HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 13-P - 1-15-1975 - PRISON BOARD420 SALARY MINUTE BL�0K ,1p6��I:,GI/L BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS I Minute No. 13-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., January 15, 1975 The re -organization and regular meeting of the Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Public Meeting Room at 11:30 a.m. , January 15, 1975, with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSalle; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden; Commissioner Jones; Controller Mascara; Commissioner Paluso and Judge Simmons. Absent being: District Attorny Costa; Judge Hanna and Judge Sweet. Also being present: Assistant Solicitor Gilmore; Mr. Joe Judish; Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter and Mrs. Stephen Crouse. Meeting called to order by Chairman Debreczeni. Chairman stated that this is the first meeting of 1975, and, therefore, elections would be held for the positions of Chairman, Vice -Chairman and Secretary. Chairman stated that the current officers were himself as Chairman, Judge DiSalle as Vice -Chairman and Edward Paluso as Secretary. Chairman then stated that the Board will accept nominations for the position of Chairman of the Prison Board for 1975. Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Judge Gladden, that Sheriff Debrec be re-elected to the position of Chairman for 1975. Nominations for the position of Chairman were closed. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their a verbally by stating "Aye." Chairman then declared the nominations open for the position of Vice - Chairman of the Prison Board for 1975. Moved by Mr. -. Jones, seconded by Judge Gladden, that Judge DiSalle be re- s elected to the position of Vice -Chairman for 1975. (Remarks:) Judge DiSalle declined the nomination and stated that he thougft that someone else should be given the opportunity to serve. Moved by Judge DiSalle, seconded by Controller Mascara, that Judge Simmons be elected to the position of Vice -Chairman for 1975. Nominations for the position of Vice -Chairman were closed. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their a i verbally by stating "Aye. 11 Chairman the declared the nominations open for the position of Secretary I of the Prison Board for 1975. 1 1 Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Controller Mascara, that Edward BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VsANIA MICFFAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHNF MAZZA, COMMISSIONV'a 0 F 1 Paluso be re-elected to the position of Secretary for 1975. (Remarks:) Mr. Paluso stated that, like Judge DiSalle, he thinks the position should be given to someone else. Judge Gladden stated that Mr. Paluso served only one month of 1974 as secretary, and since he did such a good job, Judge Gladden recommended that he be re-elected. Nominations for the position of Secretary were closed. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their a verbally by stating "Aye. It (R emarks : ) Chairman then stated that he thinks a lot of things have started in 1974, and he thinks that with the Board we have, we can carry on a good administration as far as the jail is concerned. Chairman then asked of there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 12-P, dated December 18, 1974, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Judge Gladden, that Minute No. 12-P be approved as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their a verbally by stating "Aye. " Chairman then stated that the next item of business is the election of the Warden for the year of 1975, and declared the floor open for either the retention, dismiss or the election of Prison Board Warden Roupe. Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Mr. Jones, that James O. Roupe be retained as Warden of the Washington County Prison for the year of 1975. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their verbally by stating I'Aye. " (Mr. Whalen entered the meeting.) Chairman then asked the Warden for his recommendations for his staff. (Remarks:) Judge DiSalle asked if the Board also sets the salary of the Warden. Chairman stated that this is a matter for the salary board. Moved by Controller Mascara, seconded by Judge DiSalle, that the following present employees of the Washington County Prison be retained: Hanna Johns - Deputy Warden Henry Witzeling - Captain Anthony Kijowski - Sergeant Clyde Gregg - Sergeant Abraham Zahand - Lieutenant Carl Kolick - Guard - Cook Albert Pipik - Guard Charles Sosfky - Guard Martin Harris - Guard (continued) 12 � SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Frank Rosmon - Guard Andrew Wade - Guard Arthur Skaine - Guard Roy Zimmerman - Guard James Dalessandro - Guard Richard Brezenski - Guard Kenneth McMullen - Guard Fred Ross - Guard Ronald Herrnberger - Guard Frank Levato - Guard Edward Forsythe - Guard George Derry - Cook Mary Florganic - Secretary Dennis Walters - Counselor Charles E. Burbridge - Psychologist Edna Shives - Matron Alverta Denson - Assistant Matron Corrine Yares - Assistant Matron Helon Martos - Extra Matron (Remarks:) Judge DiSalle then asked if there was any change in the present set-up. Mr. Paluso sta that it is his understanding that the only change was the extra matron. Mr. Paluso then asked if she was paid on a per diem basis. Warden Roupe stated that there were no other changes and yes, the extra matron is paid on a per diem basis. