HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 15-P - 3-19-1975 - PRISON BOARDAn IRXI SALARY M IN UTE-BciDK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN,P. $EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS I Minute No. 15-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 19, 1975 The regular monthly meeting of the Prison Board of the County of Washingt met in the Public Meeting Room at 11:30 a.m. , March 19, 1975, with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSalle; Judge Gladden; Judge Hanna; Controller Mascara; Commissioner Paluso and Judge Simmons. Absent being: District Commissioners Flynn and Jones. Attorney Costa and Judge Sweet,,/ Also being present: Warden Roupe; Hanna Johns, Deputy Warden; Earl Bugaile of WKEG and Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 14-P, dated February 19, 1975, each member having received a copy. Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Judge Hanna, that Minute No. 14-P be approved as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approva verbally by stating "Aye." Warden's Report: Warden Roupe stated that he received a new Contract from the Federal Bureau of Prisons on February 18, 1975, which raised the contract price from $7.42 to $9.19, effective as of March, 1975. Warden Roupe stated that the loose bricks in the cell range were repaired. Warden stated that on February 26, 1975, Denny Walters attended the Correctional Counselor's Training School at Greensburg. Warden Roupe then stated that on March 6, 1975, Phillip E. Bannan, Dire of the Inspection Special Service - Di;cision was in the Prison on a courtesy call. Mr. B stated that he had been told of our Programs and services and after a tour of the prison stated that he had, no recommendations as to' the physical plant pr the programs. While taking a tour of the Prison, Mr. Baanan also observed the meals and the sanitary con- ditions. Warden Roupe stated that Mr. Bannan approved the the Prison with the exceptio of the censoring of the mail and the visiting. Warden Roupe then stated that on February 19, 1975, after the letters crime out about Tyree and Gregg, they read in the paper what was discussed, and they did not want to eat breakfast or lunch; they felt that the courts would listen to their letter. Warden Roupe stated that they later apologized to the guards and ate their supper. Warden then stated that on March 13, 1975, the Prison Review Committee, comprised of Mrs. Lilley, Mr. George Mucey and Reverend Davis, visited and toured the Prison. Warden stated that -he has not received a report from the Committee. (Commissioners Jones and Flynn and Mr. Whalen entered the meeting.) r SALARY MINUTE BOOK 4,31 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEtlEc, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS L Warden Roupe then stated that the total number of inmates is 107; there were 20 work release prisoners; 9 juvenile weekend prisoners; and 16 weekend adult prisoners. Warden then stated that he received a letter from Mr. Lewis, Juvenile Officer, and that Dennis Walter, Richard Mull and he went to see Judge Simmons, regarding a letter that was written by a juvenile. Warden Roupe stated that they discussed this m with the Judge and he realized that the physical plant is there, and that they are doing very well. Warden then; stated that he appreciated that Judge Hanna and Mr. Harrison came down to the Jail and observed the range where the juveniles are kept. Warden stated that some juveniles made the remark that they would rather stay in jail than in the detention home. Warden stated that the adult ,prisoners can contact the juveniles while they are in the open range; the law says that the juveniles cannot be in contact with the adult prisoners in any way. Warden then stated that after discussing this problem with Judge Simmons and Mr. Mull and Mr. Harrison, they decided they either would have to hire two janitors so that the juveniles would not do the work, or dsad-lock the juveniles so they could not have any contact with the adults. Remarks. Judge Simmons stated that the law says that the adult shall not touch or be in a position to touch the juveniles. Judge Simmons stated that the juveniles are only in there for a short period of time. (Discussion was held.) Moved by" Judge Hanna, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the Warden handle the problem of the juveniles being in contact with the adult prisoners by dead ---locking the juveniles. