HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 308 - 12-14-1962 - COMMISSIONERM[NUTE
B 0 0 K 3N7
Mr, Bradshaw voiced as a %aver that he would object. to -sat content the bond ins].
Mr. Bernell stated that this matter should be del.ved fasts before any resolution is
passed binding or obligating the County to a bond issue.
Mr. Bradshaw reconumbd that the Cou%ty -with legislators 3m ordor
to turn thb bridges owned by the County ever to the Comomwealth of- P vania. Mr. Bradshaw
remarked that he had been in contact with friends of has--both.-in-.the. Beta d Hn"s who have
stated that they would vote for legislation turning Comity bridges over to the Cieseeemnalth.
Mr. Hornell informed the Board that the Solicitor's Office has met up a file per.
tainimg to this matter which will be discussed during the budget hearings,
Mr. Pettit stated that he had received conauniestion from Dr. William McClelland
concerning the bridges in Alieghear Comity. A -certain percentage of these bridges have been
tvrned ever to the Commonwealth,
Mr, Pettit also received correspondence from tho Federal Aviation Agencys wbich is now
accepting requests for aid under the 1964 Federal•Ald .airport Programs and letter from Department
of Public Welfare approving plans for the new Washington County-JuverAls Detention -How. also
cerrresp Indence from Union Local 642 requesting an appoin to negotiate for a raise.
Motion by Mr, -Cumainss ascended by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting be adjourned.
Motion carried unanimously,
NO,, 308
Office of the County coasdasionere
. Washingtosns Pa.s Doesuber 144 1962
Board of County Condasioners mat in regular session with the following nsabers
being presents Cowdesioners Pettit, Cumaim and Piazza. Also present beings County Solicitor
Hormell,-Mr. Bradshaw and Reporter Crouse,
Motion by Mr. C=eminss seconded by Mr, Mazza, that the fs llowing resolution in regard
to the was of property for mVaid tares,,by the Washington County Tea ,Claix Bureau be aAoptods
658 John W. Jenkins h Sara Being property described as house,
Jenkins his wife Dot 6s Wa wosr Rider Plans situate
in Fallowfield Toes Lipp Washing-
ton County, Perawylvanias formerly
assessed in the neme of John W. &
Sara Jenkins. This_is_bs2Wz@w
Purchased by the owner in order to
clear tiro okaied of the November
10, 1960 Tax Sale, $258*36
Motion carried usanlmauslYo
Motion by Fir, Cusssnift, seconded -by Mr, Piazza, that E+esie Caseps.be appointed as a
Kitcheen, Helper at the Washington County Hoses and Hospitaal. for Imo, replacing Helen. Eovacic, this
action to be effective December 11s 1962,
-Motion carried unaninouslyp
Notion by Mr. Cusminss seconAed by Mr. Mazzas that XtM3. Sosko be appointed as a
Prmt$Aol nurse replacing ng "nevieme Packrail at the Wakington County Hem and Hospital for Moue;
the s action to be effectivo D000mber 11, 1962.
Metio>m Caviled uaawmimeusly.
Motion by Mr. C , seconded by Mr. Massa, that the Courthouse remain open on Sat-
urday., December 22, 19629 until noon and . that it be officially closed on the 24th and 25th of
December, 1962, is observance of Chri,stiums.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Massa, seconded by X r. Cummlms, that the Tax Assessment Office be auth-
orized to props", tau refunds for the following duo to either duplication or everpaymut on real
estate or occupation tax.
1. Swanik, George J. & Jessie, Burgettstoway Pennsylvania, for ovearps7ment of 1962
County Tax, On July 309, 19629 tax me paid in the amount of $42*47 on property
situate in Burgettstown, Washington County, described ant 2 story frame -brick
house, garage, lot 10, Correction slip dated 9/11/62 reduced the valuation fret
$3650 to $3065 and the tau to $35.67, makLug a refund dote of $6.80.
