HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 94 - 12-14-1956 - COMMISSIONERK I. NU T E B O OX 1091 .BOARD OF.`COONT -COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVA141A FRANCIS E. PETTIT,W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS MONONGAN[LA PUBLISHING CO E No. 94 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., December 14, 1956 Board of County Commissioners in special session for the purpose of awarding the contract for the furnishing and completely installing of the two-way F. M. Radio Communica- tion System for Civil Defense for the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, those present being Commissioners Pettit, Lane, Mazza and Controller Elish. Bids were opened and read at the meeting held on November 16, 1956. The following recommendation was received from Everard H. Williams, Ph.D., Registered Professional Engineer (Professor and Head, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology) who was employed by the County Commissioners to make a complete and thorough study of bids received from General Electric and Motorola. December 12, 1956 Mr. Joseph Di Filippo, Chief Clerk Washington County Commissioners Court House Washington, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Di Filippo: I have reviewed the specifications, bids and remarks, as submitted by General Electric and Motorola for the Two -Way F. M. Radio Communication System for the County of Washington, in accordance with your request. In view of the method of describing specifications, i.e., Motorola Model , or equivalent, rather than a detailed description of the necessary performance of the system as a whole and of its components, General Electric has been unable to offer system components, item for item, because of difference in engineering dis gn and. manafacture. However, the General Electric bid offers, with the exception of a minor omission on Item 20, a system which is capable of complete operation for controlling sirens individually and collectively. On Item 20, General Electric has bid on a single -channel model whereas the situation and the specification require a two -channel model. The same equipment is available in a two -channel model with a small difference in cost such that General Electric could probably be induced to supply the proper model without additional cost. In any case the original General Electric bid' appears to be in error on this item. Although both systems proposed by Motorola and Peneral Electric are operable there are significant differences in the mode of operation. The master control arrangements in the Motorola system are much more convenient and practicable albeit less flexible. The comparison is as follows: Motorola: A single button designates each fire department. To trip a particulalr siren the operator pushes the appropriate button. The time cycling of the siren is determined by the setting of a timer at the individual fire department. After pushing the button the operator may immediately heturn to other duties. Moreover the radio communication link is free, for other purposes immediately. The system is less fbxible for two reasons, (1) changes in cycling time require a visit to each department to reset cycling times and (2) in the event of a false signal, or signal in error, sirens cannot be released by the central operator. The Motorola system is a "four -tone" code. There is no question but that it is a more secure against (a) accidental tripping due to voice transmission components and (b) malicious radio interference, a factor which has occurred in at least one instance in a radio -controlled siren system. General Electric: The operator must select the two buttons corresponding to a particular fire department in accordance with a decimal code, i.e. buttons number 1 and 3 for al department with the designation 13. These buttons must be depressed for the entire time dura- tion that it is desired to blow the siren. Use of the system for communication during the time that the tones are on is not precluded, at least for a single siren, but communication is not as clear. Moreover the operator is not very free to undertake other duties while he is holding buttons down. The system offers complete flexibility as to duration of siren blowing and sirens can, of course, be released, at will in the event of error. The General Electric system uses a "two-tone" code. When all adjustments on the system have been made properly it is entirely reliable; however, considerable difficulty has been experienced in the past in getting these adjustments right. Here in Pittsburgh we had a number of "false -alerts" and considerable inconvenience before our Air Raid Warning system was finally "shaken down". In the year or so since the troubles were finally corrected, of course, the system has performed perfectly. It may with certainty be described as one which is less secure against accidental or malicious tripping. It is to be regretted that the specification did not state precisely the mode of operation desired since General Electric manufactures, but did not offer in this instance, equipment entirely comparable in function with Motorola. 110 MI,NU7E B o o K BOARD O"F_C0UNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSY'LVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W.J. LANE, JOMN mAzZA, COMMISSIONERS The points advanced by Motorola as to cost of changing GE equipment to conform to FCC rules on split -channel operation are incorrect. The advantages as to lightning protection offered by Motorola design over GE design are problematical. One or the other antenna would be better protected depending on the nature and precise location of a lightning stroke. In view of the facts outlined above I think you can see that the choice of one or the other system is difficult. Our experience in Pittsburgh with both General Electric and Motorola equipment and service has been excellent. I have been associated with City of Pitts- burgh Department of Public Safety in its purchases for its fire department and Air -Raid Warning Systems, having prepared the complete specifications for both systems and am thoroughly familiar with the situation. The advantages of the Motorola tone -coding and control equipment are, however, very real in this instance and appear to constitute the major reason for the difference in bid cost. I, therefore, recommend the acceptance of the Motorola bid, the increased amount of which irill purchase advantages in function and safety. You can anticipate no legal difficulty in connection with acceptance of this bid since the function of the General Electric equipment offered does not meet the requirements of "or equals' with respect to the tone control equipment. Yours truly, Everard M. Williams /s/ (SEAL) Everard H. Williamd, Ph.D. Registered Professional Engineer (Professor and head, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology) EMt,1: mis Note: Professional opinions expressed by Everard M. Williams are his own and do not carry the -endorsement of Carnegie Institute of Technology. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by ?fir. Mazza, that in accordance with the above letter received from Dr. Williams, the contract for the furnishing and completely installing of the two-way F. M. nadio Communication System for Civil Defense for the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, be awarded to Motorola Gommunications and Electronics, Inc., 1022 Rebecca Avenue, Pittsburgh 21, Pennsylvania, in the total amount of 037, 594-50, which is in accordance with the proposal as submitted by Motorola and according to specifications. Motion carried unanimously, with Mr. Elish leaving the meeting. At this time the following regular business was conducted. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that a voucher be prepared in the total amount of �150.00 for professional services rendered by Dr. Everard M. Williams, as consultant engineer in connection with the awarding of the contract for the Two -Way F. M. Hadio Communication System for Washington County. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Jacob G. Kassab, of Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, be appointed as executive director of the Washington County Industrial Develop- ment and Redevelopment Authority of Washington County, effective January 1, 1957. Mr. Kassab is serving in this capacity without salary. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the County Solicitor be authorized to advertise for bids for Contract No. 1, for Grading, Drainage, Paving and Turfing, at the Washington County Airport. Such bids will be received by the Washington County Commissioners in their office in the Courthouse, ,Washington, Pennsylvania, until 1:30 P. m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday, January 14, 1957, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners. 1 1 Motion carried unanimously.