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye.II Judge Gladden then stated that it was brought to his attention that a man he sent to Westem Penitentiary reported that he had lost a very expensive coat while con- fined ih -the Washington County Jail. Judge Gladden then stated that it is his understands that this was not the first time something like this has been reported. Judge Gladden stated that his immediate reaction was to call Mr. Crouse and ask him if the County had some type of theft policy at the jail, and he said he would look into it. Judge Gladden stated that this coat cost approximately $150 - $260, and that the coat did not go with the prisoner to Western Penitentiary. Remarks; Warden Roupe stated that they were aware of this problem and that they had made restitution for the coat. Warden stated that the prisoner was satisfied. Deputy Warden Johns stated that the prisoner knew who took his coat. 32 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY, COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN' P BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Chairman Debreczeni asked how he got the coat in the first place. Warden stated that he did not know. Chairman stated that the Warden should have his personnel go in the room and get the coats, etc., for the prisoners. (Further discussion was held.) Old Business: Chairman then stated that at the last meeting, there were two letters of com- plaint and that one of the letters was to be investigated by the Public Defender's Office. Chairman stated that he received a ten -page report of this investigation and then noted that each member of the Board also received a copy. Remarks: Judge Simmons stated that the summary of the report is that the prisoner's complaints were not well-founded. Chairman Debreczeni asked Judge Simmons if this report met with his approval. Judge Simmons stated that it did. The subject report mentioned above reads as follows: March 14, 1975 Alex Debrecceni Sheriff of Washington County Cherry Avenue Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 Re: Raymond Gregg James Russell Tyree Prison Complaints Dear Mr. Debrezceni: At the direction of the Prison Board the undersigned conducted an investigation of the complaints filed by the above -mentioned James Russell Tyree, and Raymond Gregg, inmates in the Washington County Jail. A copy of their letters of complaint are attached hereto and marked for Exhibits A and B. James Russell Tyree was interviewed on February 26, 1975, 1:20 P.M. in the hospital room of the Washington County Jail. Present were myself; John P. Liekar, Esquire, Public Defender of Washington County, Pennsylvania and James Russell Tyree. Also present was Robin Winston, a career placement student associated with the Public Defender's Office. At that time Mr. Tyree was asked if he wished to make any statement concerning specific complaints that he had concerning prison conditions, or any complaints concerning his personal experiences while in confine- ment. Mr. Tyree has been in confinement in the Washington County Jail since December 27, 1974. At that time, Mr. Tyree stated that he did not wish to make any specific complaints, but desired to have a conference with an investigating officer in the presence of other inmates in the Washington County Jail. When asked if he desired' the presence of any specific individuals he stated that he wanted present at the conference the following inmates: David Terry, James Ratley and Joseph Seymour. When asked if he had any other statements he wished to make he said that he would prefer to confine any remarks to a time when the other inmates were present1 Mr. Tyree was -then returned to his cell. Raymond Gregg was then brought into the hospital room of the Washington Count Jail at 1:45 P.M., present wemmyself, and the aforementioned Robin Winston. Upc questioning, Mr. Gregg stated that he had several complaints that he wished to make at this time. He stated that the food was not up to standard' that it was served in a sloppy condition; that when pancakes are served in the morning, they are cold and tasteless. He further stated that two or three (2 or 3) times in the past two and one half (22) months a full meal was not served and that on these occasions he had been served only a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a bowl of soup ( which the inmates n 1 SALARY MINUTE BOOK `l�tF3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHING' ON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANiA MicmzC R. FLVINr* .OHN P. REVEC, JOHNt MAZXA, COWUPSSMAMAS E �l refer to as "mystery soup") and two (2)� slices of bread for lunch, and his supper consists of a bowl of stew being mainly watered down potatoes which seldom con- tained any meat, and two (2) slices of bread. He further complained that there are no recreational facilities available for physical activities. ,That on occasion when inmates attempted to engage in a weight- lifting exercise involving the use of two benches, the guards have compelled them to stop. He specifically complained that as a result of the letter of complaint he forwarde to Judge Simmons he was put back on the Range and denied the right to work on the outside of the range. He further stated that because he was unjustly