2. Bartanus, Joseph & John, R. D. 2, Avella, Pennsylvania, for duplications of 1962
County Tax. on July 26, 19622, tax was paid in the mount of $6.35 on property situate
in Grass Creek Township, Washington County, described as one story frame hewoe,
plot 110 x 325. Correction slip dated 10/23/62 removed property as a iuplicati.oN
making a refund due of $6,35,
3. Link, Robert, Sr., & Sara X , R. D. 13, Renlin Station, Permsylvania, for overpay.
meat of 1962 County Tax. On July 24, 1962, tax was paid.. -in -the amount mf $56.56,
on property situate in Jefferson Township, 11"as ten-GountIrt--deescribed- as 2 our r
from house, buildings, 92 acres surface. Correctio& slip ---dated 10/24/62 reduced
the valuation from $4660 to $4600 and the tax to $55.84. . &_xofund due of $w 70.
4. Grim, ftymond E. & Betty Jean, 170 Shares Road, Washirngton, Pennsylvaamia, for
rverpaymont of 1962 County Tax. On August i, 1962s tax was paid in the amount of
$61.68 on property situate in North Fr anklinm Township y� County, deser.
abed as one story brick hens*, garage, let 29,-blot a 150.E iax Adjustment
ZJ48 reduced the valuation to $4250 aatd the tau to $49.460 =W a refit dine
the amount of $12.22.
5. Lewis, Samuel H. , 1059 Overlook Drives idaehington, Pean"l- ran", for •v"O s i xt of
1962 County Tax. On August 1, 19622, tax as paid in the smount of SM _ os.preel-
orty situate ; in Neste Frank2in Township, ngton Cow►, ,49 bed rat
house, garage, hart lots 14-15. Tat Ad j tent reduced-#.ho_val ati•n from *5500 to
$5340 and. taax, t* $64,4$, making a ref'a Jae of $1.86*
6. Sisdlak, Eftard J. & Holes A,, 26T Franklin Terrace, We—I.ngton., Penne rivania, for
overpayment of 1962 County Tax, On August 31, 19629, tartx._was.-paid in the amount of
$64*93, ea property situate In North Franklin T ;4_-liiasbiagtom County, dear•
ibed as 1 story brick house garage, lot 2, Tax Adjustment _N•. 208 reduced. the vol-
uatioa from $510E7 to $4950 and tax to $63,09, making - a- due of ; $1.84.
7. Yarkesky, Ervin & AlUm A., .315 Wlie Avenue., Strobe" f - Pemsylvania, for ever o
payment of 19" County Tax, On July 26, 1962, tax was .dr.-in-Ahe amount of Wo 35
on property situate in North Strabame TwmOlp, described as
1 story from house, lot 314-315. Tax Adj=tment 'No. 367, reduced the valuation
from $3955 to $2880 and -tax to $35.84, mtking a refund deem of $12.51.
8. Kansius, Joseph, Sr. & Sophia, R. D. 23, Box -111, Bmrgottstewxi, Perwylvania, for
•vonrpayment of 19b2 County Tax, On August 1, 1962, , tax was paid in the amount of
$33,69 on property situate in Smith Township, Washington County, described as 21
starry frame house, garage, shed, 32.157 acres surface. Correction slip dated
9/4/62 rodnced the valuation from $2695 to S*40 and tau to $29.56, making a refaaad
due of $4.13.
9. Robinson, Robert S. Tat., at* Catherine Robinson, 95 North Main Street, Burgetts-
town, Pennsylvania, for Dave ant of 1962 Cevwty T#X. On !August 1, 1962, tax
was paid in the amount of $29,79 an property situate In Smith Towashipp Washington
County, described as 1/2 intersect - 2 story tile house, strast0resp lot 11.
Correction slip data 9/13/62 reduced the valuation from $5125 to $1065 and tax to
$12.40s making a refund clue of $17.39.
10. Suiea, Do -coo & Catherine., 221 Clark Avenue, R rgettstosn, Pennsylvania, for oyez.
payment of 1962 County Tax, On August 1, 2962, tax was paid in the smount, of
$0,19 on property situate in Smith Township.. Washington County, described as 1
story brick house, lot 15, Correction slip dated 9/12/62 reduced the valuation
from tM5 to $4590 a" tax to $55,75, . asking a refund duo of $13.44.
