HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 13-S-86 - 12-29-1986 - SALARYSALARY MINUTE BOOK 509 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA E L� Minute No. 13-S-86 FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., 0 f EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Office of the County Commissioners Washington, PA December 29, 1986 The Washington County Salary Board met in session in the Public Meeting Room of the Courthouse Square Office Building, Washington, Pennsylvania, at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 29, 1986, with the following members being present: Commissioners Mascara, Petrosky and Paluso and Controller Beharry. Also being present: Judge Terputac; Mary J. Drewitz, Court Administrator; Christine Dallatore, Chief Clerk; Margaret Pennline and Janice Urban, Personnel Office; Judi Lomago, Executive Secretary; Barbara Davis, Administrative Assistant; Atty. Kathy Emery, Solicitor's Office; Kathleen Flynn Reda, Register of Wills; Barbara Gibbs, Clerk of Courts; Farrell Jackson, Coroner; John Pettit, District Attorney; John Yoney, Treasurer; Olga Woodward, Recorder of Deeds; Ferdal Littleton, Chief Deputy Sheriff; John Liekar, Public Defender; Lou Lignelli, Director of Adminis- tration; Kevin Humble, Budget Director; Mike Turley, Planning Commission; Phil Garrow, Publication & Information Coordinator; Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Jim Jefferson, WJPA; Scott Langenfeld, WKEG. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Mascara asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 11-S-86 dated October 30, 1986, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Miss Beharry, that Minute No. 11-S-8E dated October 30, 1986, be approved as written. Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of Minute No. 12-S-86 dated November 20, 1986, was held in abeyance. NOTE: The purpose of this meeting was to ratify existing contracted positions for the various departments by creating the positions and setting the compensation thereof. This action was necessary due to the dispute between the Commissioners and the Controller wherein the Commissioners' position is that they have the sole power to independently contract for services and the Controller's position is that the Salary Board must act to create all employees' compensation. On December 5, 1986, Controller Beharry wrote a memo to the Commissioners stating that pursuant to her solicitor's opinion on the legality of "independent contractors", "I must advise you that unless the statutory requirements for the salary board to act are met the Controller will refuse any claim made against the county based upon the contracts referred to in the opinion, beginnir on January 1, 1987." V 510 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA i FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS f� ` MR. PETROSKY: Miss Beharry, have you devised a list of those people that you fee fall into this category? MISS BEHARRY: No, Mr. Carroll and I have not ....... No, Mr. Carroll and I have not reviewed all contracts to determine whether or not they fall into this cate- gory. MR. PETROSKY: Well, don't you think that puts this board at a distinct disadvan- tage since you requested that we take this action? Do you not think that it puts this board at a distinct disadvantage to move on something that pertains to such a large path in terms of approval of people who are under contract with the count MISS BEHARRY: Well, Mr. Petrosky, considering I first wrote to the board on this, matter in May and we not sit here in December trying to resolve the problem at th last moment, I suppose it does put you in a difficult position, but I'm not the one who failed to act in the previous six months to reach some resolution. MR. MASCARA: You mean your attorney hasn't been looking at this since May..... haven't you been making some decisions along the way since May? MISS BEHARRY: On this particular matter? MR. MASCARA: You're the one ... we're down here because we don't want an emergency, situation with the Courts. You're the one that wants these people put through the Salary Board. You should give us a list. i MISS BEHARRY: I received a memorandum from Mr. Carroll in early December indica-� t? ting that contracted services should be put