HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 9-P - 9-15-1976 - PRISON BOARD (2)J 'J Prison Board SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNlT['alg? '� Sqo' gaTSDavid L. Gi,AOPHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ��IX.`4PX2C� EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS wm__, - ........... Minute No. 9-P Washington, Pa. September 15, 197E The regular monthly meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held on Wednesday, September 15, 1976 at 11:50 A. M. in the Public Meeting Room with the following members present: Judge DiSalle, Commissioner Morgan, Commissioner Gilmore, Controller Mascara and Sheriff Debreczeni. (Judge Sweet and Commissioner Paluso were present and then left.) Also present were: AnamdpneRempweBob 'Abbe rtson of the Observer -Reporter and Rich Nardine of the Daily Notes. CHAIRMAN: Do I have a motion for approval of Minute No. 8-P? Moved by Commissioner Morgan; seconded by Judge DiSalle that Minute No. 8-P be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Sheriff Debreczeni objected to the way the local paper had reported part of the special meeting of the Board. He said he did not withdraw his nomination of Zahand as Warden and wanted this known. The minutes of the special meeting of September 10, 1976 were read by the Chairman. After the minutes were read the Sheriff said the minutes were correct even though the paper had reported it wrong. Moved by Commissioner Morgan; seconded by Commissioner Gilmore that the minutes of the special meeting of September 10, 1976 be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying the approval verbally by stating "Aye". WARDEN'S REPORT: Warden Roupe: First, I would like to thank the Search Committee for getting and picking the new warden. I'm willing to help him to have a smooth turnover. I have a student by the name of Joseph Chapman who has written to me asking that he be allowed to come here on December 6 and spend 8 weeks learning the functions of prisons. Moved by Commissioner Gilmore; seconded by Judge DiSalle that this student be allowed to come here with the conditinntthat he sign the hold -harmless agreement. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye". WARDEN: The Wardens' Association is having a meeting in Monroeville on October 7, 8, 9, 1976. Member registration fee is $75 and 90 for non-members. Would the Board want the new warden to attend or want me to go? C HAIR MAN : I think it would be good for you to go along with the new warden. Prison Board SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Morgan, David L. Gilmore, � � IBZP7# FEE X RX EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Commissioner Morgan and seconded by Commissioner Gilmore that the new warden and the old, both be authorized to attend the Conference. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye", WARDEN: I talked with Mr. Brady and Mr. Bevec and the bunkroom is progressing. 4SWAIRMAN: What has kho be done? WARDEN: The plumbing. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: We will have to go outside our own people for the plumbing, but the rest of the work can be done by our people. WARDEN: That's all I have, CHAIRMAN: Do I have a motion for approval of payment of bills for August, 1976? Moved by Judge DiSalle and seconded by Commissioner Gilmore that the bills for the month of August, 1976 be approved. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating I'Aye". Miscellaneous: CHAIRMAN: I have a letter from Commissioner Robinson in response to a letter I wrote on September 8th about the availability of state or federal Ounds for the renovation of our county jail. I feel that our jail needs a lot of renovation, and I would ask for some direction from this Board. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: Under the new Public Works Program, we were listing a group of priorities. We made a list, and if the money comes available and we have a courthouse complex which includes the jail. CHAIRMAN: My renovation idea came from my examination of the Lawrence and Indiana County Jail. All these monies came from the federal government, and if there is money available this county should make every effort to get these funds. I am glad to Uear that Commissioner Morgan has already put this in motion. There was some unrest at the jail last week which was supposedly caused by some of the guards, and if this is the case, we are going to have to get rid of these guards. WARDEN: I feel that most of this dissatisfaction is due to the fact that the Commissioners have not bigned the labor agreement. COMMISSIONER MORGAN: I have received the final form of the contract. It has not been signed because several other things have come up. There was a meeting scheduled for today, but it was cancelled and another one is being set up. 1 Prison Board SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY GOIV(MISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcollm L. Morgan, David L. Gilmore, Y_ '3�iXBIid-SiXnX$}j�X EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS J 1 C HAIR MAN : recreation yard. Part of the problem of unrest might be solved by the ase of the (After some discussion on this, it was decided that starting next week, the Warden would start letting some of the prisoners use the recreation yard. ) CHAIRMAN: Some of the guards in the jail want to take the polygraph test in regard to the money that was taken. I have written to Captain Angell and he will be glad to do it. I am asking this Board if they want me to proceed and have that taken care of. Moved by Commissioner Morgan; seconded by Judge DiSalle that polygraph tests be taken with the aid of Captain Angell. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye". CHAIRMAN: There being no other business, do I have a motion to adjourn? Moved by Judge DiSalle and seconded by Commissioner Morgan that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried by unanimous vote cast by the Board signifying their approval verbally by stating "Aye". Meeting adjourned at 12:30 P.M. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: September 1976 ATTEST: Malcolm L. Morgan, Se etary �2 Prison Board SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNY COM�VIIS�IONER WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA alcolm organ, avid L. Gilmore, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E