HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 46 - 6-11-1948 - COMMISSIONERWI MINUTE M■ ■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13T❑N COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, HENRY J. LOWSTUTER, COMMISSIONERS M.......... PIIBL]!i 8lNO 00. thousand (6000) or more four (4) page, 10 x 5 ledger farms. Motion carried. Notion duly made and seconded that the property heretofore sold to the County by the County Treasurer on April 24 and 2% 1940, as the property of the Middletown Coal Company, consisting of approximately five thousand one hundred thirty-one (5,131) acres of Pittsburgh ®'sin of Coal, with mining rights, situate in Hopewell and Cress Creek Townships, be transferred to the Washington County Tax Claim Bureau under the provision of the Act of July 7, 1947. Motion carried. There being no farther business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting If i*few { i i IN , i° J i July 1, 1 8 ATTEST: Chief Clerk Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., June 11, 1948 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Messrs. Pettit, Lane and Lowstuter. The following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Wash- ington, State of Pennsylvania, relative to the issue by the said County of a note for,0ne Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars as a temporary loan, was presented, duly seconded and adapted by said Board, to -wit: WHEREAS, it has become necessary for said Board to borrow the sum of One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of meeting current expenses for the year 1948, and to be payable out of taxes and other current revenues which have been assessed and are to be levied and collected by the County during the year 1948; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the said County of Washington, that for the purpose of providing finds for the payment of current expenses of the County, the proper officials of the said County are hereby authorized and directed to negotiate a temporary loan on such terms as may be agreed upon by them, payable out of taxes which are to be levied and collected during the year 1948, and so much of said taxes as may be necessary to repay said loan, with interest, is hereby set aside and designated for that purpose','and issue a note therefore, payable August 2, 1948, with interest from date of said note at the rate of one (1) per cent. per annum, free of all taxes levied by the Commonwealth et Pennsylvania, which said saxes the County of Washington assumes and agreed to pay, said note to be negotiated and issued as follows: THE WASHINGTON UNION TRUST COMPANY, Washington, Pa. - #lOO,000.00 Motion duly made and seconded that the Washington County Commissioners abate the penalties and interest on 1943, 1945" 1946 and 1947 County Taxes on property of Seventy-two (72) acres and a House assessed in the name of Catherine Euhran in property Township. This action is taken in conjunction with similar aeti©it taken by the Road Supervisors and the School Board of Fallewfield Township. 1 F Notion carried. #r 45 MINUTE BOOK H BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, HENRYJ. LOWSTUTERI COMMISSIONERS MONONGAH£LA PUBLISHING CO. Notion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Idr. Pettit, that Bohn Stapleton be hired as a Common Laborer (Car Washer) at the County Garage, effective dune U.. 1948. Notion carried. Notation is made of the approval by the County Commissioners of moving the Tax Claim and Real Estate Bureau into Quarters occupied by the County Superintendent of Schools, and the County Superintendent of Schools moving into quarters occupied by Tax Clain and Real Estate Bureau. Notion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Lowstuter, that all County Rotor Vehicles be identified by having the name C® U H T Y O F W A S H I N G T O H prominently inscribed on each vehicle, excluding that the the Chief County Detective. Notion carried. The following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington, State of Pennsylvania, relative to the transferring of the Pittsburgh Vein of Coal with mining rights in Hopewell and Cross Creek Township to the Washington County Tax Claim Buureau, was presented, duly seconded and adopted by said Board, to -wits WHEREASj, approximately 5,131 Acres of Pittsburgh Vein of scal with mining rights of which 4,779 Acres are in Hopewell Township and 352 Acres in Cross Creek Township, were sold to Washfigton County an April 24 and 25, 1940, by the Treasurer of Washington County as the property of the Middletown Coal Company for unpaid county, school and road taxes, in the approximate amount at face of $81,407.57; and WHEMSO the said coal and mining rights have been transferred to the Washington County Tax Clain Bureau under the provisions of the Act of Jbly 71, 1947; and WHEREAS, the said Washington County Tax Clain Bureau under the provisions of the said Act of Assembly is authorised and permitted to soli the aforesaid coal and mining rights at private sale with the approval of all the taxing districts interested therein; and WHEREAS, the said Washington County Tax Clain Bureau has received an offer to purchase the said coal and mining rights for the sun or price of $85,000.00 and has proposed to sell the said coal and mining rights for said price with the approval and consent of the said taxing districts involved, to -wit, the Hopewell Township School District, the Road Supervisors of Hopewell Township, the Cress Crook Township School District, the Road Supervisors of Cress Crook Township; the County of Washington and the Washington County Institutions District. HOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Washington in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Jbly 7, 1947, agree to the private sale by the Washington County Tax Clain Bureau for the price of $85,000.00 of the tract of approximately 5,131 Acres of Pitts- burgh Vein of Coal with mining rights situate as aforesaid in Hopewell and Cress Creek Townshipas, sold to Washington County by the County Treasurer for the non-payment of taxes as the property of the Middle- town Coal Company and now held by the said Washington County Tax Clain Bureau, and does hereby agree upon receipt of said purchase price that the said Washington County Tax Claim Bureau, as trustee granter may execute and deliver a deed for said coal mining rights and convey title to the purchaser free, clear and discharged of all tax claims and tax judgments of this District to the date hereof. Motion duly made and seconded that the following Resolutions be adepteds BE IT RESOLVID, by the County Commissioners of Washington County, that the plans submitted by the Pennsylvania Department of Highways for the changing of State Highway Route 62180*Section S•3, from Station 149 plus 21 to Station 323 plus 581, and from Station 4 4 plus 00 to Station "7 plus 63; also Section S•4 from Station 323 plus 35.58 to Station 352 plus 00j. in Smith Township, wsy Borough and Vt. Pleasant Township, have been examined and the County Commissioners agree that Washington County will not assume any property damages