HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 74 - 9-12-1956 - COMMISSIONERMIN U T E B",D,O K. $fJARD.O`F"COUNTY COMMISSIONER �j S AHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, Ar,: rJ ZZA, COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION M NAME OF PURaUSM 448 M. JL. do Rose M. Kepler Motion carried. 31ESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AMOUNT SOLD FOR Being property described as Lot #600, in the Denbo Heights Plan of Lots situate in Center- ville Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, formerly owned by Esenio Maraieno. W.00 Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Robert Segedi; be appointed as a temporary employee of the field crew in the Tax Assessment Office for a period of one month, this action being retroactive to August 16, 1956. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Registration Office in the Courthouse, Washington, Pennsylvania, remain open on Friday, September 14, 1956 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and in the evening from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; on Saturday, September 15, 1956 f an 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; on Monday, September 17, 1956 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and in the evening from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p,m.., in order to accommodate persons wishing to register for the coming General Election, the last day to register is September 17, 1956. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Coal Contract for the 1956- 1957 season for the furnishing and delivering of coal to the Courthouse and County Jail as per specification attached to the submitted bid, be awarded to STATE LINE COAL COMPANY, Bsx B, Avel3a, Pa,, the bid price being as follows: $ 5.75 per ton including delivery. $ 4.75 per ton without delivery. This being the lowest responsible bid received. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: Sep er , 1956 � r CIA.ef Clerk � I Lane and Mazza. Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., September 12, 1956 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Lommissionera Motion by Mr. Bane, seconded,by Mr. Mazza, that George White be appointed as a Field Assessor in the Tax Assessment Office, this action being retroactive to September 1, 1956. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Edward Semshack be appointed as a Field Assessor in the Tax Assessment Office, this action being retroactive to September 1, 1956. Motion carried. Mt NIU'T E H•o 0,K 73 12ARI? L7F'OUNT,if L;©MMISStQNEe;�ASH1hJGTQ!'d' C©C.11`�ITY, P.E[NS'YL.�I'�Nr, FRANCIS E. PETTI + B atc C .'R PJ AZZA, CGMMtsfstot4 s MONONGAN[LA PV.I/.NIN. CO Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Victor Spridik be appointed as a temporary employee in the field crew of the Tax Assessment Office, this action being retroactive to September 1, 1956. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Irene Helon be appointed as a Clerk in the Tax Assessment Office, this action being retroactive to September 1, 1956, Motion carried, Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Florence Minni.s be appointed as a cleaning woman in the Courthouse, this action being retroactive to September 1, 1956. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following Field Registration Days be approved. September 13 East Bethlehem Township Vestaburg Coi unity Hail Time: 500 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (half day) September 14 Peters Township Municipal Building Time: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Motion carried. At this time, Mrs. Helen Falcon, Bookkeeper from the County Controller's Office entered the meeting representing Mr. Elish, for the purpose of opening bids for the restoration of records in the following offices; Recorder of Deeds, Prothonotary, Clerk of Courts and Register of Wills. In accordance with aforementioned advertisement, the following bid, being the only bid received was opened and read. S P E C I F I C A T I O N S FOR RESTORATION OF RECORDS OF THE RECORDER OF DEEDS, PROTHONOTARY, CLERK OF COURTS AND THE SISTER OF WILLS OF WASHINGTON COUNff Item. No. 1 573 volumes, more or less, of'- old records now on file in the offices of the Zlerk of Courts, Register of Wills.. Recorder of Deeds and Prothonotary iA the Courthouse of Washington County, Washington, Pennsylvania., which are in damaged and mutilated condition, due to the bindings having become worn and frail, the pages having broken loose at the binding edge, the ink having become faded,, and the dust and grime having accumulated thereon by reason of constant and hard public usage to which the volumes have been subjected. The volumes to be restored shall be placed in five classifications, as follows: Item No. 2 (A) 94 volumes, more or less, in the offices of the Recorder of Deeds and Clerk of Courts, shall be ink treated, or laminated with rice paper or some other suit, able material, as found necessary by the contractor, but subject to the approval of the Officials of the respective offices, where the volumes require such work. The ink restoration shall be done under the Clyde L. Campbell, et al, patented process. All books pertaining to this section shall be bound by the Hultman Brothers patented process or its equal. (B) 92 volumes, more or less, shall be repaired and rebuilt and transferred to loose leaf binders under Hultman Brothers patented process or its equal. (C) 329 volumes, more or less, shall be repaired and. rebound under Hultman Brothers Patented process or its equal. (D) 9 volumes, more or less, shall be photostatid and mounted on a durable cloth and bound -in a loose leaf binder under the Hultman Brothers patented process or its equal: The photostatic reduction of any map shall not exceed 50%. All Map Books to be made a standard size, such size to meet with the approval of the Recorder of Deeds. All mounted maps are to have the edges treated with a solution that will help to retard fraying. (E) 49 volumes, more or less, shall have new jackets with proper markings. 