11. Tustin, Alvin Ray &- nossie,. R. D. 3, Burgettstowrm, Pormayrlvan#.a, for •verpaynmenk
of 1S62 County Tax. On August 1, 1962, tax was paid in the aunt of $27.93 on
property situate in Smith Township., Washington County, described as 2 story fr
'O t
s I
house, garages sheds 7.711 &area surfacse. Tax art4343tln&Ut dated io/ /62
• fired aeroage thus deereasisd the valuation, frow $2M to-*2125 and the tax to
$2T.07, saki a refwA due of $.86.
12, Slovak Gymnastic Union Sokol Assembly No. 205-ef ft+ ekd[al, Stoc e, Pe
sylvania, for eve t of 2962 County Tau.----- the _4 1 2, tau was
in the amount of 9.05 on property situate. in- 3 # Beroughs t�asbing
County, described as 2 story frame building �- lot _5,. Tape Adjtistmoat
2285 reduced the • valuation from $4215 to- $UTand. -tau..-ts 440.159 making a
refund due of $8.90.
13. Austin, PSranklin E. & Joaepbine, A Amumer.-WOot,lhiwwsuil3aes Pennsylvania*
for ov nt - Of 1962 County Tau. 0nAugust- -i,-1 2,.. tax was paid in the
amount of 9.79 on property situate in -Vast- eVA@3 21,6..Swougb (Amex) s
ington County, described as 1 story t 282. Correction
sli dated 9/11/62 reduced the Talus tian fry--�rerted part of the lot)
to 11%OO and the tax , to $28.62.. maid= a-refuast dins of -$l*:L'7.
14. Stange, Robert & Margaret- (requested.- by- Pitt-latismaL Bask, Nemagahelas
Ponnsylvania) for overpayment of-1962. Count -fare.-- --Ow 1, 1962, talc was
paid in the amount of $83.85 on property situate�W - - 2hi wrd, Wash
ington County, described as 1 story 7 roe# rick- ,- .last; 2. Tax Adjustment
Ro. 1346 reduced the valuation from $7205 to $5595 and_ #vane_ to $65.11, making
a refund due of $18,74.
15. Robe, Benjamin. & Isabel, Main S tweet, stsump--A Tania, for everts,
tweet of 1962 County Tax, On August 1, 1962,- tax-3as_4WA, in the amount of
$3.30.92 on property situate in Bur9&ttstVMaftWA9b, Wkshingten County, desar-
ibed as 2 story -brick-stem building, - let-". • 'j s23•p dated 9/n/62
reduced the valuati n from $11025 to $7125 -asui tax,to485.54P making a refund
due of $45.38. on August 1, 19622 tax used paid the.: of 497,53 on
property situate in Bnrgottstown Borough., Washluction jGmusti described as 2j
story brick building, garage shop, - let. - Csetionan meted 9%/62 reduced
the valuation from $8380 to 167* and taw -to 10*61ya m&k1ng a refund dine of
W-89. • Total: amount of refund dues $7Z:n
16. NeDonald, Raymond & PCi1.en, 36 Pennsylvania-Avewas a, Pem syivania,
for eve of 1962 County Tax.- On August,_27,-._ _-tax was paid in the
amount of 9.79 and . $3.66 � on property_ situate-.- is- Ca: tiWfiiaraada Bors®ghs wing -
ton County, described as 2 sterlr garage. Tax Ad.
justment No. 2099 reduced •the valuation from -$18W-A&415ft and tau to $20.02,
making a refit due of $3.43.
17. Tulockj Frank & Froda P., 165 for over-�
payment of 3962 County Tax. On August is 1962, tax - teas --mod in the amount of
5648 on property situate in Canton Township: 1 imgt", -sty, described as
1 story cement blook house, lots 41-42-43, Tax Adjustment -Ho. 2376 reduced t m
valuation from $1330 to aaad tare to $12,63, -_a. refund duo of $2.85.
