HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 30 - 8-8-1968 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 209 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN R. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1011ok- 5- NO. 30 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., August 8, 1968 Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Flynn and Bevec. Absent being: Commissioner Mazza. Also present being: County Solicitor Capano, Chief Clerk Kittridge, Deputy Controller Whalen; Parks Administrator George, Public Relations Officer Huber and Reporters Robertson and Bevec. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Mazza - Absent; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 29, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Minute No. 29 be approved, as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Awarding of Bids. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that of the bids received for the sale and removal of 8 houses, 4 bards, 10 cabins and other buildings located in Mingo Creek County Park, Nottingham Township and Cross Creek County Park, Hopewell and Cross Creek Townships of Washington County, Pennsylvania; that the following contracts be awarded as the highest responsible bids and that the balance be rejected inasmuch as the value to the County is more on these than the bids submitted. JOHN M. FARIS, 7 Montview Avenue, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, for property formerly owned by Effa Adams, located in Mingo Creek County Park, Washington County, described as V-5 for the total sum of $51. 00. FRANK DALBO, R. D. #1, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, for property formerly owned by William S. Stacko, located in Cross Creek County Park, Washington County, described as D-1 House, for the total sum of $500. 00. PETE CIAFFONI, Box 261, R. D. 2, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, for property formerly owned by Stanton Liggett, located in Cross Creek County Park, Washington County, described as C-1, for the total sum of $67. 67. MRS. MARTHA GEORGE, R. D. 1, Eighty Four, Pennsylvania, for property formerly owned by Worker's Farm Co-op Association, located in Mingo Creek County Park, described as T-10, for the total sum of $30. 00. 10 MINUTE BOOK BOARD ❑F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS FRANK DALBO, R. D. #1, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, for property formerly owned by Walter McCrerey, located in Cross Creek County Park, Washington County, described as E-1 House, for the total sum of $250. 00. Resignations: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. The Chief Clerk read the following resignations as submitted: Tax Assessment Office: James F. Linden - effective as of August 23, 1968 Michelle Hervol - effective as of August 6, 1968 Washington County Home for Aged Women: Josephine Hageter - effective as of August 9, 1968 Washington County Home and Hospital: Elizabeth Roth - effective as of August 3, 1968 Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn, that C. O. Williams be appointed as Acting Chief Clerk from August llth to August 15, 1968 inclusive. Chief Clerk Kittridge will be attending the annual State Conference of County Commissioners. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that the followi ng appointments be approved; effective date indicated: Washington County Home and Hospital Josephine Mathis, Nurse's Aide (replacement) effective as of July 29, 1968 Charles R. Bebout, Orderly (replacement) effective as of August 5, 1968 Barbara Lee Howcroft, Cook (replacement) effective as of August 6, 1968 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that the appointment of Eleanor Coulter as secretary for the Office of the Aged, be approved. This action effective as of August 5, 1968. (replacement) Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk announced that there will be no Board Meeting on August 15, 1968, inasmuch as the County Commissioners will be absent at this time. 1 MINUTE Booiq.. 211 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk stated that there will be a booth for Registrations at the Washington County Fair during the week of August 5th through August loth, inclusive. Registrations will be from 1:00 to7:00 p.m. daily. Chairman announced that the Washing- ton Observer - Reporter had voluntered space to set up this booth which is to be manned by them together with the Commissioners. Mr. Elish, Controller, entered the meeting. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that the Following Resolution as suggested by the Wja.shington County Planning Coinilhissiori;:be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Washington County Board of Commissioners have strongly urged and endorsed the planning and construction of the Monongahela Valley Expressway, and WHEREAS, this particular highway is of utmost importance to the economic well being of the Mon Valley region as well as the County of Washington, and WHEREAS, plans have now been prepared which are in accordance with the thinking of the Washington County Planning Commission, and WHEREAS, a public hearing is being held on August 8, 1968 in California, Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, concerning said highway. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that: 1. The Washington County Board of Commissioners hereby endorse the plans for the alignment of the Mon Valley Expressway and the location of its interchanges as proposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Highways for that section of highway lying between 1-70 and the Low Hill area in Center - Ville Borough and 2. Strongly urge that the Highway Department proceed with all due haste in having the final design of this highway undertaken so that construction can begin as quickly as possible. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Copy of Resolution on file - Resolution File Folder No. 1 in the office of the Chief Clerk. Chairman announced that Mr. Anthony, Analysis Planner - Washington County Planning Commission - is representing the Washington County Commissioners and the Washington County Planning Commission at the hearing being held this morning on the Monongahela Valley Expressway. Resolution was read by the Chief Clerk from George E. Wright, Secretary Borough of Houston with regard to correction of the condition of Little Chartiers Creek from the bridge on West Pike Street in the Borough of Houston to the Chartiers Township boundary line. The Chairman stated that this Resolution is repetitious of a request sent to., _ 212 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI❑NERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS to us at a previous meeting to which acknowledgment was made by the Solicitor. Mr. Capano: "I wrote them a letter (Sam Rodgers) and stated very clearly that this was not an obligation of the County; therefore, that we could not undertake the project that he suggested. Our experience in this regard has been bad. The communities have made no effort to keep these up once they have been cleared. We should have a contract with the local communities that they will bear part of the cost. Possibility is that if they were interested in paying the cost they should come in and discuss this. " The Chairman stated that the above resolution is to be tabled inasmuch as we are awaiting a reply from either Sam Rodgers, Solicitor, or from the Borough of Houston. Budget Item: Chief Clerk read 1968 appropriation request in the amount of $700. 00 from the West Alexander Agricultural Association. Chief Clerk read copy of correspondence under date of August 1, 1968 addressed to Louis M. McMaster, Inc. from Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. advising them that the Washington County Board of Commissioners had officially awarded the Washington County Airport Contract No. 5 - FAA Project No. 9-36-043-04 to their firm on the basis of their bid in the amount of $186, 113. 05. They further advised that they were preparing contract documents for execution by Louis M. McMasters, Inc. for submittal to F. A. A Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that Washington County enter into a grant contract with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting through the Department of Community Affairs. Grant to provide Sixty -Two Thousand, One hundred Ninety-four ($62, 194. 00) Dollars out of funds made available by The Land and Water Conservation and Reclamation Act to be used for the purpose of park development and land acquisition as described in the applications on file with the Department and as summarized in Section 11 of the Agreement. Remarks: $20, 000. 00 advance payment will be available as soon as the contract is signed for use on projects at Ten Mile Creek County Park and Mingo Creek County Park. This money is to held in a separate account. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Complete copy of the above contract on file in Office of the Chief Clerk. Due to the fact that the Commissioners will be out of town, the Chief Clerk announced that the Retirement Board Meeting acheduled for August 15, 1968, is to be postponed until August 22, 1968. �r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 213 E New Washington County Home & Hospital - Report by Chairman Mr. Flynn: "After four years of hard work, the Commissioners were called to Harris - burg, Department of Health and Welfare, Monday, August 5th. Part I - Project Construc- tion has already been approved and the money has been released. It is a safe assumption that we are in business. 'Contracts on the construction of the home must be awarded by June 30, 1969. We have made application for the Federal share which is $1, 916, 680. 00. Application will also be made for $125, 000. 00 in Civil Defense funds. Once these are processed, we are going to make application under the Appalachia Program for $1, 000, 000. Our plans were approved in 1967 and new regulations were set up in 1968. The architect must redesign part of his plans inasmuch as 40% of the rooms are now to be one and two bed rooms. This will be additional work and additional cost. There has been a planning project cost increase of approximately 8% with a cost increase of approximately 10% by 1970. They seemed to think this is not an exorbitant cost. We were told this is one of the biggest grants made. Without being to egotistical, I believe we are seeing the rewards of our labors. I I The Chairman announced that no correspondence had been received in the office with regard to changing all or any part of the site of the new hospital to the Mon Valley. He further announced that plans are to far along to change the site at this time. Deputy Controller Whalen stated that as of today (August 8th) the net balance in the general fund account was $1, 429, 445. 