HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 104 - 9-30-1965 - COMMISSIONER MINUTE BOOK 475 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS] Mr, Elish: c They have done a wonderful job. The Board of Commissioners were- in agreement that this Department (Surplus Food Department) is doing a fine job. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. - i THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: /eptembeyr 30 1965 ATTEST: dL C IEF CLERK NO. 104 I Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa. , September 30, 1965 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following , members being present: Commissioners Bevec and Mazza. Also present being: Chief I Clerk Debreczeni, Jr. , Solicitor Capano, Mr. Basich of the Washington County Planning I Commission and Reporter Robertson. Absent being Commissioner Flynn who is attending a meeting of the Legislative Committee of the State .Association of County Commissioners i i in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I Meeting called to order by Acting Chairman Bevec and roll call taken: Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Flynn - Abs`ent. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 103, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Mazza`, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that Minute No. 103 be approved as read. , i Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - 'Yes. I Motion carried unanimously. Y Old Business: Mr. Mazza: The Airport Leases are all complete? Mr. Capano: The signature of one company is necessary; after the petition is filed, it will be thirty days before official approval. Appointments: Moved by ,Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec,` that the following persons be appointed as employees in the Surplus Food Department: ` Winifred R. Rook, replacing Irene Fusco effective September 27, 1965 Louis Gallo, replacing George Packrall effective September 27, 1965 476 MINUTE B ❑ ❑ K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON _ COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. 6EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Debreczeni: We try to hold this department down to the minimum, but this is difficult because of the commodities involved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes; - Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read letter under date of September 24, 1965, received from Henry D. Harral, Secretary of Highways, acknowledging receipt of letter sent to the Governor by the Board of Commissioners with regard to the Mon-Valley Expressway and - its connection to Route 51 in the South Hills area of Allegheny County. Mr. Harral stated the letter and attached material would be placed before the State Highway Commission at its next meeting; also, the importance of this project is recognized and it is regretted that the resources available will enable the improvement of Route 51 only to its junction I with Route 88; they shall try to keep the improvement extending southward until it can join i with the Mon-Valley Expressway in our County; when the State Highway Commission holds its next meeting in our area, we shall be invited to present the material in person to the Commission. When notified of the meeting, the Board will contact the Planning Commission to present our program. Chief Clerk read letter under date of September 27, 1965, received from Dr. Douglas Bowman, County Superintendent of Schools, stating his appreciation for the interest of the Commissioners in the Educational Program of the County schools and their interest in the physical housing of the County Superintendent and his staff. Reference was made to the occasional repairs requested and made in the office, most recent being a reception counter revamped by carpenters, Frank Liberatore and John Zelenko, which made the reception area more efficient. Letter also stated the appreciation of the fine maintenance service of Mrs. Comer and Mr. Higginbotham. Mr. Richard G. J. Marren, Assistant Director of the Washington County Redevelopment Authority, entered the meeting. Mr. Marren presented two resolutions to i the Board concerning the Central City Urban Renewal Project and informed the Board the application for additional funds from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Bureau of Community Development, Department of Commerce - Pennsylvania Housing and Redevelop- ment Program, was necessary for various reasons: increased land acquisition costs, I project extension over next year, interest increase, etc. (from $425, 000 to $641, 393). Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that the following resolution be adopted: MINUTE BOOK 4` �1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERSI (1) RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Washington has certified the area known as Central City Urban Renewal Area a description of which is hereto, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington desires to undertake the development of said area, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington wishes to obtain financial assistance from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the amount of Six Hundred Forty One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-three ($641, 393. 00) Dollars, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington has pre- pared the Application for Redevelopment Assistance Grant, Form BCD-4; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington be and is authorized to file the Application for Redevelopment Assistance Grant, Form BCD-4, for a grant in the amount of Six Hundred Forty One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-three ($641, 393- 00) Dollars, in order to further the e.ede4 velopment program. And it ,is further resolved that the redevelopment area as certified by the Planning Commission is hereby approved for redevelopment. And it is further re- solved that the housing needs of the City of Washington can best be met by the expenditure of State funds allocated under the Housing and Redevelopment Law of 1-949, as amended, in the clearance of slums and the redevelopment of blighted areas. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington, at its stated meeting held on the 30th day of September, 1965. /s/ Alex Debreczeni, Jr. , Chief Clerk Roll call vote taken: i I ' Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. i Mr. Marren presented the resolution to the Board renewing the agreement i to undertake the Project. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that the following resolution be adopted: (2) RESOLUTIO N Resolution of the Board of County Commis- sioners of the County of Washington approving the Urban Renewal Plan and the Feasibility of Relocation for Project No. Penna. R-98. WHEREAS, under the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator is authorized to provide financial assistance to Local Public Agencies for undertaking and carrying out urban renewal pro- jects; and WHEREAS,, it is provided in such Act that contracts for financial aid there- under shall require that the Urban Renewal Plan for the ,respective project area be approved by the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated and that such approval include findings by the governing body that: (1) the financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan; (2) the Urban Renewal Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation of redevelopment of the urban renewal area by private enterprise; (3) the Urban Renewal Plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and (4) the Urban Renewal Plan°gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration 478 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON - COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. EIEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; and 11 WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington (herein called the Local Public Agency ) has entered into a planning contract for financial assist- ance under such Act with the United States of America, acting by and through the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, pursuant to which Federal funds were provided for the urban renewal project (herein called the "Project") identified as "Washington Central City Project Penna. R-98" and encompassing the area bounded as set forth in Exhibit "All attached hereto and made a part hereof in the City of Washington, State of Pennsylvania (herein called the "Locality"); and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has applied for additional financial assistance under such Act and proposed to enter into an additional contract or contracts with the Housing and Home Finance Agency for the undertaking of, and for making availabl additional financial assistance for the Project; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has made detailed studies of the loca- tion, physical, condition of structures, land use, environmental influences and social, cul- tural, and economic conditions of the Project area and has determined that the area is a slum, blighted, and decadent, deteriorated or deteriorating area and that it is detrimental and a menace to the safety, health, and welfare of the inhabitants and users thereof and j of the Locality at large, because of unsafe., unsanitary, inadequate or overcrowded condi- tions of the dwellings therein, inadequate planning of the area, defective design and arrangement of the buildings thereon, faulty street and lot layout, and economically and socially undesirable land uses, and the members of this Governing Body have been fully apprised by the Local Public Agency and are aware of these facts and conditions; and WHEREAS, there has been prepared and referred to the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington in which the City of Washington (hereinafter called "Locality") is located, said Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter called "Commissioners") for review and approval an Urban Renewal Plan for the Project Area, dated June 1962 and revised January 27, 1964, and consisting of 25 pages and three exhibits supported by the recommendations of the Planning Commission of the City of Washington, which recommendation is not a part of said Urban Renewal Plan; and { WHEREAS, said Urban Renewal Plan has been approved by the Governing Body of the Local Public Agency, as evidenced by the copy of said Body's duly certified resolution approving said Urban Renewal Plan, which is attached thereto; and WHEREAS, a general plan has been prepared and is recognized and used as a guide for the general development of the locality as a whole; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, which is the- duly designated and acting official planning body for the locality, has submitted to the Governing Body of the Locality its report's and recommendations respecting said Urban Renewal Plan for the Project area and has certified that said Urban Renewal Plan conforms to the said general plan for the Locality as a whole, and the Governing Body has duly considered said report, recommendations, and certification of the planning body; and WHEREAS, said Urban Renewal Plan for the Project area prescribed certain land uses for the Project area and will require among other things, changes in zoning, the the vacating and removal of streets, alleys, and other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other public facilities, and other public action; and . WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has prepared and submitted a program for the relocation of families that may be displaced as a result of carrying out the Project in accordance with said Urban Renewal Plan; and WHEREAS, there have also been presented to the Commissioners informatio and data respecting the relocation program which has been prepared by the Local Public Agency as a result of studies, surveys and inspections in the Project Area and the assembling anal analysis of the data and information obtained from such studies, surveys, and inspections; and WHEREAS, the members of the Commissioners have general knowledge of the conditions prevailing in the Project area and of the availability of proper housing in the Locality for the relocation of families that may be displaced from the Project area and, in the light of such knowledge of local housing conditions, have carefully considered and reviewed such proposals for relocation; and L MINUTE BOOK C9 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERSD WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Commissioners take appropriate official action respecting the relocation program and said Urban Renewal Plan for the Project, in conformity with the contract for .financial assistance between the Local Public Agency and the United States of America, acting by and through the Housing and Home Finance Adminit 1 strator; and r WHEREAS, the Commissioners are cognizant of the conditions that are impose in the undertaking and carrying out of urban renewal projects with Federal financial assist- ance under Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, or national origin with respect to housing facilities related to residential use and all public] facilities within a project area; public facilities proposed as non-cash local grants-in-aid; and employment; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON: i 1. That it is hereby found and determined that the Project is a slum, blighted, deteriorated, or deteriorating area and qualifies as an eligible Project area unde the provisions of the 'Urban Redevelopment Law" of 1945, P. L. 991. 