HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 257 - 2-18-1955 - COMMISSIONER316 WINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Messrs. Pettit, Lane and Mazza. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to cancel the Treasurerls Tax Sale of April 3, 1946, for the 1940 County, School. and Township taxes plus sale costs for the property assessed to A. Longo and described as "2 Lots 10-11, Grandview Plan" situate in Smith Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, inasmuch as the assessments to A. Longo for Lots 10-11 in the Grandview Plan is an incorrect assessment. There is no record title to A. Longo for Lots 10-11. A. Longo is the rightful owner of Lots 110-111, as per deed recorded in the Recorder's Office of Washington County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book, Volume 440, Page 551 and Deed Book, Volume 474, Page 379, as is explanatory, per attach ed letter. Therefore, the tax sale should be cancelled as an incorrect assessment and the Assessment Office and the Office of the Prothonotary are hereby directed to mark their records accordingly. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: March 955 ATTEST :0 (-' /Nieftlerk NO. 257 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., February 18, 1955 Board of County Commissioners in special session for the purpose of awarding the contracts for the steel and erection thereof for the Smith Bridge, Ten Mile Creek #39, Amwell Township. Those present being Messrs. Pettit, Lane, Mazza and Deputy Controller Marino. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that LOUIS J. FARUGA, Route 40, Richey- ville, Pa., be awarded the contract for doing the work as follows on Smith Bridge, Ten Mile Creek #39 as follows: P R O P O S A L NO. 2 TO: The Commissioners of Washington County, in the State of Pennsylvania. The undersigned hereby propose(s) to do all the work in and about the erecting; welding in place; and painting of the Plain Structural Steel and the New 5" I-Beam-Lok Open Bridge Flooring which will be erected on Floor Beams now in place on the new Concrete Abutments and Pier of the dual span Smith Bridge; Ten Mile Creek #39; in Amwell Township, on Township Road No. 323. The above named items of work shall be done in accord with; and the materials required for the same shall comply with the Specifications of the State Department of Highways - Form 4.08; Form 409; and Specifications for Paints and Allied Materials, Bulletin 26, latest revision, for similar work and materials; which Specifications I have carefully read, and I will execute your form of Contract and Bond. _ I enclose a certified check for Three Hundred (300.00) Dollars as a guarantee that I will execute your form of Contract and Bond if an award is made to me. I will do all the above items of work; complete; at the following prices; said prices to be in full for all labor; materials; and royalties on patented inventions; for and in consideration of compensation according to the following schedule of prices. 1 SCHEDULE OF PRICES s MINUTE B'DDK 3117 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 12,912 lbs. 1,539 sq. ft. NA February loth, 1955 Plain Structural Steel - erected and welded in place 5" "I-Beam-Lok" open Bridge Floor erected and welded in place Cleaning IF. Painting all steel in Bridge .080 lb. $1,032.96 .260 sq. ft. $ 400.14 Lump Sum $ 474.00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID $1,907.10 BIDDER: Louis J. Faruga BY: Owner - Louis J. Faraga Route Ito Richeyville, Pa. This bid being awarded in the amount of $1,907.10; this being the lowest responsi- ble bid received. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the ANIERICAN BRIDGE DIVISION UNITED STATES STEEL CORPORATION, be awarded the contract for the furnishing of the steel items for the work to be done on the Smith Bridge, Ten Mile Creek #39 as follows: PROPOSAL NO. 1 TO: The County Commissioners of Washington County, in the State of Pennsylvania RE: Plain Structural Steel and New 5" I-Beam-Lok Open Bride Floor for the Smith Bridge, Ten Mile Creek #39, Amwell Township, Washington County. Gentlemen: I/We hereby propose to furnish the Steel Items listed on dheet attached hereto for the reconstruction of Smith Bridge, Ten Mile Creek #39, Washington County; these steel Items to conform -in all respects with the -Specifications of the Pennsylvania Department of Highways and/or the American Society for Testing Materials for similar materials; which specifications we have carefully read, and we will execute your form of Contract and Bond. We agree to furnish and deliver these Steel Items to the Bridge Site on or before May 30, 1955: I/We enclose a certified check for Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars as a guarantee; that we will execute your form of Contract and Bond if -contract should be awarded to us. I/wo will To this work at the following prices; said prices to be in full for all labor; materials; royalties on patented inventions; and for the furnishing -and delivering to bridge site of the materials listed below. APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES CLASSIFICATION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 12,913.0 lbs. Plain Structural Steel .0703 $ 907.71 1539.0 sq. ft. New 5" "I-Beam-Lok"-Type 5 Open Bridge Floor - Laid Transverse to traffic 3.61 $5,555.79 Total Amount of Bid $6,463.50 February 11, 1955 BIDDER: American Bridge Division United States Steel Corporation J. R. Thompson Contracting Manager 525 William Penn Place Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvania This bid being awarded in the amount of $6,463.50, this being the lowest responsi- ble bid received. Motion carried unanimously with Mr. Marino being excused from the meeting. County Commissioners Pettit, Lane and Mazza, met with the Soil Conservation Board with the following members being present: E, D, Brown of The National Farm Loan Association of 318 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANcis E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS of Washington., T. Scott Pease., of Washington County Artificial Breeding Coop.., James McGugin of Washington County Farm Bureau Cooperative and Dan Tau of Washington County Guernsey Breeders Association. Motion by Mr. Brown., seconded by Mr. Lane, that Gaylord L. Sheller., R. D. 31 Claysville., Pa.., be nominated as a member of the Washington County Soil Conservation Board for a four .year term. There being no other nominations Mr. Sheller was elected unanimously. Motion by Mr. McGugin, seconded by Mr. Lane,, that Linda7rGillis,, R. D.,, Scenery I Hill., Pa.., be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Joseph O'Brien of Amity., Pa.., who resigned. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mr. Mazza., seconded by Mr. Lane., that Francis E. Pettit., be appointed as the Commissioner member of the Board. Motion carried unanimously, with the members of the Board leaving the meeting. Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Mazza. that the County Controller be author- ized to advertise for the printing and delivering to the Election Department the necessary ballots and election supplies required for the conduct of the Municipal Primary Election to be held Tues- day., May 17, 1955, and the delivering of ballot boxes with election supplies to the Judges of Election for the one hundred eighty-five (185) precincts; bids to be received by the County Controller at his Office in the Court House, Washington,, Pa., until 32:00 a.m.., Friday., March 4., 1955, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Pettit., seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Board for the Assessment and Revision of Taxes be authorized to prepare voucher for refund in favor of Harry H. and Williamina Bailey, Amity., Pa., Amwell Township., in the amount of $4.99 covering the 1954 County tax paid on an assessment in the name of M. P. Parsonage, described as a 6 room house @ $450, and Lot @ $50.00 total assessment $500-00. This refund being made due to the fact that., the M. P. Parsonage property was sold to Mr. Bailey in September 1953 and recorded in January 1954. By this deed adjustment #993 was made transfering from Amity Methodist Protestant Church in Exempt Property to Harry & Williamina Bailey 0,5 Acre surface and assessed at $1..075, with no change in assessment to the Methodist Church property. This assessment is in error. The assessment cover- ing the 6 room house and lot in the taxable listing should have been transferred. Mr. Bailey agreed,to a refund covering the lesser assessment, as he had paid on both assessments. There- fore., The Board for the Assessment and Revision of Taxes is authorized to prepare said voucher in the amount of $4.99. Motion carried, There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting. adjourned, March 955 /P1 ATTEST. Chief'Clerk I I