HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 340 - 5-3-1963 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E_ PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS .w. Enterprises, Inc, .This bid is made by the owner of the property in order to clear the cloud of his title by this tax sale. Bid in full amount of tame and cost. $101.34 Motion carried unanimously, .' The question of the 103 tax notices getting out to the taxpayers on tine for the discount period was brought before the Board by Mr. Pettit. Letter received from Edward Stuart, County Treasurer, stated that it would be necessary to use additional help and regular employees would have to work additional hours. Question of receiving over -tins pay was the topic of discussion --- no action taken. It was noted that the Treasurer's office received the tax notice cards on time. The Board of Comixtaxioners not to be held responsible for the lateness of cards being maned. At this time, ll:00 a.m., the Board of Ccmmmiosioners wont into session for the purpose of opening bids for the rental leasing of seven automobiles and one panel track. Mr. Elfish, County Controller, entered the meeting at this time., also a repre- sentative from Brown & Husted, Inc, Following bids opened and read by Controller E1iah. 1. Donoraa Motor Coaqmy First & Malden avenues Lonora, Pexmaylvania Rental - $116.00 per month for carry with automatic transmission. (6 cars) 95.00 per month for one car at transmission and one panel truck. -- Rental agreement for all cars to be for twenty four months and all cars are four door sedans make Ford. 2. Brown & Husted, Inc. 41. East Maiden Street Washington, Pennsylvania Rental - $3�qL5:j-,�er month for cars with automatic trametmission. (6 cars) ' 95,004er month for one war standard transmission. per mouth for one pawl truck, -.. Rental agreement for all cars to be for. twenty four months. - Make of cars: Ford Galaxis 300; Chevrolet Biscayne; Plymouth; Dodges 330. Certified check in the amount of $560.00 accompanied each bid. Motion by Mr. Massa, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that the bids be tabled for study until Friday, May 3, 1963, at l0:00 a.m., when action will be taken. Motion carried unanimously, Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting be adjourned, Motion carried unnanimusly. THE F0F=0ING MINUTE REAo AND APPRROVM. May 319 1963 Chief Plerk No. 34o office of the County commissioners Washington, Pa., May 3, 1963 Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Pettit, Cumdm and Mazza, .Also present being County Solicitor Hornell, Charles Bradshaw, Reporter Crouse and bidders for leasing of automobles. Meeting called to order by Chairman of the Board, Francis L Pettit, 466 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J. BLATCH CUMMINS, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Motion by Mr. Cueaine, seconded by Mr. Massa, that in accordance with our Minute of January 251, 1963s which is still in full force and effect that we obtain from the Pittsburgh National Bank the sum of $2000000.00. Motion carried ulimouslye The following is a copy of the resolution of Indebtedness issued in accord.. ante with the above motion. Certificate of Indebtedness Of Washington County, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1963 The County of Washington, in the Canonwealth of Pennsylvania, promises to pay to Pittsburgh National Bank, or order, at its office at 6 South Main Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, Two hundred thousand ($2003,000.00) Dollars, on or before December 31, 1963, with Interest from date on unpaid principal balances hereof from time to time outstanding at the rate of two and one -quarter per cl ntum (2 ) per awnnn, interest payments to be made on the first day of each calendar quarter throughout the year. Payment of the indebtedness evidenced hereby may be anticipated in whole or in part at any time and from time to time without penalty. This certificate of indebtedness evidences a temporary loan in anticipation of taxes to be collected far the fiscal year in which it is issued and is to be repaid from the first revenues received by the undersigned during the current fiscal year. This certificate of indebtedness is executed and delivered pursuant to the authorisation contained in a resolution duly adopted by the County Ccmaissionere of the County of Washington at a m*#d,ag held on January 25, 1963, which resolution is still in fall force and effect. IN IaTNESS 1rnu%Ak, The undersigned County has caused this obligation to be eccecuted by the, County Commissioners of said County, its seal to be hereunto affixed and the same to be -attested by the Chief Clerk thi 3rd daffy of May, 1963.' (SEAL) ATTEST: Harvey Stuart Chiof Clerks/ ir11 uliO 4 Francis E.j Pettit /a/ J. Blatch Cundne /s/ John Massa /s/ . County Commissioners Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mre Massa, that =UK & HUSTED, INC., 41 East Maiden Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, be awarded the bid for the rental leasing of six automobiles with automatic transmissions ($105.00 per unit, per month) and one panel truck ($85. oo per month) and that Blown Mom comPANY, First & Mel.don Avenues, Donora, Pennsylvania, be awarded the bid for the rental leasing of one automobile with standard transmission ($95.00 per month), they being the lowest responsible bidders. Bids were opened on Friday, April 26, 1963, and tabled until this date. Motion carried unanimmely. Motion by Mr. Massa, seconded by Mr. C , that Richard L. Creighton be suspended immediately as Director of Child Welfare Services until further notice pending a hearing and that he be notified he is :not to report for work and that he is entitled to be represented by legal counsel for a hearing if he so desires. Hearing to be held Wednesday, May 8, 1963, at 9a00 aeme Motion carried unanimously, Notion by Mr. Cwwdze, seconded by Mr. Massa, that Beall' & Parkins, Registered Architects, be notified immediately to meet with Mr. Jollick, Superintendent of the Washington I County Home for Men to discuss preparation of plans for the renovating of the county home as set up in the 1963 Budget.