HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 10-S-87 - 9-3-1987 - SALARY616 SALARY MINUTE BOOK 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 10-S-87 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., September 3, 1987 The Washington County Salary Board met in session in the Public Meeting Room of the Courthouse Square Office Building, Washington, Pennsylvania, at appro i- ` mately 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, September 3, 1987, with the following members bein present: Commissioners Mascara, Petrosky and Paluso and Controller Beharry. Also being present: Chief Clerk Dallatore; Solicitor Bassi; Judge Gladden; Mary J. Drewitz, Court Administrator; Barbara Gibbs, Clerk of Courts; Farrell Jackson, Coroner; Marge Pennline, Personnel Director; Larry Spahr, Director of Elections; Wayne Fleming, Chief Assessor; Leo Trich, Executive Assistant; Barb Davis, Administrative Assistant; Phil Garrow and Doug Craig, Planning Commission; Linda Hands, Clerk -Steno II; David Smith and Art VanBriggle, Firemen's Association; Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Natalie Eddy, Herald Standard; Scott Langenfeld, I WKEG; Jim Jefferson, WJPA; and George Hagedorn, Brownsville Telegraph. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Mascara noted that approval of Minute No. 1-S-87 dated January , 1987, and Minute No. 9-S-87 dated August 20, 1987, would be held in abeyance. Chairman Mascara entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 8-S-87 dated July 9, 1987. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Miss Beharry, that Minute No. 8-S-87 dated July 9, 1987, be approved as written. Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE Mr. Mascara: First, Marge, I have a memorandum from the Controller that I receiv d this morning requesting that Edna Dorisio be appointed to fill the vacancy in the Audit Manager position effective September 3rd, which would be today; and we'd like to discuss that matter with you. Would you care to elaborate what you... Miss Beharry: That is not for Salary Board consideration, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Mascara: Well, I think the Chairman can discuss, you're the one that w�ote i I didn't write it. Miss Beharry: I wrote to Mrs. Pennline indicating that the vacancy today was filled, That's the discretion I have as an elected official to be noted for the record to ay. Mr. Mascara: Well, I would like to note for the record, and I believe, correct m if I'm in error, Marge, I have a description of the audit manager position, you want to take this and show it to the Controller who prepared the requirements for the audit manager's position. SALARY MINUTE BOOK 617 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA I FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mrs. Pennline: This is the job description. Miss Beharry: I am fully aware of the job description. Mr. Mascara: I didn't say you were not ... I submit to you who is responsible for the preparation of those... Miss Beharry: Myself and Mr. Metcalfe. Mr:.,Mascara:g So then you were involved in the... Miss Beharry: Absolutely. Mr. Mascara: So then how can you then justify, I just may...minimum education an completion of a bachelor's degree at an accredited college or university with major course work in accounting, 3 to 5 years of experience in an accounting environment preferably with a public accounting firm. Now how can you justify to those people that you often refer to, the taxpayers, to give Ms. Dorisio a position that, one, she's not qualified to do, she doesn't have the credits that are necessary from the university or degree in public accounting. Miss Beharry: It's a move that's absolutely essential in order to keep the count functioning and to have the invoices that were being processed by Mr. Quinn in that capacity to have them continued to be processed. Mr. Mascara: What does Edna Dorisio currently make? Mrs. Pennline: $13,112. Mr. Mascara: Mrs. Pennline: And what did Mr. Quinn make? $19,110. Well, first of all, then you were working Mr. Quinn outside of his job description. In other words, you were paying him $19,110 to do work that jcurrently pays $13,112. Miss Beharry: That action was required because the Board of Commissidners saw fit to go to Court and have the Court issue a permanent injunction against the Controller from working an employee out of their class. So the only alternative even under Judge Acker's order declaring a state of emergency was to work a managf ment person in that job. Mr. Mascara: I don't profess to quote Judge Acker