62. $300, 440.42 had been transferred to the sinking fund account leaving a balance of $1, 129, 005. 20 - general fund. Deputy Controller suggested that $500, 000. 00 of this be invested in a certificate of deposit for a period of sixty days. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that -the Controller be authorized to invest $500, 000. 00 from the General Fund Account in the best available short-term investment for a period of sixty days. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Deputy Controller gave the following report on the total anticipated Real Estate Tax Revenue for the year 1968: General Fund Sinking Fund Total Anticipated Revenue Collections - through July 31, 1968 Balance July 31, 1968 August Coll. - estimate 1968 R. E. Tax Balance $2, 606, 649. 09 601, 529. 10 $3, 208, 175. 19 $2, 362, 610. 69 $ 845, 564. 50 430, 945. 20 $ 414, 619. 30 214 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS c Chartiers Creek Flood Control - Report Mr. Bevec stated that he had met with officials of the Department of Forests and Waters with regard to Chartiers Creek Flood Control and that they had resolved the problem of Commonwealth owned land. He further stated that a letter has been sent out by the Corp of Engineers to the Department of Welfare stating that this is an area where national defense is involved. He added that within a few days this land will definitely be consumated. Chairman stated that this was done through a special act of legislature and that if all these easements had not been received within the next two weeks, it would have set this project back until next spring and that actually it was the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that was the hold up on this. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that the followi ng Resolution with regard to Capital Improvements be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County of Washington, in accordance with the powers vested in it and by duly adopted resolutions, at various regular meetings and by agreements, is now committed to the following municipal improvement projects: (a) Washington County Airport Extension; (b) Flood Control for Chartiers Creek, Wheeling Creek and Harmon Creek; (c) Washington County Parks; and (d) Court House Renovation and Equipment; and WHEREAS, the County of Washington, is presently financially obligated: in the above mentioned projects in the total amount of Three Hundred Thousand ($300, 000. 00) Dollars and in order to pay said sum of money during the year 1968 it becomes necessary for the County of Washington to increase its indebtedness by the sum of Three Hundred Thousand ($300, 000. 00) Dollars; and WHEREAS, the County of Washington, at its regular meeting on June 20, 1968, duly adopted a resolution to make application to the Bureau of Community Affairs for the approval of a $300, 000. 00 Capital Improvement Loan under the Five -Year Municipal Borrowing Act; and WHEREAS, the County of Washington, accordingly applied to the Department of Community Affairs and the said Department approved the proposed $300, 000. 00 Indebted- ness by Certification No. S-2044, dated July 16, 1968. WHEREAS, the local banks were solicited to submit quotations on interest rates for a $300, 000. 00 loan to the County of Washington, to be evidenced by Temporary Indebtedness Notes, each payable within one year of the date of said note, and the quota- tion from the Mellon National Bank and Trust Company with interest at the rate of 3. 068% MINUTE B❑❑K 21s BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS per annum was the lowest interest offer made which was accepted as the lowest bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County as follows: 1, That the indebtedness of the County of Was-h-ington, Pennsylvania be and it is hereby further increased by the amount of Three Hundred Thousand ($300, 000. 00) Dollars for the purposes hereinabove recited. 2. That borrowings made pursuant to this Resolution shall be evidenced by Temporary Indebtedness Notes of Washington County not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of Three Hundred Thousand ($300, 000. 00) Dollars, each note to bear interest at the rate of 3. 068% per annum, which interest is to be computed on the basis of 365 days to the year, from the date of each said note, and the said notes, to be made and delivered to the Mellon National Bank and Trust Company; and said borrowings to be made when needed on a take down basis. 3. Each Temporary Indebtedness Note to be issued hereunder shall provide for the repayment of the face amount on or before August 15, 1969 with interest thereon at the rate of 3. 068% per annum, payable on the first day of each calendar quarter from the date of the note. The right of the County of Washington is hereby reserved to anticipate the payment of all or any part of the principal amount of each such Note on the date any interest thereon is payable. 4. Each Temporary Indebtedness Note to be issued hereunder shall be substantially in the form annexed hereto, made a part hereof and marked Exhibit A, with such changes as may be necessary to conform to the requirements of this Resolution. 5. The period of usefulness of the capital improvements to be purchased with the proceeds of the Temporary Indebtedness Notes hereinabove authorized is hereby stated and determined to be at least five years from the date of their issuance. 6. The Temporary Indebtedness Notes herein authorized are hereby declared to be general obligations of the County of Washington and said County shall pledge the full faith, credit and taxing power of the County. 7. The Temporary Indebtedness Notes shall be signed by the County Commissioners, attested by the Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners under the seal of the County of Washington; and the County Treasurer is authorized to deliver said Note to the Mellon National Bank and Trust Company and to receive payment therefor on behalf of said County. -- 1 8. There is hereby levied and assessed upon all persons and property subject to County taxation an annual tax in fiscal year of 1969 in such amount as will yield sufficient funds for the payment from time to time of said principal amount and interest due on said notes to the date of repayment. 9. Said County of Washington appropriates from the general funds of 216 MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Washington County a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of meeting interest payable on these Notes during the year 1968 and pending collection of the tax to be levied in the subsequent year and such amount so appropriated shall be paid out of the proceeds of the tax levied and to be collected for the year 1968. 10. It is hereby declared that the debt to be incurred, hereby, together with the existing net debt of the County is not in excess of any constitutional or statutory limitations and that the action of this Board in filing the Constitutional Debt Limitation Statement dated July 10, 1968, with the Department of Community Affairs of the Common - wealth of Pennsylvania as required by Article VII-A of the Act of Assembly of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, approved June 25, 1941, P. L. 159, as amended, is hereby ratified and confirmed. "EXHIBIT A" COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA Temporary Indebtedness Note $75, 000. 00 August 16, 1968 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, promises to pay to Mellon National Bank and Trust Company, its successors or assigns, in lawful money of the United States of America, the sum of seventy-five thousand (75, 000) dollars on August 15, 1969, and interest at the rate of 3. 068% per annum (computed on the basis of 365 days to the year), on the unpaid balance of the principal amount of this Note on the first day of each calendar quarter commencing October 1, 1968, with the right reserved to prepay all or any part of such principal on the date any interest on this Note shall be payable. This Temporary Indebtedness Note is issued by the County of Washington to provide funds for Capital expenditures for municipal improvements in accordance with Article VII-A added to the Municipal Borrowing Law of Pennsylvania (Act of 1941, P. L. 159) by Act No. 299 of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 1959 P. L. 802, as amended, and pursuant to a Resolution of the County of Washington duly adopted by its Board of County Commissioners on August 1, 1968, duly recorded according to law and pursuant to the further approval dated July 16, 1968, by the Department of Community Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of the Constitutional Debt Limitation Statement of the County Commissioners, as required by law, made in connec - tion with the proceedings authorizing this Note. It is hereby certified that every requirement of law affecting.the issuance hereof has been duly complied with; that provision has been made for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to meet the installments of interest and principal thereon as they become due, and that the total amount of the debt of the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, 1 1 J including the aggregate amount of this Temporary Indebtedness Note does not exceed MINUTE BOOK 217 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 E n five per centum (5%) of the last preceeding assessed valuation of the taxable property' in the County of Washington and that this Temporary Indebtedness Note and the debt created thereby are within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and that for the prompt and full payment of all of the obligations hereof the entire faith, credit, taxing power and resources of the County of Washington, are thereby irrevocably pledged. ATTEST: COUNTY OF WASHINGTON By Michael R. Flynn, Chairman John P. Bevec John Mazza Chief Clerk to the County County Commissioners of Commissioners Washington County SEAL Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Copy of the above Resolution on file in the Office of the Chief Clerk. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that the Chief Clerk be authorized to borrow $75, 000. 00 at this time on a take -down basis of the $300, 000. 00 Capital Improvement Loan as per the foregoing Resolution and "Exhibit A"Temporary Indebtedness Note. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec; seconded by Mr. Flynn; that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK , 1968