HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 16-P - 4-16-1975 - PRISON BOARDSALARY MINUTE BOOK 4,1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC. JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 16-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., April 16, 1975 The regular monthly meeting of the Prison Board of the County of Washington met in the Public Meeting Room at 11:30 a.m. , April 16, 1975, with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge Hanna; Commissioner Jones; Controller Mascara; Commissioner Paluso and Judge Simmons. Absent being: District Attorney Costa; Judge DiSalle; Judge Gladden and Judge Sweet. (Commissioner Flynn entered the meeting later.) Also being, -:present: Warden Roupe; Earl Bugaile of WKEG Radio and Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 15-P, dated March 19, 1975, each member having received a copy. Moved by Judge Hanna, seconded by Judge Simmons, that Minute No. 15-P be approved as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval Verbally by stating "Aye." Warden's Report: Warden Roupe stated that the operations in the Prison have been normal. Warden then referred to comments made at the last meeting concerning first aid, and stated that he has checked with Mr. Trapuzzano and Mr. Motula who do conduct first aid classes. Warden Roupe stated that they are going to work something out as soon as they finish the class that they are conducting now. (Commissioner Flynn entered the meeting.) Warden Roupe then stated that on Easter Sunday, Mass was held in the school- room. Warden also stated that theme have been tours of the Prison and the Courthouse for the Krazy Daze Celebration. Warden Roupe them stated that new locks have been installed in the linen cupboard, and the electric switch has been moved from the entrance of the Jail to the office. Warden stated that he has talked to Professional Sound Company and they are going to come out and check the T.V. Monitors. Warden then stated that Robert Steele, the prisoner who walked away from the Washington Hospital, returned voluntarily to the Jail on April 14, 1975, and was transf to the State Correctional Institution at Pittsburgh on April 15, 1975, for treatment for frostbite. Remarks: Judge Hanna stated that it looks as if we have taken care of some of the things that wez discussed at the last meeting. Chairman stated that the Warden's Report pretty well covered most of the items that were discussed. �d . .r 42 SAL.ARY.MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON, COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Judge Hanna, seconded by Commissioner Jones, that the Warden's Report be accepted. Motion carried by unanimous,- vote cast by the Board signifying their appr verbally by stating "Aye." Remarks:_3- - guards at Mr. Paluso asked about the prisoner that escaped from/the Washington Hospital, who just recently returned to the Jail. Commissioner Paluso asked if the prisoner lost the toes from frostbite while he Was out? Chairman then stated that Robert Steele did loser..his toes while he was out. Old Business: Controller Mascara then stated that at the last meeting, he passed out the Cash Flow Sheet for the Washington County Prisoner Welfare Fund for the period of January 1, 1975 to March 18, 1975, and stated that this was never discussed at the meeting. Controller Mascara stated that with the opening bank balance plus the total sales plus the expenditures, the closing bank balance was $7, 166. 99. Controller Mascara then stated that the gross profit was $604.47, which is equivalent to 24.27o mark-up which is still in violation of the 10% mark-up allowed by law. Controller Mascara stated that the Warden should watch the mark-up and get it to where it should be. Remarks: Judge Hanna asked what the penalty is for being over the 10% mark-up. Mr. Paluso then suggested that if the prisoners would be allowed free coffee, this would bring us into the allowable 10% range and provide a little extra something to the prisonerE Mr. Paluso stated that the price of the coffee would just about make the percentage come out right. Warden Roupe then stated that he has never found where there was any 101/6 limit on the commissary. (Discussion was held.) Controller Mascara then stated that he will get his Solicitor to check on this and give an opinion and then refer a copy to the Warden. Warden Roupe stated that he will work this out with the Captain. Chairman then stated that at the last meeting, the members were given a 1974 Annual Report of the Washington County Prison. Chairman stated that at that time they were asked to look over the report, and then stated that the members have had time to do so. Moved by Commissioner Flynn, seconded by Judge Simmons, that 1974 Annual Report of the Washington County Prison be accepted as submitted by Warden Roupe. Motion _ carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." New Business: None SALARY MINUTE BOOK f� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS IL u Prison Bills for the Month of March, 1975: Prison Bills for the month of March, 1975, in the amount of $8, 063. 38, (Prison Days - 3594). Income from units for the use of the County Prison: Immigration & Naturalization Service $ 74.20 United States Marshal 1, 352. 05 Westmoreland County (Jan. and Feb.) 4, 468. 10 Allegheny County 73.52 Prisoners Board 987.00 TOTAL $6, 954.87 Restitution made by Westmoreland County for services Bernest Johnson $32.50 Robert Shadron 1.95 TOTAL $34.45 Restitution made by U. S. Marshal Michael Butler $10.25 Remarks: Mr. Paluso then questioned tine bill for Dubois Chemicals in the amount of $170.55. Mr. Paluso asked what - chemicals they were. Warden Roupe stated that this chemical is used for the automatic dishwasher. Mr. Paluso asked if we could get this through a local supplier. Warden Roupe stated that when the dishwasher was purchased, they recommended this company. Warden stated that he talked to Mr. Mastrangelo from the County Home for Men and the man who installed the washer, and therefore ordered the same material that the Men's Home uses. Chairman asked how long this chemical would last. Warden Roupe stated that this pur of chemical would last about six (6) months. Mr. Paluso then suggested, if possible, that the Warden and Mr. Mastrangelo see if i is a local supplier. Mr. Paluso stated that there are many suppliers that handle this and we should see if we could buy this chemical locally. Mr. Paluso then questioned why there were so many prisoners being taken to the hospital, Chairman stated that he hoped that the news media would 'not say too much about the problem that we are having at the Jail. Chairman stated that yesterday morning coming to work, he was called before 8;00, that there was one (1) prisoner that was lying unconscious in his cell. Chairman stated that they immediately rushed the deputy into the cell as soon as possible and ordered that an ambulance be brought to the Jail. Chair- man stated that as soon as they arrived at the hospital, they were told to return the prisoner to the Jail. Chairman stated that the prisoner was faking and was thinking aboui running away. Chairman stated that they are bringing the prisoners back as fast as they are taking them to the hospital. Chairman stated that all of the prisoners that were taken to the Jail were faking their illness. (Discussion was held.) Chairman stated that not one of these prisoners was detained at the hospital. Mr. Paluso suggested that a definite record be kept of the name of the prisoner and their diagnosis. Chairman stated that a record is kept. (Further discussion was held.) Moved by Judge Hanna, seconded by Judge Simmons, that the bills for the month of March, 1975, be approved for payment. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval ;e verbally by stating "Aye." 444 5ALARY , M IN UTE, B Q Q K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, , WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN R B.EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: April 16 1975 ATTEST: CRETARY sh Minute No. 17 - P �c >'Y. ;c ;�, •�, •� �c ryc :� :;c c � �c ,�,c ryc ;�c �c �c �c :;c :� ;� :� :�c :ic r'��r is � m Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., June 4, 1975 Chairman stated that due to the lack of a quorum, the June 4, 1975, meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was adjourned; next regular meeting to be held on June 18, 1975. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: June 4 , 1975 ATTEST: 4e��� SECRETARY sh 1 1 E