HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 292 - 10-22-1962 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 381 WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA d FRANCiS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS �cautiv a Dire :mot' the Child mare Services, is to meet with ssi this of tera- noon, The Board v" also informed *Ut Ar. Creigbton--passod-the-Uvt z1vew-by the Department of ar with a scores'- Erbis woll-qwiliftod'for6 poslUoue .t,:: ft9ught to the Bibardta atteallon-Umta r. _. +.1i n: M .a ,. , instances worked 24 .A f- /bd .. clock - during eloctiew-andl was -it Y f :Ibr2 .lit to be givena Increase z.salary.- ei . Officerequested, a . x W a :; ofLegislature ,. .. r covering these salary limitations, ftb Massa also brought to the beard's attention that it would be p"W for heads of the County's Institution DistrldS U .go to Cambria Govaity and make a study of their re- assessment proms, He stag that the program fo -by brig-. - possibly remit in a savings for our Comty. Motion by ft. l�sa, seconded Tay W.- I� --mat - ` end*tioa of Xr, Harry R. 34ther2ared, dr., ftroctor of the Prometion Agency, suggesting nominon ,for the Board of Directors of the-- ingtM.Greona Concur Tomrist Prmotiea Agency, be tabled at this time, motion Carried" ImanimW4841 Motion by Mr, Massa, seee by Xr.- Owm ins,._that the waty Controller be �. n ar r - '• e n -. :i._ - +;, +S � t�'tl `'� wit: A a t .. . , .�e4tr..e .— _ 7"". Motion ca#rIed u=utIJwuay. Notion, by Xr. Asa, secaonded by -be adjourmd, Motion carried a J usly. THE P()RNGO1W o&L"w lG FX0 AND APPROMs r p ATTISTs Chief CuAi R4. 292 , Office _ yraetasisrs Vashington, Pa., Octobor 2Z. 1962 Board of County Comissioners met in regular se the following ambers being presents Commissioner* Pettit, Owimins andrAzaa. w Meeting galled to order * Chairawa' Francis M., Ps"f lu Notion by 14br, CummAm,9 seconded by Wro ios aa, mat the- me" be -recessed mti�. Friday., October 26, 1962, at 1003-a.m., due to ta: appeal hearings being sahsdeled at this time. Notion- carried manimusly. THE AORB003310 *.uwx,. SAD AND APPROVED.- ATT'EM 1lf ,tlgtttay Pa., O eUber 26, 19f The recessed meeting of the Beard of Cowdy Cewtssiosers ves called to order =1 a .■ o + §. a i : }.' a w79 •Y �_. A ai ♦ r - October 22nd and recessed until this date due to tat appeal hearings being hold at that timer. 382 .MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON C©ijN.TY,_.Pet4NSYLVANtA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. SLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMI$$IONERS '.7 NOBOWOAHBI.A POBMSHIHO 00. The fellowisg members being presonts Ciemissioners Pettit, Oundus and Masea, Motion by Mr, GImmiLas.. seconded by Mr, Mas zaa, that the Tim -Assessment Office be I authorised to grepaxe tax refunds, for the folloarisg due to either dstplieation or overpaymeaa►t on i real estate or occupation tax. 1. Organ, David G. & BIth, 740 MAW Streett WaN vidngtomy_ Ponanylvasia, for duplication of ocean tale. local -were.. paid is the aneeaamt of #27,46 wider U401 No*, I310T' "i668A is' in -St 'Townships ikab. ington Cous*. Occupation taxes were paid in- ,Strafe To Ps and Washington 3rd Word and-psymat was duplicated vith real estate pay- ments, making a refftd-dons in the mount of #2*A. 2. Allison, Willard Z., Main & Shady Streets, Burgettstevtn, PeaWlvania, for overpayment of 1962 Couity-Tau On July 319 19620' tax this paid is