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." Chairman then asked the Warden to give his monthly report. Warden Roupe stated that he would first like to thank the members of the Board for their cooperation, suggestions and constructive criticism. Warden stated that they have continued this year to upgrade the Physical Plant in an orderly manner, and stated that the medical, care and treatment program has been greatly improved in the past year, and that he has found that 8016 of the inmates need some form of medical treatment. Warden stated that his annual report will be ready by the next meeting of the Prison Board. Warden stated that we have had an increase in prison days of 2,319 over last year, and that the State Prison Inspectors' recommendations have been complied with. Warden Roupe then stated that on December 23, 1974, a trusty, Robert Castner, walked away from the Prison; a charge of prison breach has been filed against him. Warden stated that on January 9, 1975, an inmate, Ra -ond Gregg, fell in the Jail while washing windows and was taken to the Washington Hospital to have tests taken. The Doctor could not find anything from the x-rays taken, so Gregg was taken back to the Prison. Warden Roupe stated that during the past year, all guards received training at the State Correctional Institution at Greensburg. Warden further stated that on December 31, 1974, County Controller Mascara made an audit of the Prisoners Welfare Fund and set up new procedures which are working very well. Warden Roupe stated that 77 L 1 I 1)Ri sdti 12mk,4 rJ` A L A R Y BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINUTE B❑❑K 412-3 WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC. JOHN MAZZA. COMMISSIONOW L 'J C units for use of the County Prison paid $41, 479. 59 for housing prisoners, which was turned over to the County Treasurer. (Remarks:). Controller Mascara asked the Warden if there was an attempted suicide since the last meeting. Warden Roupe and Chairman Debreczeni bath stated that they have no knowledge of a recent attempted suicide. Controller Mascara also questioned about some inmates coats that were reported missing. Warden Roupe stated that they are looking for the coats. Mr. Paluso then stated that on January 7, 1975, at approximately 5:56 p.m., he saw two little boys running around the laundry room, and asked why they were there. Warden Roupe stated that he was not aware of this and that they were probably visitors. Mr. Pal questioned why they were visiting at night. Chairman then stated that an extension of visitation rights was recently granted to relatives of certain prisoners who were scheduled to be transferred to other institutions, but that precautions should be taken. Moved by Mr. Flynn, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the Warden's Report be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their appr verbally by stating "Aye." Old Business: Mr. Paluso then asked for a progress report on Mr. Boardley and the Alcoholics Anonymous Program that was authorized at the last meeting. Warden Roupe stated that he and Controller Mascara met with Mr. Boardley and the prisoner in the hospital room of the jail. Warden stated that the meetings are being held on Thursday evenings around 6:30 - 7:00. (Remarks:) Chairman stated that possibly at the next Board meeting, Warden Roupe should have some type of progress report. New Business: None Prison Bills for the Month of December, 1974: Prison Bills for the month of December, 1974, in the amount of $6, 027. 59 (Prison Days - 2680). Income from units for the use of the County Prison: Prisoners Board $ 855.00 United States Marshal $1, 426. 96 Westmoreland County $1, 755. 00 U. S. Marine Corps $ 103.88 TOTAL $4, 140.84 Average cost per prisoner per day - $2.24 Average prisoners per day - 86.45 Moved by Controller Mascara, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their a verbally by stating "Aye." 42A)s10A)A"SALARY MINUTE, BOOK BOARD 'OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: January 15 . 1975 SECRETARY 1