HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 5-P - 5-17-1972 - PRISON BOARDRY MINUTE B 0 0 K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS s Minute No. 5 - P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., May 17, 1972 The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Commissioners' Conference Room at 11:30 a, m. , Wednesday, May 17, 1972, with the following members being present: District Attorney Costa; Sheriff Debreczeni; Controller Elish; Commis- sioner Flynn; Commissioner Jones; Commissioner Paluso; and Judge Gladden. Absent being: Judge Curran; Judge DiSalle; Judge Marino; and Judge Sweet. Also present being: Warden Roupe; Solicitor Capano; Mr. James P. Maloney and Reporter Roule of the Monongahela Publishing Company. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 4-P, dated April 19, 1972, each member of the board having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Elish, that Minute No. 4-P be approved, as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board, signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye." Warden's Report: Warden Roupe reported that the Cherry Street Entrance to the Jail has been widened so that cars and trucks can pass through without bumping or scraping. We are in the planning stage of the possibility of a vocational training program in the jail within the next few months. This would consist of a program on typewriter repair work. An instructor will be furnished and typewriters will be furnished to work on. Prison Bills for the Month of April 1972: Prison bills for the month of April 1972 were read by Controller Elish in the amount of $3770. 52 (2387 Prison Days); a list of said bills attached hereto and made a part hereof. Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Debreczeni, that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye. " 1 ,s,,1) 2og40SALARY ,M FN UTE, B 0 D K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS New Business: Commissioner Flynn reported that the Board of County Commissioners received notice from the Department of Labor and Industry, Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, advising that we are a party in the above case which was filed with the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board on April 24, 1972 by Petition. Service Employees International Union has filed a petition with the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board that they have a sufficient number of signatures of the employees of the Jail that would warrant them to petition the board to conduct a hearing and have an election for the jail guards to be organized. Mr. Capano and Mr. Flynn had notice that they have to be in Pittsburgh on Friday, May 26, 1972 at 10: 00 a. m. in the State Office Building. Mr. Flynn brought up the question: Who is the responsible party to sit down and bargain? If, we, the Board of County Commissioners are to be the responsible party, then who -in the final analysis has the say so insofar as the employment of this personnel is concerned. Is it the Prison Board or is it the Board of County Commissioners? At the last Prison Board Meeting, a committee was appointed to sit with the representatives of Drug Research Associates and to bring back a report on their finding to this Prison Board Meeting. Commissioner Paluso reported that it was the general consensus of the committee that they were complimented by the fact that Washington County was asked to use its facilities for the purpose of this program. This would be an excellent public relations move, as well as being of some help to scientific study. He recommended that the County enter into an agreement for a drug testing program (which will be done on a voluntary basis on the part of the prisoners) providing that we could be completely absolved of any liability or duties in connection with this program. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Costa, that Washington County, upon the proper legal technicalities being worked out to the satisfaction of all parties concerned, enter into an agreement with the Centerville Clinic for the purpose of drug research and testing on a voluntary basis with the inmates of the Washington County Prison. A discussion was held on this agreement and questions were brought up by the members of the board. Mr. Debreczeni asked if this program would take place in the jail and if the County would be responsible for the transportation of prisoners. Mr. Paluso explained that the testing would be done in our facilities with the people of Drug Research Associates coming in to do it, with no burden of any type on the County. Mr. Capano brought up the point that prisoners cannot be moved without first having approval given from the Courts. When Mr. Flynn asked Mr. Roupe what his opinion of the program was, Mr. Roupe stated that Judge DiSalle thought it would be good for the prisoners and 1 111