the amount of $4E.6$ on rxi. by sitaaste in the Borough-oUbirgettsteera, isgton County, described as o>ns ` slang° concrcto bloft buildings let. Tim Adjustment No, 1860 reduced the valuatim, to $2320 Ahd the tax to $27, t making a reftsd" Arne in the amount of $21,88, , ' 3. Wltri, Pitre & ftlimatta T., request+dast by-. Fittaburth National itaanks Mortgage DepilW, ���� It, Pitts 309 P �rlvania,--fear- QUID t of 1962- County Talc. 6; August 1, 1962, tax was laid ia_%h*,mouxt7 of $57,66 -on property* situate in Canten ? , Wnshi>wgtaaac-Cow4yj, described as one story brick louse, Swap let ? and part lot a, Tax. Adjustment Noe 1239 redmood the valuatiss to 43"0 and the tax to $46.Js4, making a refund due 4. First "National. Bank of C haarlerol, Box y73, Chorlorw4 Pennsylvania, for everpsyment of 1962 County Taaaac. 0n Jay 31, 1962s tax vas. Paid in the amount of #M62 on -property • situatia, I t the Borough -of Clharlorols agioan Comtys, described as three story brisk bonding ']arts 5*, 525 and 527. Tax Adjust- most No. 1064 -reduced the valuation to Ws500 and the Ux to $715,71, making a re -due in the mount of $34.91. 5. Ritteshouiset Frank X. & Alyns D., regaeated by Fittstabmargh National Mortgage Department,, Pittsburgh 30, of County Tax. 0n August 1, V61s tax was Paid in- tha t of $35.25 on pmper'ty situate in Chartiors Tevnship, -ashiagten County, described as one stery franc house, garage, lot 249, Tax _Bo. 1550 re tie valuation to $200 and $2400 and the tax t�0.26,_ a refsas$ due is the amount of $4.119r: " 6. Rright, Alfred J. & Ruth B., 490 Longview Avemaue, Fr 13xa` Farman Nead, i .► ington, Ponneylvania, for eve of 196N Gwonty Tax*. 0n August 1, 19620 tax was paid in the amount -of 159,58 on property situate in Borth Franklin Townships, Washington County, described as- ono stery brick house, garage, let 5. Tax Ad 'Bo. IM reduced - the valuation to-147M and the tax to $54.70`, making a re d[UG- in the mount 7, Barony, Nolan Baroine & Goorgo L., 516 It rases Ua Tome,._ ftshingtols P0011471- i vani a, for overpayment of 19W toluxty Tex* On AvgWA 1, 1962s talc vas paid in the amount of 45.65 os property situate in Nerth-Frai`ialn Tovnship, bash- I ington County°, descrpod as one -story- sta ne house,- ga-fte - lot 65. Tax ,Ad- i justment `Bc. 1900 redeeed the valuation to $62Qa-' ==mAttswx tr $72*15, mkii* a rei"and due in the amount of $5, 23, $ * Went �Pi�tsatbmrgk 3Q,3ii, * P'e�ansy3�rra, ated by �oartsburgh -=I Be 0 " �e � I s ,r ent _of "" ty Tine. 0n August 1, 1`'96'2, tax was Paid in the mount et '#45.97 . en Property sitmato in North Franklin Tovmhip,, 'BasiiW-en County, described -as_ em- story brick hays>jp garage, let 124, Corrccttion aaolip dated 9f9162 re _ths__vt'ivatien to #35(0 i and the tax to $40.74s mpg a-reflond loon in the amewt of $5.23. 9. ram, Lester J.-fie Nfts.4, ., 431 Palo Street, Vashington�,PWAsylvania, for everp of 196 Ce ** Tim on August 21 l�f, teat imrs paid is � amount of .n on gx� situate In North Prraslr3is T�as�p, Coun!r', described as one story brick house, garago, lot d79. Tax Adjustment No. 2 reduced the valuation to $4715 and ttee tax- te_$54.$?, making a ro. I f Wid due in the amount of $5:24. 