HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 216 - 1-12-1962 - COMMISSIONER262 MINUTE ■ ■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCtS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 631 Peter & Mildred Werhatch Being propert described as Lot No. 23, Blk 7K, Fourteenth St., is,U. a in the Borough of Donora, Washington County,, Pennsylvania, formerly assessed in the name of Anna Sofran. 5o.0C t , 632 Dante & Pansy Filipponi Being property described as Lot No, 24, Potts Plan, formerly assessed in the name of Lewis Galis, situate in Smith TowneMpIp Washing— ton County, Pennsylvania. 5E,00 i ! Motion carried nanisly. Motion by Mr. Cummiwj, seconded by Mr. Massa, that the Application for County Aid from Liquid Fuels Tax Fund., as submitted by Canonsburg Borough, Waskingtou County, Pennsylvania, be i approved in the amount of $6,000.40, contingent on approval by the Department of Highways. This tamount to be used for improvements in said Borough as outlined in their application which is on file in both the Office of the Chief Clerk and the County Controller* Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourwd at the call of the Chair. Motion by M'r. Cwmdns,, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting be adjem-md* Motion carried unanimously,. THE PMMOIVG MINUTE REND AIM APPRAVEN 1962 J ATTEST: �. Gil ii j NO, 216 Office of the County Commissioners Wa on, Pa., January 12, 1962 Board. of County Commissioners set in regular session with the following members being presents Commissioners Pettit, Cmuins and. Massa. Also present werer County Solicitor Masseck, i 'Tau Claim Bureaus Solicitor Hermon, Reporter Crouse and Mr. I. W. Mc:Caskey, Taxpayer and citizen ,from Peters Township. Motion. by W, Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Mr. MeAmbleyp Executive Director of the Washington County Redevelopment Authority be required to attend the meeting being held at West- moreland County,•Ceurt House, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, on January 15, 1962, or if his schedule his such that he designate someone else to attend in his place. i Motion carried unanimously, At this time, Wallace Greene, , Treasurer of Foetal 51 and Stewart Chinbers., Chairman of the I i shop Committee,, representing the Pottery Makers' in Canonsburg, on -tared the meeting i discuss the possibility of lowering the tariff barriers; (as outlined in President Kennedy's Sta of the Union Message, Thursday, January llth). The Committee invited the Commissioners or a representative of theirs to attend a meeting with them in Washington, D. C., on Wednesday, January 17th. Solicitor Massock suggested that the Committee have the President of their local union 3 submit an official letter to the Board of County Commissioners so that they can outline their position on this matter and in turn pass the information on to the proper officials; the two MINUTE BOOK � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, 13ENNSYLVANIA _ FRANCIs E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS F State Senators and the Congres ; also when the union has heir conference in Washington, Pena- sylvania, a resolution should be adopted and forwarded to the Commissioners. Mro Groom and` Mr, Chambers left the meeting at this time. James T. Hamilton and Glenn Hamilton, representatives from the Washington County of the National Farmers Union Group entered the meeting. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cvmdm,, that the letter of resignation as s by Andrea Craig, Telephone Operator, Account No. 103, be accepted effective the 18th day of 1962. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr, Cummins,, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Waste Agreement between West Brownsville Boroug#p California Berough, California Union School District, Washington County and Nelle L, Teer, be signed and exee*tod by the Board in accordance with the recommemlation of the Cewbr Solicitor who prepared the • Agreement• Motion carried unsaimausly. Nr**Mw'boelt,aclftsed-tt#*,!Board,,-tMt ho.had been served with the following Appeal From Decision of Board for the Assessment and Revision of Taxes, 1, In rot Appeal of Mathias Coal Company, From The Decision of the Board For the Assessment and Revision of Taxes, Wash. ingtoss County 2. In rot Appeal 0 Mathias Coal Company, From The Recision of the Board For the Assessment and Revision of Tames, Wash- ington County 3. In rot Appeal of Mathias ) Coal Company, From The } Decision of the Board } For the Assessment and } Revision of Taxes, Wash- ) ingten County } 4. In rot Appeal of } Consolidation Coal Company., } From The Decision of the ) Board for the Assessment ) and Revision of Taxes, ) Washington County ) 5. In rat Appeal of } Consolidation Coal CompkW,9 ) From The Decision of the } Hoard for the Assessment and Revision of Taxes, Washington County 6. In re: Appeal of Mathias ) Coal Company, From The } Decision of the Board for ) the Assessment and Re- ) vision of Takes, Washington } County } 7. In rot Appeal. of ) Consolidation Coal Companyp ) From the Decision of the ) t Board for the Assessment } and Revision of Taxes, } Washington County } No. Milt, Nov. Torn, A.D. 1961 -No. 405, Nov. Term, A.D.-1961 N** 406, Nov. Tera, A.D. 1961 No. 407, Nov, Term, A.D. 1961 No. 408, Nov. Term, A.D. 1961 No, 409, Nov. Torn, A.D. •1961 No. 410, Nov, Term, A.D. 1961