HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 24-P - 12-17-1975 - PRISON BOARDSALARY MINUTE BOOK 477 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 1 Minute No. 24-P Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., December 17, 1975 The regular monthly meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held on Wednesday, December 17, 1975, at 11:30 a.m. , in the Public Meeting Room with the following members being present: Deputy Controller Daniels; Sheriff Debreczeni; Judge DiSalle; Commissioner Flynn; Judge Gladden and Commissioner Paluso. Absent being: District Attorney Costa; Judge Hanna; Commissioner Jones; Judge Simmons and Judge Sweet. Also being present: Warden Roupe; Bob Robertson of the Observer - Reporter; Phil Angelo of the Daily Notes; and Mr. Peyton Schur of the Offender Aid and Restoration Program. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 23-P, each member having received a copy. Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Commissioner Paluso, that Minute No. 23-P be approved as circulated. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." Warden's Report: Warden Roupe stated that operations in the County Jail last month have been normal. He stated that the population will show an increase in Prison Days for 1975; for the first eleven months the Prison Days were 34,362. Warden Roupe stated that he thought it was important to note that he has turned over to the County Treasurer $59, 424. 89 paid by other units for the use of the Prison. Warden Roupe stated that all medical bills for federal prisoners and prisoners from Westmoreland County, etc., are sent to these units for restitution. Warden Roupe stated that Harry Wilson has been appointed Director of the Special Service Division in the Bureau of Corrections. Warden Roupe then extended holiday greetings to all. Old Business: Chairman stated that they were to conduct an investigation as far as the minites will show. Chairman reported that it was rather difficult to conduct this investigation because for the last three weeks, the Courts have been in session and he had a hard time getting people together to conduct this investigation. Chairman stated that he expects to conduct the investigation very shortly. New Business: Mr. Peyton Schur, State Director of the Offender Aid and Restoration Program, stated that the O.A.R. Program is going to incorporate in Washington County an additio V8 S A LA R'Y , M IN U*T E-B D O K BOARD ,OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON .COUNTY, PENNSYLV,ANUk MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN` P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS program to train volunteers to work with the victims of crime, in addition to the existing program of working with the offenders in the Jail. Mr. Schur stated that the reason that they felt that this was a needed program was due to the gact that when a crime is com- mitted, not only do the offenders suffer in Jail, but also the victims of crime. Mr. S stated that an example of this is when a crime is committed, the perpetrator is appre- hended; the first thing that is done is that he is immediately told what his constitutional rights are. No one goes to the victim and explains what his or her constitutional rights are. The following procedure is when the offender is brought before the _judge and the judge is told that the offender cannot afford an attorney, and an attorney must be appointed for the offender at public expense. No one has to appoint an attorney at public expense for the victim, thus the victim ends up paying for the offender's attorney through their taxes. Mr. Schur stated that the following expenses can range from doctors appointed by the court, a psychiatrist, etc., but there are none of these people appointed by the court for these victims. (County Solicitor Gilmore entered the meeting.) Mr. Schur then read and explained the standards for this new program. Remarks: Judge Gladden asked if there was something that the Prison Board has to act on. Mr. Schur stated that he thought it would be important that the Prison Board was aware of this program. Mr. Schur stated that as far as the Prison Board making a decision on whether they are going to let this program come in or not, is not called for at this time. Chairman requested that Mr. Schur compile some written form of this program to be distributed to the Board members. Mr. Flynn commended Mr. Schur's work on this program. Judge Gladden asked if anything has been done with the O.A.R. Program since the last meeting. Mr. Schur stated that there is an O.A.R. Board meeting this evening, and that the meeting with the Governor's Justice Commission has been postponed for another month, which may further delay the inception of O.A.R. in Washington County. Mr. Schur stated that the