HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 8-P - 8-17-1977 - PRISON BOARDPrison Board MINUTE BOOK 560 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA B 7�� David L. Gilmore Malcolm L • Morgan niG�� x7?XAG 9F ][pj [�� EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS r- L 1 Fi Minute No. 8-P Washington, Pa. , August 17, 1977 The regular monthly meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held on Wednesday, August 17, 1977 at 11:36 A. M. in the Public Meeting Room with the following members being present: Judge Sweet, Judge Gladden, Commissioner Morgan, Commissioner Paluso, Controller Mascara and Sheriff Fazzoni. Also present were Warden Taylor and Jon Stevenson from the Observer -Reporter. CHAIRMAN: Everyone having received a copy of the minutes of last month's meeting, which was very short, do I have a motion for approval of Minute No. 7-P? Moved by Commissioner Paluso that Minute No. 7-P be approved; seconded by Commissioner Morgan. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". JUDGE SWEET: I would like to point out that the last time the Prison Board attempted to meet, it was reported in the paper that we were unable to because we lacked a quorum. I think that the facts should have been explained. The Chairman, Judge Gladden, Commissioner Morgan, the Sheriff and myself were present. Judge DiSalle, Judge Bell and Judge Simmons were necessarily absent by reason of hearings. Commissioner Paluso and Commissioner Gilmore were negotiating with the union people. If the District Attorney had deemed to attend the meeting, we would have had a quorum and the meeting could have been held. I inquire as to what the Chairman is going to do about this? One member of the Board was in the courthouse and didn't see fit to come to the meeting. CHAIRMAN: I think Mr. Costa's record for attending Prison Board meetings speaks for itself. I don't care to chastise Mr. Costa, he knows what liss duties are. The news media was present at that meeting. I don't control the news people, but I do think the news media has a duty to let the public know what is going on. JUDGE SWEET: I think the Chairman should matte a statement, when we fail to have a quorum, as to who is present and who did not attend. COMMISSIONER PALUSO: My records indicate that the Commissioners attendance at Prison Board is better than anyone Else's. There would never be a quorum if it wasn't for the County Commissioners. (There was discussion as to whether the date and time of Prison Board should be changed, and it was decided that since there are to be only four more meetings and it is on the calendars it would be best to keep it that way for the remainder of the year. ) 561Fri$on Hoard MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Morgan *� �.)[i X*3C EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Warden's Report WARDEN TAYLOR: The jail population is 70; somewhat lower than the last few months. There is no particular problem as far as prisoners confined. The major problem, as listed, is the security in the recreation yard. I got an estimate from Washington Fence here in Washington. It would cost approximately $1800 to resecure the fence. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: What are they going to do? WARDEN TAYLOR: It would be like an umbrella. Once they climb up they would be enclosed in a wire cage. CHAIWAN: We have had three escapes from the jail as a result of the recreation yard. Commissioner Robinson, when he was here, made the recommendation that we improve this fence. WARDEN TAYLOR: When these people get picked up and we pay the costs to get them back, we could have punt up an astrodome. COMMISSIONER PALUSO: Nothing will be solved by that fence. I think we should arm the guards. WARDEN TAY LOR : They have to be trained and have certificates. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: I am hesitant to spend $1$,00, at least without viewing what we are going to get. I would like to see what the proposal is. WARDEN TAY LOR : I will get you a drawing. (Commissioner Paluso moved that the Prison Board authorize the Commissioners to obtain prices and take whatever action is necessary to resecure the prison fence. Then withdrew the motion.) CHAIRMAN: Do I have any other motions? Moved by Judge Sweet that the bills for the month of July, 1977 be paid; seconded by Sheriff Fazzoni. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". CHAIRMAN: How about housing of the female prisoners? WARDEN TAYLOR: There are a copple of possibilities. One is that the Commissioners are going to spend money to redo the apartment, if we can find a live-in matron. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: But that is a long way off. CHAIRMAN: Senate Bill 1180 became effective December 1976 and it says that the warden shall live in; not may. If that be the case, we have to comply with that. Then the warden's wife is available to take care of the female prisoners. What are we going to do to comply with that Bill? I C L� Prison Board MINUTE BOOK 562 BOARD OF COUNTY ';001 IIS�SI( NTmoreRS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Morgan � an avl i C� XXj[RXMMXXXWXJ==XK„ EDW.4RD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 0 1 COMMISSIONER MORGAN: It looks as if the Sheriff will have to move out and the Warden and his family move in. SHERIFF FAZZONI: What about the books that are stored over there? COMMISSIONER MORGAN: In the Health Center, there are places in the basement that we are going to use for storage area. The books can be kept there. I am willing to make a motion that we discontinue taking female prisoners until we get this problem solved. COMMISSIONER PALUSO: Can you keep one matron on at the present time? WARDEN TAYLOR: We have been doing that. (After some discussion Commissioner Morgan made the following motion.) COMMISSIONER MORGAN: I move to discontinue taking female prisoners. JUDGE SWEET: By accepting, you mean no more from outside our system? COMMISSIONER MORGAN: I mean none: period. t COMMISSIONER PALUSO: I second the motion. (Discussion held on this motion.) CHAIRMAN: Let's vote on this. Roll call taken as follows: Sheriff Fazzoni, No; Judge Gladden, No; Judge Sweet, No; Commissioner Morgan, Yes; Commissioner Paluso, Yes; Chairman Mascara, No. Motion failed to pass. CHAIRMAN: JUDGE GLADDEN: (More discussion on this.) Does anyone else have a motion? If the Warden can work it out with the other counties, before I vote female prisoners out, I want to know what the situation is. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: I make a motion that the Warden accept female prisoners for a short time, the absolute minimum, and then see that they are shipped out to an adjoining county for confinement. This motion seconded by Commissioner Paluso. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". CHAIRMAN: What about the fence? Moved by Judge Gladden that the Prison Board should see that the recreation area in the jail yard should be resecured. Seconded by Sheriff Fazzoni. All voted in favor with the exception of Judge Sweet. Motion carried. 56Trison Board MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Morgan L. Gilmore Malcolm L. Morgan WjXA CtXKXXMCXX%%X-V =X-*.. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS CHAIRMAN: The Commissioners should put out bids for this. Moved by Judge Gladden to adjourn; seconded by Sheriff Fazzoni. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Meeting adjourned at 12:30 P.M. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: August 18, 1977 117 9(� ATTEST: d /f ._ David L. Gilmore, Secretary L.