HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 11-P - 11-20-1974 - PRISON BOARDJ,,o,,,)2v44.oSALARY MINUTE BOOK ` BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS D 1 Minute No. 11-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., November 20, 1974 The Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Public Meeting Room at 11:30 a.m. , Wednesday, November 20, 1974, with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSalle; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden; Commissioner Jone; Controller Mascara; Judge Simmons and Judge Sweet. Absent being: District Attorney Costa and Commissioner Paluso. Also being present: Warden Roupe; Mr. Whalen; Mr. Stache, Auditor from the Controller's Office; Solicitors Bigi and Gilmore; Hanna J from the Washington County Jail; Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter and Earl Bugail( of WKEG Radio. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 10-P, dated October 16, 1974, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Judge Gladden, that Minute No. 10-P be approved as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye . " Warden's Report Warden Roupe stated that operations in the Jail were normal. Warden also stated that the Executive Director of the Washington Library, Mr. Frost, has been to the Jail and the Jail is now in the process of exchanging books with the library. Warden then reported that he has looked into the situation of cover-alls for the prisoners which was talked about at the last meeting, and stated that he has received a letter from the Associated Textile System and thought that the price was rather high, at $117.50 per dozen. The Warden turned the letter over to the Chairman and stated that he thought the main purpose of the cover-alls was for security purposes and to stop the contr4- band from coming into the Jail. He also stated that this means that uniform changes woulc have to be made because there will have to be baskets or something to store each inmates clothing, and a search of each basket. The Warden then stated that the rest will have to decidedby the Board. emarks: iegarding the cover -alas, the Chairman stated that if approved, this will take place next ,ear and suggested that the County Commissioners and the Purchasing Department send out etters to get estimates as to the price of the cover -cells. r. Flynn suggested that the Board first go on record to determine whether or not the over-alls will be used; if so, tb A7--get estimates. 4� , s olt) 4,ql,� o S A L A =R Y MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Board affirm the policy of uniform dress for the inmates of the Washington County Prison and that steps be taken to determine the price and kind of clothing available. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye.11 New Business: Judge Simmons brought to the attention of the Board the problem of confined juveniles that were getting out of hand and that it was necessary for the Warden to have an adult prisoner who could be trusted to intermingle with the juveniles and see that they didn't get out of hand. Judge Simmons stated that this had to be discontinued because it was contrary to law to have any adult prisoner associate with the juveniles, and stated that he thought the Warden possibly needed more help. Warden Roupe then stated that the juveniles do need constant supervision. (Discussion was held.) Rr-marka- Judge Sweet stated that possibly money could be saved by exercising the vocabulary. He stated that it was his understanding that it is unlawful to confine adults and juveniles to- gether and the adult's place of confinement is the range where he belongs and this is just his place of work as a trusty, and no one would say that an adult trusty could not bring meals to the juveniles, or that a trusty could not supervise 2 or 3 juveniles Working in the laundry, and we are not forbidden to have a trusty supervise juveniles, just so he isn't confined with them. Judge Simmons stated that the adult was confined with the juveniles. Judge Sweet stated that the adult could still supervise the juveniles as long as he slept in his own range and was just with the juveniles to supervise them. Judge Simmons stated that there was no need to try to save money and violate the law at the same time. Mr. Jones stated that he recalls an interpretation by either one of the judges or an attorney that stated that the juveniles were not even allowed within voice range of the adul prisoners. Mr. Jones also questioned how many additional employees will have to be hired to supervise the juveniles. Warden Roupe stated that it would depend on how many juveniles were confined on any particular weekend. Judge Simmons stated that he thought what the Warden was doing was very practical and it was unfortunate that it was contrary to the law. Judge Simmons also stated that he did not think it would be that costly to have someone supervise the juveniles on weekends. Mr. Flynn stated that Mr. Hart, a representative of the regional office, called last week ana tentatively arranged a meeting for Tuesday, November 26, 1974, in order to make