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COMM - Meeting Minutes - 141 - 8-24-1953 - COMMISSIONER
MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 153 I u Avenue. This refund being made, due to the fact, that this tax was paid on June 18, 1953 and again on June 26, 1953• Therefore, the Tax Claim Bureau is authorized to prepare the said voucher for the refund of this duplicate payment. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting through the Department of High- ways is about to improve a section of State Highway designated as Legislative Route 62175, Sectio: S2 and Route 803, Section 1W, in Washington County; and WHEREAS, The Commissioners of Washington County have refused to assume liability for the property damages involved in said improvement, but have indicated their willingness to make a contribution toward the cost of said damages resulting from this improvement. WW, THEREFORE, BE i'T RESOLVED: That the County of Washington by the County Commissioners, enter into an agree- ment with the Department of Highways, providing that the Department of Highways will assume responsibility for the property damages in connection with the proposed improvement; and provid- ing further that the County will contribute the amount of Three Thousand Eight Hundred ($3s800.00) Dollars, toward the cost of said property damages involved in said improvement. By Francis E. Pettit By William J. Lane By John Mazza Commissioners I, Joseph Di Filippo, Clerk of the County Commissioners of Washington County do hereby certify that the_foregoing is a true and correct copy of the resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the aforementioned Commissioners, held the 20th day of August..' A. D. 1953- (SEAL) By Joseph Di Filippo Commissioners' Clerk Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned. THE F©REC,MG MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: August , 953 ATTES . Chief Cle NO. 141 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., August 24, 1953 A meeting was held on Monday, August 24.9 1953, at 11.:00 a.m., IWT., in the Office of the County Commissioners for the opening of bids for general construction, heating, plumbing and electric wiring and fixtures, of alterations and additions for the old'County Detention Home, situate on West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania. In accordance with the specifications as drawn up by Beall and Parkins, Registered Architects. Those present at the meeting were Commissioners Pettit, Mazza, Controller Houle and Architect Beall. In accordance with the aforementimd advertisement, the following bids were opened: General Construction HARRY R. FOWLER Washington, Pa. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pa. In conformity with the Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PARKINS, Registered Architects 601-02 Washington Trust Bldg. Washington, Penna. and after an examination of the Old Detention Home and the site involved in this work, and the work already completed on the footers and foundation of the proposed Addition to this building, and the Contract Documents including this Form of Proposal, the Undersigned submits this Pro- posal and encloses herewith as a Proposal guaranty, a Certified Check, Bid Bond, Bank Cashier's Check or Treasurer's Check in an amount not less than Five per cent (5%) of the total of the hereinafter stated Bid, and made payable to WASHINGTON COUNTY TREASURER, which check, it is and stood, will be forfeited to and retained by Washington County as liquidated damages, if this Proposal is accepted by the County and the Undersigned shall fail to furnish approved Bonds as specified and execute the Documents of the Contract within Five (5) days from date of issuance of the award. Should an award not be made through no fault of this Bidder, then the check or other security shall be returned. The Bidder hereby agrees to execute the Contract Documents and furnish surety Company Bonds, covering performance of the contract, and payment for labor and materials in amounts of One Hundred per cent (100%) of the Contract Price within Five (5) days after noti- fication of award of Contract, and to begin work within Five {5} days after execution of Con- tract Documents. The Undersigned guarantees that, if awarded the contract, he will furnish and deliver all materials, water, tools, equipment, light, heat, power, sanitary facilities for workmen, tests, transportation, secure all permits and licenses, do and perform all labor, superintendence, etc* in connection with the General Construction Contract, and shall pay all fees and do all incidental work on the general contract in accordance with the plans and speci- fications to the complete satisfaction and acceptance of the Architects and the Ownerp for the completion of the General Construction Contract for the above mentioned work. It is understood that the Owners reserve the right to reject any or all Propos- als for this work. It is further understood that competency and responsibility of Bidders will receive consideration before the award of the Contract, The Undersigned hereby submits this Proposal with the understanding that the Alterations in connection with the Old Detention Home be made ready for occupancy on or before October 21, 1953, and the work in connection with the Addition to the Old Building be completed and ready for occupancy on or before November 15, 1953- A detailed breadown sheet of the work and the Contract Price of the work involved will be submitted to the Architects within Five days (5) after the execution of the General .Contract. The Undersigned proposes to complete the General Construction Contract as out- lined herein for the sum of: - TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY NINE DOLLARS. ($24t 949.00) Enclosed is depositor's proposal bond by the Aetna :Causality Insurance Company, of Hartford, Connecticut, in the amount of $1,250.04 made payable to the County of Washington as a proposal guarantee which it is understood will be forefieted in case the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specifications, and particularly in referenc6 to Para- graph 1. General Construction DONALD M. WYETH Washington, a, TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pa. In conformity with the Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PAINS, Registered Architects 601-02 Washington Trust Bldg. Washington, Penns. The Undersinged proposes to complete the General Construction Contract as out- lined herein for the sum of: - FIFTY THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY SEM DOLLARS ($53, 667.00) Enclosed is depositor's proposal bond by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, Hartford, Connecticut, in the amount of $3,000.00, made payable to the County of Wash- p ington as a proposal guarantee which it is understood will be forefieted in -case the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specifications, and particularly in refereneb to Paragraph 1. p i 1 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN'MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS u L� General Construction H. & M. