HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 2-P - 3-1-1973 - PRISON BOARDR,s©,� &,qeb SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 2-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 1, 1973 (NOTE: Meeting was postponed from regular meeting date. ) The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Commissioners' Conference Room at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, March 1, 1973, with the following members being present: Deputy Controller Criquellion; Judge DiSalle; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden; Commis- sioners Jones and Paluso. Absent being: District Attorney Costa; Judge Curran; Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge Marino; and Judge Sweet. Also present being: Warden Roupe; Reporter Robertson of the Observer -Reporter; and Mr. Jack Merdian of WJPA. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 1-P, dated January 17, 1973, each member of the Board having received a copy. Being none, the minutes will stand approved, as read. Warden' s Report: Warden Roupe informed the Board that Robert Lemmon, a guard at the County Prison, died during heart surgery. In regard to the Drug Program Study and Testing, Mr. Roupe stated that 618 in- mates are taking part. Mr. Roupe is to meet with the Study Committee next week. Warden Roupe reported that $3, 504. 50 has been turned back to the County Treasury from other units using the County Jail. (Mr. Hormell entered the meeting. ) Warden Roupe referred to an article that appeared in the newspaper about two weeks ago which was in reference to County Jail regulations. Chairman stated that he and Mr. Roupe discussed the article, and they are confident that our County Jail has already implemented all of those proposed rules mentioned in this article. Chairman stated that he received a letter from Joseph A. Feconda, Director of the County Correctional Services, in which he indicated that the Commissioner of Corrections has asked state institutions not to initiate any new programs and to terminate old ones at the time of expiration. An enclosure to this letter was an article that was published in the Atlantic Monthly called "Experience Behind Bars. " Chairman stated that after reading this article, it becomes somewhat of a scandal as to the matter that is occurring in some prisons. Chair- man stated that he is confident that what is happening in our Jail does not relate to this article. He also stated that before any present contract is renewed that a meeting be set up with the State Correctional people to see how the program we have initiated here measures up to their qualifications. He asked Mr. Roupe to bring this to the Board's attention just before the ter- mination of the present agreement. .a N a� o SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHING ON COUNTY, PENNSYLVlANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Warden Roupe distributed copies of the 1972 Annual Report of the Washington County Prison, A copy of said report may be found on Page 3 -A. Prison Bills for the Month of January 1973: Prison bills for the month of January 1973 were read by Deputy Controller Criquel- lion in the amount of $4, 698.00 (2762 Prison Days); a list of said bills attached hereto and made a part hereof. p aym ent. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mrs. Criquellion, that the bills be approved for Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board, signifying their approval ver- bally, by stating "Aye. " Chairman requested Commissioner Jones to accompany him on a tour of the County Jail prior to the next Prison Board Meeting, Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: E , 1973 SECRETARY 1972 Annual Report of Washington County Prison James O. Roupe - Warden Hanna Johns - Deputy Warden Edward Petr as - C apt ain Henry Witzeling - Captain Abraham Zahand - Lieutenant Edna Shives - Matron Dennis B. Walters - Counselor Washington Hospital - Medical Services James Harris - Education Supervisor Council of Churches MEMBERS OF THE PRISON BOARD FOR THE YEAR 1972 Michael R. Flynn Chairman Honorable Charles G. Sweet Honorable Patsy V. Marino Honorable Richard DiSalle Honorable Alexander