accusdd of attempting to break in to the medicine cabinet located in the jail he has been denied the opportunity to become a trusty. He believes that he would have been appointed a trusty if this incident had not occurred. To emphasize this he said that a co-defendant sentenced with him was appointed a trusty shortly after they both were incarcerated. Mr. Gre€ also complained that he did not have an opportunity to seek counseling from the Jail Counselor. As Mr. Gregg had no further statements to make at this time, he was returned to his cell. It might be noted that Raymond Gregg was incarcerated in the Washington County Jail since December 16, 1974. In regards to Mr. Gregg's complaint about the Jail Counselor, I talked with Dennis Walters, the,-- counselor, about the matter. Mr. Walters informed me that he interviews any inmates upon their request and that he has at no time refused or denied his services to Mr. Gregg. I discussed the matter of the Jail Authorities prohibiting the use of benches in a weight -lifting exercise and was told that this type of exercise was prohibited becau in the past it had resulted in several benches being broken. , Physical exercise is restricted because of the lack of facilities in the jail and not because of any jail policy. My, investigation as to the lack of a full meal on several occasions revealed that there are times when the daily menu consists of cereal for breakfast, soup for lunch and stew for supper. The lunch and supper meals always include two (2) slices of bread. These meals are part of the regular menu and I have been assured that they are nutritious, and that any complaints are those made by inmates who do not part- icularly like this type of menu. I have not determined whether or not the meals are adequate as to nutrition, and I attach a copy of a typical twenty-one (21) day jail menu for your review. This menu is attached and marked Exhibit C. I investigated Mr. Gregg's complaint that he was not made a trusty because of an incident involving his alleged attempt to break into the medicine cabinet in the Jail. I talked to the guards at the jail and learned that Mr. Gregg has been penalized in this respect because of the incident, and that the jail Officers have reason to believe that Mr. Gregg was tampering with the medicine cabinet. I am unable to determine from my investigation that the accusation against Mr. Gregg is true, although I am convinced that the jail had sufficient reason to believe that Mr. Gregg was involved, and that the withdrawal of the --trusty status was not an arbitrary or capricious act. My office interviewed or contacted about twenty (20) prisoners concerning the complaints of Mr. Gregg with reference to the poor meals and the prohibition of using benches for exercisers. We were unable to receive any information from these,.,peopl( as they all stated that they did not want to make any individual statements, but pre- ferred to have a meeting with the other jail inmates to discuss their grievances and then to have a spokesman appointed to speak in their behalf. As I do not believe that I have the authority to authorize such a procedure I did not pursue the matter an3 furthe r. It is my opinion that as a result of the investigation, that the nature of the com- plaints made by Mr. Gregg and Mr. Tyree do not require any specific remedial steps. The complaints seem to be directed more at the restrictions incident to confinement and the lack of facilities rather than a complaint of prisoner mistreatment by jail personnel. 434 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN' P BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS If necessary, I am willing to meet with the Board at their convenience to discu this report. Yours truly, JOHN P. LIEKAR, ESQUIRE Office of the Public Defender Washington County, Pennsylvania EXHIBIT "A" To Judge Simmons: /s/ I am writing this letter in concern to things that are happening in this jail that should be looked into. Sir, I am not just speaking for myself, there are other inmates that feel the same way but don't know what to do about it. I don't really know whether this is going to do any good, but I am trying for myself and the other inmates. I hope that you will do something about this. Sincerely, Raymond M. Gregg /s/ EXHIBIT "B�,' To Judge Paul Simmons by way of Vice -President of the Prison Board Sir, if it is possible I would like to talk to you and Mr. Paluso, Secretary of the Prison Board, about some incidents that concern me as a person, and also about some of the mishaps and incidents revolving around the prison guard staff. Sir, I don't want to cause any trouble, but I would like to talk to someone who I feel will try to do something about these differences that have been happening, and some still are. Sir, all I want is a fair chance to discuss some of these things. I wrote a re- quest to