HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 78 - 3-25-1965 - COMMISSIONER344 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS I-_ Mr. Flynn explained the policy adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the awarding of contracts. Bids are opened in accordance with advertisement, at the designated date and hour, contracts awarded one week later, giving the Solicitor and Purchasing Agent an opportunity to review all bids received. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that all bids be tabled until a tabulation can be made by the Solicitor and Purchasing Agent. Contract to be awarded on Thursday, March 25, 1965, at 10:00 a.m., or shortly thereafter. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Whalen reported on the transfer of the Liquid Fuels Account to the new depository, First National Bank of Fredericktown. The old account is not completely closed because there are some outstanding checks. Mr. Whalen stated that he will get sample checks from the Bank (Pittsburgh National Bank) for the Sinking Fund Commission and the Capital Reserve Account. Mr. Mazza stated that each member of the Board should have a listing of all accounts and balances with the various banks. Mr. Flynn reported that the contract had been signed for the allocation of funds to institute the Homemaking Service Program in the Mon -Valley Area. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: //March 2 � 1965 ATTEST: A_aC CHIEF CLE� I NO. 78 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 25, 1965 Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Flynn, Bevec and Mazza. Also present being: Solicitor Capano, Chief Clerk Debreczeni, Jr., Budget Director Gillespie, Purchasing Agent Kittridge, Deputy Controller Whalen, Mr. Basich of the Washington County Planning Commission, Mr. Sittler of the Taxpayers' Association, Reporter Robertson and Bidders. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any r corrections, additions or omissions to [1 u MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS LA 1 1 Minute No. 77, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Minute No. 77 be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Unfinished Business: Awarding the bid for the Portable, Diesel Powered Air Compressor. The bids submitted having been reviewed and tabulated by the Solicitor and Purchasing Agent. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the contract for the furnishing and delivering of One (1) Portable, Diesel Powered Air Compressor to be delivered to the Washington County Garage, to be used by the Washington County Bridge Department, said purchase from Liquid Fuels Tax monies, be awarded to the EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES, INC., 540 Delwar Road, Pittsburgh 36, Pennsylvania, for the total sum o:L� $5, 260. 00; this being the lowest responsible bid received and being in accord with our specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: A bid for the Bookkeeping Machine to be used in the Adult Probation Office, was delivered before 11:00 a.m. , March 18, 1965, designated date for the opening of said bids, but it was delivered to the Purchasing Agent's Office instead of the County Controller's Office. Other bids submitted for the Bookkeeping Machine were opened and read by the Deputy Controller at the designated time (11:00 a. m.) and tabled for review and tabulation. This bid was not discovered until the close of the meeting (approximately 11:30 a. m.) when the Purchasing Agent returned to his Office after attending regular session in the Office of the County Commissioners. Therefore, the bid was not opened. Mr. Capano: With the possibility that it could be a qualified bid, it is best that we reject all bids so as to avoid the technical question. Mr. Flynn: In view of the fact of the circumstances in the submitting of the bids for the Bookkeeping Machine, all bids will have to be rejected. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that all bids for the purchasing and delivering of One (1) only, new Burroughs or National Cash Register Bookkeeping Machine to be used by the Adult Probation Office of Washington County, be rejected; and the County Controller bee authorized to re -advertise bids. 346 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. 6EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. _ Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the County Controller be authorized to re -advertise bids for the purchasing and delivering of One (1) only, new Burroughs or National Cash Register Bookkeeping Machine to be used by the Adult Probation Office. Said bids to be received by the County Controller in his Office in the Courthouse, Washington, Pennsylvania, until 11:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Thursday, April 8, 1965, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County r Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: a Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously.• Regular Order of Business Continued: Appointments: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that John M. Gregory, be appointed as a Warehouseman in the Surplus Food Department; this action to be effectivE! March 24, 1965. Mr. Gregory replaces Domenick Jordan, who resigned. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse of the Observer -Reporter Publishing Company, entered i the meeting. I 1 Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Philomena Chuey, 1 representative of the Republican Party and Andrew Sasko, representative of the Democrat Party, be designated to draw for positions on the ballot for those candidates unable to be present. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. i New Business: The Adoption of the 1965 Budget a Mr. Flynn asked Mr. Gillespie if he would like to summarize the l Budget briefly. Mr. Gillespie: The overall approximate cost will be $140, 000. 00 more than the 1964 Budget. The reason is increased spending cost in the General Fund. The administrative 1 I costs went up $26, 000. 00, but Welfare was cut $26, 000. 