HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 2-P - 2-20-1974 - PRISON BOARD78�j,son) �oa,eo SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN-GTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS LU Minute No. # 2-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., February 20, 1974 The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Public Meeting Room at 11:30 a. n. , Wednesday, February 20, 1974, with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSalle; Commissioner Flynn; Commissioner Jones; Controller Mascara; Commissioner Paluso; and Judge Simmons. Absent being: District Attorney Costa; Judge Gladden; and Judge Sweet. Also present being: Warden Roupe; Mr. Daniels - Deputy Controller; and Mr. Bob Robertson - The Observer -Reporter. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 1-P, dated January 16, 1974, each member of the Board having received a copy. Being none, the minutes will stand approved, as circulated. Warden's Report: Warden Roupe reported that the plumbing and the electrical wiring has been completed throughout the Jail. Warden Roupe also reported that two guards from the County Jail are attending officers training school at the State correctional institution at Greensburg, the classe3 continue on a three week basis. Warden Roupe stated that Mr. Vance DeiCas visited the prison. on January 22nd along with Mr. William O'Brien. iWarden Roupe stated that Mr. DeiCas and Mr. O'Brien and himself went over the plans for the recreation yard and that Mr. DeiCas state) he would mail approved plans back to Mr. O'Brien. Warden Roupe stated that on January 23, 1974, he received a new price list for Milk from McWreath Dairy stating their increase price f(jr milk would be seven (7) cents a gallon. Also Warden Roupe stated that on January 28, 11974, Mr. Robert Quay from the Governors Justice Commission visited the prison to inquire if a training school could be started with the guards from our Jail and the guards from nearby counties. Warden Roupe further stated that on January 28, 1974, he received a letter from Mr. John M. Hendricks stating the cost of the Cyclone fence for the rotunda circle would include labor $800. )0 Warden Roupe and material $672. 00. /He stated that he turned this letter over to Commissioner Jones. Warden Roupe stated that there is a professor from Washington and Jefferson College visiting the Jail at least once a week now. Commissioner Paluso asked Warden Roupe about the escape that took place last week at the County Jail. Warden Roupe stated the trustees name was Thomas Hodge. He stated that Mr. Hodge being a trustee had access to the button that oped the door to get out. Warden Roupe stated that Mr. Hodge was apprehended the same night and returned to the County Jail. Commissioner Paluso stated that he feels that every prisoner before being able to become a C� trustee should be reviewed very cariy. He further stated that he feels the button to open the door to get out should be put in the receiving office of the Warden's office. lj�16010 BoAeJ SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLV'ANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS be Commissioner Flynn stated that Mr. Bevec should/notified of this change. Warden Roupe stated that there is six (6) trustees as of this date at the Jail and he went on to explain how trustees are picked. Warden Roupe stated that tmstees are picked by their appearance, their conduct, their behavior, and their a " (Discussion was held on the above matter) Commissioner Jones stated that he talked to Mr. Whalen on the emergency line to be put in over at the Jai 1. Warden Roupe said as of today the line hasn't been put in. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Warden Roupe's verbal report be approved as read. