HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 279 - 9-7-1962 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. 6LATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS -5 xonns4s�Ls euaa.asiso ao. (NOTE OF BIDDER) The above bid is submitted with the understanding that it is to be awarded in full. Any part will be unacceptable to the Monongahela Publishing Company. Nbtion�by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr, Cwsnins, that the contract for the furnishing and delivering of materials and service required for the 'fax Assessment`Office for the year 1963 be � awarded to the Monongahela Publishing Company, 1ngahela, Pen=Wlvani.a,_ _1n the total amount j of their bid $4,747.44; this being the lowest responsible bid and only bid received. i Motion carried. I 3 i Motion 'by Mr. Mazza., seconded by Mr. Cur nips, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. THE FOPMOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: September 28, 1962 ATTEST:'�,.c gi Chief W i Office of the County Commissioners Washington, .Pa., September 7, 1962 Board of County Commissioners not in regular session with the following members being presents Commissioners Cwmdw and Mazza, Also present at this meeting were: Tax Claim Bureau Solicitor Hornell, Reporter Crouse, Chief Clerk Stuart, and citizenPfr. Bfradshaw. Notion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cumnins, that the Tax Assessment Office be autlz_ orized to prepare tau refunds for the following due either to duplication or+overpayment on real estate or occupation tax. 1. Consolidation Coal Compser.. Librs ry, Pennsylvania, duplicate payment of 1962 County Tax. to ,iul y 26, 1962, tax was paid in the amount of $.29 on I interest 3 acres coal, North Franklin Township, Washington County, and on August 1, 1962, duplicated this by paying $.52 on interest 3 acres coal, maid a refund due in the amount of $.29. 2. H. Clyde Borror, 285 Shirls Avenue, WaobingtoInt Pennsylvania.. dupli- cate payment of occupation tans for Clyde H. & 11ma A. Borror for yeate 1957 through 1961. Mr. & Mrs. Borror paid occupation taxes for said years when making paquent for their County Tax on property situate in the 2nd Ward of the City of -Washington also paaia occupation tax'for same years according to the Occupation Listing (7th Ward - City of Washington) t ds being a duplication and a tax refund due in the amount of "M 3. Pennsylvania Transformer Division, YAGraw-Edison Co., Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, duplicate payment of 1962 County Tax. On July 13, 1962, said conic paid taxes in the of $13'�.27 and $2161.37 total Payment 2,298.64 on property situate is North Strabane 2arhiP, Washington County, described as Structures on B1-Flab, 3.462 E aeres s�face .(see *. Said company duplicated this payment on July 26, 1962, there - ford, a refund is due in the amount of $2,298.64. * ( and Structures on Al-A5 Plate, 27.288 acres surface), 4. Marcus & Mamrdress L. MoKaahan, R. D. 4, Washington, Pennsylvania, for duplicate payment of 1961 Occupation Tax, On July 292 1961, Mr, & Mrs, McMahan paid their 1961 County Tax on property si'lwte in Axwell Town- ship, Washington County, described as 2 story brick s-buildings., 50.1 acres surfaces, $26.44 ($2.05 being occupation toe), Mr. & Mrs. McKehan also paid the taxes of the former owners (Mr. & Wri, Dopler) on August 31, 1961 in the amount of $36,08 property described as 2 story frame house, buildings, 118.647 acres surface (42.05 being occupation tax) this payment caused a duplicate payment of the 1961 occupation tax and a refund of $2,05 due Mr. &Mrs, McMahan. 5. Joseph & Mildred Drutch, Washington Extensi,s#, Bentleyvil.le, F 1- vania, overpayment of 1962 County Tax, On July 13, 1962, tax was paid in the amount of $la4669 for property situate in Bentleyville Borough, Washington County, described as 1 story brick house, lots 3 & 4. Tax Adjustment No. 734 reduced the valuation from $3600 to $244o and tax to $30.72, makJmg a refund due in the amount of $13.97. 