inception of the program should be at the earliest - February; at the latest - April. Mr. Schur stated that the National Board of the O.A.R. has enough money to get us through June. (Further discussion was held.) Prison Bills for the Month of November, 1975: Chairman stated that some of the items that were brought up at the last meeting as regarding the bills. Chairman stated that this is to be part of the investigation and that he will have it cleared up before the next meeting. Chairman stated that we are housing the Westmoreland County prisoners and that we have notification of the completion of the Westmoreland County Jail. Chairman stated that it was supposed to be completed in January, but has been postponed for an additional two or three months. �J n �7� SALARY MINUTE BOOK q79 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL'VANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. $EVEC. JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 Prison Bills for the month of November, 1975, in the amount of $6, 352. 43 (Prison Days - 3140). Income from units for the use of the County Prison: United States Marshal Westmoreland County Prisoners Board TOTAL RESTITUTION MADE BY U.S. MARSHAL: $2, 771. 36 2,936.58 255.00 $5, 962.94 Patricia Popolis $ 22.73 John Mongello 12.00 TOTAL $ 34.73 RESTITUTION MADE BY WESTMORELAND COUNTY: Chris Graves $ 7.00 Moved by Mr. Flynn, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the bills for the month of November, 1975, be paid. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye." County Solicitor Gilmore referred to litigation in federal court and stated that this involves Warden Roupe, Deputy Warden Johns, and Mr. Witzeling. Mr. Gilmore stated that this case is scheduled to go to trial the week of January 5, 1976. He stated that after January 5, he will not be the County Solicitor and stated that he wanted guidance from the Board on what to do on this matter. Mr. Gilmore stated that he has informed the judge's aide over there that there may be a change in representation in this regard, and he requested that Mr. Gilmore designate the representation as soon as possible. Remarks: Mr. Flynn asked if Mr. Gilmore has received formal notification that he won't be County Solicitor. Mr. Gilmore stated that he has not. Mr. Flynn stated that it would be his opinion to ask for a continuation of the trial. Mr. Gilmore stated that he could do this, but he wanted to know if this was what the Board wanted him to do. Judge Gladden stated that he couldn't recall the motion, and asked if Mr. Gilmore was to be paid in addition to his salary. Mr. Gilmore stated that he was. Judge Gladden asked if Mr. Gilmore has been involved in any preliminary or pre-trial matters. Mr. Gilmore stated that he has. IMr. Paluso asked if Mr. Gilmore was handling this case as the County Solicitor. Judge Gladden asked if the Prison Board authorized this. V IMr. Paluso stated that if he was acting as the County Solicitor, there wouldn't be any additional fee. Mr. Gilmore stated that the Board voted to pay him to do it. Mr. Gilmore stated that he' stated then that the Board should get outside counsel if he wouldn't be paid to do this because he didn't think it was in the realm of his job to conduct federal litigation. '1g© S A L A �R Y t --N LIT . E R Q O K BOARD OF, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Paluso asked - ; Mr. Gilmore if the County is not enjoined in the suit, who is he representing. Mr. Gilmore stated that he is representing the three individuals as employees of the County. (Further discussion was held.) Deputy Controller Daniels then referred to a part of Minute No. 19-P, which reads as follows: "Moved by Mr. Mascara, seconded by Judge DiSalle, that County Solicitor Gilmore be appointed to act on behalf of the Prison Board to represent Warden Roupe, Deputy Warden Johns and Captain Witzeling. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating 'Aye.'" Mr. Paluso stated that he is in favor of just continuing to retain the services of Mr. Gil- more in this particular case. Mr. Paluso stated that this seemed more logical than starting all over again. Mr. Paluso stated that Mr. Gilmore is being retained by the Prison Board, not the County of Washington. Mr. Paluso stated that it is not necessary to make this a motion since it was already motioned and passed at a previous meeting. Chairman stated for the record that Mr. Gilmore will continue to act on behalf of the Prison Board to complete this case. Mr. Gilmore also noted that they are going to have an awful problem when they start to try the case because they are going to have to take about half of the guards. Sheriff Debreczeni stated that he will take care of the guard situation. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: December 17 1975 ATTEST: SECRETARY sh 0