HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 98 - 12-11-1969 - COMMISSIONER741 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS NO. 98 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa. , December 11, 1969 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Bevec, Mazza, and Flynn. Also present being: County Solicitor Capano, Chief Clerk Murphy, Controller Elish, Deputy Controller Whalen, Public Information Officer Huber, Register of Wills Marino, Mr. Louis Furman -Auditor, Real Estate department; County Surveyor Yuhas and Reporter Robertson. (Prior to the opening of the regular meeting, a film entitled "Discover I Montgomery County, Pennsylvania" was shown, present at that time was John D. Anthony - Director of the Washington County Planning Commission and Mr. Floyd Laubham, a member of the Planning Commission staff) I Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 97, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that Minute No. 97 be I approved, as read, f Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. I Old Business: None. Chief Clerk + Correspondence: Chief Clerk reported to the Board a check in the amount of $29, 292. 66 had been received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the period ending December 31, 1969 and paid in accordance with the regulations of the payments to Counties for Child Welfare Services Program. Invoices: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following invoices as submitted, be approved for payment: John B. Bruno, General Plumbing and Heating Contractor 65 Campbell Avenue Washington, Pennsylvania (final estimate on toilet room renovation) .................. $7634. 00 Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. Consulting jEngineers P. O. Box 111 i Rochester, Pennsylvania .............................. • $ 558.29 (final billing - Project No. 9-36-043-C905 1 1 MINUTE BOOK 742 1 u BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. $EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 9-36-04 3-C906, general inspection services in connection with the bituminous surface overlay on the existing runway and taxiway at the Washington County Airport. Billed in accordance with Article I-B and III-B of the engineering agreement dated October 31, 1968) Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. Consulting Engineers P. O. Box 111 Rochester, Pennsylvania ......................... $ 160.89 (final billing - Project No. 9-36-043-C905 9-36-043-C906, engineering services rendered for the detailed design, construction plans and specifications in connection with bituminous surface overlay on the existing runway, taxiway and aircraft parking apron at the Washington County Airport. Billed in accordance with Article I -A and Article III -A of the engineering agreement dated the 31st day of October, 1968. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented an estimate as submitted by Leroy Tyhonas to the Board for approval - re: demolition of structures in Crescent Heights, Pennsylvania. Note was made that the demoltiions had been approved by the Court. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by --Mr. Mazza, that the estimate as submitted by Leroy Tyhonas, Trucking and Excavating, Box 265-A, Coal Center, Pennsyl- vania, for demolition and grading of two (2) houses, eleven (11) foundations and chimneys in Crescent Heights, Pennsylvania, County of ;Washington, in the amount of $1, 500. 00 be accepted and approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Letter under date of December 5, 1969 from Gerald D. Curtin, Chief Airports Branch, CLE-600, Federal Aviation Administration, informed the Board that a final inspection of Project Nos. 9-36-043-D904 and 9-36-043-C905 and 9-36-043-7006 was conducted by their office on November 19, 1969 and listed those in attendance; letter also contained comments on the various above project nummbess; Mr. Yuhas reviewed the comments stating that on the Overlay and mark Runway 9-27 (37001 x 751), parallel taxi- way (project number 9-36-043-C905), there were no exceptions, all construction work satisfactory, WITH the same comment being made concerning the Overlay terminal apron (project number 9-36-043-7006); in discussing the comments under Item No. 4 - ° General, note was made that the broken runway edge and threshold lights noted in their letter dated November 10, 1969 to Mr. Yuhas, have not been repaired. If these lights are not repaired immediately, they may be forced to withhold final payments for Projects 743 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS IIo4'I110511 and 1106" Mr. Yuhas reported that the air right-of-way involved in Land acqui- sition Area C (project number 9-36-043-D904) would be taken care of in the near future; we will not be able to complete the fill with regard to the shoulder edges along runway and taxiway until next Spring; at the time he received the letter concerning the lights, he had discussed the matter with Mr. Breese at the Airport, at which time Mr. Breese said he would have the lights fixed, but now he claims it -is not his responsibility. The Board suggested that the County Solicitor review the Airport lease as to the responsibility of having the lights repaired. Chief Clerk presented copies of an Application for Special Connection as submitted by the Citizens Water Company of Washington, Pennsylvania, to be approved and executed. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Application for Special Connection covering the private hydrant that will be installed on County property near the Juvenile Detention Home, with The Citizens Water Company of Washington, Pennsylvania, be approved and that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute said Application. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Letter under date of December 8, 1969 from Andrew Speller, Director Division of Fiscal Management, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, Office of Mental Health, notified the Board that our request for the period October 1, 1969 to December 31, 1969 has been approved for payment and forwarded to their fiscal offices. for further processing; letter made note that funds are approved with the understanding that they may be expanded only for those services which have not been restricted by conditions enclosed via an attachment. Letter under date of December 8, 1969 from Donald A. Anchors, Assistant Manager, Revaluation Department, Industrial Appraisal Company, informed the Board that they are making the necessary final preparations in anticipation of up- dating our county appraisal records; the first part of the year they will be forwarding cor- respondence, reporting forms and instructions for reporting any necessary changes to the appraised property. G Letter under date of December 5, 1969 from Roland H. Bourke, Jr. , Executive Director, Washington County Redevelopment