6. Ray & Margaret D. Hart, 30 Lang Avenue,. Washington, Pennsylvania, overpayment of 1961 County Tax, On August 1, 1961, tax was paid in the aaaount of $23,32 on property situate in the 4th Ward of the City r� I MINUTE BOOK � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. SLA70H CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS of Washington, Washington County, described as 2 story alumipum house, lot 30 x 140. Tax Adjustment No. 4D68 reduced the valu- ation from $2295 to $1810 and tax to ;17.62, makuw a refund due in the amount of $5.70. 7. Lee Worthington, Jr., 66 Hewitt Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania, duplicate payment of 1962 Occupation Tau. des August 1, 19621 Mr, Worthington paid his 1.962 County'Tax in the amount of $22.46 which included ($1.17 for occupation tax) he also paid-$1.17 for occupation tax according to the Canton Township Occupation 1isting (which appears in the back of the Tax Assessment Duplicate) causing a duplicate pay- ment and making a refund due in the amount of $1.17. 8. Paui J. & Sylvia Manon, 500 Fallowtield Avenue,, Charleroi, Pennsyl- vania, overpayment of 1962 County Tax. c6 -July 18,, 1962, tax was paid in the amount of $96.06 for property situate in Carroll Town- ship, Washington County, described as- 1,stor, stone %use, garage, lot 85. Tad Adjustment No. 714 reduced_the_valoatioa from Sl,955 to $7200 and tax to $87.29, making a- refund-due._dnAha mount of $8.77. 9. Fortunato & Angela Sanfillippo, 147 Taylor Ran Road, Monongahela, Pennsylvania, overpayment of 1962 County -Tax., On July 13, 1962, tax was paid in the amount of $42,47 for property situate in Carroll. Town- ship, Washington.Cotntty, described as A story brick house, store, lot 183 x2OO. Tax Adjustment No, 1301 reduced. -the, occupation valuation from $225 to $200 making the tax reduced -to $42.M and a refund dine in the amount of $,28. 10. Daryl J. & Nancy Sheridan, Merrick Manor Plan,-- Monongahela,, Pennsylvania, overpayment of 1962 County Tax. On August 11 19623, tax was paid in the amount of $46.32 for property situate in. -Carroll Township, Washington County, described an 1 story brick house lot 16- Tax Adjustment No. 705 reduced the va;.uation from $3755 to 132W and the tax to $40.33, making a refund due of $5.99. 11. Matesich, John & aeralditas 134 Weisbeeker Maas,_?tW ongahela, Pennsyl- vania, overpayment of 1962 County Tax, On July 31, 1:962, tax was paid in the amount of $38.99 on property situate in Carroll Township,, Washington County, described as 1 story brick house, lot 100 x 200, Tax Adjustment No. 705 reduced the valuation - frost $3150 to $2550 cad tax to $32.o1, making a refund due of $6.98. 12. Totura, Emil. & Lois A., 206 Route 837, Monongahela, rennsylvanias, over payment of 1962 County Tax. On August 1, 1962 tax was paid in the amount of $47.72 on property situate in Carroll Township, Washington County, described as 1 story brick house, garage, irreplar plot 50 x 247. Tax adjustment no. 708 reduced the valuation from 93900,.00 to $3405.00 and tax to $4495, making a refund due of $5.77.. 13. Sitar, Joseph E. Jr,, & Helen J., Grant Avenue, Rabe Manor, Panora,, Pennsylvania, overpayment of 1962 County Tax. On July 9s 1962 tax was paid in the amount of $4.7.72 on property situate in Carroll Township, Washington County, described as 1 story brick house, garage, Lot 2 - Part lot 3. Tau adjustment no. 708 reduced the valuation from $3900,00 to $3300.00 and tax to $40.74, Ong a;refund due of $6,98. 14. Mazanet, Joseph B. & Rosa, 312 Washington Avenue, Charleroi, Pennsylvania, overpayment of 1962 County Tax, On July 23, 1962 tax was paid in the amount of U 4.17 on property situate in Charleroi Borough, Washington County, described As 2 story frame house, lot 797, Tax adjustment no- 665 reduced the valuation from $3595.00 to $2000-00 and tax to $25.60, making a refund due in the amount of $1.8.57. 15. Latcbem,, Willard F,. & John W. Jr., 810 McKean avenue, Charleroi, Pemsyl- .vania, for overpayment of 1962 County Tax. On July 31, 1962s tax was paid in the amount of $121.79 on property situate in Charleroi Borough Washington County, described as 21.536 acres surface, loth Street to River. Tax adjustment no. 671 reduced the valuation from $10,465,00 to $7..47o,Oo and tax to $86.93,, making a refund due of $34.86, , 16. Weaver, Theodore R. & Alice G., R. 0, 1, Washington, Pennsylvania, dupli- catp payment of 1961,0ocupation tax ( refund due Alice). Occupation was paid with the County Tax in the amount of $54.35,($.98 'being the amount paid for ®coupation tax of Alice.) The amount of $.98 was duplicated by payment of the occupation listing (thin Um appears in the back of the duplicate) therefore, a rePunld is due Alice 0, Weaver in the amount of $-98. 