HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 71 - 2-4-1965 - COMMISSIONER24 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. $EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bevec: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. On January 14, 1965, Minute No. 68, we passed a motion with reference to mileage being paid to County employees, members of the election boards, and viewers, which will become effective on February 1, 1965. I believe we should have gone a little further with the motion and at this time I'd like to amend it to read as follows: "That effective February 1, 1965, any person (members of election boards, viewers, and county employees) using their personal car, in connection with County business, be paid the sum of $. 10 per mile for traveling expenses; that mileage exceeding 1, 000 miles during the month shall be paid at the rate of $. 05 per mile. " Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that the above amendment be adopted. I Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that this meeting be adjourned, until 11: 30 a.m., when we shall enter into a Salary Board Meeting. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: Fjbruary 4 1965 ATTEST: CHIEF CL K f;( NO. 71 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., February 4, 1965 i f j Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Flynn, Bevec and Mazza. Also present being Chief Clerk Debreczeni, Jr., Solicitor Capano, Mr. Umstead of the Pennsylvania Economy League, Mr. Gillespie, Budget Director; Mr. Whalen, Acting Deputy Controller and Reporter Crouse. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. 1 Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 70, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Minute No. 70, be approved as read. MINUTE BOOK 1J BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Unfinished Business: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Minute No. 65 dated December 24, 1964 with reference to the "Open Space Land Resolution" be amended to read as follows: "total "consideration to be paid for the acquisition of said 'interest(s) will be $893, 275. 00 instead of $880, 828. 00". Breakdown as follows: Old Figures: $459, 697. 00 Mingo Creek Site $421, 131. 00 Cross Creek Site Old Acreage Figure: 4158.2 Roll call vote taken: New Figures: $459, 156. 00 $434, 119. 00 New Acreage Figure: 4394.0 Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Communications: None Resignations: None Appointments: None New Business: County Treasurer, Russell Marino, received check no. 12571, , in the amount, of $2, 495. 79, representing payment in Lieu of Taxes for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1964, for the following five Public Low -Rent Housing Projects located in Washington County from Audley S. Crumrine, Executive Director of the Washington County Housing Authority. - Project No. Location Amount PA 17-1, 2 Washington, Pa. $ 925.69 PA 17-3 Fredericktown, Pa. 315.16 PA 17-4 Donora, Pa. 648.64 PA 17-5 Canonsburg, Pa. 606.30 Total $2, 495. 79 Following two tax refunds presented to the Board by Mr. Debreczeni. 1. Wherry, Catherine Estate - North Bethlehem Township - Amount of refund requested: $3.50 2. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation - East Bethlehem Township - Amount of refund requested: $129.88 Mr. Flynn suggested that these two tax refunds be tabled until the next regular meeting, awaiting approval from the Tax Assessment Office on said refunds. Mr. Debreczeni explained that due to the job re -classifications and for those reasons as outlined in Mr. Whalen's letter to Mr. Flynn under date of January 12th, it is MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS necessary for the Office of the County Controller to purchase an additional Burroughs Typewriter Accounting Machine, this being the mate to the machine presently in their office. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that a certain Burroughs Typewriter Accounting Machine be purchased for the use of the County Controller's Office, (this machine being a mate to the machine presently used in their office) for a total price of $8, 119. 00. Due to the fact that this machine is a patented type, no public advertise- ment is necessary. Machine to be charged to the Controller's budget. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that the County Controller be authorized to advertise for the furnishing and delivering to the Adult Probation Office, One (1) Bookkeeping Information Storage Type Machine; (request for said machine being made by the Courts). Bids to be received by the County Controller in his Office in the Courthouse, Washington, Pennsylvania, until 11:00 a. m. , Eastern Standard Time, Thursday, March 4, 1965, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commis- sioners. Machine to be charged to the Adult Probation Office Budget. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Courts be author- ized to hire an additional Court Reporter, effective the first day of March, 1965. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that we transfer the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund monies from the Pittsburgh National Bank of Washington, Pennsylvania to the First National Bank of Fredericktown, Fredericktown, Pennsylvania. This action to become effective when the necessary warrants imprinted with the name of the First National Bank of Fredericktown are made available to the Controller's Office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Office of the Purchasing Agent be authorized to sell one used motor vehicle - Serial No. L15BX171389 - 1 Four Door - 1955 Ford Station Wagon - V8 - 292 Cubic Inch Motor, which is valued at MINUTE BOOK 2w BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS less than $200.00. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: Following the County Code, since the value of said vehicle is less than $200. 