R. Curran Honorable Thomas D. Gladden Frank Jones, Jr. Edward M. Paluso Peter Elish Alexander Debreczeni Jess D. Costa 11 County Commissioner President Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge County Commissioner County Commissioner County Controller Sheriff District Attorney A �3oq�D SALARY M I N U T E B 0 0 K �f-�/SC7N BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS POPULATION REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1972 Prisoners on hand January 1, 1972 66 Prisoners committed during the year 1972 1588 Total number of prisoners to account for . Prisoners released during the year 1972 1596 Prisoners on hand January 1, 1973 58 Total number of prisoners to account for TOTAL number of prison days for the year 1972 Daily population average for the year 1972 , 68 COLOR AND SEX CLASSIFICATION OF PRISONERS COMMITTED IN 1972 White Males 1169 Negro Males 298 White Females 54 Negro Females 67 TOTAL 1588 DETAILED SCHEDULE SHOWING AGES OF PRISONERS AT TIME OF COMMITMENT 13 to 17 87 18 to 25 583 26 to 35 321 36 to 45 196 46 to 55 282 56 to 65 82 66 to 75 25 over 75 12 TOTAL 1588 SUMMARY OF SENTENCED PRISONERS TO THE COUNTY PRISON "SENTENCED TO WORK RELEASE AND WEEKENDERS Sentenced one year to 23 months Sentenced six months to 12 months Sentenced one month to 6 months Sentenced 30 days or less TOTAL 2 Females & �� Males BY WHOM PRISONERS WERE COMMITTED Aldermen and Justices 1104 Courts 257 Juvenile Court 79 U. S. Marshal 99 Other Authorities 30 U. S. District, W. Pa. 15 U. S. District, New York 2 U. S. District, Texas 1 U. S. District, W. Va, 1, TOTAL 1654 1538 27,,215 68 11 45 37 231 392 I 1 1 L' 5o,) 9441eo SALARY MINUTE BOOK =W3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BENEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS F 1 PRISONERS RELEASED DURING YEAR 1972 AND THE AUTHORITIES ISSUING SAID RELEASE Released by Bond 349 Released by Court Parole 180 Released by Order of Court 23 Released by Magistrates 419 Sentence Expired 152 Transferred to other authorities 100 Transferred to other institutions 12 Military Authorites 22 Released by Juvenile Court 68 Probation Office 3 Released by Pennsylvania Board of Parole 3 United States Marshal 93 Federal Ct. District of W. Pa. 6 District of W. Va. 2 District of New York 1 District of Maryland 4 District of Texas 1 TOTAL 1552 PRISONERS TRANSFERRED TO OTHER PRISONS AND INSTITUTIONS Juv. Detention Home 2 Oakdale Juvenile Home 5 Other Counties (Juvenile) 3 Gannondale School for Girls 0 Allegheny County 5 Other Counties (Adults) 2 Washington Hospital 1 Torrance State Hospital 0 Mayview State Hospital 11 Farview State Hospital 1 Leech Farm Veterans Hospital 2 Western Penitentiary 18 Greensburg Jail 32 Huntingdon -State Correctional Institutaion 3 Camp Hill Correctional Institution 6 Dallas Correctional Institution 0 Rockview State Correctional Institution 2 Youth Development Center 5 U. S. Marshal 100 Extradition to other states 3 Serenity Farms 1 Woodville State Hospital 1 CLASSIFICATION OF CHARGES ON WHICH PRISONERS FOR THE YEAR 1972 WERE COMMITTED Abandonment of children Aiding prisoners to escape Aggravated Assault & Battery Arson Armed Robbery Assault & Battery Assault with intent to kill Assault with intent to maim Assault with intent to ravish A. W. 0. L. Bail Lifted Burglary & Larceny Bringing stolen property into State Carrying concealed weapon Corrupting morals of minors Desecration of American Flag Desertion & Non-support 1 1 44 2 8 123 13 3 4 22 68 126 4 16 31 1 2 t rrs�N d,APDSALARY MINUTE .BQQK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY,, PENNSYL.VANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Disorderly Conduct 308 Driving while intoxicated 130 Drug & Cosmetic Act 83 Drunk & Disorderly 130 Embezzelment 2 Failure to Company 19 Federal Court cases, W. Pa. Dist. 15 Firing personal property 4 Forcible entry 2 Forgery 8 Fornication & Bastardy 4 Fraud on innkeeper 2 Fugitive from Justice 3 Game Laws 1 Holdover 122 Incest 1 Involuntary Manslaughter 3 Juveniles committed in 1972 63 Larceny 45 Loitering & Prowling at night 14 Malicious Mischief 42 Mental Observation 10 Motor Violation 76 Murder 5 Passing & Uttering counterfeit obligations 3 Perjury 1 Pointing deadly weapon 5 Possession of Burglary tools 6 Public Indecency 3 Rape 9 Receiving stolen property 53 Resisting Arrest 15 Shoplifting 34 Sodomy 3 Surety of Peace 59 Vagrancy 8 Violation City & County Ordinance Act 3 Violation Dog Law 1 Violation Draft Card 1 Violation Firearms Act 7 Violation Liquor Law 25 Violation Parole 16 Violation Pharmacists Act 1 Violation Securities Act 2 Visiting Disorderly Home 10 INCOME FROM OTHER UNITS FOR USE OF THE WASH. COUNTY JAIL City of Washington $ 5405. 