HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 8-P - 7-18-1973 - PRISON BOARDdR,,ox) &Algo SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS S57 1 1 �I Aw-- Judge DiSalle: Should we start giving some thought to taking these prisoners who have commit- ted serious felonies and have either been convicted or pled guilty that are awaiting sentence, post -trial moitions have been filed. Should we consider sending them to the penitentiary? Pending the disposition of the post -trial motions. Now I know you asked me to do that when I tried the Violet Williams case. We sent Violet Williams to Muncy until we were ready to sen- tence her. It seems to me we ought to give some thought to once a man is convicted and there are post -trial motions and it is going to be a month or so before he is sentenced that we ought to send him to the penitentiary. Judge DiSalle requested permission from Judge Gladden to authorize the Committef to look into the situation of trustees in the Court House after hours. A brief discussion was then held on Judge DiSalle's suggestion of sending prisoners to the penitentiary until it is time for them to be sentenced. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: Minute No. 8-P ACTING CHIEF CLERK J..V .Ii J. J..V Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., July 18, 1973 The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Commissioners' Con- ference Room at 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, July 18, 1973, with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSalle; Controller Elish; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden; Commissioner Jones; Commissioner Paluso; and Judge Sweet. Absent being: District Attorney Costa; and Judge Curran. Also present being: Warden Roupe; Administrative Ass't. and Acting Chief Clerk Whalen; and Reporter Robertson of The Observer -Reporter. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute Nos. 6-P and 7-P, dated June 20 and July 9, 1973, each member of the Board having received a copy. Being none, the minutes will stand approved, as read. Warden's Report: Warden Roupe gave a brief report on the seminar he and Mr. James P. Maloney attended in Harrisburg on the Human Medical Experimentation. Mr. Roupe stated that while he was in Harrisburg, he checked with the Department of Labor and Industry in regard to the problems we are having with the plans being approved for the exercise yard, dishwashers, and wash basins. Labor and Industry admitted that no approval was needed for these plans. Accordingly the Contractors have been notified and a check will be forthcoming from the 358 pal, ,o�j 8off}a,,oSALARY.M1NUTE. QQ0°K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. .FLYNN, JOHN P. B£VEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Crime Commission within three to four weeks to cover the State's share of the costs. Warden Roupe stated that we are prepared and have been ready for the new laws that were passed for County Prisons and Jails. All of the locks in the County Jail have been checked and there were just a few that required changing or needed repairs. The installing of the ,new windows has been com- pleted. Warden Roupe reported on the use of mace at the jail and stated that it is only used when the police bring in a prisoner who is drunk or fighting, etc... Prison Bills for the Month of June, 1973: Prison bills for the month of June, 1973 were read by Controller Elish in the amount of $4, 333. 81 (2, 570 Prison Days); a list of said bills attached hereto and made a part hereof. for payment. Moved by Judge Sweet, seconded by Sheriff Debreczeni, that the bills be approved Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye' . (Judge Simmons entered the meeting) Judge DiSalle informed everyone present that he and his committee comprised of Sheriff Debreczeni and Commissioner Paluso designated by Judge Gladden to investigate the recent prison breaks and the overall security of the jail have met and organized. Judge DiSalle stated that the Committee has started to interview Warden Roupe and all jail personnel. The interviews will take place in Judge DiSalle's Chambers with all of the testimony being taken under oath and recorded, and will be made available to the members of the Board as soon as possible and eventually to the public. The Committee has agreed to contact a professional on jail security and custody for an investigation to be followed up with his advice and recommenda- tions. Captain Angel of the State Police has furnished the Committee with 2 or 3 names of persons in corrections that can be contacted to do this work. Judge DiSalle further stated that he and Judge Gladden have talked with a member of the Southwest Regional Council of the Governor's Justice Commission in regard to them helping the County in financing the cost of hiring this person. Judge Gladden stated that he received a call from the Southwest Regional Council of the Governor's Justice Commission and they are willint to take up the matter of payment at their meeting of August 10, 1973. Judge Gladden stated that from the information that he received, if the Committee has an individual they would like to have conduct this survey the Council would probably be willing to accept whomever the Committee suggests and make payment to him. Judge Gladden suggested that Judge DiSalle get in touch with the Commission. Judge DiSalle informed the Board that we had an investigation by the Bureau of Corrections as of May 8 and 9, 1973 and our jail was given a very satisfactory rating especially