HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 184 - 8-23-1946 - COMMISSIONER154 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ROSS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J❑HN N. O'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS 1 NO. 183 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pennsylvania, August 19, 1946 Board of County Commissioners in regular session,.those present being Mr. Cummins., I { j Mr. Pettit and Mr. Lowstuter. 1 Minute No. 182 read and approved. i ! There being no further business to come before the Board at this time., the meeting was adjourned. I I THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: j August 26 1946 � ATTESTS i NO. 184 i Office of the County Commissioners Washingtons- Pa., August 23s 1946 j Board of County Commissioners in regular_ sessions- those present being Mr. Cummins and Mr. Pettit. Motion duly made and seconded that approval be given to the signing of.a lease between Washington County Commissioners and Michael Greco for the rental, -for a period of five months beginning August is 1946s of two rooms, second floor, Arcade Building, Cherry Ave., Washingtons Pa., for use of the Farm Security Administration, at a monthly rental of $ .75, instead of 34.50 as set out in Commissioners' Minute No. 181, dated .August 9s 1946. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that payment in the amount of $250.00 be approved in favor * G. H. Pieper and Mary Pieper, his wife., of Carroll -Townships in accordance.with.Deed of Release and Quitclaim dated August 17s 1946s covering damages incurred in the construction of L. R. 181—R1. Motion carried. Deputy Controller Dentel called into the Meeting for the purpose of opening bids received in accordance with advertisement of the County Controller for the printing and delivering to the office of the County Commissioners the necessary ballots and election supplies for the conduct of the General Election to be held Tuesday.. November 5, 1946. In accordance therewith, the following proposal for furnishing and delivering ballots, being the only one received, was opened and reads Joint Proposal of MONONGAHELA. PUBLISHING COMPANY and WARD PRINTING COMPANY In accordance with the advertisement of the County Controllers --inviting proposals for printing - and delivering to the office of the County Commissioners the necessary ballots for the conduct of the General Election to be held Toes days November_ 5s 1946, having -examined- the attached f specifications and understanding the same. I (or We) propose to furnish said ballots in accordance i therewith at the prices set forth. 7 1 1 D C ■ ■ 155 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA R❑SS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, J❑HN N. ❑'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS Approximately 92,000 regular white official ballots: Price per thousand for ballots furnished............ ....................................$ 30.W J Approximately 1#200 regular white official military ballots for First Legislative District, notprinted by election districts ............................ 30.00 per thousand Approximately 1,200 regular white official military ballots for Second Legislative District, not printed by election districts ..........................$ 30.00 per thousand Approximately 19,000 pink official specimen ballots for election district: Price per thousand for specimen ballots furnished._ ......................................$ 15.00 Seven single sets of specimen ballots as set forth in attached specifications: +( Price per seven sets ..... ..........•.................................................... 50.00 For printing, binding and delivering any rerun of a ballot of any election_ district because of error- on the part of any i county employee: Minimum m m charge per district for re -run of 100 ballots _ or less ........................... 7.50 Charge per 100 re -ran ballots for same district in'addition to minimum charge ........... $ 1.25 A certified check in the amount of $500.00 is enclosed herewith. i Also, in accordance with advertisement of the County Controller., -the following proposal j for furnishing and delivering election supplies, being the only one received, was opened and read WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON COMPANY In accordance withthe advertisement of the County Controller, inviting proposals for the furnishing and delivering to the office -of the County Commissioners supplies to include tally sheets, return sheets, envelopes, numbered lists of voters, voter's certificates, etc. (Voter's Guides not to be included), required for use of the election_ officers at the General Election_ to be held November 5, 19 6, having examined the attached.specifieations and -understanding the same, I (or We) propose to furnish these supplies in -accordance therewith, for the sum of A certified check in the amount of $100.00 is dosed herewith. Lotion duly made and seconded that action on awarding- _of_contracts on the above bids be deferred until a later date, for the purpose of studying the bids. Motion carried. I There being no further action -to come before the Board at.this time, the meeting was adjourned. i THE FOREGOING MINUTE HEAD AND APPROVE-. August 26, 1946 ATTEST: ill NO. 185 Office of the County Commissioners ' Washington, Pa., August 26, 1946 I ' Board of County Commissioners -in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummins and Mr. Pettit. j Minutes Nos. 183 and 184 read and approved. Motion duly made and seconded that bid of T. M. Bedillion_in the amount of $299.50 for ( delivering. Election Supplies to all -Judges of Election for the -November 5, 1946, election be j accepted. Motion carried.