HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 24 - 3-5-1956 - COMMISSIONER26 M"I'N UTE Ro ©„K 130ARD, OF' COUNTY GOMMISSIONER`�- B]j��,�{��+}}�� (; W�.ASHINGTO'N COUNTY, PENNSYLVANtA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, .I_G4Alri;.i HM T+�I�ZZA, COMMISSIONERS on Tuesday, April 24, 1956, for the one hundred eighty-five (185) voting -districts or precincts, I (or We) herewith submit bid of $550.00 for the delivering of the one hundred eighty-five (185) ballot boxes with election supplies. A certified check in the mount of 100.00, made payable to the Washington County Commissioners, is enclosed herewith as evidence that the bidder will accept same and carry out the conditions of the contract in case of award. T. M. BEDILLION ( Name) R. D. #4 Wash., Pa. (Address) Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the contract for the printing and delivering of ballots to be used at the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, April 24, 1956, be awarded to the MONONGAHELA PUBLISHING COMPANY, Monongahela, Pa., and the WHO PRINTING COMPANY.. Washington, Pa., for the prices as set forth in their joint bid; this being the only responsible bid received. Motion carried unanimously. . Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON John J. Maloney, 1130 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh 12, Pa., be awarded the contract for the furnis of Election Supplies for the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, April 24, 1956, for the sum of $1220.00 (dine Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars); this being the lowest responsible bid received. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that T. M. BEDILLION, R. D. 4, Wash- ington, Pa., be awarded the contract for the delivering of ballot boxes and election supplies to the 165 Election Precincts in the County for the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, April 24, 1956, for the sum of $550.00 (Five Hundred Fifty Dollars); this being the lowest and only bid received. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 5, 1956 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Cods Pettit, Lane and Mazza.. Motion by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Lane, that the following Amendment to Co- operation Agreement dated January 5, 1953, between the Washington County Hoeing Authority and 1 t 1 C the County of Washington and Washington County Institution District, be adopted: ON M- t N_ U T E B,.O:OK 27 J3O^RD.,OF'ZVUNTY COMMPSSIO'NER5 a Bath CU iNGTQ . COUNTY, P�ENt4SY,Li A'NtJk- JH FRANCI5 E. PETTIT, Jpm A, C.omwasIQNE62s 1 1 I'. id 1 itylI COOPERATION AG NT THIS AMENDATORY AGR1=NT wade this 5th day of Larch, 1956 by and between Washi: ton County Housing authority (herein called the "Local Authority") and the County of Washington and Washington County Institution District Pennsylvania (herein called the "Local Goverment"). MR19 .. the Local Authority and the Local Goverment entered into a certain Co- operation Agreement, dated January 5, 1953 with respect to the development and administration by the Local Authority of low -rent housing projetts within the corporate limits of the Local Govern- ment; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the said Cooperation Agreement in certain respects, NOW, THERg'O,RE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in the said Cooperation Agreement and in further consideration of the covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties do hereby agree that there shall be and there is hereby added a Section 8 to the said Cooperation Agreement to read as follows: " 8 In addition to the Payments in Lieu of Taxes and in further consideration for the public services and facilities furnished and to be furnished in respect to any Project for which no Annual Contributions Contract had been entered into prior to August 2, 1954, between the Local Authority and the PHA; (1) After payment in full of all obligations of the Kcal Authority in connection with such Project for which any annual contributions are pledged and until the total mount of annual contributions paid by the PHA in respect to such Project has.been repaid, (a) all receipts in connection with such Project in excess of expenditures necessary for the management, operation, maintenance or financing, and for reasonable reserves therefor, shall be paid annually to the PHA, to the Local Goverment and to the other local Taxing Bodies which have contributed to such Project in the form of tax exemption or otherwise, in proportion to the agate contribution which the PHA, the Local Government and other local Taxing Bodies made to such Project, and (b) no debt in respect to such Project, except .for necessary expenditures for such Project, shall be incurred by the Local Authority; (2) If, at any time, such Project or any part thereof is sold., such sale shall be to the highest responsible bidder after advertising, or -at fair market value as approved by the PHA, and the proceeds of swft shle, together with any reserves, after application to any outstanding debt of the Local Authority in respect to such Project, shall be paid to the PHA and local Taxing Bodies including the Local Governments as provided in clause 1 (a) of this Section 8, Provided, That the amounts to be paid to the PHA and such local Taxing Bodies including the Local Government shall not exceed their respective total contribution to such Project." IN WITNESS WHEREDF, the Local Authority and the Local Government have caused this Amendatory Agreement to be executed in their respective names and have caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed and attested as of the date first above written. COUNTY OF WASHINIGTON (SEAL) By:Francis'E. Pettit /s/ ATTEST: Commissioner Joseph Di. Filippo /s/ By: William J. Lane /a/ Title Chief Clerk Commissioner By: John Mazza /a/ Commissioner (SEAT,) WAMINGTON COUNT INSTIUTION DISTRICT ATTEST: By: William J. Lane /a/ Joseph Di Filippo /s/ Administrative & Executive Officer Title Chief Clerk By: Francis E. Pettit /s/ Administrative & Executive Officer By: John Mazza /s/ Administrative & Executive Officer MMINKNON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY CORPORATE NAM OF LOCAL AUTHORITY ATTEST: By: Peter F. Jolliek ;fs/ J Harold Chapman /a/ Chairman _Title a - -- - Y