HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 12-P - 11-21-1973 - PRISON BOARD'i� ',soy Aga SALARY MINUTE BOOK Ll6• BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, .JOHN P. BEVEC, .JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS inute No. 12-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., November 21, 1973 The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Commissioners' Conference oom at 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, November 21, 1973, with the following members being present eriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSrdle; Controller Elish; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden; Com- issioner Jones; and Judge Simmons. Absent being: District Attorney Costa; Commissioner aluso and Judge Sweet. Also present being: Warden Roupe; Chief Clerk and County Adminis- ator Whalen; Helen Miller of The League of Women Voters; Jerry Kelanic of WWVA; Reporter dinger of The Observer -Reporter; June Lilly of The Canonsburg Daily Notes; Earl Bugaile of EG; and Eric Bugaile of WESA. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 1-P, dated October 17, 1973, each member of the Board having received a copy. Being none, the minutes will stand approved, as circulated. arden's Report: In reference to the capital improvement program, Warden Roupe reported that he with three men from the Crime Commission. On October 19, 1973, Mr. DeAngelo ecked the capital improvement program as to when it started and how it was moving along. November 8, 1973, Mr. Symonak came for his report in reference to the bids that were con - acted. He was aware that we didn't receive the check until August 14, 1973. Warden Roupe ated that Mr. Forbes is well aware that we rota into problems with Labor and Industry. The omko people are still waiting for the wash basins to come in which is due to factory strikes. ob-Fab should be on the job by the next meeting. The washer has been delivered. Warden Roupe reported that a man visited the jail in reference to the drug testing pro - am which had been working satisfactorily until a moratorium was placed on it by the Attorney eneral. Chairman then read a letter received from the Attorney General's office dated Novem- 14, 1973, which stated in effect that the use or employment of any inmate of a state or correctional facility as a subject of any medical experiment is hereby prohibited. This ohibition applies to, but is not limited to, any experi ent conducted in whole or in part to certain the physiological effects of any drug, medicine or cosmetic on humans. Mr. Roupe reported that in connection with the eight -week training course with stu- s from State College, he received a letter stating that the person would not be able to take rt in this program due to financial difficulties. Mr. Roupe advised the Board of the resignation of James Shoman, effective Novem- er 5, 1973, and the resignation of Elmer Williams, effective December 31, 1973. 368 A,sod �oApj) S A L-A,R Y MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MIC,HAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMIssiomERS Mr. Roupe stated that two men will be starting school at Greensburg on November 26, 1973, and lasting for three weeks. Mr. Roupe reported that Richard Mull, Jr. , started to work on Monday on a per diem basis, but he will not be employed for the full ninety days. Another man, Paul Ross, will be put on when needed for emergencies. Chairman stated that he received a letter from the Justice Commission stating that we did not use our funds within the period that was allotted and therefore the funds for the capital improvement program would be withdrawn. Mr. Whalen then advised the Board that he spoke with Mr. Forbes who was very abrupt. Mr. Forbes stated that as far as he was concerned, the contract and grant was cancelled and we would be required to return the money. Mr. Whalen stated that Mr. Symonak did come out, and we did request an extension of time to finish the projects; but we still do not have any answer. Prison Bills for the Month of October, 1973: Prison bills for the month of October, 1973, were read by Controller Elish in the amount of $4, 926. 08 (2919 Prison Days); a list of said bills attached hereto and made a part hereof. Income from units for use of the County Prison amounted to $2, 576. 50. payment. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Debreczeni, that the bills be approved for Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye. " Report of Special Committee: Judge DiSalle submitted to the Board the report of the Special Committee appointed to investigate the jail breaks of May 4, 1972, June 23, 1973, and .July 7, 1973, together with the evaluations made by the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the evaluations made by the State Bureau of Corrections. included in the report submitted to Chairman Gladden was the record of the testimony taken by the Special Committee of all the jail personnel. Judge DiSalle also submi to Chairman Gladden the evidence that was presented during the course of the investigation which consisted of the two (2) bars which were sawed out of the jail window and the pieces of hacksaw blade which were found. Copies of said report were then distributed to each member of the Board and also to members of the news media. The Secretary was instructed to distri- bute copies of the report to those members who were absent. Judge DiSalle stated that in this report, the Special Committee recommends to the Board that it eventually adopt and promulgate all of the recommendations that have been made by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. One of the major recommendations is that an electrical locking system be installed; if not in the entire jail, at least in one wing of the jail where the more dangerous prisoners could be kept. 1 141-50A)&4R.6SALARY MINUTE Bo©K �,'1369 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Judge DiSa He also stated that while compiling this report, the Special Committee had e full cooperation of all the jail personnel. Judge DiSalle suggested to Chairman Gladden that ther a special meeting of the Prison Board be called or that the time of the next regular me extended in order for the Board to discuss said report. Chairman Gladden accepted the report submitted by the Special Committee and com- imented them on the time and effort that they put into it. Chairman Gladden stated that the anscript will be lodged in the Clerk of Courts office and will be available for the Board's s pe ction. Moved by Mr. Flynn, seconded by Mr. Debreczeni, that the next regular meeting of e Prison Board scheduled for December 19, 1973, be convened at 11:00 a. m. in the Commis- sioners' Conference Room in order to discuss the report submitted by the Special Committee appointed to investigate the jail breaks. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval ver- ally by stating "Aye. " Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: 0 r� November 21 SECRETARY , 1973