HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 151 - 10-7-1949 - COMMISSIONERBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINSTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIs E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, HENRY J. LOWSTUTER, COMMISSIONERS 1551 0 u Motion by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the County Controller be ized to advertise for bids for the furnishing and delivering of Tax Assessment Supplies for the year 1950. Motion carried, with Controller Stuart being excused from the meeting. Motion duly made and seconded that Floyd & Edith Hoskinson, 211 Lake Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, be refunded $27.08 on 1949 County and Occupational Tax paid on August 1, 1949" on property described as 2-story frame house and Lot 2, West Pike Street; said tax being a duplicate payment of $27.08 of 1949 Tax paid on the same property on the same date. The Tax Claim Bureau is authorised to prepare said voucher for the refund of this duplicate payment. Motion carried. Motion du7,v made and seconded that C. A. Ewing, 149 Hall Avenue, Washington, Pa., be refunded $3.61 on 1949 County Tax paid on July 6, 1949, on property described as Lot 38 in Nokomis Park assessed in the name of Wayne E. and Ethel M. Morris, North Franklin Township; said payment being a duplicate payment of $3.61 of 1949 County Tax paid on the same property on August 1, 1949. The Tax Claim Bureau is authorized to prepare said voucher for the refund of this duplicate payment. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the Peoples Bank of California, California, Pa., be refunded $1.81 on 1949 County Tax paid on August 1, 1949, due to a tax adjustment (no. 1493) eliminating occupation tax, on property assessed as frame house, * lot 8 Sec B. 15 Malden Plan, Centerville Borough, in the name of Anna & Margaret Rodgers, R. D. #1, West Ville, Pa. The Tax Claim Bureau is authorized to prepare said voucher for this correction on tax statement. Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MIMTE READ AND APPROVED: December 30, 1949 ATTEST: (1-_e" Chief Clerk N0. 151 61 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., October 7, 1949 Joint meeting of the County Commissioners and the Deputy County Controller called for the purpose of opening bids in accordance with the advertisement of the County Controller for the printing and delivering of the necessary ballots for the conduct of the General Election on Tuesday, November 8, 1949, and also for furnishing and delivering the necessary election supplies for use at the said General Election. Present for the County Commissioners were Franci E. Pettit and Henry J. Lowstuter. Deputy County Controller Dentel was also present. In accordance with the aforementioned advertisement, the following bids were a 1-56 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANCIS E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, HENRY J. LOWSTUTER, COMMISSIONERS JOINT PROPOSAL OF: MONONGAHELA PUBLISHINGifCOdtPANY, MONONGAHELAA, PA GC WARD PRINTING COMPANY. WASHINGTON, PA. Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pennsylvania In accordance with the advertisement of the County Controller, inviting proposals for printing and delivering to the Office of the County Commissioners the necessary ballots for the conduct of the General Election to be held Tuesday.. November 8, 1949, having examined the attached specifications and understanding the same, I (or We) propose to furnish said ballots in accordance therewith at the prices set forth: Approximately 90,000 regular white official ballots: Price per thousand for ballots furnished..................................................$31,.00 Approximately 18,000 pink official specimen ballots for election districts: Price: per thousand per specimen ballots furnished........................................$18.00 jApproximately Seven single sets of specimen ballots as set !forth in attached specifications: ,Price per seven sets......................................................................$95.001 For printing, binding and delivering any re -run of a ballot of any election district because of error on the !part of any county employee: EMinimum charge per district for re -run of 100 ballots or less ............................. 7.50 Charge per 100 re -run ballots for same district in addition Ito minimum charge.........................................................................$ 1.25j 1 A certified check in the amount of $500.00 is herewith enclosed. This is a joint bid of the undersigned MONONGAHELA PUBLISHING COMPANY, John T. Robinson, Vice President Monongahela, Pa. WARD PRINTING COMPANY, Lee K. Ward, President Washington, Pa. . 0. Box 6759 ittsburgh 12, Pa. In accordance with the advertisement of the County Controller, inviting proposalsN for the furnishing and delivering to the Office of the County Commissioners',supplies to include" tally sheets, return sheets, envelopes, numbered lists of voters, voterts certificates, election, officer's manuals, etc., required for use of the election officers at the General Election to be held November 8, 1949, having examined the attached specifications and understanding the same I (or We) propose to furnish in accordance therewith, for the sum of: A certified check in the amount of $100.00 is enclosed herewith. . D. #/+ 9.shington, Pa. sliver Ballots, Ballot Boxes and other Election Supplies to the various Judges of Election of ashington County. OFBID ............................... ......... .......... ......... ..... ............ $395.00 A certified check in the amount of $50.00 is enclosed herewith. Motion by Mr. Lowstuter, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the contract for the print - furnishing and delivering the necessary ballots for the conduct of the General Election to held Tuesday, November 8, 1949, be awarded to the Monongahela Publishing Company and the d Printing Company on their joint bid. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Lows tuter, seconded by Mr. Pettit, that the contract for furnishing 1