10. McCanough, W111.1am B. "& ftmt K., I" Tborne Beast, WashU,$t� ms Pe�tsylvasia, for ovasrpaa ent of 1962 County True. 0n August i, 1962, ' tax was paid is tie ` brunt- of $60.05 on Property situate is Berth FrankIin TOW1181109 Goumty, described as one atery brick hswm,, garago, let 50, Talc Ad justmont No. 1072 reduced the rahAU41n to $4560 sod the tax to $53,07, making a re- fund due in the amount of $6; i; 11. Stainbrooks Paul B. &- Kesel A„ 255 Gwft Avoneos t+ws 'P+ lvaaadai►s for everp Wimint of 1962 County Tax. 0n August 1, i962, tax was PaAd is the imount of $54.70 on property sitasto in North Franklin -T ,fins County., described as two story brick hewn# , mere 20t. . Tau 3 1 I a k C 1 MINUTE BOOK 383 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA i FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS i justment No. 1979 reduced the valuation to 250 and tin tax to ,46, avid >mg a refund due in the amount of $5.24* 12, Reraido, Leo & Tillie, R. D. 3s bursettetowns PsTlvan3as for nt of 196E County Tar. _tam August 1, 1962s tax, vas paid= in the Mount of 7+72 on prop- erty situatw- In Smith Township Washington Comby, described as ease story frame , #2546d*� son , nt redueed an29 56i inthe of $U*26 33. Robertson, WIter & Mass R. D, 3s Burgettstowns PeansylvanUp for ev+mr eemt of 1962 County Tax, On August 19 2962, tax was paid 3a the amount of 66.80 om Prop. - arty situate in Smith Townships Washington County, described as one story brick house,, garages part. let 192, correction slip dated 9/6/62 reduced the valuation to $499© and tax to $58.17, a refund due in the masunt of #8.73, 16 Eearfess, Bernard L.,& Horotbf E., requested by Pittsburgh National s Mortgage D+epartmtent, Pltts"bargh 30# Po y2vania, for e, OVY' of, 2962 County Tax, On August i, 1,962t, tax we Jed- -in the amount of 5. 6.- ► -situate, in South Franklin Townsk1p, Washington may,. described. _aa- am a2_bri ek houses games 6.678 acres surfaes, Tax to $3350 and tax to W.",v making a refund" ewe in the- amount of #6,87~. 15, Baronies Angelo & in2fted, Box 67, Bulger, Pornas ar...for-, t of 2962 County Tax. on August Is 1962s tax was paid:--in--the of oam property situate In Suith "Townsh1ps Zia ton County* described- as- Aw story ffame hom,4 garages part let 58, 1,532 aare surfac**- fi -YAd not _14..1615 reduced the valuation to $ZM and tax to $32:29s a-ftuA amount of $15.71. 16. Parsons, YArmle G. & James R., requested by Pittsburgh National Bank, Mortgage - Department, Pittsburgh 30, Femsrlvan4, for ov t of 1962 County Tax. On August is 1962, tax was,paid in the amount of #45 on property situate in West Brownsville tnnax, Washington Covntys described as one story s garage, lots 125s 127 and 129, Tax adjustment no. 1"0 refteed the valuation to $2360 and tax to $27.46, maIcift a refund due in the amount of $6.99, 17. ; Edwin F. 916-918 Garfield Street., - �, F_emas�r�, for �p7.iaa 142 County 4ax, on July 1962s weatorn-Ponnsyl.saumia J114tionaI. bank, Trust of 30, Ds"rtment., YaK"sperts Penan�glvania,- paid dupiieata amok --of 62.91 and S8.73. payments.were made on July 162 1962,--m3d -due is the amount of �6�; 18. Beewmearia".. tiriibert & Urelime C., a. D. 1s- SW -U&s-. ' irgs Pw=$%vanias for, otrerpaymwsi of I962 efunty Tax. on, .T 7 -1.2,. 1 62s- aai ; r 3% %962, tax was paid in the amount of-$46.85 on proper attuats_ ia--Na►rthtr r iane Township, ington County, described as ens-- story briek houses _ _-Ut -21. Tax Adjustment No. 458 reduced the valuation to- *3510 aand._tta. taxg a refer doe in the amount of $6013. IT. Jackovie, Goorge J. _& Abrio, ..Streets-_oslneamsb s- Pennsylvania, for duplication of 1962 C* y.Tax* an August -I,- in the smou mt of WAT on property situate in Bom4h -of County described as two story frame houses garage, part let--252.. -Tax is-tbre4 of W.47 we again path on the same date, making a refund -due- - of $3L47. Motion carried unamdamusly. Rid -proposals for the priamtiang of the Anmial Directory of Washington County Public Schools (1162.