17. Sefton, John D. & Lillian A.,422 XeMaxe Farm. Road, Washington, Pennsyl- vania, for overpayment of 1962 Cquaty Tax. On August 1, 1962, tau mm paid in the amount of $31.77 on properdW situate in Chartiers Township., Washington County, described as 1 story frame house, garage, 1 acre surface. Tax adjustment no. 725 reduced the valuation from $2530,00 to 358 MINUTE, BOOK BOARD, OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY; PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. SLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Aw -5 �nac Sasi.i _. a _ $1950,00 and tax to $25,02, making a refund due of $6.75. 18, Hichman, Phillip & Frances P,, School Street, Extension, Claysvillet Pennsylvania, for overpayment of 1962 Country Tax. On July 190 1962s tax was paid in the amount of $34.04 on property situate in the Borough of Claysville, Washington County, described as 1 starry frame house' part lot 2 - 70 x 17.29. • Tax adjustment no. 731 reduced the valuation from $2815.00 to $2565.00 and tax to $31,13, making a refund due of $2«91. 19. Mesher, Emma Etta, 39 South McKean Avenue, Donora, Penneylvania, for over payment of 1962 County Tax, On July 23, 1962s, tax was paid in the amount of $43#06 on r.wyw ;.y situate in Donora Borough, Washington County, described as 1 story brick house, lot 258 Block 65, Tax.adjustment no. 870 reduced the valuation from $3600.00 to 42500000 and tax to $30,84,0 making a refund due of $12.220 20. Dicks, June, R. D. 6, Washington, Pennsylvania for duplicate payment of 1962 Occupation Tax. On August 1, 1962. Mrs. Dicks paid 1962 County tau includ- ing her occupation tax in the amount of $1,17 (real estate listed in South Franklin Township.) On August 1, 1962 she duplicated this payment by paying 1962 occupation tax which was listed in her name in the East Washington Fisting, therefore, a refund is due in the amount of $1.17, 21. Milligan, Thomas Roy & Rebecca J., 108 Western Avenue, Houst6fts Pennsylvania, for duplicate payment of 1962 occupation taxes, On July 23 1962 Mr. & Mrs. Milligan paid• their 1962 Country Tax in the amount of $9.20 (2.34 being occupation tax) and on July 30, 1962 paid their occupation tax as it appeared in the Houston Occupation Fisting thus causing a duplicate payment anda re- fund due in the amount of $2.34. 22. Enoch, Russell No & Kathleen, 3A8 Park Avenue, Washington Pennsylvania for duplicate payment' of occupation tau, On August 1, 1962, Mr. & Mrs. Enoch paid their 1962 County Tax in the amount of $7,56 ($2,33 being occupation tax) for property situate in North Franklin Township. On the same date, Mr, & Mrs. Enoch paid their 1962 CouvW-Tax in the mount of $118.94 ($2.33 being occupation tax) for property situate in Washington City 5th Ward, this payment of occupation tax is a duplication. Tax adjustment no, W removed the occupation listing from the North Franklin assessment and a refund due•in the amount of $2,33. 23. Ellerton, Thomas & Betty,• 724 East McMurray Road, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, for over payment of 1962 County Tax, On August 1, 1962 tax was paid in the amount of $66.45 on property situate in Peters Township, Washington County, described as 1* story brick house, 0.5 acres surface. Tax adjustment no. 703 reduced the valuation from $5510.00 to W80.00 and tax to $52.14, making a refund due of $14,31, 24. Langford, Katherine M., Boa 222, Roscoe, Pennsylvania, for overpayment of 1962 County Tax, 0n July 16, 1962 tax was paid in the amount of $22,92 on property situate in Roscoe Borough,, Washington County, described as 2 story 5 room frame house, part lot. Tax adjustment no. 1285 reduced the valuation from $1870.o0 to $135®.00 and tax to $16.87, making a refund due of $6.05. 