verbatim, but I would like to paraphrase Judge Acker who says that you will not work people out of their classi. fication and job descriptions, and it seems to me that you have - if you worked Mr. Quinn in that position. Now you want to move up an accounts payable clerk to a position of audit manager. Miss Beharry: No, I'm not moving him up. It's not within the bargaining unit. Judge Acker's order deals specifically with individuals within the collective bargaining unit and working out of their classification. It does not deal with assignment of management duties. And now Mrs. Dorisio is a management employee, as bf today. Mr. Paluso: Well, maybe she is. Does she have the qualifications listed here on the job description that you and Mr. Metcalfe made? 618 I SALARY MINUTE BOOK f BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , EDWARD M PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Miss Beharry: She certainly doesn't have the degree that is required. �Mr. Paluso: Does she have the public accounting experience? Miss Beharry: No, but I think if you read any job description... Mr. Paluso: Whoa, whoa, whoa, now, you're the stickler, you made this up and I recall the conversations at the Salary Board at the time this was brought up that you could not hire anybody to take this job with these qualifications that you demanded and you had to come back twice to get additional salary so that you coul get someone with these qualifications because you could not have anyone that did not have all those qualifications take that job. Miss Beharry: Mr- Pn 1 Ilgn That's correct. The Salary Board did in fact increase it to $19,000 so that this qualification sheet could be met. And now you're sitting here telling me that that's been by the board and you can put anybody in that job now, and I submit to you that that is not going to be the case. And, secondly, I would like to know that I have not received, and this is an audit manager position, the way I understand it and I read this job description. One of the basic functions is to do audits. Now I have not received an audit since you've been the Controller, number one. So I really don't see the need to have an audit manager position. I think there's a problem here that you're putting someone into audit manager job that does not have the qualifications to take the salary of an auditor who is not going to audit and who's going to do bill paying functions. I don't see any reason whatsoever, any logic to that move whatsoever, and I will not sit here and let it happen. Mr. Mascara: Mr. Petrosky. Mr. Petrosky: Well, I fail to see how that improves the function of your office, Miss Beharry. The problem that we've been having, in fact, we just experienced it today, the county received a reimbursement from our insurance company because cost of certain/savings that we have instituted and they had to deduct over $100,000 from that check because the insurance bill hasn't been paid in three months. It seems to me that the critical area in your office is the payment of bills and that we're not getting that kind of service, and moving Miss Dorisio from account payable clerk to an audit manager position, I have no, I cannot fathom how that increases your capacity to pay the bills. I think that's just a ploy of you to get Miss Dorisio more money. Miss Beharry: Well, one of the things I'm waiting on, gentlemen, is the resolu- tion to the grievance that Miss Dorisio filed in early 1986 when her job as accounts payable clerk, working supervisor, was abolished. The arbitration wasn't heard until sometime in July, 1987. It took us a year and a half to get to arbitration. Briefs were due on that matter on August 25th. The County asked for an additional ten days. Their brief is due Monday, I believe. I will see what the resolution of the grievance is that Mrs. Dorisio filed to see if she can SALARY MINUTE BOOK 619 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR.. EDWARD M PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS return to a bargaining unit position at a proper rate and proceed to fill the audit manager position with the qualified audit manager. At this point, in light of Judge Acker's injunction and the Board of Commissioners very stringent positio about working bargaining unit people to do the work that Mrs. Dorisio used to do and the work that Mr. Quinn's been doing since the injunction, in order to keep the county functioning, it is essential to put someone in that position. Mr. Petrosky: I think... Mr. Paluso: ... someone in this position has to have the qualifications for this position. Besides