through the Salary Board and he parti�u- larly indicated that solicitors, public defenders and assistant district attorney were those that must go through Salary Board; and I think my memo in May spoke particularly of the court reporter involved in coroner inquests where the statute) speaks to salary or salary board. I think that with the number of attorneys that you have on your staff who have had the question since May, you may have been ablf to devise some answer about which you think your position should be on the issue.' MR. MASCARA: Our position is stated in effect that we don't want to prejudice our right to litigate. We're here because Judge Gladden had written the Commis- sioners asking us to reconsider our position and to put these through Salary Board so we would not have a real problem in the judicial system... for it to run properly. So that's why we are here. You apparently had some strong feeling; about what should go through the Salary Board and we're asking you for a list of those people who you think should go through the Salary Board. I don't think that's a question we should not ask; you're the one that raised the issue. MISS BEHARRY: Well, you know, I raised the issue with you before; and let's take, for example, the special deputies in the Sheriff's Office. Those were people who I contend should always have gone through Salary Board and you contend that they shouldn't. You no longer have special deputies in the Sheriff's Office and we resolved that problem. I do agree and Mr. Carroll does agree that there are such things as independent contractors who do independent work, who do not fall under the scope of the County Code regarding Salary Board or under the In- 1 SALARY MINUTE BOOK 511 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. METRO PFTROSKY. JR.. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS E ternal Revenue Code regarding the criteria that must be met for independent con- tractors. Mr. Carroll has been very clear to me in his position that even if an individual met all 5 or 6 criterion in the Internal Revenue Code as an inde- pendent contractor, that would not necessarily mean that the Code itself, the County Code itself, does not speak to that individual and requires Salary Board action. So they do require a case -by -case perusal which we have not had time to do. I wrote to every elected official and to the Commissioners asking them to look at their own individual cases to determine whether or not they believe Salary Board action was necessary. I have not had any contact from any of them., I know that Kathy (Emery) has met with Mr. Carroll to review the list, but I have not had any contact or any questions from.... MR. PETROSKY: I think one of our concerns, Miss Beharry, is simply that if we go ahead and approve this list and should happen to miss someone, then that puts them in jeopardy of not being paid for the services already rendered. Now, how do you propose that we deal with that particular problem? MISS BEHARRY: Well, I don't know because the Controller's responsibility, Commissioner, is to act on claims when they are presented, not project claims and decide... MR. PETROSKY: I think what we're trying to do, and I think what Mr. Mascara has!, alluded to, is that we're trying to avoid a problem; and if we do it by the way you are suggesting, if we don't have a specific number .... for instance, when you initially sent up the list, you indicated 25 individual persons and/or slots. MISS BEHARRY: No, I didn't... MR. PETROSKY: Well, I think that's true. MISS BEHARRY: I didn't send up a list. MR. PETROSKY: I'm sorry then. But anyway, somehow the figure 25 has arisen in terms of ... that was in the newspaper. When we did a calculation, we came up with 34. MISS BEHARRY: I didn't do a calculation; that wasn't my number. MR. PETROSKY: Well, I don't know whether that... I think we go back to my original point and that is simply that we are trying to do what's best to not become involved in either a crisis situation and/or litigation and that we would like to be as specific as we can; and if we don't have those people who you con- tend, if we don't have a list of those slots that you contend should go through the Salary Board and should happen to overlook someone, and then we come back within a week and a