HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 304 - 12-14-1955 - COMMISSIONERM I N U T E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS I E I NO. 3o4 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., October 14., 1955 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Commis- sioners Pettit, Lane and Mazza. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following Resolutions in regard to the sale of properties for unpaid taxes by the Washington County Tax Claim Bureau., be adopted: RF,SOLTJTION NO. NAME OF PURCHASER, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AMOUNT SOLD FOR 409 Borough of Bentleyville Being 3 vacant lots #327., School District 118., 119,, situate in the W. F. Richardson Plan., Borough of Bentleyville., Washington County, Pennsyl- vania., formerly owned by A. I. Thigpenn., a/k/a A. L. Thigpen,, a/k/a A. J. Thigpen. $30.00 410 Borough of Bentleyville Being property described as 2 Lots #25, 26., in the Oaks Plan of Lots, situate in the Borough of Bentleyville., Washington County., Pennsylvania,, formerly owned by Indiana Booth. $10.00 411 Borough of Bentleyville School -District Being property described as Lots 130., 131. 132., 174, 179., 180, 184, 185, situate in the W. F. Richardson Plan of Lots., Borough of Bentleyville, Wash- ington County, Pennsylvania, formerly owned by Charles Huffman. $60.00 412 Bentleyville School Being property described as District vacant Lot #116 in the W. F. Richardson Plan of Lots., situate in the Borough of Bentleyville, Washington County.9 Pennsylvania,, formerly owned by Henry Scott Estate. $50.00 413 Charles L. & Daisy V. Being Lot #86., in the Davis Plan Ringer of Lots, situate in Canton Township Washington County., Pennsylvania, formerly owned by Margaret D. Smith. $70.00 414 Michael Vaccaro Being property described as Lots 39, 76, 77, 78, in the Hoon Plan of Lots, situate in Carroll Town- ship, Washington County, Pennsyl- vania, formerly owned by Finley Weir. $100.00 415 Carl E. Andrews Being one (1) acre surface, Diamond Hollow, above Black Diamond car stop., situate in Carroll Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, formerly owned by Mary Ellen Robson. $50.00 416 John F. Roney Being property described as 62 acres surface, adjoining R. H. Griffith property, situate in Chartiers Township, Washington, County, Pennsylvania, formerly owned by John Stari a/k/a John Stair, $1600.00 417 Clifford L. & Ruth R. Williams Being vacant lot #42,, in the Cummins Plan of Lots, situate in Chartiers Township, Washing- ton County, Pennsylvania, formerly owned by Grover Bedillion Est., c/o Bedillion Bros. $25.00 372 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. NAME OF PURCHASER DESCRIPTION OF P110PERTY AMOUNT SOLD FCC ir 418 Austin Johnston Being property described as 2 Vacant Lots 54 & 55 in the Cummins Plan of Lots,, situate in Chartiers Township., Washington County., Pennsylvania., formerly owned by Andy Domer, 50.00 419 J. E. Emsley and Ida M. Emsley 420 421 422 423 424 425 Being property described as strip of ground -right-of-way., being right of way granted by John Grimes et ux to Wheeling and Elm Grove Railway Company, as re- corded in Deed Book., Volume 309, page 498, situate in Donegal Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania., formerly owned by City of Wheeling Railway Company. 50.00 Stanley Niziolek Being property described as vacant lot #28., Block #55., Marelda Avenue., situate in the Borough of Donora., Washington County., Pennsylvania,, formerly owned by Josephine Simeral, $100.00 Armand & Julia Bartolozzi Being property described as vacant lot #11 Block 75., Gilmore Avenue, situate in the Union Im- provement Company Plan of Lots, the Borough of Donoral Washing- ton County., Pennsylvania., as re- corded in Plan Book Vol. 2., Pages 124, 125., formerly owned by John Caruso (C. F. Thomas) $ 50.00 Joseph & Elizabeth Ripko Being property described as Lot #69, in the Hudson Plan of Lots,, situate in Smith Township, Wash- ington County., Pennsylvania, formerly owned by C. T. Dodd. $ 50,00 Joseph & Elizabeth Ripko Being property described as Lot #70., in the Hudson Plan of Lots, situate in Smith Township., Wash- ington County., Pennsylvania., formerly,owned by John Mudmincez. $ 50*00 Charles & Barbara Bailey Being property described as 1 Lot situate in South Strabane Town- ship., Washington County., Pennsyl- vania., formerly owned by Mary J. Hathaway. S 50.o0 Charles & Barbara Bailey Motion carried. Being property described as 1 Lot Humbert Plan and described as Lot #7 in the Humbert Estate Allotment A. as recorded in Plan Book 6.. pages 110-111., formerly owned by John W. Hathaway., situate in South Strabane Township, Washing- ton County, Pennsylvania. 50.00 Motion by Mr. Lane., seconded by Mr. Mazza, that Minute Nos. 291,, 291-A., 292., 293,, 294., 294-4 295,, 296., 297., 298., 299., 300, 301,, 302 and 303., were read and approved. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time., the meeting adjourned. THE FORGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: Decemb 1955 41Q ATTE � � k I I/ I hief Clerk" r� I I