that, there are yourself and the deputy controller that can do whatever has to be done by Mr. Quinn. And incidentally, it wasn't Mr. Quinn who was working overtime to get bills paid. It was Miss Dorisio. Now, I don't see how it's going to help such an essential job to get bills paid to have her in this position when she, the only way we got bills paid before was if her and the other clerk or just her worked overtime. It had nothing to do with what Quinn's function whatsoever, according to you... according to you. Miss Beharry: Quinn doesn't keep overtime. He's a management employee. Mr. Paluso: He hasn't been working at nights either and don't tell me he has because he has not. We do a little checking around here too... Mr. Mascara: Will $5,998 increase to Miss Dorisio guarantee the county will be processing bills any more quickly than they were that she not receive... Miss Beharry: Mr. Mascara, we're now down to two people to process payments. We were at three before Mr. Quinn's resignation. It will not only not guarantee payment of more bills or more quickly but it will just ensure that certain types of bills that the Board of Commissioners have seen fit to keep Mrs. Dorisio from processing will be paid. Mr. Mascara: Ha, ha, ha. Mr. Paluso: That is the most ridiculous statement in the world. Please name them will you. That's the same statement you made last week that you had answered me hundreds of times, and let me tell you, Miss Beharry, for your information, the remark you made, and I want it noted on the record that I made 252 inquiries to you under the County Code section that I require an answer and I have had 35 replies, none of which in the last 18 months. Miss Beharry: That's not true, Mr. Paluso. That's absolutely untrue. Mr. Paluso: It is absolutely true and the records are in the office to show you. Miss Beharry: Absolutely untrue. Mr. Paluso: And you're lying again the same as you did last week. Miss Beharry: That's absolutely untrue. Mr. Paluso: And I want it noted for the record the number of inquiries made unde the legal status of the County Code that have not been answered. Mr. Petrosky: Mr. Chairman, it seems to me that the most critical problem in term of Miss Beharry's office that we consistently face day -in and day -out is the 620 S A L A R Y BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MINUTE B❑❑K WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Cm _ _ __ ___ JR payment of bills, and I fail to see how Miss ... moving Miss Dorisio from an accounts payable clerk to the position of audit manager is going to increase the capacity of that office to be more productive. Moved by Mr. Petrosky to ABOLISH the position of Audit Manager and CREATE' a position of Accounts Payable Clerk. Miss Beharry objected that the motion was out of order. Mr. Petrosky noted that he was not finished. Chairman Mascara ruled that Mr. Petrosky had the floor. Mr. Petrosky: We abolish the position of audit manager and that we add a positio of accounts payable clerk to give Miss Beharry more capacity to hopefully pay more bills on a day-to-day basis. And if the argument is presented that we are decreasing her ability to carry out certain mandates within the Code, let it also include the fact that we will entertain requests for proposals or for bids from any outside accounting firm that she may so choose to audit anybody that sh so chooses... Mr. Paluso: Mandatory audits. Mr. Petrosky: ...mandatory audits, especially as far as the magistrates are con- cerned. Mr. Mascara: Well, I informally talked with the personnel of the Auditor Genera office and they audit all of the magistrates across the Commonwealth, and they said they would be delighted to sit down and negotiate a fee to audit all of the magistrates, since we have members of the Court here; each and every time they audit for the State, they will audit for the County. And it really should be very simple because they're in there with these figures and have to separate the anyway in order to come up with the correct monies due the Commonwealth and the municipalities so they have already indicated they would negotiate with us so that's in keeping with perhaps requests for proposals that we include the Auditor General of Pennsylvania to audit district magistrates. Miss Beharry: Excuse me, I have an objection on the floor, Mr. Chairman. That motion is out of order. That in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the Controller has not brought the Controller's office to this Salary Board for consideration. Therefore, it is improper for you to consider any