1 2. That said Urban Renewal Plan for the Project aforementioned, having been duly, reviewed and considered, is hereby approved, and the .CommissionersI Clerk be and is hereby directed to file said copy of said Urban Renewal Plan with the minutes of this meeting. i 3. That it is hereby found and determined that said Urban Renewal Plan for the Project Area conforms to said general plan of the Locality. 4. That it is hereby found and determined that the financial aid provided and to be provided pursuant to said contract for Federal, financial assistance pertaining to the j Project is necessary to enable the Project to be undertaken in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project Area. 5. That the redevelopment of the Urban Renewal Area for predominantly non residential uses is necessary for the proper development of the community. 6. That it is hereby found and determined that the above mentioned Urban Renewal Plan for the Urban Renewal Area will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the Locality as a whole, for the urban renewal of such areas by private j enterprise. 1 7. That it is hereby found and determined that the Urban Renewal Plan for i the Urban Renewal Area gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with j special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered-by the Plan. 8. That it is hereby found and determined that the program for the proper relocation of families displaced in carrying out the Project in dement, safe, and sanitary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards is feasible and can be reasonably and timely affected to permit the proper prosecution and completion of the Project; and that such dwellings or dwelling units available or to be made available to such displaced families are at least equal in number to the number of displaced families, are not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and public and commercial facilities than the i dwellings of the displaced families in the Project area, are available at rents or prices within the financial means of the displaced families, and are reasonably accessible to their places of employment.. 9. That in order,to implement and facilitate, the effectuation. of the, Urban Renewal Plan hereby approved it is found and determined that certain official action must be taken by this Body with reference, among other things, to changes in zoning, the vaca- ting and removal of streets, alleys and other public ways, the establishment of new street patterns, the location and relocation of sewer and water mains and other public facilities and other public action and, accordingly, this Body hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out, such Urban Renewal Plan; .(b) requests the various officials, depart- ments, boards, and agencies of the Locality having administrative responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consistent with said Urban Renewal Plan; and (c) stands ready to con- sider and take appropriate action upon proposalp ,and measures designed to effectuate said Urban Renewal Plan. 10. That additional financial assistance under the provisions of Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, is necessary to enable the land in the Project area to jI l i 480 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON , COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS be renewed in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project area and, accord— ingly, the filing by the Local Public Agency of an application or applications for such financial assistance under said Title I is hereby approved. i Certificate of Recording Officer The undersigned hereby certifies that: 1. He is the duly qualified and acting Commissioners' Clerk of the County of Washington, Pennsylvania (hereinafter called the "County"), and the custodian of the records of the County, including the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of the County Commissioners of Washington County (hereinafter called the "Governing Body"); and is duly authorized to execute this certificate. 2. Attached hereto is a true and correct copy of a resolution including the WHEREAS clauses, adopted at a meeting of the Governing Body held on the 30th day of September, 1965, (hereinafter called the `Resolution of the Governing Body"). I 3. Also attached hereto is a true and correct copy of the Urban Renewal Plan, which has been previously approved by the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington as evidenced by a duly certified resolution of that body attached to said Plan, presented at said meeting, and approved by the Resolution of the Governing Body. 4. The Resolution of the Governing Body has been duly recorded in the minutes of said meeting and is now in full force and effect. 5. Said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and the bylaws of the County. To the extent required by law or said bylaws, due and proper notice of said meeting was given. A legal quorum of members of the Governing Body was present throughout said meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the Governing Body voted in the proper manner for the adoption of the Resolution of the Governing Body. All other requirements and proceedings under law, said bylaws, or other- wise, incident to proper adoption of the Resolution of the Governing Body, including any publication, if required by law, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise obsery d. 6. If the seal appears below, it constitutes the official seal of the County and was duly affixed by the undersigned.;�t the time this certificate was signed. If no seal appears below, ,the County does not have and is not legally required to have an official sea . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand this 30th day of September, 1965. /s/ Alex Debreczeni, Jr. (SEAL) Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes. �I Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed. Meeting reconvened at 11:0,0 a. m. , for the purpose of opening bids for the new service entrance and electrical ,distribution system for the Washington County Court- house, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by G. A.. Mattern and Associates, Electrical Engineers, Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Those present being: Commissioners Bevec and Mazza, Also present being Chief Clerk Debreczeni, Jr. ,, Solicitor Capano, Miss Nancy Gilbert representing the County Controller, Purchasing Agent Kittridge, Electrician Lucian Spriggs, Electrician Ermil Caleffie, Building Superin- tendent Bevec, Mr. Basich of the Planning Commission, Reporter Robertson, representa- tives from the Kirby Electric Service, Inc. , the Baldwin Electric Company, and R. M. Klein Electric Service, and others, Mr. G. A. Mattern. Bids submitted and read by Miss Gilbert, said bids being properly adver- MINUTE BOOK 481 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS] tised and submitted upon the following proposal form: Proposal 'Forfn To: Washington County Commissioners, Washington, Pennsylvania From: Contractor ` For: Prime Contract Work as specified: A. The undersigned propose to furnish all the labor and materials required for the new electrical service and distribution system for the Washington County Courthouse, Washing- ton, Pennsylvania, under the above contract, in accordance with accompanying specifica- tions and plans prepared by G. A. Mattern and Associates, 1073 South Main Street, Greens- burg, Pennsylvania, for the sum specified below, subject to additions and deductions according to the specifications and in all respects according to the terms thereof. t B. The undersigned agrees that if within forty-five (45) calendar days from the day named for delivering the proposal to the owner, notice that this proposal will be accepted by the owner, he will, within seven (7) calendar days thereafter deliver to the owner, where directed, a contract properly executed, with such changes therein as shall have been made by the owner prior to the time named for delivery of this proposal, together with a performance and a labor and material bond of surety company satisfactory to the owner and the engineer, in the sum of one hundred per cent (100%) of the contract price, the premium for which is to be paid by the contractor and is included in the contract price. C. The proposed contract sum for the base` bid is S Dollars ( ). D. The proposed contract sum covered by the above proposal may be increased or de- creased in accordance with the following alternate proposal which may be accepted by the owner. A. The undersigned certifies `that he has visited the site of the work, has become fully acquainted with the work to be performed under this contract. B. The undersigned further agrees that the cash, certified check, or certi- ficate of deposit left with the owner shall become and be the `property of the owner as liquidated damages if, after an award is made to him, he shall fail to enter into the contract thereof within seven (7) calendar days after notice of said award has been -mailed or delivered to him. C. The undersigned represents that these proposals are made in good faith, without fraud, collusion, or connection of any kind with any othei- bidder for the same work, that he is completing in his own interest and in his own be- half, without connection or obligation to any undisclosed person that no other person has any interest in regard to the place' where it is to be done, made his own examination and estimates and from them makes this proposal. D. The above bid prices 'stated in these proposals include all stipulations and requirements of addendum no. addendum no. , addendum no. , addendum no. which have been received and accepted by the undersigned. Bidder's Business Address Signatures FROM: 1. Church & Murdock Electric 3867 Peach Street Erie, Pennsylvania 16508 /s/ Ellamae Johnson, Chester W. Church I 482 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Proposed contract sum for the base bid: $39, 500. 00 Accompanied by Bid Bond in amount of: $ 3, 950. 00 2. Kirby Electric Service, Inc. 183 46th Street Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201 /s/ Mildred Kirby, James Kirby, President Proposed contract sum for the base bid: $38,495. 00 Accompanied by Bid Bond in amount of: $ 9, 000. 00 Alternate Bid: Use interlocked armored cable in lieu of specified flexible conduit for panelboard' feeders. Deduct $2, 450. 00 - Estimated time of completion: 31 December 1965 4 3. Western Pennsylvania Electric Company 3421 Library Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15234 /s/ Kenneth O. Robison, Anthony Ten y Battaglia, Owner Proposed contract sum for the base bid: $41, 674. 00 Accompanied by Bid Bond in amount of: $ 6, 000. 00 4. Yost Electric Company 149 Arch Avenue Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601 /s/ M. C. Quinn, John R. McKillop, Estimator Proposed contract sum for the base bid: $36, 625. 00 Accompanied by ,Bid Bond,-in amount of: $ 3, 663. 00 5. R. M. Klein Electric. Service Box 274, R. D. 1, Venetia, Pennsylvania 15367 /s/ D. J. Klein, R. M. Klein, Owner Proposed contract sum for the base bid: $34,489. 00 Accompanied by Bid Bond in amount of: $ 5, 000. 00 6. Baldwin Electric Company 393 West Chestnut Street Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 /s/ Margaret Joan Roupe, John W. Chapman, Owner Proposed contract sum for the base bid: $29, 870. 00 Accompanied by Bid Bond in amount of: $ 2, 987. 00 i 7. Terry Electric, Inc. 314 Hays Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15210 /s/ Mildred L. Coleman, G. C. Terhorst, President ` Proposed contract sum for the base bid: $58, 300. 00 Accompanied by Bid Bond in the amount of $5, 830. 00 Mr. Bevec explained the' policy adopted by the Board of Commissioners 4 on the awarding of contracts. Bids are opened in accordance with advertisement, at the designated date and hour, contracts awarded one week later, giving the Solicitor and Purchasing Agent an opportunity to review all bids received. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that all bids be tabled until a tabulation can be made by the Solicitor and Purchasing Agent. Contract to be awarded on Thursday, October 7, 1965, at 10:00 a. m. , or shortly thereafter. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Bevec - Yes.