25; Miklasevich, Andrew R. & Stella J.,- Box 512, Roscoe, Pennsylvania, for over payment of 1962 County Tax. On July 26, 1962, tax was paid in the amount of $39.57 on property situate in Roscoe Borough, Washington County, described as 1 story frame house, lot 149 a 139. Tax adjustment no. 736 reduced the vale tion from $3200,00 to $2450,00 and tax to $30.31, making a refund due of $9.26. 26, • Snowdon, Mary Elisabeth, 204 Duncan Street, Roscoe, Pennsylvania, for over payment of 1962 County. Tax. On July 25, 1962, tax was paid in the amount of $27.46 on property situate in Roscoe Borough, Washington County, described as 2 story frame house, garage, Lot 2 - 50 x 100. Tax adjustment na. 1292 reduced the valuation from $2260.00 to $1800.00 and tax to $22.120 making a refund due of $5,34, 27. 'Mi.11er, David W. & 031ve, R. D, 1, Finleyville, Pennsylvania for ove yxent of 1962 County Tax. On August 1,1962, tax was paid in the amount of '30.55 on property situate in Union Township, Washington County, described as 1 story frame house, buildings,. irregular plot 75 x 160, Tax adjustment no, 959 reduced valuation fvom $2425,00 to $2410,00 and -tax to $30.38, making a refund due of • $,17: 28. Lovett, Donald & Vera, 1219 Countpy Club Road, Monongahela, Pennsylvania for duplicate payment of 1962 County Tax, On July 26, 1962, tau was paid in the amount of $10.71 on property situate in Carroll Township, Washington County. Tax adjustment no. 420 added a house to this property (description as follows: 1 story brick house, Lot 10). New card was nailed -in the amount of .$58.89 which was paid on August 1, 1962. The original was thereby duplicated and a refund due in the amount of $10,71. MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANtA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 29. Cipriani, Salvatore, 111 Luella Avenue, Charleroi, Pennsylvania for over payment of 1961 County Tax. On August 1, 1961 the amount of $21.95 was paid for property situate in Charleroi Borough, Washington County, described as 3 story brick house, part lot 133. Tax adjustment no. 392 reduced the valuaH- tioh from $2245.0(? to $1825,00 and tag to 17.87, staking a refund due in the amount of $4.08. 30. Dague, Huldah C., 102 Waynesburg Road, Washington: Pennsylvania, for over payment of 1962 County Tax. On July 30, 1962, tax Was paid in the amount of $39.62 for property situate in Atttteell Township, Washington County, described as 2-stor5r frame house, buildings, 124.12 acres surface. Tax adjustment no. 960 reduced the valuation from $3305,00 to $2375*00 and tax to $28.80, making a refund due in the amount of $20.82. Motion carried. , Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the resignation as submitted by Sheila Ramires, Secretary, for Child Welfare Service be accepted. Effective date of resignation being August 31, 1962. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the application for County Aid from Liquid Fuels Tax Funds, as submitted by East Bettflehem Township, Washington County, Pennsylvvania, be approved in the amount of $2,000.00, contingent on approval by the Department of Highways. This amount to be used for improvements in said Township, as outlined in their application which is on file in the Engineer's Office. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cvmvdm., that the application for County Aid from Liquid Fuels Tax Funds, as submitted by Burgettstown Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, be approved in the amount of $2,000.00, contingent on approval by the Department of Highways. This amount to be used for improvements in said Borough, as outlined in their application which is on file in the Engineer's Office. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr, Cumminss that the following resolution for the new construction of Daisytown Bridge No. 11-A, located between the Bough of California and the Township of West Pike Run, Washington County, be adopted: RESOLMON RESOLVED that, in accordance with the Order of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Wash. ington County, Pennsylvania, at No. 373, September Term, 1958s Q.S., dated June 123, 1962, the Washington CountyBridge Department be instruced to proceed with the new construction of Daisr- town Bridge No. 11 , between the Borough of California and the T p of Test Pike Run, in Washingto Washingto Pennsylvania, estimated bar the County leering Dep rrt to cost between $29, $30,000.00. RESOLVED further that monies from the Liquid Fuels Tax Funds be used to pay for said construction, and that application will be made to have the plans for the as= approved by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Highways, Bridge Department. Francis E. Pettit Y Attest: Ji Blotch Harvey Stuart /s/ John Mazza /a/ Chief Clerk Board of Washington County (SEAL) Commissioners Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Ownins., that the following resolution to re- construct the Coal Center Bridge No. 1, spanning Pike Run Creek, located between the Borough of California and the Borough of Coal Center, Washington County, Pennsylvania, be adopted: 360 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. SLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 5 XUAGNA&Mn" rKML XA19N t au. Iti RESOLVED, that, in view of the dangerous condition of Coal Center Bridge No. 10 spanning Pike Rua Creek, located between the Borough of California and the Borough of Coal Center, Washington County, Pennsylvania, the same be reconstructed by the Washington County Bridge Department at a cost estimated by theca to'be between $15.0000,00 and $161,000.CO. RESOLVED further that monies from the Liquid Fuels Tax Funds be used to pay for said Construction, and that application will be made to have the plans for the same approved by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Highways, Bridge Department. Francis E. Pettit /84 aAttests J. Blatch Cummins Harvey Stuart /a/ John Mazza. /a/ Chief Clerk Board of Waashipgton County Commissioners (SEAL) Motion carried. An ,Agreement entitled *Respecting Reimbursement Program to Counties For The Care Of Dependent, Neglected, And Delinquent Childrena was signed by the County Commissioners, this agreement is between the Department of Public Welfare and the County of Washington, (Child Wel- fare Service) for the period of July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963. Motion by Mr, Mazza, seconded by Mr.. CuwRins,, that the Board hereby adopt the procedum as set forth by the Solicitor's opinion under the provisions of the 1961 Amendment to Article IX, Section 1, of The Constitution of Pennsylvania which provides for real estate tau exemptions for veterans qualified under the said amendment. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the following resolution entitled Quadruplicate Amputees and Paraplegic Veterans Tau Eaemptio?s, be adopteds RESOLUTION QUADRUPLICATE AMPUTEES AND PARAPLEGIC VETERANS' TAX EXEMPTIONS. WHEREAS, the State Veterans Commission, after investigation, has determined the following persons to be in need of a real property tau exemption.. filed under the provisions of the 1961 Amendment to Article IX, Section 1, of The Constitution of Pennsylvania, and MHEREAS, the Washington County Chief Tax Assessor has made investigation and deter. mined that the following meet the requirements set by this Board and are eligible for tag exemption for the properties indicated as being assessed Jn their names. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the following, in accordance with the provisions of the Amendment to the Constitution recited aforesaid, (Resolution entitled Quadruplicate Amputees and Paraplegic Veterans Tax Exemptions dated September T. 1962) are hereby exempt from county taxes assessed against them for the property indicated opposite their name(s), to the extent of percentage indicated. NAME & DISTRICT i Waiter K. & Betty M, { Bedillion North Franklin Township Motion carried. ASSESSMENT '- :r � e Invalid 10 HK 100 $ 110,00 1 story double brick house, garage,4350,00 Lot 6 - 51-2-695 M 758-190 600,00 $4950,00 100% Instructions given to the Chief Clerks' Office that mimeographed copies of the Solicitor's opinion and the Resolution be preparea and the Chief .Assessor's Office, (Tax Assess - went Office) be instructed as to the exact procedure they are to follow when individuals are applying for tax exemptions. 1