HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 12-P - 12-15-1976 - PRISON BOARDPrison Board SALARY MINUTE BOOK _`34 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Moran, David L. Gilmore, i �i1 zXF XW ISII6L'3i'6Q3iF�'XJM, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E J Minute No. 12-P Washington, Pennsylvania, December 15, 1976 The regular montiAly meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held on Wednesday, December 15, 1976 at 11:40 A. M. in the Public Meeting Room with the following members being present: Judge Bell, Controller Mascara, Commissioner Morgan, Commissioner Paluso, Commissioner Gilmore and Sheriff Debreczeni. Judge Simmons entered late. Also present were: Warden Taylor, Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter, Rich Nardine of the Daily Notes and Earl Bugaile of WKEG. CHAIRMAN: Do I have a motion for approval of Minute No. 11-P? Moved by Judge Bell, seconded by Commissioner Morgan that Minute 11-P be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Warden's Report: WARDEN: Jail operations at the present time are normal. I received a reply from Joseph Long, CPO, U.S. Bureau of Prisons, granting our request for $14. 00 a day for reimbursement for federal prisoners. Also, I made two experimental grocery orde within the county, and I feel that I saved the county considerable money. JUDGE BELL: On that experiment, what was the difference? WARDEN: We didn't buy enough to compare the difference. I know it will save money over a period of time. Also, I would like the Board to advise me of making additional orders to suppliers in the county. (Discussion was held on this in relation to the Commissioners buying supplies for County Homes, Juvenile Homes and jail, and, in time, to be stored in warehouse. It was decided that the Warden was to keep buying on an experimental basis and he could be the guide as to who provides the best quality and service.) WARDEN: We have a communication problem in the jail as far as the desk man and receiving office are concerned in trying to communicate with the guards up in the big jail. We have the TVs on during the evening hours or Sunday and when you try to call people down for visits, it's very hard to hear anything over the P.A. system. In the prison where I was before I came here, we had portable radios which is a very inexpensive item for what we would need. JUDGE BELL: How many would you need? WARDEN: I would like to have four. One at the desk; two for the security guards in the big jail and one in my office, if I ever need to talk to a guard. SHERIFF: WARDEN: Just walkie-talkies? Yes. rs Prison Board SALARY MINUTE -BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Morgan, David L. Gilmore, M'j$ x€ixK„ EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS SHERIFF: I would like to suggest to the Board that during the Yablonski case, the county provided me with 4 walkie-talkies and three are in perfect shape. I have no use for them now. I am willing to turn these over to you. They work on battery and plate. I'll get them in shape and turn them over to you, and you won't have to buy them. You can try them and report at the next merbfii�g how they work out. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: The Sheriff is to be commended on saving the county money. CHAIRMAN: A report is to be made on refurbishing of the bunkroom, COMMISSIONER MORGAN: We awarded that bid last Thursday and instructed the Chief Clerk to hold it in abeyance. We may have to get it under the federal funding application that we made on refurbishing both the court house and the jail. These applications are being processed now, and if we are one of the successful people, we will know by the week of the 20th. That is when they will be awarding the money. We have voted to aaward the contract to Mr. Bruno. New Business CHAIRMAN: Do I have a motion to approve the payment ofthe prison bills for the month of November, 1976? Moved by Judge Bell, seconded by Commissioner Gilmore that the bills for the month of November be approved for payment. COMMISSIONER PALUSO: I question the removal of the canvas awning that hangs over the fence. It seems to me that we could take care of the awning ourselves. CHAIRMAN: They must have some kind of agreement with them. COMMISSIONER GILMORE: I believe they put it up and take it doum and store it. COMMISSIONER PALUSO: Would you find out, Warden? WARDEN: Yes, I will. After this discussion, the motion to pay the bills for the month of November carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". CHAIRMAN: In the matter of disposition of complaint of Robert Gallo, et al vs. Frank R. Mascara, et al. JUDGE BELL: Judge Simmons was concerned that Mr. Diamond only represents a few members of the Prison Board, not the judges, but that has been taken care of. Judge Simmons submitted to counsel for the Judges, an answer to the petition. Everything seems to be okay on that. E i L Prison Board SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUTY �OMMISSIONEFES WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA alco m L. Morgan, avid L. Gilmore, ]£IXB€3�iI�il EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS A L CHAIRMAN: Each of you received the inspection evaulation of the WaAhington County Prison. Are there any comments on this? The report was basically good. One concern was the communication and that will be taken care of by the walkie-talkie: They also suggested we should get at least two institutional and commercial type freezers, COMMISSIONER PALUSO: I would request we hold this in abeyance because we are going to have some beautiful, modern equipment available for the jail from the County Home. CHAIRMAN: Let the record show that two recommendations from the report constructed by the evaulation report (1) that the suggestion of better communication through the use of walkie-talkies has been taken care of and that (2) the County Commissioner are going to provide the county jail with an entirely new kitchen. (Judge Simmons enters meeting. ) The Sheriff made a request for a security, or holding room, on the court floor for prisoners waiting to be sentenced by the judges. Commissioner Gilmore commenter that this is a legitimate request. Judge Bell wanted to know how big an area would be needed. The Sheriff thought it should be big enough to hold six or 7 prisoners, Judge Bell thought the area where the telephone booth now is would be a good area for this. CHAIRMAN: Judge Simmons, do you have any comments? JUDGE SIMMONS: In regard to the disposition of complaint of Robert Gallo, I have to say that we should get our communications a little better, because all the Judges inadvertently got left out of the d6fense. The County Solicitor entered his appearance for everybody but the Judges. JUDGE BELL: That has been taken care of, Judge. CHAIRMAN: Next month is reorganization month for the Prison Board so give some thought for that meeting, prior to the regular meeting. CHAIRMAN: Do I have a motion to adjourn this meeting? Moved by Commissioner Gilmore, seconded by Commissioner Morgan that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried unanimously by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Meeting adjourned at 12:05 P.M. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED. December 16, 1976 ATTEST: Malcolm L. Morgan, ScOSretary Prison Board SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Mor an, David L. Gilmore 1yCiy1XIgl�lglg�yl¢�� EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS A 1