talk to the Warden but I have no reply as of yet. Sir, I'm writing to you because I feel at least you will hear me out. Thank you, James Russell Tyree EXHIBIT "C" M E N U BREAKFAST MONDAY Eggs, Jelly Bread, Coffee TUESDAY Cereal, Coffee WEDNESDAY French Toast, Coffee THURSDAY Cereal, Coffee FRIDAY Pancakes, Coffee SATURDAY ) Cereal, Coffee, on account of large number SUNDRY ) of inmates in jail during weekends. u SALARYMINUTE BOOKa. •r�" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHING ON COUNTY, PENNSYL`1 ANIA MIc"Am R. FLYPgK .PE?HN P. BEVEC, . OHN MAZZA, Ccm UMMOKEws P LUNCH MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Macaroni and Beans Beans, Weiners French Toast, Coffee THURSDAY Vegetable Soup FRIDAY Lima Beans, Sandwiches (Lunchmeat, Peanut Butter and Jelly.) SATURDAY Chili, Sandwiches SUNDAY Chicken, Whipped Potatoes, green beans DINNER MONDAY Beef Stew TUESDAY Hot Meat Loaf Dinner WEDNESDAY Boiled Ham and Cabbage THURSDAY Rigatoni FRIDAY Fish, Stewed Tomatoes, French Fries SATURDAY Hamburgers, French Fries, Green Beans SUNDAY Sloppy Joes, Brown Potatoes EVERY SUNDAY EVENING . - 7:30 P.M. Coffee and Doughnuts HOLIDAYS - Ham and Turkey are substituted for the regular noon meal. Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Judge Hanna, that the Board accept the report as submitted by John P. Liekar, Public Defender, as per above. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." New Business: Chairman then stated that he received a request from the members of the staff of the Washington County Jail and stated that he called a special meeting. Chairman then asked Controller Mascara to brief the Board on what was discussed at the meeting. Controller Mascara stated that the first subject was the hiring of additional personnel because the guards were complaining that they have to take the prisoners to the hospital in emergency conditions. Controller Mascara stated that perhaps we should have round-the-clock sheriffs available and recommended that additional deputies be appoi nted. Remarks: Chairman stated that the County Commissioners did see fit and appointed two people from the Manpower Program. Chairman stated that, under the sheriff's law, he posted the 436 SALARY MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, J"OHN P, BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS names for a period of ten (10) days, which will end tonight; the additional personnel will go into operation tonight, up to midnight. Chairman stated that Saturday and Sunday will be open. Mr. Paluso asked where the additional personnel will physically be. Chairman stated that they will pick up any work that the day shift doesn't do. Chairman stated that they will be performing all county duties. Mr. Paluso asked if they will be available to render assistance. Chairman stated that would. Mr. Flynn asked if the men will begin working tonight. Chairman stated that they would. Mr. Flynn then suggested that the news media do not publish the fact that the additional deputies will be on duty only from 4:00 to 12:00. (Discussion was held.) Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the minutes states"that these, men will serve at the discretion of the Sheriff in conjunction with the needs of the Coun Tail. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbal by stating "Aye." Controller Mascara then stated that the next subject is that there were some serious charges made about the dispensing of medication at the Jail. Controller Mascara stated that the guards should not dispense medication under any circumstances. Remarks: Judge Hanna stated that no one is permitted to dispense anything that the Doctor dues not order. Judge Simmons stated that the guards are afraid that they will give pills to someone and then get sued if they possibly give them the wrong pills. Mr. Paluso then questioned what would happen if someone was diabetic and was brought in at night and has to take medication at a certain time? canna Johns, Deputy Warden stated that the Doctor must look at the pills first. Mr. John stated that the prisoner is asked if he is a diabetic and if he is, he has his own medicatio . Mr. Flynn then stated that the guards dispense the medication that the Doctor prescribes and that -the question is whether or not the guard can become confused and give the wrong nedicine. Judge Hanna stated that the guards do not want this job anymore, so someone will have to be there to take this job. Warden Roupe stated that the state and federal authorities approve of the medical treatme program of the Jail. Warden stated that the Doctor checks the medicine and then puts it in an envelope with their name on it, and the guards see that the medicine is issued. Warden also stated that there is a record kept of the medication that is issued. Mr. Flynn stated that no one is questioning the manner; the only problem is