18. Grillo, Frank & Rose SwIe, 13te8 AAddreen Avenue, . Igoao h47A# • P Sylvania,
for ev erpsyment of 2962 -County Tax. fin July 19s 1964-- tax was paid is the
amount of .51-on property situate in Carroll Townships, Washington County,
described as 1 sto brick house -garages lot- 8,- Ta�c_ tment No. 713 rode
the valuation fMOO to $3750 • "d tax to $45.97-s - makiwa► refund due of
19. Semekeski, Stephen & FTerremoeo, 2 Virginja Drivsq Rabe.. as Pennsylva
for overpayment of 1962 County Tax. On July 25, 1964 - tax.v►s... paid in the saw
of $52.95 on property situate in Carroll County, deactibe+
as 1 story brick houeo, lets 32-33, Tax Adjustment Re. 715 reduced the valua-
tion from $435o to $3450 and tau to $42.47, maki a refund duo of $10.48,
20. T&v4bellas Pearl,. Seeend Avers, Now 1040, P ivania, for ymont of
1962 County Tau. On July 31, 1962, tax was paid in the meant of 15.66 on
property situate in the 3rd Ward of gaisela9 Pennsylvania, •described as
2 story frame house garages, part lots 51-523, also Including occupation - total
assessed valusti.en 11345. Correction slip dated 11/8/62,r the occupation
valuation of $100, making a refnnd due of $1.17.
a, Eonenborgor, Robert & Sylvia3 118 Webb Drive, Was as Pennsylvania, for
overpayment of 1962 County Tax* to August 1, 19623, tare rasa paid in the anomit
of $72.45 on property situate in North Franklin Township, Washington County,
described as 1j story brick -frame hause,9 gar a lot 7, pert 8. Tax Adjustment
No. 1931 reduced the valuation from $6225 t 050 and tau to $0.08, uddag a
refund "a of $437.
22. Carlis3s , John J. & Marion L., 80 Old York. Road, wiwehia1gtcsay Pennsylvania, for
ova of 1962 County Tax* On August 34 19623, tax was paid in the ameuar''
of $74.37 on property situate in Township, Washington County,
described as 1 story brick hoassv garage, lot . Tax Adjo t Rom 1892
reduced the valuations from $6390 to $5565 and talc to $68,17, less 5% or $64,76+
mald a refund due of $9,61.
23. Rumbaugh., James W. & Sylvia M. s 565 Sylvan Drive Washiugtea, Pennsylvania, f*3
everpayment of 1962 County Tau. On August i, 19921, tax was paid in the amount
of $53.70 on property xttuat* im Nortti Franklin- TrauthIps, Iu: �n Counts
described as 1 story brisk hoaso, integral gaarag*, -I*t ll. Tax Adjustment No.
Z" roduced valuation. from . $4625 to $4315 and tax to - $50.22, =king a refund
due of $3. fit$.
24. Sisior, Alice- C„ 561 Franklin Fares Bead, Wii►�tox, Pennsylvania, for over-
t of 1962 County Tex. On August Z, 1962, tax wawa- paid in the amount of
on property situate, :in North Sranklin Township*_ . Vasya3xgtsa , dossn.
ibod as 1 story frame house, garago, lot 31, Ta�c 1tdj t No 86�$6.9�8.
valuation from $3000 to $2?� and tax to.$2Q.i®,. m id na Ao
25. banks, Franck C. & ionic R... 234 Blue jay Drives, R. D. - is 04nowburg,, Penn••
sylvania, for *verpayment . of 1962 County Tax, On .:east, -4 1962, tax was paid
In the amount of U4.07 on property situate in.Berth_ Strabane Township,
ington County, dosarlbed as 2 story brick , lot 27,_ Tax Adjustment No.
986 reduced the valuation frosa $55o5 to $48G0 apt ta%--tw $55.86, mid a re.
,fwd due of $8021.
26,, Janulewi*a, Walter & Stophenio, Six, 3lovan,..Eosylt fOr ow
a of
1962 sty , Tax. On August I, I9►2, tax was paid , ice. tha. As;unt of $1 .72 on
situate in Smith Uwaships, 111ashlngton -- intn -, descr3 - as 2 story frame
house, garage, shed, part lots 2®-21. Taxrl,d jam m&nV N*# ..3 . reduced the val.
ustion from $1065 to JU0 and tax -to $10..94, a.x*fqmd due of-$3,78.
