HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 162 - 9-25-1957 - COMMISSIONER186 M'11NUTE,Bo.0K, BOAR© OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY; PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that an area 4.0 feet by 40 feet in Franklin Township be acquired from C. R. Breese, et tax., to be used as a beacon site for the sum of $500,00 and that an additional sum of $1.00.00 be paid to C. R. Breese, et wt., for a 20 foot right of way from the boundary of the Airport Property to said 40 feet by 40 feet plot. This acquisition of #round being in furtherance of the Airport Projedt:and in accordance with the Grant agreement entered between Washington County and the Federal Goverment wherein the Federal Goverment has agreed to assume one half the cost of land acquisition. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned. THE FOFEGOING MINUTE READ ARID APPROVED: ATTEST: W. 162,,% Office of the County Washington, Pa., September 25, 1157 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Pettit, Lane and Mazza. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Coal Contract for the 1957-19 season for the furnishing and delivering of coal to the Courthouse and. County Jail as per specif cations attached to the submitted bid be awarded to HARMON CREEK COAL COHPORATIOk 1610 First National Bank Building, Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania, the bid price being as follows; $5,90 per ton including delivery. $5,15 per ton without delivery. This being the lowest responsible bid received. Motion carried unakimusly. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned. THE FOMOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: Q ber 1, 1957 NO. Office of the County Commissioners' Washingtox4 Pa., September 27, 1957 Board of County Commissioners in special session for the purpose of opening bids for the painting of all window frames and sashes on the exterior of the Washington County Court- house at Washington, Pennsylvania. Those present at the meeting being Commissioner MazzA.and Controller Elish, 11 11� MAN .UT E B D O'S .BOA'RC? OF'COONTY COMMISSIONERS WASHtNOTE?N COUNTY, PENNS`u'LVAN,-tX FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W.J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, Commmajoroinces 187 U and read. In accordance with the aforementioned advertisement, the following bids were NOTICE TO PAINTING CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the County Controller at his office in the Courthouse; Washington, ennsylvania, until eleven o�elock, A. Eastern Daylight Tree, Sep 27, 1957; and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners for the painting of all window frames and sash on the exterior of the Washington County Courthouse. Al.l proposals shall be plainly marked: "BID FOR PAINTING WINDOWS." ALL MATERIALS required for the doing of the above work will be furnishedon the job by the County ofashing�n ALL LABOR B=PNIENT & TOOLS required to complete the work within the specified number of working days shall be f urnisheTTy the successful Bidder. ALL WOOD WINDOW FRAMES & SAM shall be given two (2) coats of paint. Before any painting is done, all window frames andsa shall be thoroughly cleaned by scraping and sanding to provide a smooth surface for the application of the first coat of paint. Each window frame and sashes to be inspected before any paint is applied and all loose putty on the sashes must be removed and the wood given a prime coat of paint before the putty filler is #pli.ed. All window sills needing putty filler are to be thoroughly cleaned and given a prime coat of paint before any filler is applied. After the first coat of paint has been applied to the properly prepared window frames and sash and has dried sufficiently to permit it, the painted surface shall be sanded lightly before the finish coat is applied. All window sills shall be thoroughly dusted and covered with a drop cover before any paint is applied to window frames and sash. All paint which may be splashed on any masonry or terracotta work shall be removed by the contractor. THE HETAL TRIM on certain windows on the front and rear walls of the Courthouse shall be thordu Ty creaned; spot primed, where needed, and given two coats of approved paint. THE METAL WINDOW GRILLES on the windows on the front. and rear walls of the Court- house shall be c maned; -spot -primed, and given two (2) coats of approved paint. THE UNION WAGE SCALE prevailing in the Washington area for skilled, semi -skilled, and common labors be poi or the doing of all the items of work involved in this project. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDER shall furnish all Permits; Barricades; Lights; Warning & Directional s; _ etc.., whi-ch—m—W-be required for the protection of the public during the progress of the work. THE SUCCESSFUL BIDER on this Project must enter in Contract and give Bonds as required for the completion of t e job. THE ITD1S OF WORK on this Project must be completed within Twenty-five (25) days. EACH PROPOSAL submitted must be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond; to Washington County* Pennsylvania, for an amount equal to at least five 5 per cent of the Bid Price. THE RIGHT IS RESERVED to reject any or all Bids or to make such an award as may be �to the best interest of Washington County. September 27, 1957 TO: Commissioners of Washington County Courthouse Washington, Pennsylvania In accordance with the advertisement of the Ceranty Controller, inviting proposals for painting of all window frames and sashes can the exterior of the Washington County Courthouse, at Washington, Pennsylvania, and having examined the attached specifications and understanding the same, I (or We) submit the following bids: $5, 820.00 ANDUff W. U. KEJNM & SON (Name of Bidder) 16 MURTLAND AVENUE (Address) WASHINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA The following bids were also received. September 26, 1957 TO: Co.ssioners of Washington County Courthouse Washington, Pennsylvania In accordance with the advertisement of the County Controller., inviting proposals for painting of all window frames and sashes on the exterior of the Washington' County Courthouse at Washington, Pennsylvania, and having examined the attached specifications and understanding