HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 189 - 3-31-1950 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHIN13TON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA _ FRANCIs E. PETTIT, W. J. LANE, HENRY J. La WSTUTER, COMMISSIONERS 195 1 Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meet- ing adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: August ATTEST: NO. 189 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 31, 1950 A special meeting was held for the purpose of opening bids on Three (3) IBM Electric Executive Typewriters to be used by the Court Stenographers; bids opened today at 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 31, 1950. Those present at the meeting were Commissioners Pettit, Lane, Lowstuter and Controller Roule. In accordance with the aforementioned advertisement, the following bid was opened: INTERNATIONALBUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 421 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania In accordance with the advertisement of the County Controller for the furnishing and delivery of three (3) IBM Electric Executive Typewriters having a 12" Carriage, Documentary type face, proportional spacing, equipped with carbon paper ribbon, front margin set, electric motor driven having two space bars to permit right hand margin justification (straight right hand margin % and having an adjustable platen to permit great copies, I (or we) propose to furnish and deliver the aforesaid typewriter for the sum of: Bid for One (1) Typewriter 550.00 Bid for Three (3) Typewriters $ 1,650.00 A certified check in the sum of $200.00 is herewith enclosed. The right is reserved to reject any or an bids. The foregoing is a copy of a letter attached to the bid received for the Type- writers. To: Commissioners of Washington County Washington, Pennsylvania The attached bid is submitted for three (3) exact duplicates of the IBM Electric Executive Typewriter now located in the Office of the Judge of Orphans' Court. It does not include the cost of changing the keyboard to meet the specifications of the other court reporter At present, the other court reporters have four (4) changes from the Standard keyboard arrangement on each typewriter. They can be changed at a flat rate of $3.00 per key change. This work can be done either in our office or in your office when the typebars are available for installation. Motion duly made and seconded that the bid of the International Business Machines. Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa., for the furnishing of Three (3) Electric Executive Typewriters in the amount of $1,650.00, be accepted; it being the only bid received. Motion carried.