27. Pensakp Stanley J. & Era, Box 334 SYovan, PannW eemia, far overpayment of 1962
County Tax, On August 1, 1962, tax was paid in the amount of $19.32 on property
situate in Smith Township, Vashingtou County, described- as I sto frame house,
lot 4, Correction slip dated 9/n/62 reduced theto $ 360
and tax to $16,66, maki a -due of $3.49.
28, Gregg, Richard D. & Norma J., 502 Locust Avenues- hington, Pormaylvania, for
11 I1-1.4 ant of 1962 County Tat„ An August is, iWs, - tart- -1*U in the anomt olt
$28.IT on par .� jo ., � : % ettuato in South Str4bano . Township,__Sty„ desc-
ribed as 1 story frame bons*, roar part lot 222 x -237.- -Tax 44justuent No. Na7
reducedvaluation from $2220 to $1b80 and tau to $21*68*.ms1dng a refund due of
29. Secl*terr, trig. J. & Rousaliwo B. 0. 1, C*al Confer,.- Pennsylvania, for overpayment
of 1962 County Tax. to August 30:o 1962, tax- w" paid_ ia.-ths_-amount of $48,27 on
property situate in West Pike Run T"aaship,- ' tam _CsuMy, described an 1
story frame house, 2 coos surface. Tax Ad justaqut No. -19Wreduced the valuati ►a
from $3740 to $2880 and tax to $3T,73, maldn a refund due of $10.54.
30. Breennan, M.1liam T. & Lois E., 9 Bluejay Drive, R. D. 1, _Canonsburg, Pennsylvanuta,
for overpayment of I962 County Tax. On July 30, 19620 taac-was paid in the ►=
of $74.42 on property situate in Borth Strabane T p,- tirt%shington County, do.
scribed as 1 story.brick h*uso, lot 9. Tax Adjustment No,_991 reduce the val-
uation from $6195 to $4950 and tax to $517,940 makdng a refund due of $14.48.
31. Dore, Benjamin, 130 Underrals rive, hurray, P lvania,.far overpayment
of 1962 County Tax (ref►a 4 requested by Reliable Sevings--&Tisax Association, 428
Station Street Bridgeville, Pohnsyivania). tits August 4 -1962, tax was paid in
the amount of ITK 96 on property situate in Peters fiownship,., Washington County,
described as 1 story brick house, lot 2. Tax Adjustment_No. 1000 reduced the
valuation from $6130 to $5175 "and tax to $63.39r, making. a. -refund due of $11.74.
32. Baran, John 0., 213 Arlington Drive, B°rid=eville, Pennsylvania, for overpayment
of 1962 County Tax. (refund requested by Reliable Savings & Loan Association,
428 Station Street, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania►). On July 30,- 1962s, tax was paid
in the amount of $53.01 on property situate in Cecil Toxnsh44. Washington County,
described as 1 story brick house, lot 11. Tax Adjustment -No. 1227 reduced val-
uation from $4555 to $3855 and tax to "86, making - a *refund due of $8.15.
33. Versa, Bernard J. & Lillian F., (refund requested by Reliable Savings & loam
Association, 428 Station Stre*t, .Bridg*v1_Ue, Pennsylvania) for overpayarent of
1962 Couaty Tax. On 7/30/62 and 8/3/62,, tax was paid in the apt of *U*$3
on property situate in Cecil. Townships, Washington County, describe as 1 story
brick house, garage, lot 97 x 218, Tax Adjustment No, 2216 reduced valuation
from $3740 to U845 and tax to $33.11, making a refund duo of #1o.42,
34, Fatigato, Mario & Gloria (refund requestod by R*Uable Savings & Lean Associati"
428 Station Street, Bridgevine, Pennsylvania) for ovsrp of 1962 County
Tax. On August i, 1962, taut mac paid in the t of $40.88 on property situp•
ate in Cecil Township, Washington County, describod as 1 story brick hayss,, plot
103 x 193. Tax Adjustment No, 2110 reduced the valuation from $4= to $3300
and tau to $40.714 oft" a refund due of $6,1)t.
