HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 11-P - 10-17-1973 - PRISON BOARD,q, c, dogp_,oBALA'RY MINUTE B❑❑K. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS, Minute No. 11-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., October 17, 1973 The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Commissioners' Confer- ence Room at 11:30 a. m. , Wednesday, October 17, 1973, with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSalle; Controller Elish; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden; Commissioner Jones; Commissioner Paluso; Judge Simmons; and Judge Sweet. Abs being: District Attorney Costa. Also present being: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; Warden Roupe; Solicitor Hormell; and Reporter Robertson of The Observer -Reporter. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 10-P, dated September 19, 1973, each member of the Board having received a copy. Being none, the minutes will stand approved, as circulated. WARDEN'S REPORT: In reference to the Capital Improvement Program, Warden Roupe reported that he met yesterday with Job -Fab. He was informed that the subcontractor from Pittsburgh would be starting anytime on the recreation yard. He is to replace the cyclone fence on the walls and both ends. Job -Fab is preparing the steel stairway and the door into the big jail. Mr. Roupe also stated that he was informed by Mr. Bevec and Mr. Caleffie that the electrical line will run from the boiler house up to the laundry room in the prison for the new dishwasher. Mr. Roupp reported that Yenko's of Pittsburgh, who will be installing the wash basins, will be able to start next week. Warden Roupe reported that he received a request from State College for a student to enroll for an eight -week training program at the prison starting December 12. Warden Roupe stated that he has not received word of a check from the Crime mission for the training program for guards at Greensburg. Mr, Roupe further stated that we are prepared to send two guards for three weeks at a time as soon as the check arrives. Judge Sweet requested that Mr. Roupe supply him with a xerox copy of the letter regarding the students from State College. Warden Roupe advised the Board that Mr. Interval, who does a lot of the steel, screening and repair work at the jail, has been sick since June; but is now feeling better. Mr. Roupe is waiting for Mr. Interval to give him his estimate on the screening work that is needed to be done. Warden Roupe informed the Board that the Chief Federal Inspector arrived on August 29, 1973. His report has not yet been received, but his verbal report was that we are in very good shape. SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Chairman asked Warden Roupe when he anticipated the final completion of all of ese projects, and Warden Roupe stated that completion should be by the end of this year. (Mr. Jack Merdian - WJPA - entered the meeting.) Prison Bills for the Month of September, 1973: Prison bills for the month of September, 1973, were read by Controller Elish in the amount of $5, 558. 00 (3174 Prison Days); a list of said bills attached hereto and made a part . Income from units for use of the County Prison amounted to $965. 00. payment. Moved by Judge Sweet, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the bills be approved for Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval ver- bally by stating "Aye. " Old Business: Judge DiSalle reported that the report from Mr. Casey has finally been received and that this morning the report from the State people arrived. Judge DiSalle stated that all the testimony has been transcribed and that the Committee should be pulling everything together and coming up with their recommendations and report in the next couple of weeks. Judge DiSall( requested that a special meeting be held for this purpose if it is ready before the next regular Prison Board meeting. Commissioner Flynn raised the question concerning the need for additional guards at the prison. He stated that the Commissioners' concern is that after ninety days, these tem- porary employees become permanent. Mr. Roupe stated that when he first came to the jail, there was a shortage of guards and that the guards were working double shifts; but this has been eliminated. Mr. Roupe stated that last year, three men left. Mr. Roupe also stated that ninety days is up this week for the two men. There is now a total of twenty (20) guards; and with two days a week off and eduling them now, they have not been running any double shifts or overtime with the guards. ith the twenty guards, anyone being sick or on vacation, they will still be able to carry on afe normal operations. Mr. Flynn stated for the record that the Commissioners are required to notify the ternational Union when people are retained as permanent employees. Mr. Flynn also stated t the Salary Board meets next Thursday, and the Board would have to go on record as these n being retained. Mr. Flynn stated that the Board would appreciate it if the Warden would Imit a report to them by next Thursday telling them that it is absolutely necessary that they on record that these men are permanent employees. ew Business: Judge Simmons informed the Prison Board that he received reports that some ju ekenders were creating problems with their conduct in the jail. Discussion was held on the 5 ,,? 8©A2,6BALARY MINUTE. B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS atter, and Mr. Paluso suggested that the respective Judge be directed a report from the arden himself on the misbehavior on any such juvenile. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the Warden be instructed to report any disturbances in the jail immediately to the sentencing Judge so that he can take appr priate action. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval v by stating "Aye. " Commissioner Flynn raised the question of who is responsible for the maintenance of Mr. Silous Huddleston wherever he may be retained and why Mr. Huddleston is not being con- fined to the bastille here. Mr. Flynn informed the Prison Board that the Salary Board went on record that effective October 26, 1973, they would no longer be obligated to paying $30. 00 a Oay for a matron for Mrs. Gilly. Mr. Flynn went on to suggest that in order to regain the confidenc of the- public that perhaps a citizens committee be appointed in conjunction with federal and stat officers and have them make a tour of the jail facility. Mr. Flynn further stated that there are still some outstanding bills involved in these trials. Judge Gladden stated that his only feeling on this matter is that the Prison Board would not have presented to it amy bills for confinement of prisoners other than those in their own jurisdiction and that if there may be any bills submitted for the confinement of these indivi- duals mentioned, they would probably be presented before the Board of Commissioners. Judge Gladden also stated that he does not know if there is any authority in law for a citizens' inspec- tion of the prison, but there are tours of the prison by jurors and by individual groups who makE arrangements with the Warden. Judge Gladden suggested that this possibility be brought up whe the special committee makes itsreport. Mr. Flynn stated that he concurs with Judge Gladden, but he does not concur with the idea that when the time comes that Sheriff Debreczeni or District Attorney Costa will present bills to this County. Mr. Flynn further stated that he thinks it is somebody's responsibility to tell somebody in this county just who is going to be responsible for those bills right now - not six months from now. Mr. Flynn also mentioned a call he received from Mr. Arthur Cohen, who runs a private detective agency, wanting to know when he would be paid his bill for $1,100. Judge Sweet then gave an explanation of this bill and stated that he would meet with Mr. Flynn after the meeting and tell Mr. Flynn what he knows about the situation. Nor. Flynn replied that he did not want any private conference or interview with Judge Sweet. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: October 17 SECRETARY , 1973 1