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board, signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye." 1973 ANNUAL REPORT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY PRISON JAMES O. ROUPE - WARDEN HANNA JOHNS - DEPUTY WARDEN HENRY WITZELING-CAPTAIN EDWARD PETRAS - CAPTAIN A_BRAHAM ZAHAND-LIEUTENANT EDNA SHIVES - MATRON DENNIS B. WALTERS -COUNSELOR WASHINGTON HOSPITAL - MEDICAL SERVICES JAMES HARRIS - EDUCATION SUPERVISOR MARY F. FLORGANIC -SECRETARY REV. NEA_L K. RODGERS - PRES. PRISON MINISTRY MEMBERS OF THE PRISON BOARD FOR THE YEAR 1973 HONORABLE CHARLES G. SWEET HONORABLE RICHARD DISALLE HONORABLE THOMAS D. GLADDEN HONORABLE PAUL A. SIMMONE HONORABLE ALEXANDER R. CURRAN HONORABLE PATSY V. MARINO MICHAEL R. FLYNN FRANK JONES, JR. EDWARD M. PALUSO ALEX DEBRECZINI JSS D. COSTA PETER ELISH PRESIDENT JUDGE JUDGE JUDGE CHAIRMAN OF PRISON BOARD JUDGE JUDGE DECEASED JUDGE RETIRED CHAIRMAN COUNTY COMMISSIONER COUNTY COMMISSIONER COUNTY COMMISSIONER SHERIFF DISTRICT ATTORNEY COUNTY CONTROLLER INCOME FROM OTHER UNITS FOR USE OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY PRISON CITY OF WASHINGTON $5, 750. 00 UNITED STATES MARSHAL (Prisoners) $5, 188. 50 UNITED STATES MARINES (Board) 985. 50 OUT PRISONERS (Board) 6,050.00 WESTMORELAND COUNTY(Board) 731.25 U. S. IMMIGRATION (Board) 90.00 'btal Income for year 1973 $18, 795. 25 38�160AJ60AeDSALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN.GTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS UNPAID ACCOUNT FOR 1973 CITY OF WASHINGM N $ 975.00 UNITED STATES MARSHAL 1, 602. 72 U.S. MILITARY 166.50 U. S. IMMIGRATION 76.50 WESTMORELAND COUNTY 348.75 Total of Unpaid Accounts $3, 169.47 INMATE WELFARE FUND PAID OUT Recreation equipment $125. 95 Free Ice Cream and Cigarettes 70.55 Television and Radio repair 345.19 Transportation 33.50 Christmas Cards 5.00 Total Paid Out $580.19 Total - Year 1973 Prison Days - 28, 280 days PerDiem costs for food for Inmates - $1. 89 PerDiem costs for keep of Inmates - $7. 63 POPULATION REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1973 Prisoners on hand January 1, 1973 64 Prisoners committed during the year 1973 1 11711.4 Total number of prisoners to account for 1778 Prisoners released during the year 1973 1714 Prisoners on hand January 1, 1974 80 Total number of prisoners to account for 1634 Total number of prison days for the year 1973 28, 280 days Daily population average for the year 1973 78 COLOR AND SEX CLASSIFICATION OF PRISONERS COMMITTED IN 1973 White Males 1252 Negro Males 3 10) White Females 82 Negro Females 20 Total 1714 DETAILED SCHEDULE -SHOWING AGES OF PRISONERS AT TIME OF COMMITTEE NT 13 to 17 101 18 to 25 663 26 to 35 369 36 to 45 187 46 to 55 279 56 to 65 81 66 to 75 24 over 75 10 I ,^ C� A41601t) 442.E SALARY MINUTE BOOK At BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS SUMMARY OF SENTENCED PRISONERS TO THE COUNTY PRISON "I "SENTENCED TO WORK RELEASE AND WEEKENDS (adult) Sentenced one year to 23 months Sentenced six months to 12 months Sentenced one month to 6 months Sentenced 30 days or less Sentenced Juvenile Weekenders Total BY WHOM PRISONERS WERE COMMITTED Alderman and Justices 1121 Courts 3300 Juvenile Court 80 U. S. Marshal 139 Other Authorities 37 U. S. District, W. Pa. 14 U.S. District, New York 4 U. S. District, Texas 8 U. S. Dictrict, W. Va. 1 Total M4 98 20 71 37 347 42 615 PRISONERS RELEASED DURING YEAR 1973 AND THE AUTHORITIES ISSUING SAID RELEASE Released by Bond 350 Released by Court Parole 190 Released by Order of Court 27 Released by Magistrates 420 Sentenced Expired 166 Transferred to other authorities 98 Transferred to other institutions 24 Military Authorities 18 Released by Juvenile Court 73 Probation Office 6 Released by Pennsylvania Board of Parole 4 United States Marshal 135 Federal Ct. District of W. Pa. 16 District of W. Va. 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation 4 Total 1672 PRISONERS TRANSFERRED TO OTHER PRISONS AND INSTITUTIONS Juvenile Detention Home 8 Oakdale Juvenile Home 2 Other Counties (Juvenile) 3 Allegheny County 8 Other Counties (Adult) 17 Washington Hospital 3 Mayview State Hospital 12 Fairview State Hospital 1 Leech Farm Veterans Hospital 1 Western Penitentiary 23 Greensburg Jail 36 Huntington -State Correctional Institution 5 Camp Hill - Correctional Institution 9 Dallas -Correctional Institution 2 Rockview State Correctional Institution 5 Youth Development Center 6 U. S. Marshal 135 Extradition to other states 4 Serenity Farms 2 Woodville State Hospital 2 New Castle Juvenile Center 19L- Youth Center, Waynesburg Il Warrendale Youth Center 1 311?J60/1) 80APD SALARY ,M IN LITE B Q❑ K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . � WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, .JOHN P BEVEC, .JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS CLASSIFICATION OF CHARGES ON WHICH