HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 298 - 11-9-1962 - COMMISSIONER1 1 I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIB E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZ,A, COMMISSIONERS to the Controller's official records, t are is $616,5%*21 4n- ant ipated-r*vwm cal ectione to be collected as of this dato, and in as mak as the County -had repaid --to- -t w- Pittsburgh National Bank the total amount borrowed from them in the anciant of- $l,Is00, --and-farther, outside of possible and probable current bins there is no outstanding-b_J _tat3.an _vhieh.- is encumbered by .the 1962 anticipated current revenues. Therefere, the by Mr. Omminap seconded by 14r. Pettit, that the following resolution giving- the ssioners the right RESOLUT"rC1 RBSMVED$ That, the fun& of the Gouty being -exhausted$_ County borrow from Pittsburgh National Bask, at any time ands from time- to -time. -prier U - Do 2&, 1962, an amount or aaenounts not exceeft g in the aggregate Four Hundred Thousand.: (0 -,,Dollars in antici. pation of taxes to be collected for the current fiscal year, the_leaAW -to be evidenced by the sertifioate(s) of indebtedness of the County in fora acceptable. to -the- ._payable on jor before December 31$ 1962, with interest from the date(s) thereof- at- .the_. - U 4W taw.a ad ono -fourth per centin (2 per aanam payable at quarter annual internas,, --said -loansaniCIxWrost to be repaid from the first monies available from takes in anticipation of which suss aarary loans and int- erest we" made, which taxes are hereby appropriated for that a.. -An i._thai the Budget for the Counnty for the fiscal year ,mod the taxes levied- shall _1Yu3 de._ -and -'l e-WfIcient to repay said loan(s) and *hat any two (2). of the Coma4issioners be and their beroby acre- authorized to exesatIe and deliver in the now of the County Ceaaeissioaeers and the Couaaty -tim- esrU fl,oate(a) of imiebtod.• nesa which sball constitute the general obligations of - t w Covatys,.- and -that- the Oief Cleric of then County Cemsrissioners be, and be hereby is, authorized ant motet.-te-atte*t,.such certificate(s) of indebtedness and- affix the County seal thereto, and further that tb-exeaattAon and del lvwy of a eertificate of indebtedness so executed and attested shall be zuffia ioat.. ovi a of the necessity for the borrow1mg tboreby represented at the tine thereof. IN *.Lis ; the undwsignsd has hereunto set-- his. -hand .jmd affixed the seal of the County Wds ?th day of November,, 1962. Notion carried unanimously. Motion by MWn Comainev seconded by Mr. Pettit, that.- the.--Zounty borrow the am of Two Zindlred Thousand (#200, 000,00) Dollars the authority of the resolution passed 'this date, Meveaeber T, -1962. Motion carried una Iy. Motion by Mr. Cumins.9 seconded by Mr. Massa, that the meat .aag be recessed uaatil Friday, Nevesber 9, 19623, Motion carried unanimously. "IE'�I1d� +II3ItiTE ROD AND APPI �fJVEDt �)ai of elk b2fiaee- of- tha Ceuanty C►issioanors Idraarhimgteaa, _ Pa.,Newmabor 9, 1962 Board of County Comaiissionere net in regular session with the following members MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS being presents Cinmissioners Pettit, Cummins and Massa. Also prosent-beings 'Tax Claim'Bureau, 66licitor ftrnell:, Reporter 96raen and"1t. -Bradshaw. Meeting called back into session (recessed on Wednesday,__ er q, 1962) by Me. Pettit, Chairman of the Beard. Motion by'&, mains, ssoondedly 11r, liitssar that-tbe_ fact with Western Pennsylvania Research Associates for the re -assessment Tu.been completed on September 1; 19629 the Chief" Clerk is hereby authorised and directed-to--notify-the beading co , and any and all other agencies necessary to be notified, of the completion of the contract. Motion carried unanimouslyo Motion by Mr. Cummins., seconds# by Mr. Mazza.- that ih, moordanes with' the Agreement between the 'Rational' Transit Comparor and Uhshington County -dated few 33, 1961, and reports from ltr. Paul J. Pettit of the County Engisserl s Office- ant -the- of Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., that when monsay is available the amount of $26,078,33 be--pafd,-.fie -National Transit cofq=ys on City, Femayr'ilvania. Motion carried us9,T. Motion by Mr. ins, socoaftt by Mr. Massi; that- u. - _ be prepared in the name of BUem, 8%em and lard, Atisrneya:, for Brethors ant Coeepaaq►, in the amount of $65000.00 to pay the sett3ea mb the Coafty Ceauissio s-had- Approved. This payment is in connection with the Chartiers Creek Flood Control Project. Adopteds Notion carried unanimously, -Motiox by Mr. Cuanins, seconded by Mr. Massa, that the following resolution be RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that the County of Washington assume the responsibility for one-half of the cost of energising the lights above the Lane -Bane Bridge which cast their reflection on the