00, it is only necessary to place a sign for ten days in the Courthouse whereby it can be seen by the public and then sold to the highest bidder. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Debreczeni pointed out that with the new job classifications, it has become necessary that we combine and create new departments, namely: the Registration Office and Election Office to be combined into one; also, that we create a Building and Grounds Maintenance Bureau. Personnel in the Building and Grounds Maintenance Bureau were formerly charged to various departments. These changes necessary for budgetary purposes, also they correspond with the accounts carried in the Annual County Budget as prepared by the Department of Internal Affairs. Mr. Flynn: The County Code and the Department of Internal Affairs lists the Regis- tration Office and the Election Office under the title of Bureau of Elections. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that henceforth, instead of having a Registration Office and an Election Office;, that they be consolidated into one, to be known as the Department of Elections - Account No. 104; also that we hereby create a Building and Grounds Maintenance Bureau - Account No. 402. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Cromwell, Executive Director of the Washington County Planning Commission, entered the meeting and gave the Commissioners a detailed copy of a survey made by his Office entitled "County Facilities Work Outline". Mr. Mazza: I think we should -check on a regional detention home. Reference made to an article appearing in the newspaper. Mr. Bevec: A department in Harrisburg is promoting this. Mr. Flynn: That article refers to Fifth to Eighth Class Counties. At this time Mr. Cromwell left the meeting. Regular Order of Business adjourned. Special Order of Business: Question of the Controller's Report as submitted - 1964. Controller Elish, Tax Claim Bureau Solicitor Finder and County Treasurer Marino entered the meeting. 298 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Flynn: I have a copy of a letter under date of February 1st, under the signature of F. D. Whalen, Deputy Controller, addressed to Edward Stuart, former County Treasurer, advising him of a $50, 000. 00 shortage. The question as to what position the County Commissioners will take has been discussed from time to time, dating back to July or August. We have had lengthy discussions on the matter. Now that Mr. Elish's report has been filed with the Courts, mandatory by law, whereby he indicates there is a $50, 000. 00 shortage, the subject has been brought up once again. At this time, I'd like to turn the meeting over to Mr. Capano and Mr. Finder, our solicitors, Mr. Capano: Mr. Elish, have you officially asked the Court to surcharge Edward Stuart with the $50, 000. 00 shortage? Mr. Elish: Not officially. It's in the report, yes. Mr. Capano: In 1963, did you indicate at that time there was a shortage? Mr. Elish: No. It became effective during audit in 1964. Mr. Capano: At that time or what time did this shortage occur? Mr. Whalen: At the time the former Treasurer, Edward Stuart, filed his final report on January 6, 1964. Mr. Capano: What time did the shortage occur? Mr. Whalen: I cannot answer that question. Mr. Capano: Did it occur during' the administration of the present Commissioners or present Treasurer? Mr. Whalen: No. Mr. Stuart filed his report under date of January 6, 1964. Mr. Finder: Has anyone determined the amount of cash that was on hand? Mr. Marino: There was an actual account of the money on hand in the Treasurer's Office made at 9: 00 a.m., on January 6th. Mr. Whalen: $28, 846. 22. Mr. Marino: Money , in the Treasurer's Office, in the vault - other money in the bank. The money in the Treasurer's Office, cash on hand as of the time I took over on January 6, 1964, 9:00 a.m. Actual account made by Mr. Puchany, Mr. Caruso, Mr. Johns and office personnel. I was being sworn in. Mr. Flynn: Are we sure of the cash figure due the County? Mr. Whalen: Yes. This figure is correct. In his '(Mr. Stuart) final report, made to Mr. / items Marino, to account for the $242, 606. 63, he listed four separate as follows: $62, 729. 84 cost paid by Treasurer per slips 914.20 uncollected checks 28, 846. 22 cash transferred 150, 116. 37 deposit in transit $242, 606. 63 total transfers 1 1 MINUTE BOOK 299 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Finder: You have gone over the entire figures of 1963? Mr. Whalen: Yes. Mr. Capano: Mr. Whalen, these four items listed, were you able to reconcile Mr. Stuart's figures ? Mr. Whalen: Costs paid by Treasurer, Uncollected Checks,. Cash Transferred, were. fully reconciled. Only unable to reconcile $150, 116. 37 deposit in transit. Which is $50, 000. 00 short. Mr. Finder: Have you made a check of 1962 at all? Mr. Whalen: Not a complete audit, but we have made a detailed check of Mr. Stuart's Office. The cash balance forwarded from one year to the next was correct. Mr. Flynn: A copy of the letter from Mr. Elish's solicitor, in his opinion, stating section 1702 "it is the responsibility of the County Commissioners to make sure that this money is collected or to bring the necessary action against him". Mr. Elish: We have surcharged Mr. Stuart. It's now up to the Courts. Mr. Bevec: Mr. Whalen, then the $50, 000„ 00 shortage occurred between January 1st and January 6th in Edward Stuart's term of office. Mr. Whalen: In his final report when the actual shortage occurred. Example - taking only one month - we can take the November 1963 report, at that particular time the Pittsburgh National Bank showed an overdrawal of something like $10, 000. 00. Mr. Stuart's3 cash on hand was $137, 000. 00. Now if we take this figure for the end of November, the month of December and the first four days of January 1964, there in itself, it is adequate to determine there is a $50, 000. 