HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 7-P - 7-17-1974 - PRISON BOARD4W SALARY MINUTE -BOOK PA7/60n) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN' P. BEVEL, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 7-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., July 17, 1974 The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Public Meeting Room at 11:30 a.m. , Wednesday, July 17, 1974, with the following members being present: Judge DiSalle; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden; Commissioner Jones; Controller Mascara; Commissioner Paluso; Judge Sweet. JAbsent being: District Attorney Costa; Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge Hanna; Judge Simmons; and Warden Roupe. Also present being Mr. Whalen - Chief Clerk and County Administrator; Mr. Earl Bugaile - WKEG; Mr. Bob Robertson - The Observer -Reporter; Mr. Merdian - WJPA; Mrs. June Lilley - The Daily Notes; and Mr. Dave Baker - The Daily Notes. Judge DiSalle then stated that Sheriff Debreczeni asked him to serve as Chair- man at this month's Prison Board meeting because he would be unable to make it. A cting /Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 6-P, dated June 19, 1974, each member of the Board having received a copy. Moved by Judge Sweet, seconded by Judge Gladden, that Minute No. 6-P stand approved, as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." Warden's Report : Acting Chairman DiSalle notified the Board that Warden Roupe would be unable to attend this month's Prison Board meeting because he had two (2) Prison Inspectors and seven (7) gentlemen from the Greensburg Training Academy at the Prison today. Judge Sweet therefore suggested that Warden Roupe be asked to submit his report, for this month in writing, to each member of the Board before the next meeting. Prison Bills for the Month of June, 1974: Prison Bills for the month of June, 1974, were read by Controller Mascara in the amount of $4, 347. 91 (Prison Days-2388). Income from units for the use of the County: Prisoners Board $ 419.00 United States Marshall Apr. & May $1543.36 Westmoreland County Mar. & Apr. $2001.25 Immigration & Naturalization $ 44.52 Total Income 1$4, 008. 13 Mr. Mascara stated that the average cost per prisoner per day for the month of June is $1. 82. Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Judge Sweet, that the bills be approved E F_j 1 for payment. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMtSSFONERS WASHFNGTON COUNTY, PENN SYL.VANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC. .1OHN MAZZA, COMMFSMONCUS C 1 Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "A_ye. " Old Business: Judge Sweet brought up the matter of holding the Prison Board Meetings in the Jail from 12:00 Noon until 1:00 p.m. He suggested that the members of the Board should go at the Jail back to having the meetings at this time and have a sandwich and coffee/, this way maybe the attendance would be better. (Discussion held) The idea of next months Prison Board Meeting being held from 12:00 Noon until 1:00 p.m., in the Jail was passed by, unanimous vote of the Board members. Prison Welfare Fund Controller Mascara asked that the Secretary look into previous Prison Board Minutes and find out when the Prison Welfare Fund was first started. This is so an audit can be mad(,. New Business: Controller Mascara stated that he received two letters from two inmates complaining about the fo6d. He said he talked to one of the inmates and her problems seemed to be worked out. (Discussion held) Judge Sweet suggested that each prisoner be weighed in and then weighed out , like the Mifflin Co. Jail does, and this will show if they are eating the food served in the Prison. Controller Mascara suggested that a Committee be appointed to take care of all complaints the inmates might have. Acting Chairman DiSalle suggested that this matter be held in abeyance until Sheriff Debreczeni - Chairman, and Warden Roupe are present. Sheriff Debreczeni and Warden Roupe had interviewed tJ�e two inmates in question and therefore will be presenting the contents of the interview to the Board members. Moved by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Judge Sweet, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: July 17 A'] 1TF'c-r. SECRETARY , 1974