HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 21-P - 9-17-1975 - PRISON BOARDSALARY MINUTE BOOK . 457 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 1 Minute No. 21-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., September 17, 1975 The regular monthly meeting ,of,,the Washington County Prison Board was held on Wednesday, September 17, 1975, at 11:30 a.m. , in the Public Meeting Room with the following members being present: Sheriff Debreczeni; Commissioner Flynn; Commissioner Jones; Controller Mascara; Commissioner Paluso and Judge Simmons. Absent being: District Attorney Costa; Judge DiSalle and Judge Hanna. (Judge Sweet, Judge Gladden and Warden Roupe entered the meeting later.) Also being present: Chief Clerk and C Administrator Whalen and Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 20-P, each member having received a copy. Moved by Judge Simmons, seconded by Commissioner Jones, that Minute No. 20-P be approved as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." Mr. Paluso stated that all of the members of the Prison Board have been notified that the dedication of the exercise yard was postponed because additional work has to be done. Mr. Paluso stated that all members will be notified when the dedication ceremony is rescheduled. Old Business: Controller Mascara asked if the Commissioners had found any solution to the problems that were discussed at ,- the last meeting regarding the exercise yard. Chairman stated that Mr. Bevec has been at the Jail and is working on a solution to the problem of the balls rolling underneath the fence of the exercise yard. (Judge Gladden and Warden Roupe entered the meeting.) Warden Roupe first distributed copies of correspondence regarding the rules concerning the recreation yard. Warden stated thatthe situation of the balls rolling under fence has been corrected and that the lines have been painted, and that the exercise is now ready for ,operation. In reference to the record room, Warden Roupe stated there are not too many people coming in to use the record room. Warden stated that State Inspector is at the Jail today, and that years ago it wasn't approved for a work elease area due to the pasteboard at one end, and that showers and sanitary facilities e needed. Warden Roupe stated that the State frowns on a dropped ceiling, and that doesn't think the State will approve it. emarks: udge Simmons asked what they have against a dropped ceiling. Warden stated that the SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. TLYNN, JOHN' P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS heating pipes lead through the area to the Big Jail. Warden Roupe stated that he has talked with a number of people and they hope that the exercise yard doesn't interfere with anyone wanting to use the record room. Warden stated that he goes over with trusties every other day and mops the floor and replaces the books that have been used. Chairman stated that the Warden is saying that the situation is not a serious problem because people only come in periodically to use the record room. Chairman stated that the -question that comes before the Board is must we consider transferring the record room or is it going to be sufficient the way it is. Warden Roupe stated that they have prepared a sign by the bars asking anyone that requests entrance to the record room during the time the inmates are in the yard to come to them and they will let them in. Chairman stated that he can understand that we are going to let 40-50 inmates go in the yard and about that time someone comes in to use the records; do you think he is going to be safe? Chairman stated that if we leave the prisoners out there for recreation purposes, there should be no one else in there other than jail personnel. Chairman stated that we only need one incident where someone is attacked and we are going to be in trouble. (Phil Angelo of the Daily Notes entered the meeting.) Warden Roupe stated that the people using the records are locked in the record room. Chairman stated that they lock the people in that are checking the records in the room but they still have to go through the main gate to get to the record room. Chairman stated that what we are going to do is put some kind of a ruling in effect that they are only permitted in the record room at certain times. Chairman stated that the situation is an emergency situation now until we find another solution. Chairman stated that the recreation yard will be of no value if we are going to have other people coming in the recreation yard at the time the inmates are outside. Mr. Paluso stated that it would be awfully easy for the prisoners to capture someone and hold them hostage. (Mr. Paluso stated that the news media should refrain from putting this, in the newspaper.) Mr. Paluso stated that all they have to do is grab some- one and the guard and go right through the boiler room and then go out into the streets. Mr. Jones asked if the Board could set up a time schedule for the use of the record room until we can get adequate space so that there is no interference. (Earl Bugaile of WKEG Radio entered the meeting.) Chairman stated that we can't leave ourselves wide open to this kind of trouble. Chairman stated that everyone knows that we have this problem. Chairman stated that ' llis personal opinion is that the recreation yard will be of no 100% value if there is any other type of engagement that has to take place at the same time the inmates are in the yard. Warden Roupe stated that they can schedule the inmates in the evenings of the summer months. Warden stated that sometimes someone comes in at 9:30 or 10:00; Warden stated that if the inmates are allowed in the yard at 8:00, they can be out at 10:00. Chairman stated that there are a lot of times that they have someone from a foreign state come in to check records. Warden Roupe stated that when someone comes in to use the record room, they are loc in; when they want out, they can call. Chairman stated that assuming that one time the door will not be locked, something can happen. Chairman stated that the Prison Board will have problems. Judge Simmons stated that the Board has already decided to get a room to store the records. Chairman stated that the Board can understand that this is just an emergency situation, but the main thing is that we better not leave ourselves wide open to trouble. Warden Roupe stated that they have tried to maintain proper security. Chairman stated that he thinks the security should be stronger. SALARY MINUTE BOOK "459 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS u E Mr. Flynn stated that he was talking to the Chief Clerk and suggested that he make arrangements with the Courts and the Commissioners to discuss problems confronting the Prison Board as relating to the records. Mr. Flynn stated that he has . had requests from the judicial branch that relates to the courts' renovation. Mr. Flynn stated that the meeting was