voucher is submitted to you for payment and you're saying well, no, it wasn't approved by Salary Board, I don't think that's fair. I really don't. MISS BEHARRY: You say you don't have control over the contracted employees? MR. PETROSKY: No, I'm not saying that at all. 512 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA R. M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS MISS BEHARRY: The contracts that you have, do you know who they are? MR. PETROSKY: Certainly we do .... Unfortunately, your opinions and our opinions differ so greatly, it doesn't go into the area of control. I mean it seems to me the only sensible thing to do in terms of trying to make this all inclusive so that we don't miss anybody... MISS BEHARRY: Well, that was my intent in May, Commissioner, when I wrote asking your position on the matter so that we could evaluate the individuals, the con- tracts, the circumstances, and come to ..... MR. PETROSKY: Well, you know, that cuts both ways, Miss Beharry, if you sent us a memorandum in May indicating this problem, then you should have had at least in my estimation a firm idea of exactly who you were talking about. MISS BEHARRY: No, we had a vague idea... we had MR. PETROSKY: Well, you haven't done anything to clarify it and you want us to act on vagueness. MISS BEHARRY: No, I have a vague idea on the number of people or the certain offices Mr. Carroll and I have discussed asking your position on it so that we could incorporate that into our evaluation of all the contracts. Since we got no response from the Commissioners, either didn't have a position or didn't care about the issue. MR. MASCARA: Always got to place the blame someplace else ... that's a shame... Could you explain to this Board why you are holding six contracted persons' checks out that were drawn last week? MISS BEHARRY: Well, in those six checks, because Mr. Carroll's opinion was rendered in early December and based upon Judge Acker's opinion regarding the Controller's reponsibility to refuse to pay a claim that is not undertaken in accordance with law, I have requested from Mr. Carroll a further opinion on the problems resulting from my issuing payment if, in fact, the contracts under whic those payments weould be made are illegal and should have gone through Salary Board. So I'm requesting... MR. MASCARA: In other words, those are six people you're not sure about? MISS BEHARRY: No, those were six that were on that particular checkrun related to contracts that according to Mr. Carroll's opinion should have gone through Salary Board, and it creates a particular problem under Judge Acker's opinion regarding surcharge law because Judge Acker has said that if the Controller approves a claim for payment even if it is not legal and it is not undertaken in accordance with law, payment by the Controller would preclude surcharge. There- fore, in accordance with Judge Acker's opinion, I am asking Mr. Carroll for a distinct opinion on those checks. MR. PALUSO: Trying to set up a surcharge, is that what you're saying? Is that what you're trying to arrange? SALARY MINUTE BOOK 513 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R M. *This clause', is to be included in'', each individual motion. MISS BEHARRY: I'm trying to do my job in accordance with the law as it exists now in Washington County. MR. PALUSO: Don't make a speech. Just please answer. MR. PETROSKY: I found it interesting that the six checks you held up, two happen to be from the Coroner's office. I found that very interesting. MISS BEHARRY: You know, in the memo in May, it was particularly related to the position in the Coroner's office. That was the main subject of the memo and othe contracted employees were related to the court reporter in the Coroner's inquests and I even cited to you in that memo the statute that would require the Salary Board to act in that case. COURTS: (Coroner Jackson then made some comments.) Judge Terputac stated that he wanted to make it clear that the Court does not particularly approve or disprove the procedure employed and that this is heir done by the Board as an accommodation to the Court. Discussion followed. Chair- mas Mascara noted that the Commissioners want to reserve the right to litigate this matter. MR. PETROSKY: I think we want this to apply to every individual