HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 147 - 7-28-1966 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 679 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS n L I� that will be provided by said Department on their prior stream clearance work. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded byMr. Mazza, that the County Controller be authorized to advertise for bids for the furnishing and delivering of coal for heating the Washington County Courthouse, Jail, Washington County Home and Hospital for Men and the Washington County Home for Aged Women, for the 1966-1967 season. Said bids to be received in the Office of the County Controller until 11:00 a.m. Daylight Saving Time, Thursday, August 18, 1966 and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. It is hereby moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Board of County Commissioners certify that the resolution of sponsorship dated June 24, 1966, and the rights of entry presently filed with the Depaetment of Forests and Waters, is still in effect and continuing for the proposed additional work. Remarks: A meeting was held between the Board of Commissioners and the Chartiers Township Supervisors with reference to keeping the stream clear of rubbish and trash that has polluted the stream since the project was completed and the Supervisors i have agreed to make every effort to keep the stream clear of rubbish and trash and to enforce the law for violating the township ordinance preventing stream pollution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr.. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: July 28, 1966 I ATTEST C F CLERK NO. 147 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., July 28, 1966 f Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following member being present: Commissioners Flynn, Bevec and Mazza. Also present being: County Solicitor Capano, Chief Clerk Kittridge, Mr. Basich of the Washington County Planning Commission and Reporter Robertson. Meeting was called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. MINUTE BOOK 680 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 146, each Commissioner having received a copy. q Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that Minute No. 146, be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Chief Clerk reported on the meeting with Washington School Board on the possibility of reserving space for the Civil Defense Office on a tempoary basis. The School Board had previously taken action that the Third Ward School Building, presently I housing the Washinton County Civil Defense, would not be available after August 15, 1966 Chief Clerk informed the Board of Commissioners that any action has been tabled until A�gust 3, 1966. Appointments: Moved by Mr. Bevec, secondedby Mr. Mazza, that the following temporary s employees be appointed to the office indicated opposite their name; this action to be effective July 25, 1966. Barbara Zorek William Lane Romaine Howell Roll call vote taken: Child Welfare Services Bridge Department Bridge Department Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Tax Refunds: Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due toeither duplication or overpayment! of real estate tax. 1. Sady, Michael A. Estate of North Franklin Township re: 1966 assessment. Tax in the amount of $51.80 Net was paid on June 23, 1966 valuation $3895. Tax Appeal No. 3568 reduced valuation to $1430. and tax to $19.02 let, making a refund due in the amount of $ 32. 78 to Sady, Michael A. Estate c / o I Joseph Da Clouche, 116 North Gordon Street, Alexandria, Virginia. 2. Liberatore, Same and Belle of Centerville Borough re: 1966 assessment. Tax in the amount of $35.24 Net was paid on June 28, 1966 valuation $2650. Tax Adjustment No. 3584 reduced valuation to $1800. and tax to $23.94, making a refund due in the amount of $11.30 to Sam and Belle Liber tore, Box 225, Denbo, Pennsylvania. 3. Iaquinto, Francesco and Theresina of City of Washington First Ward re: 196, assessment. Tax in the amount of $12.57 Net was paid on June 6, 1966 valuation $945. Tax Adjustment No. 3349 reduced valuation to $845. and tax to $11.2 Net making a refund due in the amount of $1.33 to Francesco and Theresina Iaquinto, 217 West Spruce Street, Washington, Pennsylvania. 11 J 4. Popeck, James T. and Mary J. of Chartiers Township, re: 1965 assessment Tax in the amount of $107.80 Net was paid on July 28, 1965 valuation MINUTE BOOK 681 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 I� $8105. Tax Adjustment No. 4734 reduced valuation to $7805 and tax to $103.81 Net, making a refund due in the amount of $3.99 to James T. and Mary J. Popeck, R. D. 2, Linden Road, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented 1966 Application for County Aid from Liquid Fuels Funds submitted by Midway Borough. The said municipality requests an allocation in the amount of $5, 000. 00 toward reconstruction of its main street; the total estimated cost of the project is $15, 000. 