HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 163 - 5-6-1946 - COMMISSIONERBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ROSS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, JOHN N. O'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS i No. 163 ! Office of the County Commissioners y Washington, Pa., May 6.. 1946 C Board of County Commissioners in regular session, -those present being Mr. -Cummins, Mr. Pettit and Mr. Lowstuter. Minute No. 162 read and approved. Motion duly made and seconded that the County Controller be authorized to advertise for the retubing of two 72x18t HftT boilers in the heating plant at the Court House, Washington, ; Pa. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that approval be given to the request, by letter, for I an extension of Agreement dated Jan. 1, 1910, between the Counties -of Washington and Westmoreland and The Central District Printing Telegraph Company, predecessor of The Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania., granting to said Bell Telephone Company the right to place and maintain an additional 200-pair cable across the Donora-Webster Bridge, at a yearly rental of 500 per pair I of wires to Washington County, increasing the yearly rental paid to Washington County by $100.00, in accordance with Paragraph 3 of said Agreement. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that Joseph E. Short be employed on a time and material i basis to make necessary repairs to the windows in --the Court House and Jail. Motion carried. 1 i There being no further business to come before the meeting . at this time, it was C ;adjourned. THE. FORMOING MINUTE READ AND APPRO'VEQ s May 13, 1946/ I ATTEST s o ' r' f No. 164 I I Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., May lo, 1946 t Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummins and i jMr. Pettit. The following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of ;Washington, State of Pennsylvania, relative to the issue by the said County of a note for One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars as a temporary loan, was presented, duly seconded jand adopted by said Board, to -wit, 1 i