to determine with the courts what we intend to do on the renovation and refurbishing of the courtrooms. Mr. Flynn stated that we have money in the Bond Issue for this specific purpose . He stated that it has been suggested that perhaps one of the courtrooms on the second floor should be abandoned, and possibly be located- on the first floor in the recorder of deeds office. Mr. Flynn stated that we cannot have someone working in the record room and also have the prisoners in the recreation yard. He stated that he thinks what the Board is going to have to do temporarily is schedule the recreational activities whereby nobody would be allowed in the record room at this certair time. Mr. Flynn stated that tYns may not be a proper solution, but under the circum- stances, we don't have much choice. (Judge Sweet entered the meeting. ) Chairman stated that due to the situation of the recreation yard, the Warden should so designate his program to try not to interfere with the people that are checking the recor Judge Gladden stated that at the last meeting, he suggested that there be a period of time that the record room would be available for public use; at this time, he was overruled and it was pointed out that these records were public records and they should be avail- able to the public. Judge Gladden added that the courthouse is a public building, but it is open to the public at the times that are designated. Judge Gladden stated that it seem; to him that we can accommodate the people who want access to the records by adopting a time that the records will be available for their use. Judge Gladden stated that the Prison Board should be interested in the recreation of the prisoners first. Judge Gladden stated that the recreation yard has been on the drawing board for a long time and he thinks that we should set up a time when the records will be available for the public use, possibly from 10:00 a.m. , until 2:00 p.m., then the recreation yard can be used at the will of the Warden and his deputies. Mr. Paluso stated that the hours should be determined by the Warden. Warden Roupe stated that he thinks the prisoners can be in the yard from 8:00 - 10:00 and after feeding hours from 5:00 - 7:00. Warden stated that at least two hours per day are required for recreation. Mr. Paluso asked if the period of 10:00 a.m. , to 3:00 p.m., would interfere with any prison activities. Warden Roupe stated that he can arrange the schedule. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Judge Gladden, that until a permanent solution is found, that the record room be open for public use from 10:00 a.m. , until 3:00 p.m., and that signs be posted in the exercise yard to that effect. Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that the recreational period will have to be over by, 10:00 a.m., and then they can have another one anytime after 3:00 p.m. Judge Gladden stated that this schedule will be in effect Monday through Friday. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye. " Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that any problems that arise can be corrected at the next Prison Board Meeting. Warden Roupe stated that the recreation yard has been talked about since 1939 and this is the first Prison Board that has come up with the yard. Warden stated that thl State Inspector is here today and he is very pleased with the yard. Warden stated that to dedicate the yard, he would like to see the City Officials, the Mayor, Chief of Police, 460 SALA'RY-MINUTE RoOK BOARD OF: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN R BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS the news media and different groups invited. Warden stated that after they look over the yard, he would like members of the Prison Board to make a speech and then go over to the Hotel and have lunch at his expense. Warden Roupe stated that he would like the secretary to write letters to judges in nearby counties inviting them. Warden Roupe stated that he would like to have the ceremonies after the Prison Board Meeting on October 15, 1975. Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that he will write letters if the Warden will submit a list of names of those he would like invited. New Business: Controller Mascara stated that he has spoken with Judge Gladden regarding the upcoming negotiations for the union contract next year. Mr. Mascara stated that it is his understanding that the Prison Board is the employer of the jail employees and he wondered if the Board wanted to take a position on that matter. Mr. Mascara asked if, the Board wanted to have someone to represent them in the negotiations. (Discussion 'was held.) Judge Sweet suggested that we should wait until the outcome of the appeal, Judge Sweet stated that what has happened is that after the Labor Relations Board issued guidelines pursuant to our case, the Commissioners felt that the guidelines were too broad, so they appealed. Judge Sweet stated that the matter of, employment of everybody except for the courts' own closely -related employees is still up for analysis and determination; and perhaps the Board should wait until the decision comes down before we do anything, becai we might, guess wrong on what they are going to do. Judge Sweet stated that the Con- tr,oiler's suggestion is a wise one, but premature; maybe at the next board meeting we will know more. We will know who the employer is and what the status of it is going to be and how the matter of paying them is going to be resolved. Judge Sweet stated that then we can decide who we should appoint to negotiate for us. Mr. Mascara stated that he thinks the Board should appoint someone to state that the Board will be bound by the contract. Mr. Flynn stated that he is trying to arrange some ground rules for future negotiations of the contract. ` 11, (Further discussion was held.) Prison Bills for the Month of August, 1975: Prison Bills for the month of August, 1975, in the amount of $7, 215. 68 (Prison Days - 3438). Income from units for the use of the County Prison: United States Marshal $1, 935. 73 United States Marines 183.80 Immigration & Naturalization Services 238.94 Prisoners Board 230.00 TOTAL $2, 588.47 Restitution made by U. S. Marshal: Gerald Schall $30.00 William Robinson 12.90 Ronald Buchert 6.25 Michael Butler 3.30 Nellie Puleo 3.25 Mark Houmis 2. 00 e 1 Ll TOTAL $57. 70 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC. JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Restitution made by Westmoreland County: John Rodgers $15. 00 Jerome Baker 2.25 Galeon Cook 46.00 Chris Graves 3.25 Emanuel Lewis 9.70 TOTAL $76.20 Restitution made by Allegheny County: Leonard Reed $2.65 Moved by Judge Sweet, seconded by Mr.. Mascara, that the bills for the month of August, 1975, be paid. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by. stating "Aye.I' Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: September 17 1975 ATTEST: 1, Qe'.�. - SECRETARY sh 1 I F