00. j Remarks: Chairman: Allocations are made based on population and mileage. The Borough would be qualified for an allocation in the amount of $500.00. This request is out of line and I recommend that it be denied. The Engineer's Office is instructed to noti: the Borough of Midway of the Board's decision. Correspondence: Letter received from the Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District, i William L. Hutchinson, Secretary, under date of July 13, 1966', requesting allocation in the amount of $1, 000. 00. This amount is set up in the budget. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the budget allocation for the year 1966 in the amount of $1, 000. 00 be approved for payment to the Washington County I Soil and Water Conservation District. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Letter received from the Citizens Library, Norman S. Lyon, Librarian, under date of July 12, 1966, requesting their budget appropriation for the year 1966 and also ex- pressing appreciation for the County's appropriation, which is important in helping the Library qualify for State aid. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the budget allocation for the year 1966 in the amount of $5, 000. 00 for the Citizens Library, be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Notification received from the Pennsylvania Association of County Hospital Administrators, Joseph W. Mulroy, Secretary, of the Annual Conference to be held September 29 and 30, 1966 at the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, MINUTE BOOK 682 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS urging that Washington County be represented. Theme of the conference is "County Hospitals in the Medicare Age". Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that JohnShowalter, Superinten- dent of the Washington County Home for Aged Women and Peter F. Jollick, Superintendent lof the Washington County Home and Hospital for Men, be authorized to attend the Annual Pennsyl ania Association of County Hospital Administrators Conference to be held in Pittsburgh, Penn11 - sylvania on September 29 and 30, 1966. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. j Motion carried unanimously. i The Semi -Annual Articles of Agreement between the County of Washington and i the Allegheny County Workhouse and Inebriate Asylum commencing July 1, 1966 and ending December 31, 1966, for a six-month period, was presented to the Board. Note was made that the words "or Magistrate" were deleted from the contract by Washington County. These words were deleted because the County Controller's Solicitor is of the opinion that Justices of the Peace and Aldermen do not have authority to commit directly t the Allegheny County Worj�house. This action was agreed upon by the County Commis- sioners and the Controller of Washington County and the Washington County Association of Justices of the Peace. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Articles of Agreement between Washington County and the Allegheny County Workhouse and Inebriate Asylum at Parkview, be executed; this being a semi-annual contract covering the board ing of prisoners at said institution, commencing July 1, 1966 and ending December 31, 1966. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; I Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Remarks: Mr. Mazza: I would like to recommend to the Board for consideration that we apply for Federal and State funds to provide for the extension of the runway at the airport, so that we could get some of the larger jets and commercial airliners in here. With our many industries located in this area it is time we started thinking about the extension I of the runway either this year or next year. I Mr. Flynn: These funds will be available and will affact our plans with the airport. We intend to increase facilities. Meeting recessed at this time in order that the Board enter into a Salary Board 0 E 1 meeting. Meeting reconvened at 11:00 a.m. for the purpose of opening bids for the MINUTE BOOK 683 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS purpose of opening bids for the furnishing and delivering of Tax Assessment Supplies required for the year 1967. Those present being Commissioners Flynn, Bevec and Mazza, Controller Elish, Deputy Controller Whalen, Solicitor Capano, Chief Clerk Kittridge, Mr. Basich of the Washington County Planning Commission and Reporter Robertson. Following bids were opened and read by Deputy Controller Whalen: 1. Monongahela Publishing Company Monongahela, Pennsylvania John T. Robinson / s / 2. Lydic Printing Company 35 East Pine Avenue Washington, Pennsylvania AND (Joint Bid) Badzik Printing Service 401 Thompson Avenue Donora, Pennsylvania Total Bid: $3801.65 Certified check in the amount of: $475. 00 Total Bid: $4929.75 Certified check in the amount of: $492. 98 County Solicitor Capano reviewed bids, and all bids being in order, it was recommended that the contract be awarded to the Monongahela Publishing Company, the lower of the two bids received. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the contract for the furnis and delivering of materials and services for the Tax Assessment Office for the year 1967 be awarded to the MONONGAHELA PUBLISHING COMPANY, Monongahela, Pennsylvania; for the total amount of $3801. 65; this being the lowest responsible bid ,received and being in accord with our specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTESTf �2/(JJA// D. CHIEF CLERK %gym ���m%ran<%ice r