a report to those interested. Mr. Flynn stated that all Judges will be notified as to the tim of the hearing, should they care to attend. Mr. Flynn stated, that in view of the recom- mendations of the Board, that they consider securing the necessary personnel to manage this phase of the operation as far as the juveniles were concerned and also make provisior in next year's budget to that effect. Judge Simmons stated that in his opinion the County needed some kind of shelter facilities or group homes for the juveniles and that he is currently working to get outside sources to help with the finances. ;t S A L A R Y Nei 1 N U T E B 0 0 K 411 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 1 Mr. Flynn stated that the Commissioners are currently in the process of perusing all budget requests and suggested that the Board go on record requesting the County Commis- sioners to consider the budget request of the Jail and that they take into consideration the additional staff needed after consulting with the Warden and the Chairman. Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Controller Mascara, that the Board hav( a meeting as soon as possible to determine how much additonal help is needed in the jail as per above recommendation ;of Commissioner Flynn. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye.11 (Judge Hanna entered the meeting.) Concerning the over -crowded situation at the County Prison, Controller Mascar, questioned if it would be expedient for us to take care of Westmoreland County when our own needs are not being fulfilled, and stated that possibly a section of the jail could be used for the juveniles only. Controller Mascara suggested that the Board consider this in the months to come. R emarks : Mr. Flynn stated that once the Prison Board met with the Commissioners, they could determine the needs and costs involved and also try to answer the questions raised by Controller Mascara, and then report on it at the next meeting, which will be in December. Controller Mascara then referred to the Audit Report on the Prisoner's Welfare Fund, a copy given to everyone present, and apologized for not getting it to them sooner so that they could discuss it. Mr. Mascara then referred to the cover letter of the re which stated that due to the extensive time period covered by the report, and the number of individuals involved in the management of this fund, that they were unable to determine any direct responsibility for the stated shortage of $4, 770. 87. Said letter also stated that steps have been taken by the Warden to rectify the past deficiencies in the handling of thes funds. The Controller stated that he understood that the policy had been that numerous individuals were involved in the handling of the Prison Welfare Fund and thought that it the responsibility of the Prison Board to forewith direct the Controller to implement what he considers good county procedures in the Jail and stated that his office is prepared on January 1, 1975, in cooperation with the Warden and the Captai-n to do so. Enclosed with the report was a graphical chart of the sales and expenditures; the lines should pretty mu parallel if good business procedures are used. Controller stated that the indication of the chart shows that there has been pilferage in the past and suggested that the members per-" use the report so that it can be discussed at the next meeting. Controller then recom- mended that all bills should be at the Controller's and Purchasing Agent's and he thought a monthly report should be made to the Board of Prison Inspectors along with the prison "412 i&A.6,DSALARY MINUTE -BOOK , ,qjs BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS bills that are submitted each month. I Controller then referred to Page 2 of the report which stated that P.S. 61 Section 409, requires that a president and a secretary be elected. Controller noted that according to the minutes of January 1-6, 1974, a duly elected secretary does not exist, and recommended that a secretary be elected and that according to P.S. 61 Section 410, recom� mended that vouchers be endorsed by the president and the secretary of the Board. Controller also recommended that the Court of Common Pleas appoint a Boar of Visitors of three (3) members, which would include the County Jail. The Controller stated that he wanted to make it clear that he was not chastizi g the Board;�Ahat he was only trying to do his job and call to the attention of the Board the things he thinks are proper because the Board has been criticized in the past. Judge Hanna asked the Controller if there was any audit made of the Prison Welfare Fund previously; maybe a yearly balance. Controller stated that there was not. Judge Sweet stated that he was not aware of the Prisoner's Welfare Fund and asked what the money was used for. Warden Roupe stated that this money was used for items such as cigarettes, potato chips, etc., and is helping to pay for the T. V. , radio, cable, and sometimes bus tickets for those prisoners who could not afford to buy one when released. Warden stated that this money was used strictly for the inmates welfare. Judge