action related to that office. I refer the County Solicitor to case law at Simon vs. Allegheny County, 1939; and, in fact, the Controller will honor no action by this Board abolishing any positions when I have not brought the Con- troller's office here for consideration ... fact a matter of record that the Con- troller has appointed an individual to fill a vacancy that exists at a rate that exists and will be paid at that rate... Mr. Paluso:... who is not qualified to hold the position and that is against the law. Miss Beharry: ... who will be paid at that rate. I[] (replace it with) I E L� SALARY MINUTE BOOK 621 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA I FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Paluso: No, she will not; she will not. You cannot put someone into a position they're not qualified when you made the qualifications up yourself, and that has opened the door for your office because you are doing an illegal step and you are the one who has insisted everyone must have the qualifications and only the qualifications and only do that work. You are the first to break your own law, rules, and this is law as well as anything you say. Your interpretation of Simon vs. anybody is your interpretation and not the law, Miss Beharry. Miss Beharry: I find your remarks humorous, Mr. Paluso. Mr. Paluso: I'm sure you do —you're a funny person. Motion seconded by Mr. Paluso. Mr. Petrosky questioned the motion. Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. Mr. Paluso: And I want it noted the reason for this action is the attempt by the Controller to insert a non -qualified person into a job description that she her- self made prior to this and insisted no one else except with those qualifications can fill that job. I want that noted on the vote. Miss Beharry: And I would like to note on the record tnat LnaL is nOL r.ne cd5e; that the Controller has requested repeatedly increases in salary to enable to hir someone... Mr. Paluso: That's irrelevant, completely irrelevant, and you know it. Miss Beharry: ...who could meet the qualifications necessary to perform the duti 4189-289 - DIVORCE COURT Moved by Judge Gladden, seconded by Miss Beharry, to CREATE a per diem slot, of Clerk Typist II, Grade 4, (801%) Rate 5.242, while Sue Larson is off. Remarks: Mr. Paluso questioned Judge Gladden as to the duties of this position and stated that he felt the position should be a Clerk Typist I. Roll call vote taken: Judge Gladden - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - No; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. 4121-121 - VOTER REGISTRATION Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, to CREATE eleven (11) per diem positions for ballot box delivery for Primary and General Elections at the rate of $10.00 per hour (20-25 hours). Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. E 622 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , EDWARD M PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 14136 - TAX ASSESSMENT Moved by Miss Beharry, seconded by Mr. Paluso, to CREATE twenty-five (25) contracted positions for Posting Clerks; compensation to be at the rate of $10.00 per notarized affidavit of posting. Roll call vote taken: Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. CLERK OF COURTS Barb Gibbs, Clerk of Courts, brought to the Board's attention the fact that her solicitor, Attorney David Posner, has not been paid under his contract dated February 26, 1987, relative to his representation of the Clerk of Courts in the Sharon Valentine case. As of this date, the amount of $2,158.20 is outstanding. The Board questioned Controller Beharry as to why Mr. Posner has not been paid. She stated that the reason he has not been paid is because his additional compen- sation for litigation has not been approved by the Salary Board. Discussion followed. She stated that she would support a motion setting the rate of compen- sation for litigation for Attorney Posner at $65.00 per hour, effective today. Mr. Petrosky questioned Miss Beharry relative to whether or not she will pay Mr. Posner for his services rendered from February 26, 1987 (the date on which the Board of Commissioners approved his contract) until today. She stated that she will have her solicitor review the matter. More discussion followed. (Ferdal Littleton, Chief Deputy Sheriff, entered the meeting.) Mr. Bassi: First of all, theiopinion of the Solicitor has been that it is abso- lutely unnecessary for this to be taken before the Salary Board because we have a contractual arrangement with Mr. Posner requested by M!