HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 224 - 7-10-1958 - COMMISSIONER256 MINUTE B„ o o K. BOARD OF'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PE4NSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. RETTIT, W. J. LANE,JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS NIONONGANBLA PUBLISHING CO Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that George Tarbuck be appointed as a temporary employee in the Tax Assessment Office for a two week period; this action to be retro- active to July 7, 1958. ajourned. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., July 10, 1958 Board of County Commissioners in special session, those present being Commis Pettit, Cummins and Mazza. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that hereafter, all monies received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, earmarked "Liquid Fuels Account" shall be deposited in a special account designated "Liquid Fuels Tax Fund", in a depository designated by the County Commissioners. disbursement out of said fund shall only be made by special voucher captioned, "The Liquid Fuels Tag Fund of Washington County, Pennsylvania" which must carry approval for pay- ment by the County Commissioners and the County Controller. Vouchers shall also indicate the person or persons to whom payment is to be made and an itemized statement of the account to be paid. A check or draft, numbered consecutively made to conform with the present salary checks of the General Fiend, and the expense checks to conform with the present checks only the color of the checks will be different. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Vouchers and Checks for the disbursement of Liquid Fuels monies to be ordered and charged to Liquid Fuels Tax Fund Account. Color of checks to be green or different from the regular county checks. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the adjourned. THE FOREGOIM MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: Otte r 8, 1958 ' ATT H L 0 NO. Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., July 11, 1958 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being 1 Pettit, Cummins and Mazza.. MJN U T E B,o o K' BOARO OF -COUNTY COUNTY COMfr ISSIONER� $$ }h� ASHINGTO14 COUNTY, PENP4SYL1tAMA FRANcIS E. PETTIT,»*JIMt 3-ar9b ZZA, COMMISSIONERS 25'7 1 1 1 Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Peoples First National Bank and Trust Company be designated as depository for the Liquied Fuels Tax Fund. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins., seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the fallowing Resolution for the changing of existing width; lines; and/or location of State Highway Route 519; in West Pike Run Township be adopted. R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of Washington County that the Plans submitted for the changing of existing width; lines; and/or location of State Highway Route 519; Section S-1; between Main Line State 73 + 55.80 and Main Line Station 288 + 56.00 in West Pike Run Town- ship, Washington County; have been examined by the County Commissioners and they agree that Wash- ington County will not assume liability for any property damages resulting from the changing of the above named highway as contemplated by these Plans; or any damages arising out of any changes or alteration of drainage resulting from the construction or maintenance of this Highway; or any damages resulting to any property holdings of any Public Utility Company; nor will the County assume any damages resulting to any Coal or other minerals in and underlying the property affectei by the improvement; but that Washington County will contribute the sum of Eleven Thousand ($11,000.00) Dollars; to be paid in two annual payments of Fifty-five hundred ($5,500.00) Dollars each; toward the payment of property damages as follows: $5,500.00 to,be paid on or before July 1, 195�. $5,500.00 to be paid on or before July 1, 1960. The annual contributions by Washington County are to be made with the understand- ing that payment will be due and payable only upon certification from the Secretary of Highways that the annual installments of $5,500.00 each have been expended by the Department of Highways in the settlement of property damages for the aforesaid improvement. 'Francis E. Pettit /a/ J. Blatch Cummins /a/ County Commissioners Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following resolutions for the location and construction of State Highway Route 798 (from certain sections) all located in South Strabane Township be adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVES} by the County Commissioners of Washington County that the Plans submitted for the location and construction of State Highway Route 798-Section 1-4 from Station 984 + 00.00 to Station 1142 + 00.00; all located in South Strabane Township, Washington County; have been examined by the County Commissioners and they agree that Washington County will not assume liability for any property damages resulting from the construction of the above mentioned Highway as contemplated by these Plans; or any damages arising out of any changes or alteration of drainage resulting from the construction or maintenance of this Highway; or any damages resulting to any property holdings of any Public Utility Company; nor will the County assume any damages resulting to any coal or other minerals in and underlying the property aff6c:ted by this improvement, but that Washington County, will contribute the sum of Ten Thousand and 00/100 258 M IN U T E B o ©n K 80AR•IO O•F CG INT,Y' CAMMISSIONEY Bl' CW4 SHINGTON ZOLINTY, PENNS"YLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, �e,r ,J H AZZA, COMMISSIONERS ($10,000.00) Dollars; to be paid in two annual payments of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars each toward the payment of property damages; as follows: $5,000.00 to be paid on or before July 1, 1959. 5000.00 to be paid on or before July 1, 1960. The annual contributions are to be made with the understanding that payments be due and payable only upon certification from the Secretary of Highways that the annual ments of $5,000.00 each have been expended by the Department of Highways in the settlement of property damages for the aforesaid improvement. Francis E. Pettit /s/ J. Blatch Cummins /s/ County Commissioners Motion carried uanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that AMANATI TUCCI INSURANCE being and the same are hereby designated and appointed as Insurance Brokers for the County of Washington for economy reasons. It shall be the duty of said Brokers to comile and list all insurance policies issued to the County of Washington, indicating the nature of coverage and premiums therefore, and expiration dates thereof, and to give notice to the County Commissioners of at least sixty (60) days before expiration date of each policy. It is understood that this service is to be rendered by Amanati-Tucci Insurance Agency without cost or expense to the County of Washington. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cmadns, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that R. A. HAZY and KENNETH be authorized to apply pigeon repellant to the Washington County Courthouse as per agreement between R. A. Haney and Kenneth Martin and the Washington County Commissioners, for the total sum of $450.00; this being the lowest proposal submitted. The following are the two proposals submitted. 1. R. A. Haney, R. D. 5, Washington, Pennsylvania and Kenneth Martin, 56 Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania, will apply pigeon repellant and place moth balls (at intervals) on certain ledges and widow caps of the Washington County Courthouse for the total sum of $450. county to supply the material. 2. R. C. Nolte & Brothers, 705 Walbridge Street, Pittsburgh 20, Pennsylvania, will apply pigeon repellent to the front and two sides of the Washington County Courthouse for the total sum of 590.00, cout to supply the material. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Cummins, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that John Yuhas, Draftsman of the Tax Assessment Office, be appointed as temporary Chief Draftsman of said office, and all orders to emanate from Mr. Yuhas pertaining to the drafting work, until further notice; this action to be effective July 14, 1958. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the adjourned.- THE FORM) MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: October $, ,1957 -," CHIEF CLERK iL- iJ 1