00 United States Marshal Prisoners 6745.50 Marine Corp Board 117.00 Out Prisoners Board 5073.00 Total Income for Year 1972 $17, 340. 50 UNPAID ACCOUNT FOR 1972 City of Washington 1485.00 $1485.00 INMATE WELFARE FUND PAID OUT Recreation equipment $ 771.87 Free Ice Cream 56.00 TOTAL $827.87 11 Aglsoly 2olm.0 SA L A RY M I N U T E B 00 K 1M5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMM S510MERS Total - Year 1972 Prison days 27, 215 days Per Diem costs for food for Prisoners 1.66 Per Diem costs for keep of prisoners 7.42 SUMMARY The year 1972 shows a population increase at the Washington County Prison over 1971. The indication is that 1973 population will continue to rise. The report will show the programs within our Criminal Justice System and the County level will continue this very necessary rehabilitation service to the inmate. The most pressing item of significance the past year has been the sharp increase in food prices included also was labor and material cost. Our rehabilitation program and services continue to advance with the following agencies particiapting: County Mental Health Clinic, Alcohol Addictive Disease Center, Bureau of Rehabili- tation. Our education program with grants from the State Department of Public Instructions, Inmate physhological evaluation, psychiatric testing and the Council of Churches holding religious services and working -with all who request help. In the past year, group tours of the prison, in my opinion, by the jurors and all age groups is one way to the community approach where they can see and recognize the important work being done in correction. Total inmates school attendance - 89 with 5 passing G. E. D. The inmates seen for routine psychological evaluation in 1972 was 163 Psychiatric test and report. Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation worked with 37 inmates. Three inmates had regular visits to the Mental Health Clinic weekly and approximately 25 were evaluated. We at the Washington County Prison have a complete modern up-to-date B. C.I. system with all law enforcement using and referring to our records. Over 1, 000 -pictures and fingerprints were filed this year. Upgrading the physical plant of the Prison was completed in 1972 with a grant from the Crime Commission and County Funds. This was a major improvement. We are continuing to improve the physical facilities in an orderly manner with plans approved for most urgent need of an recreation yard and wash basin to be installed throughout the prison and a vocational training area. The year 1972 was the busiest and I believe my most constructive as 68 inmates served their sentence on work release and weekender. Jails hold a hodgepodge collection of societies, misfits, the insane, the sick, the addict, the thief, the murderer, the adult, the juvenile, those awaiting judicial action and those serving a sentence. My main concern is knowing the community and society won't give money for PRISONS, Society wants the criminal to be captured by the police and then disappear. One way we belive that effective correction means breaking down the barrier that has long existed between institutions and the community. For the year 1972 the income from other units for use of the County Prison was $17, 3 40. 50. I would like to recognize the chairman and all members of the Prison Board for 'their cooperation this past year for approving the much needs repairing the Physical Plant. The roof of the Prison, heating change, window and lock repair. In my view at the end of 1973 after the recreation - yard is completed, Washington County Prison will be listed as one of the most updated Prisons in the Commonwealth. James O. Roupe Warden