-1963) were received. s i s Quantity lumber Pages Inside Number Pages Cover Stock Trimmed Size Stook Cover Ceampositio n Presswork Ink Bind.iaeg 5 i imsat60f Book ely} 6wxgo (o*2*r to be selected) 6 and 8 point %attar press MAsk saddis 1. 60pages -and cover $910,00 Quote rate per copy 050 Directories are to be Nevanber9. -W-1 384 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANcIs E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS MOSONGAMULA PUSLIBRING 00. Bid submi1tted byLyfto Pr'Intiag Com"W 35 Fat Pin* Avems 111"hington# pemalvanu NOWS by *a Cummins, seconded by W, *msas that -V*vg2as'B"m&14 county 8v:pwU"nderA'*f Schools, be advised and instructed, to. notify the LTM-rWWAXrs 35_Bar 6 1 Pins Avenues Vashivgtoz4 Pennsylvania.$ that they haver been for the printing of Us Amnal 111restoryof the Washington 'County ftblic Schools 3962-1964-boing the lowest and only proposal received In the sament of $910*00* The Ceumtyt a shaft. for -the. printing of said die - octoriou U $495.00, Nstion carried Net!= by Mr. Caudws seconded -by W. Nassa,* that theAftity Cimmissismiers Pay tka Po IT. C. Order No, a - 26M -in the w-mut of ,*WMOO to the- ftmoy2womia, Ralread CoWm*,, for ivpdzs to the Jefferson, Avemus *Ifte by the T*nnqlvsnla -Depart-mat of 'Nighways Notion carried Inanimwaslyo 1%tion by Yx, ftalms seconded V-Wo PoUltv UwtAb*_.GovmW Gnmissioners sign the Fallout Shelter Ueenso In connection with Civil Mrofemot This *4W**mwt V. make the itashingtoa County Courthouse and JAU SuDAIng a fvlIeut shelter idthis the-- reqviftwIlAts of the Federal shelter survey program iddah imlvfts the necessity for prodding spacer for sterigm of I ormorgency equipment and supplieso 1116tion by Mr. Gmml=,, seconded by W. Xszza, that the - Wl*vlft polling plaeo be changed: Cross Crook 2nd Fromm TO*Asup Rallaing Tot Louis logy storw4mm R"soat Roque"" to zw". temadd# sspor~rli in liability suit Rentals wow Notion carried vamnlmw2y. Notion by Mr. Massa, ascended by Nr* Cummins, that the statement as subimitted by Julian I. Finn, for professional.servisso with regard to real estate' and industrial appraisals ror analysis and breakdown of industrial spp"U regartlin possible sxsjuqjm or tax on indmetri" appraisslo for asalysis and breAbdown of 1AWMARIA2. appeals reg&*1m_perms b2* exclusion of tm on Industrial macklmory and for services readerst'for the mooft of GcUtwv--2962, in the total i amount or $70D.00 be accept*& and the Chief CIftWo OfAM" to properis a vaucher for said movinte Motion carried-may. Notion by W. Cwwdm.. s000mW by Mr. P*Mtp tUt'largaret Sawchaek be appointed as a Cook at the W&Aingtox Co=ty Rows for Men replacing Clars, J*mbdk* this action to I be effective october 26 1967. Notion carried unarAmuglyo Motion by Mrs CwmdAx,9 seconded by Ar. MUM# that Robert Thus be appoint * I as an Orderly, replacing NAM Waterst at the Wddustift t4mby Boas for Non, Uds action to be offiseuve October 26-,, 1962. Notlen cazwted unodmouslyo Notion by 11r, Massa, seoonAet 17 Wr Cwmlm,# tW the- x0ortift be Adjewsed* Motion carried umnni,nnaly. THE FUR909�M MOM READ AND Art vku _v -Aid: ATTWTS I E iJ