who comes beforE the Salary Board today and that isCo create these positions and compensation related thereto to be filled by the persons named through a contract agreement; said compensation for these individuals as defined here and pursuant to each con- tract agreement shall not include any benefits not included in the respective contract. The approval of these positions by Salary Board shall not be construe( in any manner to diminish the power of the County Commissioners to independently contract for services for the County Chairman Mascara noted that the foregoing would be added to each i.ndividu� motion if there was not any objection. Moved by Judge Terputac, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the followinc contracted positions; this motion includes the clause referenced above. Position Non -Marital Child Program Court Reporter Divorce Standing Master in Divorce Standing Master in Divorce (Child Custody Conference Officer) Standing Master in Divorce Name Lucinda Bush, Esq. Carole Beck Donald Feniello, Esq. William Speakman, Esq. Frank Magone, Esq. (He will serve until 3-31-87) Compensation $100.00/per case $ 75.00/per day plus transcript fees $13,000.00/year $ 1,083.33/month $13,000.00/year $ 1,083.33/month $i3,000.00/year $ 1,083.33/month 514 SALARY MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Consultant for Implementation of Judicial Information System Dr. Jonathan Gifford Compensation $50.00/hour Roll call vote taken: Judge Terputac - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Miss Beharry suggested that the Board take a look at establishing an upper limit in those cases where the rate is set on an hourly/daily/case rate basis. Some discussion followed. DISTRICT ATTORNEY Moved by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted positions; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Assistant D.A. Assistant D.A. Assistant D.A. Assistant D.A. Name William Johnson James Haines, Jr. Jeff Derrico Samuel Reich Compensation $ 1,560.00/month $18,720.00/year $ 1,031.33/month $12,376.00/year $ 1,031.33/month $12,376.00/year $ 75.00/non-court $ 100.00/court Administrator Crime Victim/ Witness Program Clyde Tracanna $ 1,200.00/month $14,400.00/year Miss Beharry questioned Mr. Pettit relative to Samuel Reich's position. Discussi n followed. Miss Beharry requested that a separate motion be taken relative to Mr. Reich. Chairman Mascara denied her request. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Pettit - Yes; Miss Beharry - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. COUNTY SOLICITOR NOTE FOR THE RECORD: Resignation of Attorney George Retos, effective December 31, 1986 Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Assistant to Solicitor Katherine Emery Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Compensation $ 1,666.67/month $20,000.00/year C 1 SALARY MINUTE BOOK 515 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R MASCARA. METRO PETROSKY. JR. EDWARD M PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS _ ._-._ C PUBLIC DEFENDER Moved by Mr. Liekar, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted positions; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Assistant Pub. Def. J. Preston Pizzi Assistant Pub. Def. Assistant Pub. Def. Assistant Pub. Def. Roger Saxton Janette Baisley Scott Spadafore Assistant Pub. Def. Thomas Allan Roll call vote taken: $ 1,031.33/month $12,376.00/year $ 1,031.33/month $12,376.00/year $ 1,031.33/month $12,376.00/year $ 494.00/month $ 5,928.00/year $ 494.00/month $ 5,928.00/year Mr. Liekar - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. TREASURER Moved by Mr. Yoney, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Solicitor Frank Roney, Sr. $ 200.00/month $ 2,400.00/year Roll call vote taken: Mr. Yoney - Yes; Miss Beharry.- Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. CONTROLLER Moved by Miss Beharry, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the Consent Order of Judge Acker paying Frank Carroll as the Controller's Solicitor $39,000.0 ($3,250.00/month) for 1986. (NOTE: Appointment by Consent Order expires 12/31/8 .) Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - No; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. ;LERK OF COURTS Moved by Ms. Gibbs, seconded by Miss Beharry, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Solicitor David Posner $ 200.00/month $2,400.00/year Roll call vote taken: Ms. Gibbs - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. compensat3 n for Ms. Gibbs suggested that the contract be clarified as to its extent, i.e., litiga ion, 516 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS RECORDER OF DEEDS Moved by Mrs. Woodward, seconded by Miss Beharry, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Solicitor John Solomon $ 200.00/month $2,400.00/year Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Woodward - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. REGISTER OF WILLS Moved by Mrs. Reda, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Solicitor Frank Conte $ 200.00/month $2,400.00/year Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Reda - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF Moved by Mr. Littleton, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Solicitor Anthony Seneca $ 200.00/month $2,400.00/year Roll call vote taken: Mr. Littleton - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. Littleton noted that at the January reorganization meeting, he will be re- questing additional compensation, at least $100.00 more, for his solicitor due to extensive litigation, Sheriff's sales and Bankruptcy Court.) MENTAL HEALTH Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation MH Review Officer Dan Whalen $ 1,333.33/month $16,000.00/year Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY MINUTE BOOK 517 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA J iJ JAIL Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Miss Beharry, approving the following contracted positions; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Physician $ 1,400.00/month (Presently, two doctors, Kenneth Wayne Rictor and Robert L. Grieco C $700.00/month) Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. PARKS Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following contracted positions; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Consultant John Kossar $ 416.67/month $5,000.00/year Solicitor Robert Ceisler $ 70.00/hr. $ 500.00/day for trial fees Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. CHILDREN & YOUTH Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following contracted positions; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Attorney Linda Tallent $ 25.00/hr. non -court hrs. (resigning 12-31-86) $ 35.00/hr. court hearings Attorney E. J. Julian $ 600.00/month $7,200.00/year Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. TAX CLAIM Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Attorney George Anthou Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. $100.00/per title search 518 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA F FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS PLANNING COMMISSION Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Architect Richard Glance Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. AGING SERVICES Compensation $ 90.00/day Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted position; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Attorney David Rutt $ 400.00/per uncontested guardianship proceeding $ 75.00/per hour - questions requiring research (not related to guar(ianship) $ 75.00/per hour - Court proceedings (other t an uncontested guardian hip proceedings) Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. Coroner Jackson made some lengthy comments in which he stated that he was deeply disturbed about the action of the Controller to interfere with the opera- tion of his office by refusing to pay Dr. Abernathy and Carole Beck in accordance with their respective contracts. Some discussion followed. Moved by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following contracted positions which have been in effect since January 17, 1984, and Decem- ber 30, 1985, respectively, and that they continue as is until the Commissioners make some other regulations to the contract situation; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Medical Examiner Dr. Ernest Abernathy $ 116.66/month $.1,400.00/year plus $ 100.00/testimony plus $ 400.00/autopsies Court Reporter Carole Beck $ 75.00/per day $ 35.00/per half -day plus transcript fees Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jackson - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY MINUTE BOOK 519 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. METRO PETROSKY. JR.. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 0 Discussion was held between the Commissioners and Miss Beharry relative to her position in not paying management raises for the period of January 1, 1986, to January 6, 1986 (date set by statute for annual reorganization meeting) in light of Judge Acker's recent Order directing her to pay management raises for the year 1984. HEALTH CENTER Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following contracted positions; this motion includes the clause referenced on page 513. Position Name Compensation Medical Director Dr. Dennis Davis $ 100.00/week Pharmacist 'Phillip Sollon $ 416.00/month plus medications Medical Records Conslt. Dietary Director Special Counsel Speech Therapist Physical Therapist Colleen Allison $ 30.00/hour Susan O'Ferrell $ 13.50/hour Community Care, Inc. $ 12.50 to 14.50/hour - LPN $ 15.50 to 17.50/hour - RN Karlowitz, Hoffman & Brodbeck J. R. Kruppa & Assoc. HRC Community Outreach Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. $ 90.00/hr. for lawyers $ 30.00/hr. for.paralegels $ 2 0 . 0 0 / h r . $ 20.00/hr. Moved by Miss Beharry, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the following as listed under each account: !4136-136 - TAX ASSESSMENT I Kenneth Blahey, Assessor, California - $70.00 Anthony Weis, Assessor, Bentleyville - $210.00 4461-1020 - HEALTH CENTER Edythe Cushner, RN,'Grade 8, from Rate 9.330 to Rate 10.179, worked as Supervisor 12-6-86 and 12-12-86 Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Miss Beharry, approving the following as listed under each account: 4411-403 - AGING SERVICES CREATE position of Caseworker, Grade 7, (80°00 Rate 5.376, 349.44, 9,085.44, eff. 10-30-86 520 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA 4411-403 - AGING SERVICES (continued) CREATE position of Casework Supervisor, Rate 584.62, 15,200.00, eff. 10-30-86 Per Diem Cooks, transfer from 402 for PP#26 4491-2540 - HUMAN SERVICES DEVELOPMENT FUND ABOLISH position of Caseworker, eff. 10-30-86 ABOLISH position of Casework Supervisor, eff. 10-30-86 Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOTED FOR THE RECORD: 4121-121 - VOTERS REGISTRATION Jeanne Barlow, Punch Card Technician, medical leave, 12-29-86 to 3-29-87 4138-138 - TAX CLAIM Seretha Morton, Clerk Typist I, Grade 2, from (809,00 Rate 4.777, 310.51, 8,073.26 to Step B, Rate 5.972, 388.18, 10,092.68, 6-month adjustment, eff. 12-9-86 4174-175 - PROPERTY & SUPPLIES Sam Secreet, Sr., Custodial Worker, Grade 1, from (80%) Rate 4.672, to Step B, Rate 5.840, per diem employee, 6-month adjustment, eff. 12-3-86 4186-224 - MAGISTRATE MARK Judith Burns, Clerk Typist I, Grade 2, (80%) Rate 4.777, 186.30, 4,843.80, new hire, part time employee, eff. 11-24-86 4186-225 - MAGISTRATE FAGELLA Victoria Davidson, Clerk Typist I, transfer from Mag. Mark's office, eff. 11-24-86 4186-229 - MAGISTRATE MAVRICH Mary Vehar, D.J. Secretary, retirement, eff. 1-9-87 4187-3101 - DOMESTIC RELATIONS Jo Phylis Popielarcheck, Clerk Typist I, Grade 2, (800%) Rate 4.777, 310.51, 8,073.26, transfer from per diem at Mag. Quail's office to full time in DRO, eff. 1-5-87 Sarah Collinger, Investigator, Grade 2, (8090') Rate 4.777, 310.51, 8,073.26, new hire, replaces Laura Cox, eff. 12-22-86 4197-297 - SHERIFF June Phillips, Clerk Typist II, medical leave, 12-30-86 to 3-30-87 4236-536 - ADULT PROBATION Bruce Morgan, Probation Officer I, resignation, eff. 12-5-86 Felicia Filipponi, Probation Officer II, resignation, eff. 12-5-86 Patricia DaPra, Probation Officer Intern, Grade 7, from (801%) Rate 5.376, 349.44, 9,085.44 to Step B, Rate 6.721, 436.87, 11,358.62, 6-month adjustment, eff. 12-9-86 Rebecca Madvay, from Probation Officer Intern to Probation Officer I, change of classification only, eff. 12-4-86 John Pankopf, from.Probation Officer Intern to Probation Officer I, change of classification only, eff. 12-4-86 SALARY M I N UTE BOOK 521 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. P, Bruce Morgan, from Probation Officer Intern to Probation Officer I, change of classification only, off. 12-4-86 Cynthia McQuaid, from