HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 13 - 2-9-1960 - COMMISSIONER16 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS NO. 13 Office of `.the County'Commissionen Washington, Pa., February 9, 1960 Board of County Commissioners in special session those present being Commis- sioners Cummins and Mazza. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the follovi.rg resolution in regard to the sale of property for unpaid taxes by the Washington County Tax Claim Bureau } be adopted: ! RESOLUTION NO. NAME OF PURCHASER 554 William A. & Elizabeth M. White 3 i r Motion carried unanimously. Being property described as 1/2 interest in Lots #609 (should'have been #709), 710- 731 in the Gordon Plan of Lots, situate in Canton Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, formerly owned by Margaret Danley and Leona Andrew. $ 50.00 I Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the Board of County Commis- sioners setting as the Registration Commission of Washington County approve the following field registration days for the Primary Election to be held on April 26, 1960. ; let LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT t Date District Place Time ! March 4 Mt. Pleasant 3 Miner Hall, Westland. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and, 6 pomo to 9 p.m. 7 Claysviile Borough Building 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board at this tine, the meeting adjourned. THE FOR=1-NG MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: 16, Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., February 11, 1960 ' Board of County Commissioners in special session those present being Commission- ers; Pettit, Cummins and Mazza. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the General Fund be reim- ;buxsed with the following payments from the Tax Assessment Bond Issue. Voucher No. Account No. Date Amount 12047 105 A-aal December 15, 1959 $ 541.56 12048 December 15, 1959 900.08 12054 December 23, 1959 6023.75 12056 December 23, 1959 427.74 1004 January 15, 1960 6,634.00 1005 January 15, 1960 82.50 �I 11 rl MINUTE BOOK 17 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCI5 E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 u Voucher No. Account No. Date Amount 1010 105-A-aal January 15, 1960 2,014.24 1017 January 15, 1960 157.75 12052 105 A-21 Deember 15, 1959 4,630.80 12053 December 15, 1959 11106.32 1082 January 15, 1960 7,497.52 1083 January 1% 1960 659.02 1084 January 15, 1960 998.32 1085 January 15, 1960 1,585.57 1o86 January 15, 1960 1015.77 1087 January 15, 1960 5,945.85 J.V. 12002 105-A-dl December 30, 1959 450.o4 11073 105 A-bl November 15, 1959 139.84 $ 410210.63 Notion carried unanimously. Notion by Mr. Cunnins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the Controller be author- ized to make the following transfers in appropriation accounts: . Account No- Debit Credit 101 $ 1061.89 89 $ 102 260.62 103 2,902.23 104 4,9422.94 105 -961,423.54 106 1,505.12 107 1,294.03 109 2,280.76 110 66.84 114 4,724.56 115 709.78 - 117 4,072.73 118 1,482.43 119 10.98 120 3,76$-44 121 117.17 122 36.70 123 24.65 126 9,178.72 127 63.05 128 78.81 201 850.32 202 21228.68 203 11, 570.50 204 1, 649.07 301 2,529.15 302 16,748.11 401 3088.07 402 60,903.32 501 1,472.76 503 92514.29 504 6,353,17 505 36.20 507 500.00 508 348.63 509 322.00 510 11, 948.16 511 25,441.83 512 69384.35 515 11:565.54 516 4, 877.52 517 15,419.67 599 B 5,700.00 901 1,700.00 602 212.50 1302 7.42 Unappropriated Estimated Surplus 254,469.37 Notion carried unanimously. is MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -5 WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZ.A, COMMISSIONERS Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the following estimate to replace drains at the county jail building as submitted by John Nicolella of Washington, !� Pennsylvania in the total sum of $732.00 be accepted. I Replacing four (4) drains in the roof of the jail, located along side of the sky lights. Extensive damage to these drains make it impossible to replace and should be done immediately to prevent further damage to county property. I am to furnish all labor, material and insurance necessary to emplete the job. The above work is to be done j for the sum of $732.00. Signed by: John C. Nicolella /s/ Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that John Oliverio be appointed i as a machine operator in the Tax Assessment Office, this action to be retroactive to February 1, 1960. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that Laura Strickland, be appointed as a Clerk in the Registration Offfice, this action to be.retroactive to February 1, 1960. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that Katherine Joyce Nelson, be appointed as a Clerk in the Tax Claim Bureau, this action to be retroactive to February 1, 1960. i Motion carried unanimously. i i Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that C. 0. Williams, be appointed as Assistant Bridge Superintendent to Joseph Muscaro, this action to be retroactive 1 to February 4, 1960. , Lotion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Joseph Femianis be appointed as the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund Clerk, this action to be retroactive to February 1, 1960! Mr. Femianits salary to be charged to Account No. 402 &, Engineers Office, and to work under the direct supervision of the. Chief Clerk to the County Commissioners. Motion carried unanimously,, i a At this time, Controller Elish,, entered the meeting for the purpose of awarding the Fleet Durance contract. The following bid received and initialed on February 2, 1960 was opened and I ! read in accordance with the advertisement for fleet insurance for public liability, property damage, comprehensive A.C.V., theft and collision coverage. February 2, 1960 Peter E1ish, Controller and Washington County Commissioners Courthouse Washington, Pennsylvania Gentlemen: We respeefully submit the following quotation for Fleet Insurance for Public Liability, Property Damage, Comprehensive A.C.V., Theft and Collision Coverage as per schedule of equipment attached hereto, to be written for a term of one (1) year effective at 12:01 a.*.., February 18, 1960. :i MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 19 1 C� Premium for Liability and Property Damage is: 1. $863.o0 To be placed with following company: Zurich Insurance Company Premium for Comprehensive A.C.V., Fire, Theft and Collision is: 2. $672.27 To be placed with following company: Zurich Insurance Company Total Premium for coverage or total of items 1 and 2 is: 3. $1,535.27 The right is reserved at the discretion of the County Commissioners to award the lowest bid as to either item 1 or 2 or the lowest total of both. Certified check in the amount of $100.00 make payable to Washington County Commissioners, is enclosed as evidence that bidder will accept same and carry out the con- ditions of the contract in case of award. NAME: S. W. MILLER AGENCY BY: W. A. Miller /s/ ADDRESS: 40 North Main St.y. Washington, Pa. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the S. W. MILLER AGENCY, 40 North Main Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, be awarded the contract for the furnishing of Fleet Insurance for Public Liability, Property Damage, Comprehensive A.C.V., Fire, Theft, and Collision Coverage, to be placed with the ZURICH INSURANCE COMPANY, and written for a one (1) year term, effective at 12:01 A.M., February 18, 1960; this being the lowest and only bid received in the total amount of $ls535.27. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Elish leaving the meeting. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the County Controller be authorized to advertise for the printing an delivering to the Election Department of the County Commissioners the necessary ballots and election supplies required for the conduct of the General Primary Election to be held Tuesday, April 26, 1960, and the delivering of ballot boxes with election supplies to the Judges of Election for the one hundred eighty- eight (188) precincts. Bids to be received by the County Controller, in his Office in the Courthouse, Washington, Pennsylvania, until 11:00 A.M., Eastern Standard Time, Friday, Larch 4, 1960, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following resolution of the Board of the County Commissioners of the County of Washington, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relative to the issue by the said County of a Note for Two Hundred Thousand (200,0E0.00) Dollars as a temporary loan, was presented, duly seconded and adopted by the said Board, to -wit: "WHEREAS, it has become necessary for said Board to borrow the sum of Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of meeting current expenses for the year 1960, and to be payable out of taxes -and other current revenues during the year 1960; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of the said County of Washington, that for the purpose of providing fonds for the payment of current expenses of the County, the proper officials of the said County are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate a temporary loan on such terms as may be agreed upon by them, payable out of taxes which have been levied and to be collected during the year 1960, and so much of said taxes as may be necessary to repay said loan, with interest, is hereby set aside and designated for