bridge dock and approaches for the safety sad guidance of motorists, provided that the ro. sponsiblUty for the other one-half of the cost thereof shall be assumed by the County of Fayette , and peroxided further that said cost be paid only oat of Liquid Fuels Tat Funds. The Chief Clerk is directed to transmit a cor ified copy of this resolution to the Pennsylvania Department of Highways and the Board of County Commissioners of Fayette County. Motion carried mmidmusly. Motion by Mr. Cwssins,, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Bogdan Rieksick, T Market Street, Burgettstown, Pennsylvania, be appointed as Assessor for Burgettstown Bern , WashiaNgtom County, Pennsylvania, replacing F. D. Whalen, who resigned. Motion carried ansalmously. Mr. Marks of Indepindence Township entered the meeting and requested aid for Independence Township. Mr. Marks was instructed to stop at the is Office to obtain applications for County .Aid from the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund. At this time, Mr. leambley, Mr. Sutherland and Mr. Gromell entered the moetimg, Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Massa, that the Wlowimg resolution creating the Washingtonl.Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency be adopted. RESOLUTION tdlffi W,v the General Asoombly of the Commommalth of Pennsylvania, has emoted MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL'VANIA FRANCIB E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS the Tourist Promotion Law (dot of April 281 I.�1, being,Act No, 50 of the 1961 Regular Sessies .) for the purpose of promotiM the welfare of the people of the CaaseonerealtA by the rendering of financial assistance to Tourist Promotion agencies engaged in promoting the development and ex- pension of business, industry and commerce in the respective counties of the nwealth; pursuant to the provisions of the Tourist Promotion Im, only one such Tourist Promotion agency shall be designated and gvalified in eaten county to receive such financial assistenee in accordance with the provisions of said law; and MEZZO, to so qualify for such financial assistance a 'gist Promotion Agency must be designated for that purpose by the Hoard of County Comissioners of the county whiff suh Tourist Promotion Agency is to represent and such designotion-amt be concurred Utby resolutions of the governing booties of cities, boroughs, teame or townships- pith 4 a flat mospective county havix-g in the aggregate over 50 per centum of the population of said county; and the Was nr-Greene+ County'Zourist. d,ea y v1141 Its principal office at than South College Street, Washington, Pentnrylvania _-has_. s#.* heat the Board of Commiasioneurs of the County of Wethington, Penneylvania,--deli4 sta-iV-as- .Teuriat Promotion agency to represent the said county for the purposes of the- Tourist Promotion 14w, and IMZRWs, it having been fain that the County Tourist Promotion Agency is a duly constitute# Tourist Promotion Agenscy as that -tern- in the Test Promotion haw, mW t �7t1Lw►, BE IT n,r v,.vfu M TP Is o&%6l t vJ,rf1,&o- Section 1, That, subject to the concurrence by -proper resolution of the governing bodies of such cities, boroughs, towns or townships within the County of segte>et having in tbo aggregate elver 50 per cemtan of the population of said county, the Washington -Greene County Teari Promotion Agency is hereby designated as the Tourist Promotion Agency for the County of with full power and authority to represent said County in all matters relevant to and for all per - poses of the Tourist Promotion Law. Motion carried unaninously►. Notion by Mr. Cummins.. soconded by Mr. Massa,* that Messrs. John Martin, John Lao and Richard Bic , all of Washington, lvenia, be appointedsombers of the Washi�,to County Tourist Promotion Agency. Also to become ;, .. , ..;. of- said Agency when all ra gvA"nents of the law have been met and a preliminary comprehensive plan presented to the Board of sad.onws are A. J. Murphy of M0zeen;8h6lA, Pennsy'3.v d a, an Boyd A. 3% , iibaeh3. tWo _ ?oMwIvania. Notion carried unanimously wish Mr, Sutherland "loavim the ,meeting and porter Crouse and Mr. Parkins of :Beall & Parkins, Architects, entering the meeeting. a Mr* Gmemain in brief informed the Board of the meeting _he_ hOrwith R. M. Stone, Administrator,. Charlerei-YAnesson Hospital and G. 1. Cook, A*dmistrater#- :Ash#00A Hospices concerning the proliminary plans in connection with ing revelments to the' Washington Here and hospital for Men and the Washington County Rom for Aged Women. This being eve of the pro j included in the application for grants from the Accelerated Public Works Program, Are Parkins reported on what progress is being made ** the applications which are being made for grants from the Accelerated Public Works Progratm, Mr, Cromwell and Mr. Perkins left the meeting at this time,