HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 105 - 3-25-1949 - COMMISSIONER 110 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCis E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, HENRY J. LOWSTUTER, COMMISSIONERS Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mir. Pettit, that Frank Glad be hired as a Laborer in the Engineering and Bridge Department, retroactive to lurch 7, 1949. F Motion carried. i 9 1 f The Commissioners of Washington County sitting as the Registration Commission adopted the following Motions: a Motion by Mr, Dane, seconded by Mr. Lowstuter, that the Registration Office f I be opened Wednesday evening, March 23, 1949, in addition to the regular hogs of 9 },m, to 1 4 p.m. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Lowstuter, that dune 99 1%9, be fixed as an additional Registration Day in Peters Township, lot Precinct. 3 Motion carried. There bei ng no farther business to cane before the Board at this time, �the meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE BEAD AND APPROVED: j May, 13, 1949. j i ATTESTS Chief Clerk iHF�F1Fit9Fi4iF9HF I NO. 105 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 25, 1949 � i Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Messrs, Pettit, Lane and Lowstuter. Motion duly made and seconded that the Tax Claim Bureau be authorized to cancel ' the lien entered in the County Treasurer's Tan Lien Docket in the name of Lester Beazel, covering 1942 delinquent County Taxes on "Lots 12 and 13, Willard E. Latchem Plan Revised", , Fallowfield Township, the, said lien being in error inasmuch as Lester Beasel never owned Lots 12 and 13, above mentioned, whereas, the said Lester Beasel did rightfully own and convey to CarltoM and Eleanor Anderson Lots Nos. 14 and 15 in the aforementioned plan with which they - i were properly assessed for the said year and which taxes were paid on dune 26, 1942, as indicated by Receipt No. 31, issued by John L. Post, County Treasurer. jIj Motion carried. I Motion duly made and seconded that the County Treasurer be authorised to cancel Tax Sale of January 22, 1940, for the non-payment of 1928 and 1930, C®unty and School Taxes, assessed in the name of Henry Thomas against the property described as "Lot No. 85, in the Scottdale Plan", situate in Canton Township, inasmuch as, said property for the year 1928 1 thru 1932 was a duplication with the property assessed to Sarah Thaws, the rightful. owner of the property at that time, and which property is now owned by .may Chipps, being the owner I since 1936. For the years 1937 through 1940, it is a duplication with Sarah Thomas. Therefore,, the tax liens against Sarah Thomas should be taken off, the books and marked "liened in error, w f MINUTE BOOK BOARD ❑F COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, HENRY J. LOWSTUTER, COMMISSIONERS duplication with Any Chipps." The Prothonotary is directed to make the preper entry in his Treasurer's Deed Book and other records. Motion carried. Notion duly made and seconded that the following Resolution be adopteds AREAS, By deed dated August 7, 1940, and recorded in Deed Book 638 at Page 285, a tract of surface containing 1.53 .Acres was conveyed by Leroy M. Smith to Charles H. Fattman, Chartiers Township, and should have been assessed to the said Charles H. Fattman for all the years thereafter to date; now, therefore, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby resolved that the assessment records and all liens be corrected where necessary to reflect the foregoing fact. Notion duly made and.seconded that the County Treasurer is hereby authorised to cancel the tax sale of April 24th, 1940, for the non-payment of the 1933 County, School and Road taxes and the 1934 County tax covering property in Centerville Borough, assessed in the name of John S. Fatora, Sr., and described as House and 2 lots, Denbo Heights Plan, adjacent John Petrisko, Jr. Said Tax Sale should be cancelled by reason that payment of taxes for said years was made within the redemption period of two years. The County Tax for the year of 1934 was paid to the County Treasurer on August 3, 1940.. by receipt number 2025. I The taxes for the year of 1933 were paid as follows: i 1933 Co. Tax - OW Aug. T. 1939 - Satisfied in full in the Office of the Prothonotary by John Slims, Clerk for the County Commissioners under date of August 3, 1940. 1933 Sch. Tax - #2130 May T. 1939 - Satisfied in full in the Office of the Prothonotary by Olan Yarnall, Solicitor uncer date of March 2, 1942. (Payment of said tax having been made on August 15, 1940.) ! 