PRISONERS FOR THE YEAR 1973 WERE COMMITTED Abandement of children 1 Aiding prisoners to escape 2 Aggravated Assault & Battery 47 Armed Robbery 9 Arson 3 Assault & Battery 220 Assault with intent to kill 14 Assault with intent to maim 3 Assault with intent to ravish 5 A. W.OL. 73 Bail Lifted 77 Burglary &. Larceny 166 Bringing stolen property into State 7 Carrying concealed weapon 18 Corrupting morals of minors 4%2 Desertion & Non-support 3 Disorderly Conduct 303 Driving while intoxicated 129 Drug & Cosmestic Act 84 Drunk & Disorderly 225 Embezzlement 5 Failure to Comply 21 Federal Court Cases, W. Pa. Dist. 14 Fixing personal property 3 Forcible Entry 6 Forgery 7 Fornication & Bastardy 3 Fraud on innkeeper 7 Fugitive from Justice 10 Game Laws 1 Holdover 148 Incest 1 Juveniles committed in 1973 101 Larceny 42 Loitering & Prowling at night 12 Malicious Mischief 40 Mental Observation 30 Motor Violation 74 Murder 4 Passing & Uttering counterfeit obligations 2 Perjury 2 Pointing deddly weapon 6 Possession of Burglary tools 5 Public Drunkenness 60 Public Indecency 5 Rape 10 Receiving stolen property 51 Resisting Arrest 20 Shoplifting 50 Sodomy 2 Surety of Peace 62 Vagrancy 10 Violation City & County Ordinance Act 9 Violation Dog Law 1 Violation Draft ,Card 1 Violation Firearms Act 8 Violations Liquor Law 30 Violation Parole 45 Violation Pharmacists Act 2 Violation Securities 1 Visitlug Disorderly Home 8 1 11 SALARY MINUTE B o o K 383 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISMONERS SUMMARY The year 1973 shows a population increase at the Washington County Prison of one hundred and twenty six over 1972. There is every indication that this will continue at a slow rate in 1974. We are continuing to improve the physical facilities in an orderly manner, and still running normal operations. The upgrading of the physical plant will be completed in the early spring of 1974. Washington County Prison is now one in the State, do to our working math the community and society, in my opinion this is one way for effective corrections with all agencies part- icipating. Work release programs, weekends, Ctu.nty Mental Health, Alcohol Addictive Disease, Bureau of Rehabilitation, Inmate Phyhological Evaluation, Psychiatric Testing, Council of Churches holding religious services and talking to the inmates upon request who have behavior problems, our education program with grants from the State Dept. or public in- structions will continue. Programs within the criminal justice system on the county level is "very" necessary rehabilitation service, this includes classification treatment and disciplinary evaluation. Jails hold a hodgepodge collections of societies misfits, the insane, the sick, the addict, the thief, the murderer, the adult, the juvenile, those awaiting judical action and those serving a sentence. In the past year, group tours of the prison, in my opinion, by the citizens called for jury duty, and all age groups is one way to the community approach where they can see aria recognize the important work being done in the correction field. I would like to recognize the Red Cross and Salvation Army for their services the past year. The Washington County Prison has a modern up-to-date B.C. 1. system with all low en- forcement using and referring to our records. At the Bureau of Corrections request we are now using a new S.1. D. and O. T. N. number on all sentenced inmates. The inmates seen for routine psychological evaluation in 1973 was 102 tested and reported. Thirty-four were seen by a psychiatrist and evaluated. Keeping in mind, on the County level, rehabilitating the young, first offenders, and those with short sentences will determine the direction our rehabilitation programs are taking. I would like to thank the Special committee of the Prison Board who were appointed to make a study of the security at the prison. Their recommendations were welcome and we have complied and corrected all weak points pointed out by the committee. Total in -mate school attendance was 91. The inmates seen for routine psychological evaluation in 1973, 132 Psychiatric tests and reports. One of our greatest needs has been for an outdoor recreation area, this will be completed in the early spring of 197&4. I would like to recognize Judge Thomas D. Gladden, Chairman of the Prison Board and all the members&r