74 MA'N U T E Roan BEIARD` O`F"COU�NTY COMMISSIONERq , ,SHINGT0 COUNTY, PENNSYLVAmA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, , J ZZA, COMMISSIONERS Item No. 3 All volumes in classes (A) and (]�) shall be converted to lo0se leaf by securely attaching 100% rag paper of about half the thickness of the old pages to the binding edge of each sheet in such a way that there will be appreciable added thickness at the point of union of the old pages and the new strips. However, the new strips are to approximate the thickness of the pages,of the volume,. ,All pages are then to be bourd by the Hultman Brothers patented process or its equal. Item No. 4 All frail, torn or mutilated pages are to be restored to their original size and shape by welding in new paper of the proper grade and thickness wherever any portion is missing and in such a way that a pen point will glide over union without catching and there is to be no added thickness, Item No. 5 In badly torn and mutilated pages where surface repairs interfere with legibility, repairs will be made between the written surfaces of the pages so that they are entirely invisible and done in such a way that there will be no tendency to break at the edge of such repairs. Item No. 6 All work pertaining to the restoration of these books to be done in a room provides by the County Commissioners so that the public may have access to the records at all times during the process of restoration, in so far aa; same is possible, with the exception that such usage by the public shall not be allowed, if in the opinion of the Contractor damage to said record would be incurred by such usage, Itqw No, 7 All binding and jacketing to be done with #10 double face canvas, All corners to be cowhide leather -- top grain hair side. Item No. 8 The proper offical shall have the right, upon submitted invoices from the Contrac- tor, to issue requistions for payment of completed work from time to time. Item No, 9 If, during the course of said work, it is determined that similar volumes in excess of said number, require restoration, the bidder agrees to do volumes in accordance with specifications at the unit price bid, Item No. 10 The work covered in these specifications is to be completed by December 29, 1961, Item No, 3.1. The total cost of this work is to be prorated over a five year period. Item No. 12 If desired by the Clerk of Courts, Register of Wills, Recorder of Deeds, and the Prothonotary, the bidder will be obliged to provide a sample of his work, Item No, 13 Each bid shall be accompained by a certified, or bank cashier's check in the amount of 200.00, drawn payable to the order of County of Washington, as'a deposit to guarantee that the bidder, if awarded a contract, will enter into a written contract with the County in the form customarily used by the County for that purpose and will also furnish a contract performance bound with surety, if required so to do, in the fosse of such bond likewise customarily used by the County. Failure on the part of such bidder to enter into such written contract, or to furnish such performance bond if required, within twenty (20) days after an award of contract, shall subject such deposit to whatever damages the County may suffer in consequence of such failure. NOTE: The successful bidder shall be required to enter Written contract with Washington County and to furnish contractor's band, . conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract with surety in fifty (50%) percent of the contract, unless'the amount of the contract be less than $500,00, in which case no bond will be re- quired. The surety required in the contractor's bond shall be an incorporated surety compary approved by the Courts and on record in the Office of the Prothon- otary'of Washington County. Bond must be furnished within twenty (20) days from date of award. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any bond furnished where it is to the best interest of the County to do so. Proposal furnished in triplicate, two copies to be filled out and AMOUNT OF BID: $97,475.00 submitted to County Controller, third copy to be retained by PSOPOSAL OF: C. Edwin Hultman Co, bidder. ( Name of Bidder) Pittsburgh 5, Pa. Bids to be opened on September 12, (Address) 1956. BY: C. Edwin Hultman The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to make such an award as may be to the best interest of Washington County, Unit Bid. ---Item No. 2 of SPECIFICATIONS. Item No. 2 (A) 244 volume s, more or le so #425.00 Each (B) 92 volumes, more or less $137.50 Each (C) 3'9 volumes, more or less $ 82.501 Each (D) 9 volumes, more or less $ 9.50 per page each (1780' Pages) (1) �2 volumes, more or less $ 17,50 Each 1 7