Authority, reported on the status 1 J IL 1 MINUTE B❑❑K. 744 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS of the Chartiers Creek relocation within the Canonsburg C urry Field Urban Renewal Pro- ject, Penna. R-165; they are currently engaged in acquisition and relocation activities re- garding the properties that are within the Creek right-of-way; work relating to the urban renewal project and flood control is proceeding in a satisfactory manner; they continue to experience excellent cooperation from the various agencies involved and foresee the ex- peditious completion of the Creek relocation; it is still anticipated that work will begin on the channel during the 1970 construction season. During a brief discussion of the report, Mr. Yuhas made note that GSA doesn't have a target date and he will check as to how far the Creek goes into Chartiers Township. Letter under date of December 4, 1969 to Louise Abel, Director of the Washington County Child Welfare Services from Marion Mohan, Regional Supervisor of the Bureau of Family and Child Welfare, advised that on January 15, 1970, the approval of the Child Welfare Agency to use the Relinquishment and Abandonment Provisions will expire; letter requested notification if the agency wishes to be re-evaluated for continued approval. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Miss Eleanor Kaplan, Field iRe presentative, 1004 State Office Building, 300 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, be notified that Washington County Child Welfare Services would like to be re-evaluated for continued approval with regard to the Relinquishment and Abandon- ment Provisions of Sections 1. 1 and 1. 2 of the Adoption Act. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Letter under date of ---December 3, 1969 from Robert W. Sperring, Executive Director, Greater Washington Area Chamber of Commerce, In closed a check in the amount of $7, 000. , in settlement of land consisting of 4. 414 acres for construction of new facility for Industrial Enterprises of Washington, Inc. Chief Clerk made note that said check was deposited on December 5, 1969 in the Industrial Revolving Fund. Letter under date of December 3, 1969 from Wm. M. Meighen, Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners of Greene County, enclosed a copy of the motion adopted by the Greene County Commissioners at thibir regular meeting on Tuesday, December 2, 1969, with regard to the salary to be paid to Medical Directors; said motion approved salary scale for medical directors of Washington -Greene County MH/MR Pro- gram. A copy of the letter will be forwarded to the MH/MR Board. Letter under date of December ,5, 1969 from Michael W. Kibelbek, - 745 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS President, Washington Association of Downtown Enterprises (WADE) expressed thanks to the Board of County Commissioners for permitting the use of the Court House lawn and rotunda for their annual Christmas promotion. Letter under date of December 5, 1969, from Michael W. Kibelbek, President, Washington Association of Downtown Enterprisers (WADE) to Miss Hem-.ngton, (Susan) - Recreation Supervisor of the Washington County Department of Parks and Recreation, enclosed a check in the amount of $25. 00 representing First Prize in the service category, won by the Department of Parks and Recreation for their float entry in the WADE Christmas parade; check was deposited in the Parks and Recreation Accourit-1- December 9, 1969. Chief Clerk presented a request as submitted by the Department of Parks and Recreation, concerning the sale of a Sunbeam Gas Furnace. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the posting of a Notice to receive bids on the sale of One (1) Sunbeam Gas Furnace, 168, 000 B. T. U., which is being disposed of at Mingo Creek County Park, be authorized. Budget Item: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Letter under date of December 8, 1969 from Edward J. Woods, County Agricultural Agent, requested an allotment in the amount of $1, 739. 00. Chief Clerk in checking with the Controller's Office was informed that the balance due on their 1969 budget allotment was $1, 715. 49. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the sum of $1, 715.40 payable to the WWashington County Agricultural and Home Economics Extension Associatiom, be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Appointments: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Albert Miller, R. D. 1, Avella, Pennsylvania 15312 be appointed as Farmer Director of the Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District for a four (4) year term commencing January 1, 1970; and that August H. Engelhardt, 520 Ridge Avenue, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317 be appointed as Urban Director of the Washington County Soil and Water Conservation F District for a four (4) year term commencing January 1, 1970. 0 MINUTE BOOK 746 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHA'EL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that Michael R. Flynn, Chairman of the Board of Washington County Commissioners, be reappointed as the Commissioner member of the Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District; this appointment being made for a one-year term commencing January 1, 1970. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr, Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Louis Furman, Auditor -Real Estate Department, reviewed a de - tailed chart covering collections, liens, exonerations and adjustments for the year 1968; each Commissioner having received a copy. Prothonotary, Bob A. Franks entered the meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Bevec, and seconded by Mr. Mazza, to approve the report and exonerate the Treasurer for the year 1968 in accordance with the report - however, Controller Elish replied that ,,he found the records in proper form but Deputy Controller Whalen stated their office was not in a position to recommend an exoneration because they have not yet certified the report. Mr. Whalen: When we close the books for 1969 it will include the 1968 taxes up until the first Monday of May of 1969, but until we close-out we are not in a position to do anything on it. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the detailed chart covering collections, liens, exonerations, and adjustments for the year 1968 as submitted by the Auditor of the Washington County Real Estate Office be accepted; and that the County Treasurer be exonerated as presented, subject to the audit of the County Controller's Office. Solicitor: Roll call vote taken: ,Y f Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Furman leaving the meeting. Solicitor Capano requested permission to purchase law books for the District Magistrate; said books being copyrighted and standard priced, and prescribed by the Courts.