00. The Courts have increased costs; this is due to •increased costs for corrections. MINUTE BOOK M7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS C E 1 Mr. Sittler: How does this high cost of corrections compare with surrounding Counties ? Mr. Gillespie: We are high. The real estate tax levy for the year ' 1965 is 14 mills, an increase of 1 3/4 mills as compared with the millage of 1964 - 12 1/4 mills. Income from 2 mills will be set aside for capital improvements. Mr. Flynn: We are in a good position financially to stay just the way we • are, but if we are to accept our responsibility, if we are going to look to the future in many respects, if we are going to worry about the conditions of our existing investments under our Industrial Appraisal - I understand our appraised property values around the County is around 17 millions of dollars - are we going to be concerned about improvements or necessary repairs on buildings; what are we going to do? We could close our eyes to everything, but I don't believe the people want this. We have to take the initiative. We need recreational sites, we need conservation of water with multi -purpose dams; this takes money. We have nothing in this County, our County has remained status quo basis for years and years and I sincerely believe if we are going.' -to be responsible officials that we have no choice. We have discussed this many times, my two colleagues and I, at, length. It isn't just a question of raising taxes,.. if we can come up with this Capital Reserve Fund and Capital Improvement Fund, we will be in business. I think this is a step in the right direction. Maybe in years to come, it can be reduced, we are hoping so, we aren't just taxing just for the sake of doing so, there is a reason for it. Mr. Mazza: Mr. Chairman, I want to thank the Majority Commissioners for the courtesy that was extended to me during all of the Budget hearings. We spend many, many hours, days and weeks to come up with one of the best possible budgets that we thought would be acceptable to the taxpayers of Washington County. As you know, I spent many years on this Board and there were many things that I wanted to see done which never divulged. As you pointed out, we have millions upon millions of dollars in our Capital Improvement and of course, it was all only talk and no action. We talk about our increased costs of our jails and our Courts, but when you really get down and study this thing out, to find out why jails have been increasing, your surveys will show the men we have in jail range from 18-25, the largest percentage, that due to the many men who are not at work cannot afford various things; they come to this County to commit various crimes. The Flood Control Program, Capital Improvement, Recreational facilities - there are no State Parks to keep youth occupied - County Home and Hospital, all of these things are importan- and have to be considered. As the Minority member of the Board, I am interested in the progress of Washington County. There is no question how far we can go if we stand up and vote for a tax increase. I want to commend the Commissioners. L'think this is the soundest ' 348 MINUTE BOOK BOARD DF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS and most economical way to receive money to meet our needs. Mr. Bevec: As far as the increase in taxes is concerned and as far as the Budget is concerned, this is a well -planned program. A careful study has been made in all aspects. The amount of taxes needed has been studied and I am sure the millage set up to i return to the public will be to the fullest extent of the dollar. And I want to point out with � reference to the Real Estate letters, they object to the increase in taxes; the suggest J Y gg t cutting back. What do you cut back? Many of these programs are mandated by the ILegislature. Just like the School Districts, you have to come along with a tax increase to carry out the responsibilities. This is not loosely set up and if we are to progress, we must have something to offer. Mr. Cromwell, Director of the Washington County Planning Commissior., j entered the meeting. Mr. Flynn: We have to assume the responsibility if we are to go forward, to increase taxes. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Budget for the j County of Washington for the fiscal year 1965, be finally adopted by the County Commis - sinners, said Budget having been available for Public Inspection in the Office of the Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners from March 5, 1965, to this date. In accordance with the Provisions of the Act of Assembly of July 18, 1935,, as amended. Resolution as to Tax Levy and appropriation of the County of Washington and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania fixing the tax rate for the year of 1965 and appropriating specific sums estimated to be required for the specific purposes of the County government, hereinafter -set forth, during the fiscal year. Be it resolved and enacted, by the Board of Commis - I sioners of the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, that a tax be and the same, is hereby levied on all property within the said County subject to taxation for County Purposes for the fiscal year of 1965 as follows: Tax rate for general County purposes, the sum of 12 Mills on each dollar of assessed valuation, sum being $1.20 cents on each one hundred dollars i of assessed valuation. This rate of taxation upon valuation of properties of the County of Washington, is required for purposes of meeting the necessary general expenses for the year of 1965. In addition the sum of 2 Mills on each dollar of assessed valuation be levied, twenty (20) cents on each one hundred dollar assessed valuation, for the Capital Improvement Fund for the fiscal year of 1965. Total Tax Levy therefore, being 14 Mills which makes the payment of taxes in the amount of one dollar and forty cents, ($1.40) upon each one hundred dollar assessed valuation of Real Estate. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion, carried unanimously.