with the guards. The question is whether he is authorized legally to dispense the medicine. Mr. Flynn stated that the question is, assuming that the guard gets the wrong medicine, could he be charged as acting illegally. Chairman stated that in some instances, names do not appear on the envelope. Judge Hanna stated that we should get someone else to dispense the medication. Chairman stated that this would involve a 24-hour operation. Controller Mascara stated that the allegation is that the guards are dispensing thorizene without a prescription. Controller Mascara stated that the thought the Board should come 1 SALARY MINUTE Bo®K 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Mic"AEL R. FLYNN, JofiN P. BEVEG, JONN MAZZA, CQMMtSSIGNE" E up with some type of remedial action. Judge DiSalle asked if supplies are available upon request. Controller Mascara stated that he is only relating the story. Judge Hanna asked if the guards want permission from the Board to say that they have the right to refuse to give any medicine without proper authorization. Judge Hanna stated that it was up to the individual. Judge Hanna also stated that this is a very simple right that they should have. Moved by Judge Hanna, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the Board institute a policy that the guards have the right to refuse to dispense any medication for which there was not proper authorization. Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that if they do become confused, they must check with the Doctor first. Judge Hanna asked who asks the guards to give them :the medication. Warden stated that the Doctor does. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." Controller Mascara then stated that the next subject was that there is no first aid kit in the jail, nor have the guards had first aid training. Mr. Johns then stated that the State is coming up with a program, and that th men will be sent to this school. Judge Hanna then asked why there was no first aid kit, and was told that the prison never had one. Judge Hanna stated that any institution of this sort should have a first aid kit. Moved by Judge Hanna, seconded by Judge Gladden, that the guards get proper first aid training and that the Jail get a first aid kit. Remarks: Judge Gladden then stated that he thinks that we have on the county payroll, a man who givimAnstruction in first aid and that he does a very good job. Judge Hanna stated that he doesn't think a man should be a guard without first having first aid training. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." Controller Mascara then:; -stated that the men were complaining that there were twenty-two (22) men without soap and towels. ` Chairman stated that this has been brought to the attention of the Board. Chairman also stated that we have management here and we are confronted with.the union and labor, so we are bound to have problems. Chairman also stated that those people who have complaints meet with the grievance committee, which is the purpose it was set up for. Chairman stated that his request is that if they do have questions, they should also have the Warden and the management sit there at the same meeting, because we will .438 B A L A► & R Y MINUTE B Q ,O K BOARD OF. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, .JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS be going back and forth from the Committee to the Prison Board and this way, we will get all of the Facts laid out. Chairman then stated that no member is to go down to the jail on an individual basis; it is a matter for the Committee and the Board. Controller Mascara then stated that the next complaint was that the screws were removed from some of the screens by the prisoners three weeks ago and that nothing was done about it. Warden Roupe stated that this will be done as soon as possible and that it was not a serious situation. Controller Mascara then stated that they want four guards at all times at the jail; they said that there are two, and sometimes only one, guard to take care of the whole population. Controller Mascara stated that this is just a matter of scheduling. Remarks: Judge Simmons stated that at night-time, they are short-changed; in the daylight, they have all the guards they need. Judge Simmons stated that there are just too many men on the day shift. Mr. Jones asked if we had a union contract to take care of, these grievances and asked if they should take care of this. Mr. Flynn then stated that he was going to make that point also. Mr. Flynn stated that he thought we should separate the union from the management. Mr. Flynn stated that if the guards come in with grievances that relate to the prison, not union grievances but management, then the Warden and his assistant should be here also. Mr. Flynn then stated that some of these grievances relate to management and labor; the -guards have a procedure which they Follow and they should do it that way. (Further discussion was held.) Mr. Paluso stated that there have been some investigations in the past and that one of the things they found out was that there were two guards in the jail on night shift. Mr. Palu,, stated that this supposedly was corrected through scheduling, and suggested that the Board members see a schedule and also the absentee rate from midnight to 8:00 a.m. Mr. Pall stated that he thinks this is one of the problems, and, if so, there should be some dis- ciplinary action. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Controller Mascara, that the schedules for the past eight (8) months be made available to all members of the Board as soon as possible, and that a marker of absentees also be made available. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye.11 Controller Mascara then stated that the T.V. Monitors in the Jail were out of order and could not be fixed. Remarks: Warden Roupe stated that they will be fixed as soon as possible. Chairman stated that he thinks they are complaining about the main monitor which is at the admission desk which enables the guard to look out to the main door. Judge Simmons stated that they are complaining they can't be fixed because they are so antiquated. ['I C 1 SALARY MINUTE BQQK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Mic"^EL R. Ftruu%, Jomr4 P. BEYEC. J€ or4 M^zzA. Comb ssic ans 1 Chairman then asked Warden Roupe if he is getting the monitor in the receiving office repaired now. Warden stated that he is. Controller, Mascara then stated that it was said that the situation at the Jail is some people refused to work, and they had to call the sheriff in because of the volatile situation. (Discussion was held.) Chairman then stated`:that what he thinks happened was that there was a sit-down strike, where the prisoners would not eat their lunch. Chairman stated that deputies were sent in and in one range, they still wouldn't eat. Chairman then stated that they ate the next day and apologized to the Warden. Controller Mascara then stated that the next complaint was that the food was bad and that the prisoners threw it up against the window. (Discussion was held.) Controller Mascara then stated that the was told that three (3) prisoners escaped!, by pushing an electric button. Remarks: Chairman stated that they are referring to Taylor and the others who pressed the button at the door. Chairman also stated that if the Board Members would refer to the previous minutes, they will find that a motion was passed to make a change on this. Mr. Paluso stated that the first priority for repairs has to be at the County Jail, regardle; of anything else. Chairman stated that the button is right at the main entrance and any one could push it. Mr. Paluso stated that the County Commissioners are present now and they will instruct the maintenance force that the top priority has to be the Jail. Controller Mascara then stated that the guards are not reporting the incidents that have been happening at the Jail. Controller Mascara stated that he was told that there was an attempted hanging and another attempted suicide by slashing of the wrists. Controller stated that these things should be reported to the Board even if nothing does happen. Controller Mascara stated that the big ramification is that they are complaining that they have no soap and towels, the food is not proper and the moral. is poor. (Discussion was held.) Moved by Judge Hanna, seconded by Judge Gladden, that another meeting be called with the guards and the Warden within a very reasonable period of time. Remarks: Judge Hanna stated that he thinks that if the guards and the Warden meet with the Committ) a lot of problems could be solved. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." Prison Bills for the Month of February, 1975: 5s �e Prison Bills for the month of February, 1975, in the amount of $5, 390. 93, 7 SALA,RY MIN U-TE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS (Prison Days - 2857). Income from units for the use of the County Prison: Prisoners Board $ 478.30 Westmoreland County $2894.50 United States Marshal $1078.90 $4451. 70 Restitution made by Westmoreland County for services Thomas O. Brown $42.60 Scott Shadron $47.00 TOTAL $89. 60 Restitution made by the United States Marshal William Catena $9.00 Moved by Controller Mascara, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the bills be approved for payment. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval i verbally by stating "Aye. 11 Controller Mascara also presented each member with a copy of the Cash Flow j Sheet of the Washington County Prisoner Welfare Fund for the period of January 1, 1975 Ito March 18, 1975. Meeting adjourned. I THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: March 19 1975 'ATTEST: SECRETARY SK 1 1