HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 30 - 3-31-1956 - COMMISSIONERIMI 1 N U 1 E" Uj 0 0 K BOARD OF' C'QtIN,TY ❑O'°MMISS1 3NER WASSHINGTO�COUNTY, PENNSYLVAtA FRANCIS E.PETTfT,LRWW,A11pWt&&ZA, CommissioN¢Rs 11 �l MONONOAN[LA PU8L18H.NO CO Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Lane„ seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the following resolution in regards to the changing of State Highway Route 247 :Spur -Section No. S-2, be adopted: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N BE IT RESOLVED by'the County Commissioners of Washington County that the Plans submitted by the Pennsylvania Department of Highways for the changing of State Highway Route 247 Spur -Section No. S-2; from Station 257+40 to Station 451+10, and having a total length of 3.67 miles; have been examined by the County Commissioners and they agree that Washington County will not assume liability for any property damages resulting from the changing of the above named highway as contemplated by these Plans; or any damages arising out of any changes or alteration of drainage resulting from the construction or maintenance of this highway, or any damages result- ing to any property holdings of any Public Utility Company; nor will the County assume aeir damageia resulting to any coal or other minerals in and underlying the property affected by this improve.. ment; but that the County of Washington shall pay to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the no of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars as a contribution toward the property damages incurred by the JJ,W,-"A.+,:,w3t4 the said contribution to be due and payable only upon receipt of certification from the Secretary of Highways that the amount of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) cellars has been expended by the Department of Highways in the settlement of property damages for the aforesaid impmTement„ adjourned, Francis E. Pettit /s/ William J. Lane /s/ County commissioners Motion carried unanimously, There being no further business to come before the Board at this time., the meetimg THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: April 25, 1 56 `Chief G'lerk �NO. 0 L.-•r office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 31, 1956 Board of County Commissioners in special session, those present being Commissionerr, Pettit, Lane and Mazza. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Budget for the General Fund for the County of Washington for the fiscal year 1956 be finally adopted by the ,County Commissionerg the said Budget having been available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Cleric to the County Commissioners from March 6, 1956 to this date in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly of July 18, 1935, and the rate of taxation upon the valuation of properties of the County of Washington, in order to tax sufficient revenues to meet required expenditures for the fiscal. year 1956, be fixed at eight and one half mills (8j), which makes the payment of taxes in, the amount of eighty five (.85) cents upon each 1100 of assessed valuation of real estate and fl