their cooperation the past year. With the much needed repair to the physical plant they have approached our drawn out problems with a common sense application. The most pressing items the past year has been the sharp increase in food price including all outside labor and material cost. I and my staff will continue to make every effort to find ways to improve our services and programs to return to society (human beings) who have been confined. Our thought in mind is to return them to society as productive citizens. James O. Roupe Warden 384 SALARY M I N UTE Bij O K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Controller Mascara stated that there was a few errors in the Warden's Report. He then mentioned what they were. Chairman Debreczeni then told Mr. Mascara that he would suggest that the Board members give Warden Roupe a chance to check over the figures in his report and present it to the Board at the next meeting. Controller Mascara then went on tb give a brief scanning of the bills in connection with the jail purchases for January 1974, bringing the following observations: "These are not meant to a criticism, but rather as a suggestions for increased efficiency." 1. FOOD More attention should be paid to the cost factor in the purchasing of food. Perhaps, a brief review of the previous month's bills could save hundreds of dollars per year. This review would only take a few minutes a month. A few examples are as follows: Ground Beef Purchases Washington Locker $1, 25 per lb. - 130 lbs. purchased Alexander Co-op. $1.19 per lb. - 130 lbs. purchased Albano's $ .99 per lb. - 30 lbs. purchased ($46. 00 could have been saved by buying all the meat at the lowest price) Other examples: Ketchup - $3. 63 a case cheaper at Alexander Co -Op. Tomato Puree - $4.50 a case cheaper at Alexander Co -Op. Corn up to $2. 60 a case cheaper at Alexander Co -Op. (In every case, more was purchased at a higher price.) Case goods can be bought direct from brokers (Pompco, Libby, Green GiarA, etc.) 2. MILK We are paying $1. 50 a gallon at the jail - compared to $1. 35 to $1.40 for the homes. Last year the County spent approximately $20, 000, for milk. With this quantity, certainly a bid would be feasible. 3. HOSPITAL BILLS We pay $300. 00 monthly to Washington Hospital for a Medical Program, which includes emergency room treatment. 4. PHARMACY BILLS Bills are submitted showing only RX number and amount. It is standard policy to show patient's name and drug purchased. This item, should be a bid, as last year we paid over $3, 000, to phramacies in addition to direct purchases of over $10, 000. Having a Pharmacist on the payroll, the bid could be set up as Red Book Price and a flat fee for filling RX. 5. MARRA COFFEE What is the purpose of Marra coffee? We pay them $1.41 per lb. This works out to $4. 23 for 3 lbs. Stores never charge $4. 23 for a 3 lb. can of coffee. Last year the County purchases totaled close to $17, 000 from Marra - most of the pur- chases were coffee. This item should also be checked for direct purchase. Discussion was held on the above list submitted by Controller Mascara. Prison Bills for the Month of January, 1974: Prison bills for the month of January, 1974, were read by Controller Mascara in the amount of $4, 531.18 (2941 Prison days); a list of said bills attached hereto and made a part hereof. Income from Units for use of County Prison amounted to $2, 723. 67. Moved by Judge DiSalle, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally, by stating "Aye. " Old Business: Commissioner Jones asked Warden Roupe if there were enough guards at the Jail. Warden Aq Aj,9oq,etSALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Roupe said there would be enough guards until summer vacation started. Chairman Debreczeni suggested that a three member committee be organized each month to go to the Prison and make a check and then report back to the Prison Board each month. Judge DiSalle , Controller Mascara , and Chairman Debreczeni were appointed for this month. Mr. Debreczeni stated this would be a rotating system. New Business - None. Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Judge DiSalle, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting Adjourn. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ ANDAPPROVED: February 21, 1974 ATTEST: n SE CRETA_RY r-