HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 82 - 3-2-1945 - COMMISSIONERI� MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ROSS R. CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, JOHN N. O'NEIL, COMMISSIONERS MO.NONGAHELA PUBLISHING CO. NO. 81 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 1, 1945 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummins, I Mr. Pettit and Mr. O'Neil. I � The following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington,, State of Pennsylvania, relative to the issue by the said County of a note for One Hundred Thousand (100,000.00) Dollars as a temporary loan, was presented, duly seconded and adopted by said Board, I j Ito -wit: I i SEAS, it has become necessary for said Board to borrow the sum of One Hundred Thousand (100,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of meeting current expenses for the j year 1945, and to be payable out of taxes and other current revenues which have been i assessed and are to be levied and collected by the Count y during the year 1945; now, therefore, I BE IT RESOLVW by the Board of County Commissioners of the said County of Washington, that for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of current expenses of the County' I the proper officials of the said County are hereby authorised and directed to negotiate I a temporary loan on such terms as may be agreed upon by them, payable out of taxes which are to be levied and collected during the year 1945, and so much of said taxes as may be necessary to repay said loan, with interest, is hereby set aside and designated for that purpose, and issue a note therefor, payable August 6, 1945, with interest from date of I said note at the rate of one (1) per cent. per annum, free of all taxes levied by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which said taxes the County of Washington assumes and agrees to pays, I said note to be negotiated and issued as follows: � 1 1 GENERAL FUND SINKING FUND COMiUSSION.............................. 100,000.00 There being no farther business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. i is -�• €al: March 2,1j�945 ATTEST: / NO. 82 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 2, 1945 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummins, i Mr. Pettit, and Mr. O'Neil. Minutes Nos. 80 and 81 read and approved. i Motion duly made and seconded that the proposed budget for Washington County General Fund for the year 1945 be made available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the County Commissioners until Wednesday, March 21, 1945, on which date the said budget will be finally adopted and the rate of taxation fixed for the year 1945, and that the following public notice be given in the Washington Reporter and Washington Observer: NOTICE In compliance with the provisions of the Acts of Assembly governing such matters, the proposed budgets for the financial affairs for Washington County General Fund and the 'Washington County Institution District for the fiscal year 1945 have been prepared and are available -for public inspection in the Office of the Chief Clerk of the County Commissioners, Court House, Washington, Pa., said budgets to be finally adopted on Wednesday, March 21, 1945. C n h ATTEST: W. W. Groner, Chief Clerk ROSS R. CUMMINS F?MCIS E. PETTIT JOHN N. O'NEIL County Commissioners t^111 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ROSS R, CUMMINS, FRANCIS E. PETTIT, JOHN N. OINEIL, COMMISSIONERS Y10NDNGAHELA PUIRLISHINO CO. u 0 �L Motion.carried• Motion by Mr. Pettit, seconded by Mr. Cummins, that Nellie Manning be discharged from her position as Cleaner in the Court house, effective March 2, 1945; and that Geraldine Zimmerman be employed as a Cleaner in the Court House for the year 1945, effective March 3, 1945, and covering the period from that date until the ,first Monday of January, 1946, with the proviso that she may be dismissed upon 30 days' notice. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the following Resolution be adopted: "WHEREAS, The attention of the Hoard of County Commissioners has been directed to the provisions of 'Senate Bi11 No. 183 (Printerts No. 101), the provisions of which relate to the conservation and improvement of land affected in connection with the mining of bituminous coal by the open pit mining method, and known as the "Bituminous Coal Open Pit Mining Conservation Act"; and WHLMEAS, Washington County, Pennsylvania, is vitally interested in the health, welfare and public safety of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the method of mining coal by the open pit method has contributed to certain conditions which, as a result of negligence, may be detrimental to the health, welfare and safety of its citizens; NOW, aruJx�rvet�, BE IT RESOLMM, That the Board,of County Commissioners of Washington County, on behalf of the citizens and taxpayers of the County, do hereby protest the provisions of the aforesaid Senate Bill No. 183, particularly in the amount of the bond per acre to be filed in the amount of $100.00, and by this Resolution request that the amount of.the bond per acre be placed at the rate of $$250.00 per acre; and j BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be transmitted to Governor Edward- Martin, , the Secretary of Mines, the Secretary of Forests and 'raters, to the sponsors of Senate Bill No. 183, Senators Dent and Thomas,.and to the ! Legislative Representatives of Washington County; and that copies be furnished to the public press as a matter of general information and interest to the taxpayers." E Motion carried. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: I Mar. 10, 1945q� ATTEST: NO. 83 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., Burch 10, 1945 Board of County Commissioners in regular session, those present being Mr. Cummins, Bar. Pettit, and Bar. O'Neil. Minute No. 82 read and approved. Notion duly made and seconded that the County Treasurer be authorized to abate penalty and interest on liened 1939 County Tax assessed against Gilliam -Farrier Estate in Independence Tmmship on property described as "Fr. Hse. & Stable & Lot No. 66 in Campbell Plan No. l." The present ovmer, Paul Bukovinsky, was not aware that the 1939 County Tax was due at the time of purchase, and did not receive statement of same. Motion carried. Motion duly made and seconded that the County Treasurer be authorized to abate penalty and interest on liened 1939 County Tax assessed against Stephen Keenan in the First 'curd of the