The carpenters have completed the work release areas, installed cupboards for school supplies. Mr, Jones: Were our county employees doing this work or did you have outside people ? Mr. Roupe: , County employees did the carpenter work and electric work. Through Crime Commission Funds the plumbing and steel work is being completed, Judge Gladden: You indicated at the last meeting, I believe, that the complete project would be finished by the end of January. Do you still hope for this? Mr, Roupe: We hoped to have, at this time, Judge - however, the plumbers informed me they would, however they have been called away a number of times. They estimated as of this morning at the middle of February. Judge Gladden: Are there any other questions anyone ha,s for the Warden? Judge Sweet: Is the closed circuit television working any better yet. Mr. Roupe: It is not working Judge. I just received a -letter on January 11, from the General Superintendent, Eastern Division of RCA. We are working on it now. We have S A .5I1w'60A�z� LARY,MINUTE B0UK BOARD, OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS contacted Mr. Joseph in Pittsburgh. He is to send to us the specs for the T.V. cameras. They are Japanese made and taking time to get the parts, Mr, Ermile Caleffie is working on it. We started Friday. We should have a letter today or tomorrow. Judge Gladden: The problems are with the cameras rather than the receivers? Mr. Roupe: The cameras. We had four receivers repaired within six hours. The electrician does not know anything about the cameras, I am sure. We did find out that they are Japenese made. Mr. Costa: I thought this was all RCA. Judge Sweet: I got a name from RCA to call in Camden, who was supposed to be able to do something about this. I called him and cried to him about it and said how national magazines and national press were here in connection with the murder cases, and we had to keep them out of the jail becuase we didn't dare to let them see that our closed circuit televisi n didn't work. We bought these because RCA wa,s right here in Washington County and he gave me the same line of goods, about Japanese made cameras. It looks to me like RCA kind of took us a little bit. Mr. Flynn: Did the gentleman come from Philadelphia out here hims6lf? Mr, Roupe: He came December 1 and promised to Mr. Bevec, Mr, Caleffie and I, that he would have a letter and a complete breakdown in two weeks. We got the letter after M�- Murphy made two calls and I had made calls. We did get a letter, We gave one copy to Mr. Murphy and two copies to Mr. Caleffie so that he could follow through. Judge Gladden: Has the solicitor looked into any legal liability that RCA might have on that contract. Maybe it might be worthwhile to look into it. Mr. Capano: I haven't looked into that part, but I'm of the same opinion as Judge Sweet is. I think were taken. I think they have met specifications, as far as the specification at the time of the bids. I was quite prevoked about this too; when we had our last meeting a few months ago, I raised the question. I wanted to go into it to find out. Judge Gladden: I.would suggest that you take a close look at the contract and the warranties that go with that equipment to see what can be done. Judge Sweet: We bought RCA equipment to help home industry. I'm sure that several differe companies make usable things. Then, after we get them and they don't work out their excuse for not working is that they are Japanese made. So we were really taken on them. Mr. Capano: They didn't guarantee the equipment, Mr. Roupe, is that right? Mr. Roupe: When I came in to replace Mr. Feconda, when he left for Harrisburg, there was four or five sets away being repaired - just the monitors. The lieutenant tells me this was some time for three or four months. I thought this was foolish. Then we find out that the time had expired for the guarantee, so I had Smith over here, repair four of them in six hours. s ?/d zoti ,3o,4,e SALARY M I N U T E BOOK 305 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 Then we ran into the camera part where the cameras were bad, the monitors would not functi We should have a report at the next meeting. ' Judge Gladden: Meetings of the Prison Board have g enerally been held on the third Wednesday of the month at 11:30 a. m. in this room. Is there any objjectiorts to continuing to that meeting place and time ? Hearing none we will regard it as generally consented to that we will meet at 11:30 a. m. , the Commissioners Conference Room, on the third Wednesday of each month. Prison Bills for the Month of December 1971: Prison bills for the month of December 1971 were read by Controller Elish in the amount of $4742. 55 (2112 Prison Days); a list of said bills attached hereto and made a part hereof. payment. Moved by Mr. Costa, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the bills be approved for Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye. " Remarks: Mr. Paluso: What was the average occupancy? About how many prisoners did you average that month? Mr. Roupe: They were running from 69 to 85. Mr. Elish: About 68 or 69 per day. Mr. Jones: Is that what it averages out to? Mr. Roupe: It has been building up in the last couple months. Judge Sweet: It costs us about $2. 30 a day per man. Now we pay what, $8.75 for board in the state institutions. So, keeping them here as long as we can is to our advantage. Mr. Roupe: The large bill was for the black top paving. Judge Gladden: Is there any business or any other matters to be brought before the Prison Board. Judge Sweet: I think that convention calls for us to pass a motion thanking the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners for his services as Chairman of the- Prison Board during the past year. Moved by Judge Sweet, seconded by Sheriff Debreczeni, that 'Michael R. Flynn be thanked for his services as Chairman of the Prison Board during the past year. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye. " Judge Gladden: Maybe stepping a little bit aside from the procedure in the recent past, I would like to appoint to inspect the jail and to report to the Prison Board at the February