Sweet asked if anything was in existence that would show, separating the cost of things such as potato chips that were sold, what was done with the net proceeds. Warden Roupe stated that the bills are kept and the proceeds are sent to the bank. Judge Sweet asked the Controller if proper records were kept, would they account for the T. V. , cable, etc.? Controller stated that they would not. Chairman asked if the purchase price of some of the items were taken into consideration. Controller Mascara stated that according to P. L. 61, the Prison Welfare Fund is limited to 10% mark-up and the graph indicates that mark-ups vary between 16% and 35% Judge Hanna asked who handled the store and was told that the Captain and secretary, Mary Florganic, did. Controller stated that there is now tighter controls and that things are now and r lock and key. Controller Mascara also stated that they do not know the exact nature of 1 1 1 organization known as the Washington County Prison Board Inmates Welfare Fund. iso ,oSALAR Y M I N U T E B0Ci K 413 BOAR ,D OF COUNTY Cody MISSRE7VNERS WASHI?k�COUNTY, P'ENNSYLVANIA MICi9Pax. R. FLTMK, J1or4m P. RIVEC. . 0"N MwZZn, CCW1#P*8WWVM Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Controller Mascara, that the Controller be authorized and directed to institute appropriate county procedures in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to establish a Prison Welfare Fund so that it will receive the benefits allowed to charitable institutions and that monthly reports be given to the Board on the status of the fund. Remarks: Before a roll call was taken on the above matter, Chairman stated that he received an editorial from the Observer -Reporter regarding the Jail and suggested that the Board convene where many hours can be put in to go over all the problems so that they can be discussed at the next meeting. Judge Gladden stated that he would look into the matter of the prisoner's complaint in the above -mentioned editorial. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye. " meeting. Controller Mascara asked the Board if a secretary would be elected at this Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Controller Mascara, that a member of the Prison Board be elected to the position of secretary at this meeting. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye. " Chairman then stated that the Board will now accept nominations for the positiot of secretary of the Prison Board. Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Judge Sweet that Commissioner Edward Paluso be elected secretary of the Prison Board for the period of the next two months. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye. " Remarks: Judge Gladden stated that he nominated Commissioner Paluso to'.the position of secretary because, in the past, the minutes have been prepared by the Chief Clerk.: and his staff, and he thought it would be appropriate to keep it in the same office. Judge DiSalle then asked about the editorial in the Observer -Reporter. Chairman stated that it was a letter sent by one of the prisoners and that he Felt the complaints were not just; and that the matter would be turned over ito the committee headed by Gladden so that they can answer the comments that were made. I Judge Gladden asked if any member of the Board has been contacted or has received correspondence from this individual making any criticism. Chairman stated that tthe letter was not signed. Judge DiSalle asked what the prisoner was complaining about. 4saw,uv� S ARC( -MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Chairman stated that the prisoner was complaining 'that,, the food was not up tc par, that the jail guards were rude at times, --,that they should be given more periodic bed linen changes, and that one prisoner was locked in the dungeon and had no bed linen or blankets. Chairman then stated that some of these complaints were brought before the committee previously and it was recorded that at that meeting, the prisoners' T. V. time would be extended if there was a major program on, such as a world series, so that the3 could watch the whole game. Warden Roupe stated that this policy was now in effect. Chairman stated that the above prisoner complaints would be referred to the committee. Prison Bills for the Month of October, 1974: Prison bills for the month of October, 1974, in the amount of $3, 905.19 (Prison Days - 2966). Income from units for the use of the County Prison: Prisoners Board $ 935.00 United States Marshall $1, 691. 76 Westmoreland County $1, 248. 75 Immigration Service $ 29.68 TOTAL INCOME $2, 905.19 Average cost per prisoner - $2.74 Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Judge DiSalle, that the bills be approve for payment. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." RPmorke- Chairman then noted that almost $1500 of the monthly expense was for prisoners that they had to keep; they were held at the Washington Hospital under sheriff's guard, which is under the sheriff's department expense. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: November 20 ATTEST:— "B-W%.A J SECRETAPY , 1974 J 1 1