35. gensoth, Stephen 8. 4 XxWs. (refamd requested by Reliable Savings & Lem
Association, 428 Str*et, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania) for overpayment of
1962 County Tax, 0% 1/30/62 and 8ih./62, tax was paid in the amount of $50.39
on property situat,► is Coadl Tomnsbipv Washington County, described as 1 story
brick heaso, lot 5. Taft Ad jva No. 2133 reduced valuation} from $1t13O to
$3390 and taac from $50.39 ( h was paid) to ,041..78, mWdas a refund
due of $8,60.
36. Millen, George, 3rd & Boas Streets, California, Pennsylvania, for
overpayment of 1962 County Tau. On 7/23/62 & 8/1/62 tax was paid
on property situate in California Borough, Washington County,
described as 1 story frame aluminum house, lot 34. Tax Adjustment
No. 21W reduced the valuation from $2660 to $1555 and tax to
$18.10, making a refund due of $12.86.
37. Malonsky, Edward W. & Wilma L., R. D. 1, Scenery Hill, Pennsylvania,
for overpayment of 1962 County Tax, On July 34 1962, tax was paid
in the amount of $70.53 on property situate in North Bethlehem
Township, Washington County, described as 2 story frame house,
buildings, 90 acres surface. Tax Adjustment No. 2096 reduced the
valuation from $6060 to $3120 and tax to $36.31, making a refund
due of $34.22.
38. Lightner, Reed D. & Thelma E., Franklin Terrace, Washington,
Pennsylvania, for overpayment of 1962 County Tax. On August 1,
1962, tax was paid in the amount of $51.20 on property situate in
forth Franklin Township, Washington County, described as 1 story
frame, brick house, garage, lot 11. Tax Adjustment No. 2427 re-
dueed the valuation from $4200 to $3300 and tax to $40.74, making a
refund due of $10.46.
39. Carson, Harry W. & Leola L.. R. D. 2, Charleroi, Pennsylvania, for
overpayment of 1962 County Txx. On July •19, 1962, tax was paid in
the amount of $18.21 on property situate in Fallowfield Township,
Washington County, described as frame barn, 8.4351 acres surface.
Tax Adjustment No. 1378 reduced the valuation from $1565 to $425
and tax to $4.95, making a refund due of $+13.26.
40. Roups, Ralph C., Jr., & Connie L-, 523 Palm Street, Washington,
Pennsylvania, for Y W went of 1962 County Tax. On August 1,
1962, tax was paid in the amount of $45.97 on property situate in
North Franklin Township, Washington County, described as 1 story
frame house, garage, lot 71. Tax Adjustment No. 2449 reduced the
valuation from $3750 to $3450 and tax to $42.47, making a refund
due of $3.50.
41. Roberts, Wayne J. & Frances P., 156 Armour Street, Washington, Penn-
sylvania.. for overpayment of 1962 County Tax. On August 1, 1962,
tax was paid in the amount of $65,11 on property situate in North
Franklin Township, Washington County, described as 1 story brick
house, garage, lot 53, Tax Adjustment No. 1917 reduced the valuar
tion from $5395 to $4825 and tax to $58.48, making a refund,dus of
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Cundns, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting be recessed until
Friday, December 21, 1962, at lOtOO a.m., or sooner at the call of the Chairman.
Motion carried unanimously.
Meeting reconvened at the call of the Chairman.
Motion by Mr. Cumaains, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that it is necessary to transfer the
sum of $929.20 from the General Fund to the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund in order to correct the error
which was found in our last report submitted to your department on July 11, 1962.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza,,that Garnet Armstrong, be employed as
an extra helper at the Washington County Home for Aged Women; this action to be effective
December 1, 1962.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting be recessed until
Friday, December 21, 1962, at lOtOO a.m., or sooner at the call of the Chairman.
Motion carried unanimously.
u Gt, ti