HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 76 - 7-3-1969 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 55r 19 I� 1 ,BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS MINUTE NO-., 76 Office of The County Commissioners Washington, Pa. July 3, 1969 Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Bevec, Mazza, and Flynn. Also present being: County Solicitor Capano, Chief Clerk Murphy, Parks and Recreation Director George, Deputy Controller Whalen, Mrs. John Anthony, Architect; Messrs. Tom Becker and Larry Koehler - students of Penn State University, William C. Young - employer of Mr. Becker, Public Information Officer Huber and Mr. Jack Crouse of the Observer -Reporter. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or ommissions to Minute No: 75, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Minute No. 75 be approved, as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Students of Architecture -Penn State University - Thesis Presentation: Chairman introduced Messrs. Koehler and Becker, stating they were in attendance at the meeting for the purpose of making a presentation that was a historic first. Mr. Koehler explained they had selected the Courthouse Project for their thesis, because they live within the area - they decided to study the Courthouse as it stands and project what (Mr. Gillespie of the Washington -Greene Community Action Corporation, entered meeting). could be done in the future with the building; one approach was a single building to house the various governmental agencies and the other approach was to create a complex to house state, county, city, and federal agencies. Historical facts mentioned - the original site design of the present Courthouse was in 1898 with the Courthouse being built between then and: 1901 and in accordance with the affluent times (the oil and coal fields) hence the marble, etc. The Courthouse is now in need of redevelopment to bring it back to its original status; the structure is good and basically the building is in good shape. The Courthouse is a land mark, the center of town and a visual focal point, among the reasons why the Courthouse should be saved. Separate financing would be necessary and Mr. Koehler's reasons for a complex building design, which would include a center rotunda: with two (2) wings flanking; the top level would house the county and city council chambers, there would also be a main MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS c plaza level, main administration level, parking level, and a level as an extra floor to be used for rental space. Mr. Koehler in reviewing various drawings and levels stated that the various plans had been designed with flexibility; the design of Mr. Koehler involved the cut- ting off of traffic from Chestnut Street to Cherry Avenue - lowering of Beau Street- tunnels on the lower level, pedestrian bridges, exits from the tunnel into the commercial area with reference being made to the proposed mall that will be the Main Street business district; the Jail would be eliminated - the most probable site for expansion would be behind the present Courthouse. Mr. Becker: (one compact building to house the needs for all government service to be known as the Governmental Services Building -his idea: you would save money by having one compact building to house everything. Messrs. Crouse & Gillespie left the meeting. Mr. Becker's presentation involved various massings that included: Protection (city police, FBI, Civil Defense, Communications and jail) Welfare (Social Security, Pennsylvania Employment, etc. ) Revenue (County Treasurer, Recorder of Deeds, U. S. Internal Revenue, etc. ) Administration ( Commissioners, City Administration, etc. ) Services (redevelopment, planning etc. ) Correctional The fourth floor would house those offices grouped as to the relation of the use of records, computers, and duplicating equipment; fifth floor -half county and half city; sixth floor- services: agriculture groups, planning, again they could utilize receptionists, clerks, etc. seventh floor - the Jail, the roof would be for recreation purposes; Mr. Porter left the meeting. Mr. Becker: There would be seven floors, however only four are seen from the street level. (Both design models as presented by Messrs. Koehler and Becker will, be on display in the Courthouse) Mr. Flynn: This is a historic first; the Board of Commissioners reaffirm our position as far as the younger generation is concerned; it is quite certain you gentlemen have spent quite a bit of time and" research on your subject. There is the need for expansion and Personally I want to commend both of you. Your presentations were marvelous. It is going to have to be a reality someday. Messrs. Becker, Koehler, Young and Mrs. Anthony left the meeting. Messrs. Gillespie and Crouse entered the meeting. Mr. Mazza made note that it was advisable for the Chief Clerk to know that in such cases to get the time and outline of various presentations, etc, because he is of the opinion that it is very important that such things take place through regular meetings to receive proper coverage, etc, because the Commissioners attend many meetings during MINUTE BOOK 567 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN R. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS the day and evenings also, that the people are not aware of. Harmon Creek; (Agreement No. 12-10-360-186) Chief Clerk informed the Board that the contract payment estimate and construction progress report from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service for the period from 5/21/69 to 6/20/69 was in the amount of $43, 845. 88. Check was turned over to Deputy Controller Whalen; Mr. Whalen: We are only the broker - the bill has been paid. Chief Clerk: Chief Clerk read correspondence from Bruce L. Thomas, ACSW, Executive Director of United Fund, Central Washington County, informing the Board the Health-O-Rams. for Washington County will be held at the Washington Mall July 17, 18, 19 and 20, 1969; the Health-O-Rama has been endorsed by the Washington County Medical Society. Said letter requested help from the Commissioners for the Health-0-Rama. Mr. Bevec: This type of service to each individual is worth, and the whole package is about $40. 00 per person and this will be open to anyone in Washington County and I would move that we make a contribution in the amount of $1, 000. The funds for the Health-O-Rama is being raised by industry,&government agencies and is costing possibly 15 or 16 thousand dollars. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the sum of $1, 000 be contributed towards the Health-0-Rama for Washington County that will be held at the Washington Mall, July 17-20, 1969; said contribution will be charged against Account 503 of the County Budget. Mr. Mazza: Is this a one-shot appropriation:? Mr. Bevec: Yes. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Letter under date of June 27, 1969,from Thomas W. George, Jr. , M. D. , Secretary, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Welfare, informed the Board that the recent on -site survey relating to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act indicates that the Washington County Home for Aged Women, is in compliance; regular visits will be made, as mandated by Federal regulations to insure continued compliance. '' Chief Clerk presented invoices submitted by: Chapman Plumbing & Heating Ipc. (5-31-69 balance) 764.02 Baldwin Electric Co., Inc. (Balance on Retainage) 350.00 Puskar & Anthony Associates Registered 1,aliE4:5b Architects (final invoice) 010S MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen made note that the contractors would like to have their deposit checks and that he had tried for some time to get a release from the Architect. During a discussion that followed concerning guaranty arrangements, it was suggested that the matter be tabled for the time being. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the above matter be tabled until such time it has the complete approval of the Architect and the County Solicitor. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unahinuxag. Chief Clerk read a copy of letter from Patrono, Ceisler, and Edwards, solicitors for the Washington County Planning Commission, to the City of Monongahela concerning the acquisition and maintenance of the aquatorium. Letter stated that the County wants to be assured that the City of Monongahela will provide continuous police protection and that the area be hosed down after each flooding (both at the expense of the City); the County wishes to be assured that the existing attached parking lot be retained so long as the County maintains the aquatorium; in this connection the solicitors requested a copy of the lease between the Penn Central Railroad and the City to ascertain just what provisions they would want in the agreement between the City of Monongahela and the County of Washington. Chief Clerk informed the Board that Letters had been sent to the following from James P. Huber, Public Information Officer, extending an invitation to the dedication of the newly completed improvements at Washington County's Ten Mile Creek County Park, located near Millsboro: Mr. Larry Block, Executive Secretary -Three Rivers Improvement & Development Corporation Mr. Robert M. Mumma, Secretary of Commerce, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Colonel Wayne Nichols -District Engineer-U. S. Army Corps of Engineers New Business: Honorable Roger R. Fischer - House of Representatives Honorable John L. Brunner 11 Honorable A. J. DeMedio Honorable A. J. Murphy " Honorable Russell R. Headlee " Honorable William J. Lane - Pennsylvania State Senate Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the firm of McClelland aniD Mhas, Engineering firm, be authorized to survey property at the Washington County Home and Hospital for Men. Remarks - Mr. Bevec: This will certainly correct any sale of property or purchase situation in the future. U C I MINUTE BOOK 569 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JCHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Mazza: This will not be done on County time, inasmuch ---as Mr. Yuhas is the County Surveyor. Mr. Flynn: Definitely not; this will be done on his own time, there is no conflict here. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Courthouse be closed from 4:30 p. m., Thursday, July 3, 1969 until 9:00 a. m. , Monday July 7, 1969, in observance of Independence Day. Remarks: This will include the Registration Office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza -Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor: (Mingo Creek County Park) Mr. Capano presented approved contracts for execution - re: Frank Gavlik - Mingo Creek County Park Parking and Sanitary Facilities. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute the contract with Frank Gavlik for Project WC 2/69-1, Mingo Creek County Park Parking and Sanitary Facilities. Motion made upon the recommend - ation of the County Solicitor. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Bell Telephone Right -of -Way: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the agreement between the County of Washington and The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, granting permission to the Telephone Company to construct and maintain underground cables, wires and other communication facilities on land of the County in South Strabane Township, Wash- ington County, Pa. , be approved and executed. Remarks: Any relocation expenses will be paid by the Bell Telephone Company Tax Refunds: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor presented Tax Refunds to the Board for approval; said refunds having been approved by the Supervisor of Personal Property Department and the County Solicitor. io MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS e Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of Personal Property Tax. 1. Re: Margaret M. Chamberlin 50 E. Katherine Street Washington, Pennsylvania On January 18, 1969, Mrs. Chamberlin filed her Personal Property return listing 300 sh of Sinclair Oil at $130. per share. Prentice -Hall stock reference book list this stock as taxable. The Personal Property Department has been informed however, that Prentice -Hall was in error. The Sinclair Oil Corp. was acquired by Atlantic Richfield and that stock was tax exempt on January 1, 1969. Since Mrs. Chamberlin paid this tax, a refund is due in the amount of $148. 20 to MARGARET M. CHAMBERLIN, 50 E. Katherine Street, Washington, Pennsylvania. 2. Re: Mary Albert Account No. 80708 Pittsburgh National Bank c / o Mr. Charles E. Enlow On February 11, 1969, a Blanket Return was filed by PNB, The Mary Albert Account listed a valuation of $132, 145. Since the Blanket Return does not itemize assets of individual accounts it could not be determined that Albert Farms (Mrs. Albert's asset) was tax free, Since the Bank paid this tax, a refund is due iii the amount of $502. 16 to THE MARY ALBERT ACCOUNT NO. 80708 c/o Mr. Charles Enlow, Pittsburgh National Bank, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Whalen reported: As of yesterday we paid off another temporary loan in the amount of $250, 000 and all interest up to date; net balance including the payment of the note - $196, 000; the figures for the six-month period requested by Mr. Mazza are ready but they are not in final form; receipts for the month of June amounted to $1, 048, 000 which include the real estate collections; expenses for the first half of the year-$995, 389 and payrolls - $1, 053, 878. 39 and one temporary note in the amount of $250, 000 has been paid; total expense s through June 30, 1969-$2, 049, 267 or 46. 5% of total amount of money budgeted was expended in the first six months, but this doesn't include such items as $138, 000 into the retirement fund - summation: we are just about on the line with 50% expended so far this year. With reference to the results of the meeting Monday in relation to the Capital program and the capital funds requested: Industrial Development 100, 000. 00 Flood Control 170, 000. 00 Airport 103, 000. 00 Commonwealth Conservation 145, 320. 00 County Home 100, 000. 00 Commissioners Offices 32, 000. 00 D P MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 5 71 n �J 1 MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Dome Renovation Toilet Renovation Jail Toilets N. C. R. Treasurer Data Processing Juvenile Detention 30, 000. 00 50, 000. 00 21, 000. 00 13, 000. 00 27, 500. 00 250, 000. 00 Total 1, 041, 820. 00 Recommendation of the Controller and Deputy Controller - financing in this case: - municipal borrowing on a five-year basis ($200, 000 per year); the books would be checked again in 1970 and depending upon the Market at that time, the possibility of deleting these obligations via a bond issue would be explored. Suggestion - $300, 000 of the municipal loan be paid from the Sinking Fund. Mr. Flynn announced that Mr. Charles Gillespie, Director of the Washington -Greene County Community Action Corporation, had received a check in the amount of $153, 252. 00 for various programming. Mr. Mazza made note that Messrs. Gillespie, Bevec and Mazza had a long conference with a representative from New York making a survey for Community Action, and he was of the opinion that it would be only proper that the Commissioners have a list of the programs said Corporation is involved in, that is the ones that are active and the amount of money expended. Mr. Mazza: I am not being critical because you are doing a good job, but request the above information so the people will know what is goin on. Mr. Gillespie: I haven't updated the last one that I gave you. adjourn. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK , 1969