00 shortage in his cash account. Mr. Gillespie feels there might be a duplication of entry. We filed a supplemental report in this regard which substantiates there was no duplication. Mr. Bevec: If an outside auditor were brought in, will it show there was a shortage at that particular time? Mr. Elish: An outside auditor was brought in and he showed a shortage. Mr. Mazza: This could have happened in 1961, 1962, or 1963? Mr. Whalen: That cannot be answered. This matter became apparent in the final report of Mr. Stuart on January 6, 1964. Mr. Marino: The closest you can get to the actual dates of the report submitted by the former Treasurer. November report of 1963. Cash deposits and transactions of an amount that actually is $50, 000. 00 less than the bank statement shows. Mr. Whalen: Effective November 30th until termination of office. Mr. Marino: December reports - that reflects the business of November? Mr. Whalen: No. The final report submitted for the period of December 1st to January 5th. The account at that particular time was overdrawn at the bank. In Novem- 300 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. EIEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS ber, the County had no funds in the bank. In fact there was a $10, 000. 00 overdraft at the Pittsburgh National Bank. That placed this matter of financial funds at a definite starting point., Mr. Flynn: How is this matter to be resolved? Mr. Whalen: Mr., Hormell and I have reviewed this (Mr. Hormell would have been present at today's meeting if more notice had been given). The County Code states that we enter a surcharge in our report. Our report was accepted by Judge McCune on the 28th day of January. The Code doesn't say that the Court is to review the report.. The report only to be accepted by the Court of Common Pleas and filed in the Prothono- tary's Office.. Individuals have 60 days to appeal a surcharge, the Commonwealth has three to four months. Mr, Stuart has 60 days to file an appeal, that is the status as far as our Office is concerned. A judgment then becomes ,final. This is the legal status. Mr. Flynn: Mr. Capano, there is nothing that the County Commissioners I j can do until the expiration of the 60-day period? Mr. Capano: No. We have been doing everything possible since this matter has been brought to our attention. We are not trying to shirk our duties nor are we lying dormant and we will take the necessary action for the protection of the Commissioners. Mr. Elish: As you know this is not the first time I've been to Court. There is other litigation. After the 60 days expire it is up to the Courts to determine. Mr. Whalen: On the following dates, proper notification was sent to Edward Stuart, his bonding company, his legal counsel, and the District Attorney's Office of this shortage. Notification to Stuart: August 10, 1964; October 19, .1964; January 18, 1965 and February 1, 1965. On September 3, 1964, Mr. Richman advised Mr. Hormell that he had been retained as legal counsel for Mr. Stuart and on October 30, 1964, a complete copy of the audit was mailed to Mr. Richman at his request. Mr. Marino: During the early summer months when this came to light, Mr. Puchany was in my office after working hours for a week or ten days going over the report for 1963 in an endeavor to reconcile the apparent discrepancy. Mr. Elish: There is a discrepancy someplace in the records of the former Treasurer. Our records are correct. We accept his (Mr. Stuart's) reports to make our reports. Mr. Capano: Mr. Elish, now that you have surcharged him (Mr. Stuart) has the District Attorney's Office been notified? Mr. Whalen: Yes, we have notified Mr. Fergus. J Mr. Finder: Have previous checks been made on cash on hand reconciliations? MINUTE BOOK JIM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen: The cash on hand shown on his monthly reports was the proper amount, Problem existing that the past years was getting into the Treasurer's Office to make an audit. At one time it was necessary to obtain a Court Order to get information. Mr. Elish: Problem with system by cash payments. Mr. Capano: This system has been corrected with the co-operation of the Commissioners, Controller, and Treasurer. Mr. Finder: Try to pinpoint when the $50, 000. 00 shortage occurred. Mr. Whalen: We are working on that. We have been working on this matter as far back as 1963. The Controller's Office in the meantime, has to protect the County. Mr. Flynn: The Commissioners are in agreement with you. When this was first brought to our attention that there was a $50, 000. 00 shortage, we did what we could. Our Budget Director feels it could be a duplicate entry. We are not trying to shirk our responsibilities. There was nothing more we could have done up until this time. You have done the proper thing by making this a part of your legal report. The situation now stands status quo, until after the expiration of the 60 days. Mr. Whalen: The newspaper carried the year 1953, I believe this to be a typographical error. Meeting reconvened and Regular Order of Business continued. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that April 1, 1965, be designated as the cut-off date for political subdivisions to make applications for Liquid Fuel Tax monies from Washington County. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flynn: We find that it's necessary to retain the services of an electrical engineer to make a study of the existing electrical conditions of the Courthouse and make recom- mendations as to necessary electrical changes and needs, also to submit estimated cost for such a study and needs. Mr. Mazza: This should be discussed with the West Penn Power Company and suggest that they make a survey or recommend an engineer to make a study. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the County Commis- sioners employ the professional services of an electrical engineer to make a study of the Courthouse (electrical needs) and furnish us with recommendations and estimate cost. Remarks: Mr. Mazza: Do you have anyone in mind? Mr. Bevec: We plan to contact the West Penn Power Company. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.