HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 81 - 10-5-1956 - COMMISSIONERM, 1, N,U'-,T E. B'O OX, 87, ,130ARD C7FfQ4:3'LJNT'Y COMM t8S10 NERS,.- WASHtNOTON COUNTr,'PENNSYLVANM-. FRANCIS M-11"O AHELA "UOL18"I"O CO No. 81 Office of the County Commissioners Washington., Pa.., October 5., 1956 Board of County Commissioners in special session for thepurpose of opening bids for the furnishing of all items of work and all the materials required for the construction of the Tannehill Bridge,, Chartiers Creek #29 and the approaches thereto. Those -present at the meeting being Commissioners Pettit,, Mazza and Controller Elish* In accordance with aforementioned advertisement the follouing bids were opened and read. PROPOSAL TO: The COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Washington County., in the State of Pennsylvania the The undersigned hereby propose(s) to do all the items of work,, and to materials required for the construction of the Tannehill Bridge, Chartiers Creek furnish all #29,, and the Approaches thereto; which items of work are listed in this Proposal and Mich are covered by the Specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, Form 408 and Form 409 and the supplements thereto; and to furnish all labor,, materials and equipment required therefor; for and in consideration of compensation according to the following schedule of prices. - SCHEDULE OF PRICES APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 11 637 cu. yds. Class I Excavation 1100 $ 637-00 2, 288 cu. yds. Class II Excavation 3.00 864.00 3. 988 cu. yds. Borrow Excavation 1110 1086,80 4. 168 cu. yds. Class B Concrete 49,00 8232-00 5. 120 cu. yds. Select Material Surfacing 5.00 600o0 6. 1190 pomade- Plain Structural Steel .25 297.50 7. 32.25 lineal feet Fabricated Steel Handrailing 16.00 516.00 8. 112 cu. yds. Rock Protection 12.00 1344.00 9. 38 cu. yds. Filter Blanket 7.00 266.00 lo. 903.5 sq. ft. Prestressed Precast Concrete • Bridge Deck Members Complete in place. 7700*00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID $21.,543.30 The said prices to be in full for all lablor., materials,, royalties on patented inventions, and for the doing of the said items of work complete in place. % In case this Proposal is accepted and the Contract awarded to us., we will execute your form of Contract and Bonds and further agree that if awarded the Contract., we will commence work within Ten (10) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed and will furnish the required plant and equipment fo, fully complete the work ready for use not later than 50 working days after date of receipt of notice to proceed. As a guarantee that we will enter into such Contract and give Bond as required., we herewith enclose certified check or Bid Bond for an amount equal to at least (5) percent of 12-1,543.30 total bid; payable to Washington County., Pennsylvania. ADDRESS: BIDDER Richard Construction Co. R. D. #2 BY Isl Richard Lightholder, Partner Canonsburg., Pa. McMarray.202 P R 0 P 0 S A L TO: The COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Washington County,, in the State of Pennsylvania 88 $OAR© aF'COUNTY COMMISSIO. E at C WAS.CHIN�TO%J COI.INTY, PEN NSYLVAfi A FRANCIS E. PETTI +G, �f2ZA, COMMISSIONERS The undersigned hereby propose(s) to do all the items of work, and to furnish all the materials required for the construction of the Tannehill Bridge, Chartiers Creek #29, and the Approaches thereto; which items of work are listed in this Proposal and which are covered by the Specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, Form 408 and Form 409 and the supplements thereto; and to furnish all labor, materials and equipment required therefor; for and in consideration of compensation according to the following schedule of prices. SCHEDULE OF PRICES APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 637 cu. yds. Class I Excavation One Dollar and ten cents. 1.10 $ 700.70 2. 288 cu. yds. Class II Excavation Five Dollars 5.00 1440.00 3. 988 cu. yds. Borrow Excavation One Dollar and ten cents. 1.10 1086.80 4. 168 cu. yds. Class B Concrete ,Sixty Four Dollars 64,00 10,752,00 5. 120 cu. yds. Select Material Eight Dollars 8.00 960,00 Surfacing 6. 1190 pounds Plain Structural Twenty eight cents .28 333.20 Steel 7. 32.25 lineal feet Fabricated Steel Fifteen dollars 15.00 483.75 Handrailing 8. 112 cu. yds. Rock Protection Eight Dollars 8,00 896.00 9. 38 cu, yds. Filter Blanket Eight Dollars 8.00 304,00 10. 903.5 sq. ft. Prestressed Precast Twelve Dollars 12,80 ll,564.80 Concrete Bridge Deck and eighty Members - Complete cents. in Place. Twenty Eight Thousand Five Hundred TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 28,521.25 Twenty. One Dollars and twenty. five cents. The said prices to be in full for all labor, materials, royalties on, patented inventions, and for the doing of the said items of work complete in place. In case this Prop osal is accepted and the Contract awarded to Us, We will execute your form of Contract and Bonds and further agree that if awarded the Contract, Ve will commence work within Ten (10) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed and will furnish the required plant and equipment to fully complete and work ready for use not later than-60 working days after date of receipt of notice to proceed. If material is available. As a guarantee that we will enter into such Contract and give Bond as required, we herewith enclose certified check or Bid Bond for an amount equal to at least five (5) per- cent of our total bid; payable to Washington County., Pennsylvania. (SEAL), ADDRESS: BIMER Indyk Bros, Construction Co. Box 215 BY: /s/.Leo Indyk Houston., Pa, PROPOSAL TO: The COUNTY COMMISSIONEM of Washington County, in the State of Pennsylvania The undersigned hereby propose(s) to do all the items of work, and to furnish all the materials required for the construction of the Tannehill Bridge, Chartiers Creek #29, and the Approaches thereto; which items,of work are listed in this Proposal and which are covered by the Specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, Form 408 and Form 409 and the supplements thereto; and to furnish all fir, materials and equipment required therefor; for and in consideration of compensation according to the following schedule of prices.` SC:NF'TiTTTT+ (1Fi' T3RTf`7a^C APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES CIA SSIFICATION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I 1, 637 cu. yds. Class I Excavation 1,10 $ 700.70 2. 288 cu. yds. Class II Excavation 5.00 14.0.00 j 3. 988 cu. yds. Borrow Excavation 2.00 1970.00 4. 168 cu. yds. Clss B Concrete 46.00 7728,00 5. 120 cu. yds. Select Material Surfacing 4.w 480.00 J j 1 MTN U T E- &010 K, 130,ARD C2FZ0-LJNTY'CC1MrA15S10NER ,,QA.S'Fi1N13T0N',E:0UNTY? PENNSYLVAMA', C FRANCI-9 E. PETTI '44 laa Commissiamms I 140MOft-MMLA PUOLIO"MQ G11 6, 3290 pounds Plain Structural Steel .40 476.0o 7. 32,25 Lineal feet Fabricated Steel Handrailing 10*00 322.50 8. 112 cu. yds. Rock Protection 15.00 1680.00 9* 38 cu. yds. Filter Blanket 5.00 190#00 10* 903#5 sq. ft. Prestressed Precast Concrete Bridge Deck Members - Complete in Place 9100 8o31.50 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID $23,018.70 The said prices to be in full for all labor, materials,, royalties on patented inventions., and for the doing of the said items of work complete in place. In case this Proposal is accepted and the Contract awarded to me, I will execute your form of Contract and Bonds and further agree that if awarded the Contract, ; ;ill commence work within Ten (10) calendar days after receipt of written notice to proceed and will furnish the required plant and equipment to fully complete the work ready for use not later than 75 working days after date of receipt of notice to proceed. As a guarantee that I will enter into such Contract and give Bond as required,, I herewith enclose certified check or Bid Bond for an amount equal to at least (5) percent of ;jy total bid; payable to Washington County., Pennsylvania. ADDRESS: BIDDER Isl Louis J. Faruga Louis J. Faruga Box 37 BY: owner Richeyville., Pa. PROPOSAL TO: The COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Washington Countyp in the State of Pennsylvania. The undersigned hereby propose(s) to do all the items of work, and to furnish all the materials required for the construction of the Tannehill Bridge., Chartiers Creek #29., and the Approaches thereto; which items of work are listed in this Proposal and which are covered by the Specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways., Form 408 and Form 409*and the supplements thereto; and to furnish all labor, materials and equipment required therefor; for and in consideration of compensation according to the following schedule of prices, SCHEDULE OF PRICES APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 637 cu. yds. Class I Excavation 1100 S 637-00 2. 288 cu. yds. Class II Excavation 4.00 1152.00 3. 988 cu. yds. Borrow Excavation 1*00 988.00 4. 168 cu. yds. Class B Concrete 46.00 7728.00 5, 120 cu. yds. Select Material Surfacing 4.5o 54o.00 6. n90 pounds Plain Structural Steel 0.25 297-5o 7. 32.25 Lineal feet Fabricated Steel handrailing 20,00 645.00 8. 112 cu. yds. Rock Protection 45,00 5o4o.00 90 38 cu, yds, Filter Blanket 5,00 190,00 10. 903.5 sq. ft. Prestressed Precast'Concrete Bridge Deck Members Complete in place 6800,-4o 6800.o0 TOTAL ANDUVT OF BID $249017,50 The said prices to be in full for all labor, materials, royalties on patented inventions., and for the doing of the said items of work complete in place. In case this Proposal is accepted and the Contract awarded to me I will execute your form of Contract and Bonds and further agree that'if awarded the Contract., I commence work within Ten (10) calender days after receipt of written notice to proceed and will furnish the required plant and equipment to fully complete the work reaclyfor'usel-not later than 40 work- ing days after date of receipt of notice to proceed. As a guarantee that I will enter into such Contract and give Bond as required.9 I herewith enclosed certified check orbid Bond for an amount equal to at least five (5) percent of my total bid; payable to Washington County,, Pennsylvania.