1933 Road Tax - #1036 May T. 1939 - Satisfied in full in the Office of the ! Prothonotary by John Moschetta, Solicitor under date of August 3, 1940. The Tax Claim Bureau, the County Treasurer and the Prothonotary are instructed to mark all necessary records showing-the action taken by the Board of Commissioners. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the, Tax Claim Bureau and the Catty Treasurer 9 be authorized to abate the penalty and interest on the 1947 County Tax amounting to $2.49 on the property of Amelia MacDonald,- who is assessed in the Borough of California with 7 Rue. Frame House & Garage, Lots 78-79 General Plan, Second Avenue. This action taken being that the prop- erty was then owned by C. P. Proctor, Second Avenue, California, Pa., but was incorrectly - assessed in the name of Amelia MacDonald when Mr. Proctor offered to pay the County Tax but the Treasurerts Office was then unable to locate the assessment. - Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the Tax Claim Bureau and the County Treasurer be authorized to abate the penalties and interests on the 1943, 19", 1945 and 1946 County Taxes amounting to $20.51 on the property of Michael Duran, who is assessed in the Township of Smith with 103 Acres Surface adjacent William Moore (1945-6 Rat. Frame House and Shanty). This action was taken in conjunction with similar action taken by the Smith Township School District 112 MINUTE B ❑ ❑ K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIs E. PETTIT,W. J. LANE, HENRY J. LOWSTUTER, COMMISSIONERS and Road Supervisors being that when the property was bought at a Treasurer's Sale, he did not j know of the takes that were outstanding. i Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the duplicate payment of 1948 County Tax made by Harold Hennen, 812 Beech Street, Washington, Pa., on September 4, 1948, as shown by 1 1948 delinquent receipt #61+ issued by County Treasurer Peter Elish, assessed in Washington, i 7th Ward and described as one-story three room frame house, Lot 41 D Alley, Allison Land Company No. 2, be refunded the amount of $4.69 which payment is a duplicate of payment made August 3, 1948, by Blaine J. and Dina P. Wegley, 28 Fast Hallam Avenue, Washington, Pa., owner at that time. The Tax Claim Bureau is authorized to prepare voucher refunding the amount of $/+.69 to Harold Henn*& Motion carried. jMotion duly made and seconded that the Citizens Trust Company of Canonsburg, Pa,., be refunded $1.79, the amount paid on 1947 County Tax as shown by Lien Receipt #5033 j issued by County Treasurer Peter Elish on January 26, 1949, on property assessed in Peters Township in the name of John P. and Jean E. Abranis described as two lots Nos. 1F and 5, Willial H. McNary Plan; said payment is a duplicate of payment made May 5, 1948, by D,, Halsey and 3 � Alice J. Donaldson. The Tax Claim Bureau is authorised to prepare a voucher refunding the amount of $1.79 to the Citizens Trust Company of Canonsburg, Pa. { 6 Notion carried. Notion duly made and seconded that John J. and Margaret Toretti of Monongahela,, I Pa., be refunded $20.79; the amount paid on 1947 County Tax as shown by Receipt #3693 issued by County Treasurer Peter Elish on November 22, 1948, on property assessed in Monongahela 2nd t I Ward as John J, and Margaret Toretti, two-story frame house and Lot, 515 Fourth Street; said s payment is a duplicate of payment made May 6, 19482 by Lien Receipt #616. The Tax Claim Bureau is authorized to prepare a voucher refunding the amount of $20.79 to John J. and Margaret Toretti. Notion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that Alfred Anderson, Box #98, Taylorstown, Pa., be refunded $16.20, amount of County Tax paid at discount by receipt dated August 22 1948, assessed in the name of Alfred and Jennie M. Anderson as two-story frame house and lot, 570 West Chestnut Street, Washington 8th Ward; said payment is a duplicate of payment made July p k 30, 1948, by receipt #32A. Washington 8th Ward and issued to Alfred and Jennie M. Anderson by ! G County Treasurer Peter Elish. The Tax Claim Bureau is authorised to prepare a voucher for refund in the amount of $16.20 to Alfred Anderson. ! Motion carried. Notion duly made and seconded that the resolutions pertaining to the sale of i i Lots 327, 328 and 329 by Washington County to the Meadowlands Sportsman's Association be s adopted. (See Resolution #1 and #2 of the Tax Claim Bureau Minutes.) Motion carried. i Notion duly made and seconded that the Washington County Commissioners waive all rights to any road damages to be paid by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Ida B. Frye I k