Probation Officer Intern to Probation Officer I, change of classification only, off. 12-4-86 Cynthia McQuaid, from Probation Officer I, Grade 7, Step 1, Rate 6.898, 448.37, 11,657.62 to Probation Officer II, Grade 9, Step 1, Rate 7.262, 472.03, 12,272.78, Joe Meny's slot, off. 12-5-86 4237-537 - JUVENILE PROBATION Carol Rumberger, Probation Officer I, resignation, off. 12-19-86 4242-542 - WEIGHTS AND MEASURES George Messerotes, Chief Sealer, medical leave, 12-9-86 to 6-9-87 Ed Petricca, from Rate 622.41, 16,182.71 to Rate 730.77, 19,000.00, temporary transfer from Flood Control, off. 12-9-86 4411-403 - AGING SERVICES Audrey Martin, Cook, Grade 3, from (80°0') Rate 4.835 to Step B, Rate 6.044, per diem employee, 6-month adjustment, off. 12-3-86 Darlene Yaworski, Cook, per diem employee, worked Nov. 25-26, Dec. 19 and 22-29 Mary Sape, Cook, per diem employee, worked Nov. 26, Dec. 1-5 and Dec. 23-31 Marie Christinis, from Caseworker, Grade 7, Step 4, Rate 7.459, 484.84, 12,605.84 to Casework Supervisor, Rate 584.62, 15,200.00, bargaining unit to salaried, new slot, off. 11-24-86 Miriam Ritchie, Caseworker, Grade 7, (8090') Rate 5.376, 349.44, 9,085.44, new hire, new slot, off. 1-2-87 4421-300 - CHILDREN & YOUTH Ellen Curran, Caseworker, resignation, off. 12-4-86 A /. A l -1 T D A Helen Butka, Admin. Officer III, change retirement date of 1-30-87 Anthony Massafra, Employers Relations Representative, Rate 634.62, 16,500.00, new hire, Andy Sasko's slot, off. 12-8-86 Ian Simon, Employers Relations Representative, from Rate 674.75, 17,543.55 to Rate 708.49, 18,420.67, will assume Andy Sasko's duties, off. 12-15-86 4461-1011 - HEALTH CENTER Margaret McIlroy, Clerk Typist I, Grade 2, (809,00 Rate 4.777, 310.51, 8,073.26, new hire, temporary employee, off. 12-16-86 Shirley Juran, Clerk Typist II, medical leave, 12-10-86 to 3-10-87 1(1020) Sara Dague, RN, part time employee, resignation, off. 12-21-86 Margaret Ellis, LPN, terminated, off. 12-9-86 Carolyn Marich, LPN, Grade 6, Stop 8, Rate 8.051, 644.08, 16,746.08, part time to full time, off. 12-12-86 Karen O'Bryan, Nurses Aide, terminated 11-20-86, reinstated 12-8-86 David Clayton, Nurses Aide, per diem employee, resignation, off. 11-24-86 Devlona Frazier, Nurses Aide, terminated, off. 12-9-86 Patricia Harrison, Nurses Aide, Grade 2, (80°0') Rate 4.727, new hire, per diem employee, off. 12-10-86 Hilda McVeigh, Nurses Aide, Grade 2, (8090') Rate 4.727, new hire, per diem employee, off. 12-10-86 Patricia Kulla, Nurses Aide, Grade 2 (80°0) Rate 4.727, new hire, per diem employee, off. 12-14-86 -'^-+�� - ----awn-.-'_ --- - -------"�"---------�---+- ----�...r-,•----____ 522 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 4461 - HEALTH CENTER (continued) (1020) Christine Fenton, Nurses Aide, maternity leave, 1-15-87 to 6-30-87 Suzanne Swart, Nurses Aide, medical leave extension, 12-15-86 to 3-15-87 Cynthia Morris, Nurses Aide, temporary to full time, (DOE 7-30-86) eff. 12-3-86 Mary Brager, Nurses Aide, Grade 2, from Step B, Rate 5.909, 472.72, 12,290.72 to Step 1, Rate 6.044, 483.52, 12,571.52, mobility bid, Roy Appel's money, eff. 11-22-86 Katrina Gregg, Nurses Aide, temporary to full time, eff. 11-22-86 (DOE 7-19-86) Pamela Blazus, Nurses Aide, Grade 2, from (809b) Rate 4.727, 378.16, 9,832.16 to Step B, Rate 5.909, 472.72, 12,290.72, temporary employee, 6-month adjustment, eff. 12-2-86 (1050) Anthony McKee, Cook, part time employee, resignation, eff. 12-4-86 George Balsley, Food Service Worker, retirement, eff. 1-2-87 Jim Antoniolo, from Van Driver to Food Service Worker, transfer effective 12-8-86, no rate change or change of hours I (1052) Irene Lilley, Laundry Worker, medical leave, 11-22-86 to 1-6-87 (1053) Albert Malena, Housekeeper, temporary to full time, eff. 12-16-86 (DOE 8-12-86) HOLDOVER VACATIONS Kevin Humble Robert Poland Theresa Muto Stella Sukal Richard Brady Dr. Barry Parks Rubin Sabatine Jack Welty Janice Urban John Makel David Suski Mary L. Drewitz Nancy Gratz Margaret Pennline Ferdal Littleton Lou Lignelli Patricia Zibel Judith Costa Sasselli There being no further business, Chairman Mascara declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:20 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED_FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: V CHIEF CLERK , 1987 1 1