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 'Canonsburg, :Pennsylvania TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pa. In conformity with the Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PARKINS, Registered Architects 601-42 Washington Trust Bldg. Washington, Penna., The Undersigned proposes to complete the General Construction Contract as out- lined herein for the sum of: - THIRTY ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. ($31,600.00) Enclosed isdepositor's proposal bond by the Fidelity Casualty Company of New York, N. Y., in the amount of $2,000.00, made payable -to the County of Washington as a proposal guarantee which it is understood w ill be foreeited in case the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specifications, and particularly in reference to Paragraph 1. General Construction MARTIN LUMBER CCMPANY Wash ngton, Pennsylvamia TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pa. In conformity withthe Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PARTS, Registered Architects e_601-02 Washington Trust Bldg. The Undersigned proposes to complete the General Construction Contract as out- lined herein for the sum of: - SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. ($17,500.00) Enclosed is depositor's check certified by the Mellon National Bank, of Washing- ton, Pennsylvania, in the amount of $1,000.04, made payable to the County of Washington as a proposal guarantee which it is understood will be forefiited in case the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specifications, and particularly in reference to Paragraph 1. HEATING CCWSTRUCTION McVehil Plumbing and Heating CompM Washington, Pennsylvania TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washingto n, Pa* In conformity with the Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PARIM S, Registered Architects 601-02 Washington Trust Bldg. Washington, Penna, and after an examination of the Old Detention Home and the site involved in this work,, and the work already completed on the footers and foundation of the proposed Addition to this building, and the Contract Documents including this Form of Proposal, the Undersigned submits this Pro- posal and encloses herewith as a Proposal Guaranty, a Certified Check, Bid Bond, Bank Cashier's Check or Treasurer's Check in an amount not less than Five per cent (5%) of the total of the hereinafter stated Bid, and made payable to WASHINGTON COUNTY TREASURER, which check, it is understood, will be forfeited to and retained by Washington County as Liquidated damages, if this Proposal is accepted by the said County and the Undersigned shall fail to furnish approved Bonds as specified and execute the Documents of the Contract within Five (5) days from date of issuance of the award. Should an award not be made through no fault of this Bidder, then the _check or other security shall be returned. jThe Bidder hereby agrees to execute the Contract Documents and furnish surety P Company Bonds, covering performance of the Contract, and payment for labor and materials in amounts of One Hundred per cent (100%) of the Contract Price within Five (5) days after noti- fication of award of Contract, and to begin work within Five (5) days after execution of Con- tract Documents. The Undersigned guarantees that, if awarded the Contract, he will furnish and deliver all materials, temporary power servicii during Construction, tools, equipment, teats, transportAtion, do and perform all labor, superintendence, etc., in connection with the Heating Construction Contract and in accordance with the Plans and Specifications to the complete sat- isfaction and acceptance of the Architects and Owner. It is understood that the Owners reserve the right to reject any or all Pro- posals for this work. It is further understood that competency and responsibility of Bidders 156 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS will receive consideration before the award of the Contract. The Undersigned hereby submits this Proposal with the understanding that the Alterations in connection with the Old Detention Home be wade ready for occupancy on or before October 21, 1953, and the work in connection with the Addition to the Old Building to be complet- ed and ready for occupancy on or before November 15, 1953• A detailed breakdown sheet of the work and the Contract Price of the work involved will be submitted to the Architects within Five (5) days after the execution of the Heating Con- tract Documents. The Undersigned agrees that he will not assign his Bid or Contract or any of his rights or interests thereunder without written consent of the County Commissioners. The Undersigned proposed to complete the entire Heating Construction Contract as outlined herein for the sum of: - TWELVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-NINE DOLLARS ($12,939.00) The Undersigned hereby submits an Alternate proposal as requested on Page 22 of the Specifications, and proposes to omit all labor and materials in connection with the exten- sion of the Heating System from the supply pipes located in the County Garage to the County Office Building and also the elimination of all changes and new equipment in the County Office Building as indicated on Drawing #1, and the following amount to be deducted from the base bid as above stated: - Enclosed is depositor's check certified by the Washington Uni.to n Trust Company, of Washington, Pennsylvania, in the amount of $650,00, made payable to the County of Washington as a proposal guarantee which it is understood will be forfeited in case the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specifications, and particularly in reference to Paragraph 1• ROBERT A. BRUNO, CO. Washington, Pa, TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pa. In conformity with the Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PARKINS, Registered Architects 601-02 Washington Trust Bldg, Washington, Penna. The Undersigned proposes to complete the General Construction Contract as outlined herein for the sum of: - SEVENTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($179200.00) The Undersigned hereby submits an Alternate proposal as requested on Page 22 of the Specifications, and proposes to omit all labor and materials in connection with the exten- sion of the Heating System from the supply pipes located in the County Garage to the County Office Building and also the elimination of all changes and new equipment in -the County Office Building as indicated on Drawing #1, and the following amount to be deducted from the base bid as above stated: - THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($3,200•00) Enclosed is depositor's proposal bond by the Fi.de].ity Casualty Company, of New York, N. Y., in the amount of $1,000.00, made payable to the County of Washington as a proposal guarantee which it is understood will be forfeited in case the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specifications, and particularly in reference to Paragraph 1. PLUMBING CONSTRUCTION McVEHIL PLUMBING AND HEATING CCHPANY Washington, Pennsylvania TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pennsylvania In conformity with the Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PARKINS, Registered Architects 601-02 Washington Trust Bldg. Washington, Penna. and after an examination of the Old Detention Home and the site involved in this work, and the work already completed on the footers and foundation of the proposed Addition to this Building, and the Contract Documents including this Form of Proposal, the Undersigned submits this Pro- posal and encloses herewith as a Proposal Guaranty, a Certified Check, Bid Bond, Bank Cashier's Check or Treasurer's Check in An amount not less than Five per cent (5%) of the total of the hereinafter stated Bid, and made payable to WASHINGTON COUNTY TREASURE which check, it is understood,, will be forfeited to and retained by Washington County as Liquidated damages, if this Proposal is accepted by the said County and the Undersigned shall fail to furnish approved Bonds 7 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCis E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 u as specified and execute the Documents of the Contract within Five (5) days from date of issuance of the award. Should an award not be made through m fault of this Bidder, then the check or other security shall be returned. The Bidder hereby agrees to execute the Contract Documents and furnish surety Company Bonds, covering performancy of the Contract, and payment for labor and material, in amounts of One Hundred per cent (100%) of the Contract Price within Five (5) days after notifica- tion of award of Contract, and to begin work within Five (5) days after execution of Contract Documents. The Undersigned guarantees that, if awarded the'Contract, he will furnish and deliver all materials, temporary power service during Construction, tools, equipment, tests, transportation, do and perform all labor, superintendence, etc., in connection with the Plumbing Construction Contract and in accordance with the Plans and Specifications to the complete satis- faction and acceptance of the Architects and Owner. It is understood that the Owners reserve the right to reject any or all Proposals for this work. It is further understood that competency and responsibility of Bidders will re- ceive consideration before the award of the Contract. The Undersigned hereby submits this Proposal with the understanding that the Al- terations in connection with the Old Detention Home be made ready for occupancy on or before October 21, 1953s and the work in connection with the Addition to the Old Building, to be com- pleted and ready for occupancy on or before November 15, 1953- A detailed breakdown sheet of the work and the Contract Price of the work involved will be submitted to the Architects within Five (5) days after the execution of the Plumbing Contract Documents. The Undersigned agrees that he will not assign his Bid or Contract or any of his rights or interest thereunder without written consent of the County Consni.ssioners. The Undersigned proposed to complete the entire Plumbing Construction Contract as outlined herein for the sum of: - TWO THousAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR DOLLARS ($2,934-00) Enclosed is depositor's check certified by the Washington Union Trust Company of Washington, Pennsylvania, in the amount of $150.00, made payable to the County of Washington as a proposal guarantee which it is understood will be forfeited in case the contractor fails to comply with the requirements of the Specifications, and particularly in reference to Paragraph 1. 40 HILES & LIGATHOLDER Cahonsburg, Pennsylvania TO: The Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pennsylvania In conformity with the Plans and Specifications as prepared by BEALL & PARMS, Registered Architects 601-02 Washington Trust Bldg. Washington, Penna* and after an examination of the Old Detention Home and the site involved in this work, and the work already completed on the footers and foundation of the proposed addition to this building, and the Contract Documents including this Form of Proposal, the Undersigned submits this Pro- posal and encloses herewith as a Proposal Guaranty, a Certified Check, Bid Bond, Bank Coshier's Check or Treasurer's Check in an amount not less than Five per cent (5) of the total of the hereinafter stated -Bid, and made payable to WASHINGTON COUNTY TREASURER, Which check it is under- stood, will be forfeited to and retained by Washington County as Liquidated damages, if this Proposal is accepted by ihe said County and the Undersigned shall fail to .furnish approved Bonds as specified and execute the Documents of the Contract within Five (5) days from date of issuance of the award. Should an award not be made through no fault of this Bidder, then the check or other security shall be returned. The Bidder hereby agrees to execute the Contract Documents and furnish surety Company Bonds, covering performance of the Contract, and payment for labor and materials in amounts of One Hundred per cent (100%) of the Contract Price within Five (5) days after notifi- cation of award of Contract, and to begin work within Five (5) days after execution of Contract Documents. The Undersigned guarantees that, if awarded the Contract, he will furnish and deliver all materials, temporary power service during construction, tools, equipment, tests, transportation, pay for all inspection, do and perform all labor, superintendence, etc., in connection with the Electric Construction Contract and in accordance with the Plans and Specifi- eations to the complete satisfaction and acceptance of the Architects, Owner, West Penn Power Co., and the Underwriters of the National Electric Code. It is understood that the Owners reserve the right to reject any or all Proposals for this work. It is further understood that competency and responsibility of Bidders will re- ceive consideration before the award of the Contract.