�. Gibbs through the regula Commissioners' meeting. If you see fit as a matter of over -abundance of interest in attempting to have Mr. Posner paid to have this sum approved by the Salary Board in his relationship established, you may do it retroactively. There are cases that say that you may ... I would not consider that any concession that you make in this regard by running it through the Salary Board is necessarily precede it setting. Mr. Petrosky: Mr. Bassi, this presents a most serious problem in terms of me relative to the philosophy of how this county government should operate. Clearly, the statutes historically say that the County Commissioners are responsible for establishing and maintaining policy within county government. But we consistent) get involved in situations with the Controller's office where the Controller by her actions or lack of actions is establishing policy. And I don't think our forefathers, when they established county government, had it in their minds that the chief bookkeeper of any county had the capacity, the responsibility or the 1 0 legal authority to make policy, either formally or informally. And we are con- sistently fighting that battle day in and day out, and I think that we need some- SALARY MINUTE B O O K 623 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R u J where along the line a clear delineation between the duties of the Controller vis-a-vis the duties of the Commissioners. That has not been pronounced by any Eourt that we have been in, although I have seen it come down time and time again, from appeals court that the Controller is the chief bookkeeper and does not make policy for the county. And yet we continually jump through her hoops in terms of her inactions or actions because she informally is establishing policy,... (end of tape) ... design of county government from day one, and I'm getting very, very frustrated over the entire situation. Mr. Bassi: I subscribe wholeheartedly to your... (Discussion between Mr. Paluso and Ms. Gibbs.) Mr. Petrosky: This is the second time that this person has been involved in a non-payment with the Controller, and it's a disgrace because the very integrity of the county crumbles when these kinds of things happen. Mr. Posner some time ago did some work for the Court that Miss Beharry for whatever reason would not pay, and that issue has never been settled, never been settled. Now we're back again with Mr. Posner as your solicitor and we're seeing where he is owdd some $2,100 or two thousand some odd dollars and he can't get paid. I think that's a disgrace. I don't think there's any justification for it. The setting is now (here, Ms. Gibbs. This is not the setting to bring this problem. The setting is for you to go to court or have Mr. Posner go to court and sue the Controller. IMs. Gibbs: Commissioner Petrosky, he's absolutely willing to do that and I think that will be the avenue he will pursue in the rzvent that I am not successful here Mr. Petrosky: And we have the guardian of the taxpayers that are fov&ing us into this position. Ms. Gibbs: I would like to ask a question of Miss Beharry. Mr. Bassi: You've already been told, excuse me, but you've already been told by Miss Beharry that she doesn't intend to pay him no matter what the Salary Board does. (Miss Beharry: That's not true..... IMr. Bassi: Well, that's true. You said you would not pay retroactively. (Miss Beharry: My comment is the retroactivity would be referred to my solicitor. Mr. Petrosky: What solicitor, Miss Beharry? Miss Beharry: I'm pursuing that. It will be resolved shortly. Mr. Petrosky: I should certainly hope so. (Miss Beharry: It will be referred to my solicitor, and let me just say to you... JMr. Petrosky: When you had a solicitor, you couldn't resolve issues, Miss Beharry. Miss Beharry: Let me just say to you that although I can sit here and be accusec by Mr. Petrosky or the Salary Board of setting policy, what I am attempting to do as a Controller is to perform my duties in accordance with statute; and if the law compels us as the Salary Board to act to fix compensation, then it is not an arbitrary action of the Controller.... Mr. Paluso: That's your interpretation of the law... 624 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY. JR. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Miss Beharry: ... insist that the law be ....... but it is in fact my duty. Mr. Mascara:.... excuse me, the Chairman wants to talk, okay. You show up when we pass taxes for all the money you're spending. You show up 'cause I don't think the statute intended that those people who do not have to vote for a tax increase to decide how the money's going to be spent. I think that rests with the people who have to pass taxes and levy taxes in this county... Miss Beharry: If you were not negligent in your duties... Mr. Mascara: You're negligent in your duties... you've spent millions of dollars of county taxpayers money: You engage in promiscuity, barratry and everything else and you have the audacity to sit here and mumble the wordstaxpayers. You could care, you haven't paid a dime's worth of taxes in this county. When was the last time you paid taxes? Miss Beharry: I don't own property here. Mr. Mascara: You never did and you haven't paid a dime and you could care less. That's just like this morning over $10,000 we're going to spend to collect about $150. Now you justify that with the taxpayers. Miss Beharry: I don't know what you're talking about. IMr. Mascara: You don't know what I'm talking about, sure. In the sheriff's sur- charges, the cases that you appealdd. We had to approve a contract with Mr. Senef �up to $4,500 at $75 an hour. He's already incurred several thousand. Your attori Miss Beharry: Is that what this is? at $39,000... I'm the Chairman. I very seldom speak up, but I'm telling you what is right. Miss Beharrv: You do. Mr. Mascara: I'm telling you. You're a wasteful, you've created a defensive government. This is a bunker mentality that you've placed on this government and it's about ready to collapse, and you are responsible and you should be ashamed of yourself. Moved by Ms. Gibbs that Mr. Posner's bill as of September 1, 1987, in the amount of $2,158.20 be paid in accordance with the contract negotiated February 2 1987. Motion ruled out of order as the Salary Board can only act on number of positions and compensation. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, to ratify and confirm the contract with Attorney Posner dated February 26, 1987, as previously approved by the Board of Commissioners setting the rate of compensation at $65.00 per hourplu for his representation of the Clerk of Courts in the Sharon Valentine case; this action being retroactive to February 26, 1987. Roll call vote taken: Ms. Gibbs - Yes; Miss Beharry - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. :a, iey ! , expenses 11 Lr- E C 1 SALARY MINUTE BOOK 625 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY. JR, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS _ _....._... �J (Kathy Emery, Assistant Solicitor, entered the meeting.) SHERIFF Discussion was held on the matter of the appeal filed by the Controller to the Commonwealth Court relative to the surcharges filed against the Sheriff. It was also noted that Controller Beharry has not paid Attorney Seneca the $2,000 as provided for in his agreement addendum with the -County dated January 30, 1986, foi his representation of the Sheriff in the initial surcharge cases; and that the Controller has also appealed that matter to the Commonwealth Court. Moved by Mr. Littleton, seconded by Miss Beharry, approving a contract with Attorney Anthony Seneca for his representation of the Sheriff in the surcharge appeals pending before the Commonwealth Court at the rate of $75.00 an hour plus expenses, not to exceed $4,500.00. Discussion followed. It was noted that this contract was approved by the Board of Commissioners at its meeting today. Chairman Mascara noted that the Salary Board was acting on this contract only to facilitate the payment of peoplE who have rendered services to the County and that any action by the Salary Board does not prejudice future actions by this Board in regard to ratification of for contracts/which, under Section 1801 of The County Code, the Commissioners are the sole contractors. Mr. Paluso suggested that this motion include retroactivity back to the time the appeal was filed. The foregoing motion was withdrawn.by Mr. Littleton and the second was with- drawn by Miss Beharry. Moved by Mr. Littleton, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving a contract with !Attorney Anthony Seneca for his representation of the Sheriff in the surcharge jappeals pending before the Commonwealth Court at the rate of $75.00 an hour plus (expenses, not to exceed $4,500.00, retroactive to the date that the appeal was filed with the Commonwealth Court. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Littleton - Yes; Miss Beharry - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Paluso noted that this action was being taken solely for the purpose of lexpediting payment problems which have arisen. Mr. Littleton: The Sheriff wants to note for the record that he regrets that ou solicitor has to go into this action because we feel that it's going to rule in our favor that the lower court ruling of a hundred and some odd dollars, I'm not correct on my figures 'cause I wasn't planning on being here today, but we feel that it's going to cost the County some extra money by litigating this; and we !have no other choice but to defend that action. We would be willing more to pay what the final court has agreed upon and ruled, but the Controller has taken exce - tion to that and we regret that we have to come before the Board and ask for this ,contract. 626 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Miss Beharry: Excuse me, if I may respond on the record of Mr. Littleton ... on the record that no such offer has been made to the Controller or to her solicito and that, in fact, it is the Sheriff who did appeal the $150 which causes the Controller to spend money to defend your appeal as opposed to making payment. I you believe the $150 should be paid, then make payment and save the trouble of your defense in that situation and my attorney's expense.... Mr. Littleton: Miss Beharry, we're talking spending five or six thousand dollar to collect maybe a $300 bill. Miss Beharry: Your actions are just totally inconsistent with your statement, Mr. Littleton. Mr. Littleton: Your actions have been totally inconsistent since you walked int the door. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE NOTED FOR THE RECORD ONLY: 4133-133 - CONTROLLER Don Quinn, Audit Manager, resignation, eff. 8-24-87 4137-137 - RESOURCES AND INVESTIGATION Lynn Hustava, from Rate 4.912 to Rate 6.140, part-time employee, 6-month adjustment, eff. 9-2-87 4143-143 - PROPERTY & SUPPLIES Judy Cap, from Legal Secretary, Grade 6, Step B, Rate 6.854, 445.51, 11,583.26 to Word Processor Supervisor, Rate 629.02, 16,354.52, bargaining unit to salaried, Rachelle Veschio's slot, eff. 9-8-87 4184-211 - JUDGE GLADDEN Janet Jackson, Court Reporter, contracted position, $75.00/day, $2.00/page transcripts, orders and reports, $.30/page Court -ordered copies, eff. 7-16-87 4187-3101 - DOMESTIC RELATIONS Donna Slavka, from Clerk Steno I, Grade 3, Step B, Rate 6.407, 416.46, 10,827.96 to Arrearage Clerk, Grade 5, Step B, Rate 6.698, 435.37, 11,319.62, job bid, M. Stowinsky's slot, eff. 8-21-87 Sue McElhaney, Clerk Typist I, Grade 2, from (80°0) Rate 5.017, 326.17, 8,480.42 to Step B, Rate 6.272, 407.68, 10,599.68, 6-month adjustment, eff. 9-9-87 4191-291 - CLERK OF COURTS Deborah McNary, from Acting Deputy, Rate 742.88, to Assistant Deputy, Rate 594.05, back to regular pay as Marlene Dranzo is returning to work, effective 9-8-87 4331-1701 - AIRPORT Janet Corazzi, Clerk Typist I, Grade 2, (8030) Rate 5.017, summer employee to part-time, replaces Elizabeth Politan, eff. 9-1-87 4411-402 - AGING SERVICES Rosemarie Moore, Caseworker, Grade 7, from (80°0) Rate 5.617, 365.11, 9,492.86 to Step B, Rate 7.021, 456.37, 11,865.62, 6-month adjustment, eff. 9-9-87 (403) Darlene Yaworski, Cook, per diem employee, worked Aug. 20-21, 25-28 1 E 11 C SALARY MINUTE BOOK 627 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 4421-403 - AGING SERVICES Paul Uhlemann, Caseworker Trainee, resignation, eff. 8-25-87. Marcia Wilson from Casework Supervisor I, Grade 38, Rate 895.44, 23,281.44 to Casework Supervisor II, Grade 40, Rate 949.70, 24,692.20, eff. 8-20-87. 4461 - HEALTH CENTER 1020 Maybelle Alderson, LPN, Grade 6, from (800), Rate 6.680, 213.76, 5,557.76 to Step 8, Rate 8.351, 267.23, 6,947.98, part-time employee, 6-month rate adjustment, eff. 9-2-87. Sue Smith, Nurses Aide, per diem employee, resignation, eff. 8-29-87. Kirk Armstrong, Nurses Aide, medical leave, 8-11-87 - 11-11-87. Illa Romaine Phillips, Nurses Aide, per diem to temporary, eff. 8-20-87. SUMMER EMPLOYEES TERM DATES 4153-153 - RECORDER OF DEEDS Rick Turtzer, eff. 8-7-87. 4172-172 - DATA PROCESSING Pat Popp, Dina Colucci, eff. 8-14-87. 4178-184 - PARKS Larry Tomich, eff. 8-12-87. 4181-201 - COURT ADMINISTRATOR Sheila Geary, eff. 8-26-87. 4312-2310 - BRIDGE Richard DeBlander, eff. 8-14-87. Russell Rossero, eff. 8-14-87. James Griffin, eff. 8-21-87. Todd Aloia, eff. 8-24-87. Louis Musto, eff. 8-25-87. Chris Paglia, eff. 8-28-87. Mike Lebec, eff. 8-28-87. 4331-1701 - AIRPORT Eric Duchess, eff. 8-21-87. Sam Romano, eff. 8-21-87. Donald Shulock, eff. 8-21-87. Janet Corazzi, eff. 8-31-87. There being no further business, Chairman Mascara declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:30 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: o�.2, 1987 6ATTEST: